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Re: To the community.

Postby Dynastia » Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:48 pm

Afro, Cobura has Etheopian and Copt based minorities, radical members of which just took power in a cynical and vicious Deltarian-backed coup, and there are plenty of Mid-East and Far-East based nations. But I do generally agree that more sub-Saharan based cultures could only be a great thing for the game.

I do find it pretty odd that you're complaining about player distribution, generic Republics, and white anglocentric nations when you yourself play in Rutania. Would it hurt you so much to consider trying out a unique country, like you keep telling other people to do?
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Re: To the community.

Postby Afrocentric » Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:53 pm

Dynastia wrote:Afro, Cobura has Etheopian and Copt based minorities, radical members of which just took power in a cynical and vicious Deltarian-backed coup, and there are plenty of Mid-East and Far-East based nations. But I do generally agree that more sub-Saharan based cultures could only be a great thing for the game.

I do find it pretty odd that you're complaining about player distribution, generic Republics, and white anglocentric nations when you yourself play in Rutania. Would it hurt you so much to consider trying out a unique country, like you keep telling other people to do?

I'm not fond of change, so yes it would kind of hurt to start all over again. I mean if I get really bored, then I'll leave.

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Re: To the community.

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:20 pm

Well, Indrala has gained some popularity lately, although I'm unsure of if all the players will abide to the cultural protocols. I foresee lots of changes with religion (attempted of course).

It looks like that they see Indrala as "China, so it must be like the PRC! WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE!"
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Re: To the community.

Postby Duke Matthus » Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:41 pm

Rapax wrote:I figured since I'm really leaving now that I'd make this post.

I've been fired as a moderator for conducting an illegal investigation into PaleRider. I'd received numerous reports that PaleRider was rather abusive about players who had threatened his apparent hegemony in Zardugal, so using a proxy I went to Zardugal under the username of Dictator101 and the Zardic Federal Union. In the investigation I was pretending to be an older player who wanted to restore the Zardic Federation to it's glory days. I went into discussions with PaleRider who immediately PM'd me welcoming me and asking who I was and the like, this continued and eventually when I stated I wanted to change the system it become very reactionary. The conversation degraded into name-calling and the like. So in theory this was entirely true that he was abusive, because I played into being a dick as well but for the longest time I've heard reports that he immediately attempted to bribe, blackmail or otherwise bully his way into getting what he wanted.

I'll never lie, I sure as hell multi'd and it was part of an illegal investigation but for the sheer fact that I wanted to know what a newer or returning player would experience when they came/returned to the nation. So with that, Zanz was implicated and stuck up for me knowing how much the job meant to me and knowing how much I cared about the game, and took the blame as he'd already resigned. I couldn't bear with that on my conscious so I went forward and explained that I did indeed multi for the very reason that I'd told you all. With that being said, Vald told me that it wasn't right and that breaking that rule was bad. I don't disagree, I did break rules but I'm not upset because it was for the fact that I wanted to possibly warn new players if they experienced abuse to come forward. While this might all sound idealistic, it's how I am, idealistic.

Regardless, I was told that my job was being revoked and Wouter was being notified that he may pass the final judgement. I accept my fate but I wanted the community to know the reasoning behind the revocation of my Moderator status. With that, I think it's just fated that I am suppose to leave this game. OTAF will never become official now, as I'd originally planned unless someone decides to make the push for it and if people, I'll gladly stay as a guy who handles that.

It's been real guys, have fun. PT on!

Thank you again Farsun for all the hard work that you did, I myself have never been a Mod (and will go to my grave avoiding it too), but I do know how stressful and hard it can be when you care a lot about something can cause the grey line between the rules and doing what you think is best can become hard to distinguish. However, you did a brilliant job on the military aspect of this game, and while I don't have the time to devote to fulfilling every aspect to it, I will make sure that at least Luthori and her empire do play by those rules (though the lack of colonies having any effects is really making it hard for me to come up with the funds to support this stuff. Who would have thought an empire was so expensive. haha). Anyway, if you come back to just have some fun, would love to have you in Luthori. With an empire our size, I need someone to help me keep up with the military affairs. haha
Cheers Mate, and best of luck!! :D
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Re: To the community.

