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Announcement: Pragma appointed Third World Coordinator

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 11:07 pm
by jamescfm
Following the previously announced invitation for applications for the two newly reconstituted Role-Play Coordinator roles, we are delighted to announce the appointment of QV73 (better known to most as Pragma) as the game's new Third World Coordinator. Over the past couple of years Pragma has invested significant time and effort in the Third World through her role-play in Vascania. Auditorii and I are confident that she will do an excellent job at improving the experience of this part of the game and facilitating role-play.

At the moment we have not been able to appoint somebody to the position of World Congress Coordinator so this position remains vacant for the time being. Anybody interested in that role should take a look at the original announcement post and get in contact with Moderation. In the meantime Moderation will continue to manage the basic affairs of the World Congress (such as role-playing the characters of the bureaucracy). As always just let us know if you have any questions or concerns!