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OOC: World Congress Mission in Bianjie

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 10:20 pm
by Auditorii
This will serve as the primary Out Of Character thread for the World Congress Mission in Bianjie which was authorized by the Security Council via Resolution 83.

Re: OOC: World Congress Mission in Bianjie

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2020 3:08 pm
by colonelvesica
Hutori has a noted history with WMD, both in development know research if literally every variant. So we would definitely be giving a CBRN Team. Hutori also wouldnt allow some of it's best minds and experts without protection it could rely on.

How large would the protective detail be roughly? If it's a small force, I would probably offer a Company of Marines from the Embassy Protection Detail, who aside from being excellent combat troops also have specialized training in close protection detail as they protect Hutorian Ambassadors literally around the world.

Re: OOC: World Congress Mission in Bianjie

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2020 4:13 pm
by Maxington
The World Congress Chemical and Biological Weapons Office was created for this very purpose. To eliminate the need for nations to have to become involved in chemical and biological weapons inspections. When I created the resolution I thought that it would have been roleplayed along the lines of the following scenario:

1. A nation is accused of possessing chemical/biological weapons
2. The issue is taken to the World Congress (via the General Assembly or the Security Council) as a formal complaint
3. The World Congress rules on the issue via a resolution to trigger an inspection through the World Congress Chemical and Biological Weapons Office
4. Inspectors (without having to mention which nation they come from since it shouldn't be important as it was created to prevent nations from citing bias) are sent to conduct the inspection and come to a conclusion (as established by the players involved).
5. Further action is taken as the behest/judgement of the Security Council should the inspection conclude that the nation indeed possesses chemical/biological weapons.

I don't think it's right that the accuser(s) should be involved in the investigation by contributing physical manpower because it will always lead to people saying that it's biased. That's why I supported Farsun's amendments to WCSC voting which prevented the mover of a resolution from casting a deciding vote.

On the whole issue of the peacekeepers, I really don't see a problem with it. The WC doesn't have a private army, nor should it have one. In this instance, it is justified for nations to contribute to physical manpower, even the accusing nation. As mentioned somewhere else (can't really remember), the WHSF (Whale Island Security Force) is a simple security apparatus mainly formed to work for the protection of WC infrastructure on whale island and to impose some semblance of order. I have always viewed them similar to the Vatican Police.

Re: OOC: World Congress Mission in Bianjie

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:48 pm
by Auditorii
Let's get this wrapped up. It's been up for a while. I think that the general agreement was the following:

1) World Congress Chemical and Biological Weapons Office finds inert and chemical and biological weapons;
2) While these weapons are incapable of anything other than being "scary", the mission determines that it require semi-permanent monitoring;
3) The CBWO establishes a semi-permanent mission in Bianjie to monitor that they do not create chemical or biological weapons;
4) WC and SC sees this as a general success and one of the first major missions for the CWBO.

Re: OOC: World Congress Mission in Bianjie

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:44 pm
by Auditorii
OOC: Here is the newspaper revealing the "report" by the Ostlandic investigation in Bianjie

Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung: Ostlandic mission in Bianjie: They had chemical and biological weapons. (September, 4772)