Postby Siggon Kristov » Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:35 am

Rapax wrote:I've been fired as a moderator for conducting an illegal investigation into PaleRider. I'd received numerous reports that PaleRider was rather abusive about players who had threatened his apparent hegemony in Zardugal, so using a proxy I went to Zardugal under the username of Dictator101 and the Zardic Federal Union. In the investigation I was pretending to be an older player who wanted to restore the Zardic Federation to it's glory days. I went into discussions with PaleRider who immediately PM'd me welcoming me and asking who I was and the like, this continued and eventually when I stated I wanted to change the system it become very reactionary. The conversation degraded into name-calling and the like. So in theory this was entirely true that he was abusive, because I played into being a dick as well but for the longest time I've heard reports that he immediately attempted to bribe, blackmail or otherwise bully his way into getting what he wanted.

I'll never lie, I sure as hell multi'd and it was part of an illegal investigation but for the sheer fact that I wanted to know what a newer or returning player would experience when they came/returned to the nation. So with that, Zanz was implicated and stuck up for me knowing how much the job meant to me and knowing how much I cared about the game, and took the blame as he'd already resigned. I couldn't bear with that on my conscious so I went forward and explained that I did indeed multi for the very reason that I'd told you all. With that being said, Vald told me that it wasn't right and that breaking that rule was bad. I don't disagree, I did break rules but I'm not upset because it was for the fact that I wanted to possibly warn new players if they experienced abuse to come forward. While this might all sound idealistic, it's how I am, idealistic.

I think an undercover investigation was a good thing; it's done in the real world, isn't it? The fact that you were there for an investigation, and not actually to play, causes me to not regard this as "multi-ing" in the traditional sense, but rather experiencing something without blowing your cover as a mod (as opposed to deactivating your account, which would be noticed). Maybe you could have gone about it in a different way, like multi-ing (strictly for the purpose of investigation) but letting the other mods know so they wouldn't flag it. Maybe you should have even brought the idea to the other mods, to get their approval, before going about it yourself.

Rapax wrote:Regardless, I was told that my job was being revoked and Wouter was being notified that he may pass the final judgement. I accept my fate but I wanted the community to know the reasoning behind the revocation of my Moderator status. With that, I think it's just fated that I am suppose to leave this game. OTAF will never become official now, as I'd originally planned unless someone decides to make the push for it and if people, I'll gladly stay as a guy who handles that.

The part that I underlined... I must disagree with you there. This doesn't say you need to leave the game, and you've been a major contributor (as much as we butt heads and have our little conflicts). Even if you can't stay as a mod, stay for OTAF. I'm 100% behind it becoming official, like I always have been (regardless of our differences).
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Re: To the community.

Postby MrBean111 » Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:12 pm

The special investigation? I give points for creativity. :D

No worries man...take a break, come back later, hang around the forums.
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Re: To the community.

Postby IdioC » Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:13 pm

Perhaps the flaw was in not notifying the other moderators. If they saw cause for the investigation, they could support it (within reason, obviously not permitting abuse of said position to control a second nation), whereas if it wasn't deemed necessary, they could have asked for it to be stopped and no-one need never have known.

Doing things outside the law for the right reasons...
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Re: To the community.

Postby Siggon Kristov » Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:56 am

IdioC wrote:Perhaps the flaw was in not notifying the other moderators. If they saw cause for the investigation, they could support it (within reason, obviously not permitting abuse of said position to control a second nation), whereas if it wasn't deemed necessary, they could have asked for it to be stopped and no-one need never have known.

Agreed. This moderator coup isn't good for the game.
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