International role play planning and discussion

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Re: International role play planning and discussion

Postby Wu Han » Fri Feb 02, 2024 4:13 am

New Alduria

Friendly: Ntoto; Statrica; Nsanlosa; Mina; Midway; Talmoria; Ikradon; Tropica; Cobura; counter-hegemonic rising powers.
Mixed Feelings: Canrillaise countries (historical grievances; relations usually better when the political right is in power); Luthori (historical grievances); Temania (uncertain relationship, New Aldurian migration crisis and border issues causing strain); Deltaria (historical grievances over Deltarian slave trade).
Rivals: Noumonde (New Alduria maintains a claim over roughly 40% of the territory of Noumonde, which is usually most emphasized during periods of internal instability. Realistically, New Alduria has nowhere near the capacity necessary to act on such a claim)

Affinities: Esinsundu-majority countries; formerly colonized countries; underdeveloped countries; foreign aid donors; export markets; agricultural exporters; tropical countries; unstable political systems (military involvement).
Aversions: Generally not fond of rich countries or military powers, particularly when the political left is in power in New Alduria.
Priorities: Stopping the exodus of migrants from New Alduria; reducing catastrophically-high crime rates; promoting economic development; bolstering the military; political stability; reforestation and soil regeneration; ending reliance on aid.
Concerns: Extreme domestic poverty and crime leading to an exodus of migrants from New Alduria, often by makeshift boat, toward Yingdala, Kimlien, Rildanor, or Tropica (either as primary or secondary destinations, on the way to a richer country with permissive migration laws); underdeveloped mineral reserves believed to be extensive; reliance on aid.

Export products: "fast fashion" clothing*; sugar*; cotton*; cocoa*; fruit*; palm oil; natural rubber*; timber and wood (including tropical hardwoods); nickel; sulfur; rare earth minerals; gemstones; tobacco*
Import products: food aid*; livestock*; construction materials; motors and machinery*; vehicles; firearms
Major trading partners: Lourenne, Yingdala, generally any large and low-tariff importer of primary goods.

*major exports/imports.
Current: Cildania
Former: Listed Here
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Wu Han
Posts: 844
Joined: Sun Aug 06, 2017 10:51 am
Location: Still running up that hill


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