Potential Dranian Civil War Planning Thread

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Potential Dranian Civil War Planning Thread

Postby neoliberalbad » Sat May 01, 2021 12:46 am

Dankuk's civil situation is currently turbulent; and it'll probably spill over into civil war. However; this all depends on Zongxian wants to do with it. The basic idea is that the Communists will be based in Seongtaek with the Federalists in Gongmangdo; and civil strife will break out from there.
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Re: Potential Dranian Civil War Planning Thread

Postby Zongxian » Sat May 01, 2021 1:14 am

I am no longer active in Dankuk so it is entirely up to you as to how to play out any civil conflict.

All I ask is that you do not act on behalf of my characters. You can make-up opposition leaders or whatever but please do not use my characters, such as Yun Jaesong, Miguel Kim, etc.
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Re: Potential Dranian Civil War Planning Thread

Postby neoliberalbad » Sat May 01, 2021 1:23 am

Oh, got it. Is it possible that you could assign me some characters to use as stand-ins for the opposition? I don't want to mis-represent you or anything. All my posts with content about your characters will be replaced with others. Sorry for any offenses!
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Re: Potential Dranian Civil War Planning Thread

Postby Zongxian » Sat May 01, 2021 2:28 am

I'm mean you're free to choose any names/pictures you like for opposition stand-ins. I don't actually need to approve it. It's totally within your right to say they are former people from my party, founded an off-shoot organization, or however you want to go about it. The main thing is just not to act as though you directly control my specific organizations or people. So yeah, you have full creative freedom on this. Alianza Taegeuk is dissolved and I'd say my most prominent characters fled the country; haven't really given it much thought beyond that.
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Re: Potential Dranian Civil War Planning Thread

Postby neoliberalbad » Sat May 01, 2021 4:15 am

In that case; here's the general factions and timeline (subject to change)

Side I (Commonly known as the Reds)
Rowiet Union
- Red Army
- Red Guards
- Kyo Rouge (Left)

Supported by: CPIS


Side II (Commonly known as the Blacks)
Provisional Government
- Black Army
- Black Flag Leagues
- Draniano Liberation Army

Free Territory (Reuni)

Supported by: Kazulia (Economic, Military), Seko (Economic), World Congress (De Jure Diplomatic Recognition)

August 15 - Revolution begins in Seongtaek, government complex is seized, the cruiser "Haebang" fires into the harbor
August 23 - Provisional Government formed in Gongmangdo; local officials take sides and begin arming citizens, police, and military
August 25 - First fighting breaks out as the Black army crosses into Myeoggi at the battle of Yonseo; war formally begins
September 1 - End of the battle of Yonseo; Red army retreats, Black army victorious
September 3 - Kyo Rouge guerillas split over alliances. Pak Hi-Cheol, now an anarchist, sides with neither and creates the Free Territory in Reuni
September 23 - Beginning of the Blacks' First Hyonggi campaign
October 1 - Kazulia assigns attaches to the Black Army and covert military support, Seko invests in and funds the Provisional Government
October 12 - CPIS members; in particular Alduria; send "volunteer armies" to the Rowiet Union as a response
November 2 - Hyonggi campaign forces begin to surround and siege Seongtaek in the bloodiest battle of the war
November 21 - The Black navy forms the Go-Nan Barricade around Seongtaek
November 14 - Augusto Chavez forms the ultra-nationalist Draniano Liberation Army in Eurbrak and begins a march to rendezvous with the black forces in Hyonggi
December 10 - World Congress condemns the violence and recognizes the provisional government; CPIS members prevent it from military intervention
December 30 - Winter truce; fighting around Seongtaek ends temporarily

January 10 - The winter truce ends; fighting resumes
January 25 - The naval vanguard (including Haebang) begins to sail from Guggyeong to Seongtaek to reinforce the Red Navy
January 30 - Go-Nan Barricade decisively destroyed in the naval Battle of Chaepal
January 31 - The blacks are decisively surrounded and finally forced to surrender at Seongtaek; end of the First Hyonggi Campaign
February 7 - Trigunia formally sanctions Kazulia over human rights complaints in relation to the Civil War
February 23 - Red forces make a bid to recapture Yonseo and rout the black forces in Myeoggi; beginning of the Taeyang Campaign
March 5 - Kazulia moves troops into the South under the guise of Peacekeeping
May 1 - Taeyang Campaign finally ends as the Black Army completely withdraws from Myeoggi; first official May Day parades held in Seongtaek
June 3 - Beginning of the Reuni Offensive; the Red Army marches south-east
June 20 - Free Territory troops meet the Red Army at Keosaen; are quickly captured and executed
July 23 - Fall of Port Rhynach
August 2 - The infamous Sudoweon massacre begins; thousands of ethnic Kyo rounded up and murdered by the DLA
August 7 - Red troops engage the DLA near Sudoweon; Reds victorious
August 15 - First August Revolution Parade is held
September 3 - Augusto Chavez captured, publicly executed in the streets of Seongtaek
September 10 - Cheordo captured by the Reds; last remnants of the DLA dispersed
November 30 - The grueling Second Hyonggi Campaign begins as the last Black forces muster their strength to form the Monyeor perimeter
December 2 - Battle of Anpyeong; the Free Territory is destroyed
December 5 - Pak HI-Cheol caught along with remaining anarchists; sentenced to 5 years hard labor
December 21 - Kazulia removes troops from the Kyo Peninsula; makes preparations to conduct diplomacy with the Reds

January 4 - Communist Government secured in all provinces but Eljang; declares victory
January 23 - World Congress sends unofficial representatives to negotiate with the Reds
January 31 - End of the Second Hyonggi Campaign; fall of the Monyeor Perimeter
February 13 - Beginning of operation Red October, Capture of Monyeor
February 19 - Capture of Soreunggo
February 24 - Capture of Maerang
March 1 - Communist troops enter Gongmangdo; Park Hae-Kap flees to Seko as the Provisional Government Falls, end of the Dranian Civil War
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Re: Potential Dranian Civil War Planning Thread

Postby Zongxian » Thu May 06, 2021 7:53 pm

You can't RP on the behalf of nations you're not in or without consent from players in those other nations.

Kazulia has zero involvement in this but in multiple posts you claim its fighting in this war. You also mention CPIS being involved but at least as far as I'm aware, no one from CPIS has agreed to that.

There is no agreement to this so please stop referencing Kazulia.
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Re: Potential Dranian Civil War Planning Thread

Postby neoliberalbad » Thu May 06, 2021 9:47 pm

Will do; foreign nations are phased out of the thing (besides the World Congress)

Side note; who's playing in Kazulia these days? They're real stand-offish IC; though they're probably fine IRL
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Re: Potential Dranian Civil War Planning Thread

Postby Auditorii » Fri May 07, 2021 1:53 am

You cannot interact with nations that are not involved in the role play, meaning if they are empty you cannot interact with them. If the players there have not consented, you cannot use their nation or characters.
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Re: Potential Dranian Civil War Planning Thread

Postby neoliberalbad » Fri May 07, 2021 2:45 am

Understood; I've removed anything not Dankuk-based from the thread and narrative.

However; given the probability that the World Congress would probably recognize the Blacks first; the references to the WC have been left in.
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Re: Potential Dranian Civil War Planning Thread

Postby ChitinKal » Sat May 08, 2021 3:45 am

Auditorii is correct, you cannot RP another player's nation, entity, or character's support without first receiving their consent. I do believe though that there are more than a few members of the community who may be interested in getting involved in this RP themselves, so if any one comes forward to express their interest and you're cool with it, there's possibility for foreign involvement.
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