Feedback: Dynamic Rankings

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Re: Feedback: Dynamic Rankings

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Apr 13, 2021 6:36 pm

Rogue wrote:
colonelvesica wrote:
Rogue wrote:I agree with the economic rankings and think they reflect the roleplay in the nations that it concerns.

With the military rankings im not quite sure.... This is mostly due to the fact that i feel they are somewhat out of balance. I can only reflect on it through my own view, playing in Deltaria. Since half march Deltaria has had a total of 60+ posts, largely revolving around military, political, geopolitical and economic roleplay. Liore in contrast, has had a total of 6 posts since the beginning of may, with some of those posts also including cultural RP. The same goes for Yingdala which has posted a lot, but most of it either concerned the deployment of troops overseas (which was on most occasions of a short lifespan) or internal politics.

I do realize there is also soft-power being mixed in but i would like a clarification as to the reasoning behind the military ranking in particular. It just feels a bit out of place.

As you noted, it's because the Military & Influence Rankings is now used as a combination of Soft and Hard Power; Endralon for example everyone is aware is not a military superpower, however they are exceptionally well connected in terms of economic weight and diplomacy. That is why they are viewed as a Regional Power, as an example.

Which nation are you asking about... or are you asking about all them?

Well im just asking what exactly is used to measure soft power? Because if its as vague as i think it might be, then it is very much prone to interpetation. How i see "Influence" in the Military & Influence ranking is basically how much diplomatic, cultural and military influence does a nation have on a global scale. When i look at your example of Endralon for example, you could argue that their influence is very much limited to Artania, at least diplomatically, as has been shown in the past with its tendency to intervene diplomatically in Artania more often then in other parts of Terra. If Endralon its influence comes primarily from its economic dealings abroad (done through its corporations) doesnt that fit into the economic ranking more? as its economy is interconnected and thus, grows. If soft power means influence in a wide variety of fields then i think Deltaria would, at this moment, be a Great Power and the same goes for Yingdala. Deltaria has significant diplomatic influence through the MEA (Economic in nature but also a diplomatic body) with which it has maintained significant influence/peace in Majatra, through its geopolitical moves (establishing a base in Cobura, projecting power near Sekowo, involving itself in strategic partnerships etc.) or through its creation of the CPIS, as a way to strengthen its power bloc. And all that is on top of the many posts and military developments.

So the concrete question for me really is:
What is soft power according to moderation and how is the balance between military and influence determined
How will moderation make sure that soft power isnt indirectly economic power?

Influence & Soft Power is done through a combination of factors you are indeed correct, for which we come to diplomatic, cultural and military, as you stated.

Endralon is a regional power because it's diplomatic weight primarily focused in Artania, and it's recent political and diplomatic alliances were focused around the MDO, though they have begun looking internationally.

Deltaria is a Regional Power on the verge of becoming a Great Power because it has only recently (within the past 4 weeks) come back onto the international scene, when prior to that it was focused primarily on internal political matters. I would dismiss the MEA as recent as Deltaria literally hasn't been involved in it actively since January, so I would fail to see how it's recently been keeping the peace, especially since Badara appears to be more active with it then Deltaria is. Through your more recent geopolitical moves, again, this is why Deltaria is on the verge of becoming a Great Power again.
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Re: Feedback: Dynamic Rankings

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Apr 13, 2021 6:45 pm

I am happy with where Dolgava is in the rankings, excellent job overall!
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Re: Feedback: Dynamic Rankings

Postby Rogue » Tue Apr 13, 2021 6:46 pm

Im simply failing to see how a nation like Liore, (no offense to Chitin since hes doing great RP), has the same level of progression with 6 posts, half of which were arguably not influence or military related, against Deltaria with a full month with a total of 50 to 60 posts. I get the reasoning behind the soft power, but what power projection, soft power diplomatic influence or anything outside of Dovani has Liore been involved in?

You see i dont even necessarily have a problem with the current ranking, its just that it needs to be reasonably explained. I want to avoid situations in which i have to link every military/development RP ive done to measure up my strengths and weaknesses with other nations of similar ranks. I feel like there possibly needs to be a explanation (or a mark behind every nation in the regional and great power category) whether they excell in soft or hard power. For example doing it like this:

Regional Power:
Deltaria - Rising (hard power 8/10 | soft power 6/10)

Or something resembling that. It would make it a bit more specific without going to much into detail and allow players to see the weakness and strength of the nation in question more easily.
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Re: Feedback: Dynamic Rankings

Postby robmark0000 » Tue Apr 13, 2021 6:59 pm

Rogue wrote:Im simply failing to see how a nation like Liore, (no offense to Chitin since hes doing great RP), has the same level of progression with 6 posts, half of which were arguably not influence or military related, against Deltaria with a full month with a total of 50 to 60 posts.

I could endorse this message, based on this logic, how could Yingdala and Endralon not being in the same category economically, when so far 33 just economic posts were made in Endralon since 12 February, the last update to the Voluntary Rankings?

And to be honest, both countries are usually focusing on "economic colonialism", so I really don't see why Endralon didn't go an another step further during this update.
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Re: Feedback: Dynamic Rankings

Postby Kubrick » Tue Apr 13, 2021 7:03 pm

Quantity is not quality. If they use 50 news posts as a guideline for getting a big boost it makes it impossible for part-time players to ever rise. Not all of us have the time or resources to post four times a day.
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Re: Feedback: Dynamic Rankings

Postby robmark0000 » Tue Apr 13, 2021 7:08 pm

Kubrick wrote:Quantity is not quality. If they use 50 news posts as a guideline for getting a big boost it makes it impossible for part-time players to ever rise. Not all of us have the time or resources to post four times a day.

Not my original thought, I just endorsed it. I do believe my posts are good quality, though.
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Re: Feedback: Dynamic Rankings

Postby ChitinKal » Tue Apr 13, 2021 7:19 pm

Liukupukki wrote:I think Bianjie should be considered weak economically instead of underdeveloped. I've done RP around the resort, which is a big boost to the economy, as well as opened up trade and cooperation with foreign countries and companies. I don't think it's an issue, as the rankings are not mandatory, but just my two cents on it.

Thanks for pointing this out, Vesica and I ended up talking about it. We do feel we didn't do justice to Bianjie and its development in this ranking, and similarly to Utembo as well. We're going to edit the rankings accordingly.
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Re: Feedback: Dynamic Rankings

Postby Kubrick » Tue Apr 13, 2021 7:20 pm

robmark0000 wrote:
Kubrick wrote:Quantity is not quality. If they use 50 news posts as a guideline for getting a big boost it makes it impossible for part-time players to ever rise. Not all of us have the time or resources to post four times a day.

Not my original thought, I just endorsed it. I do believe my posts are good quality, though.

It was more a reply to Mr.God. I feel that roleplay with willing others and developing scenarios should influence the rankings way more than an arbitrary number of rehashed news posts. All good intentions taken in account and no offense, of course.
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Re: Feedback: Dynamic Rankings

Postby robmark0000 » Tue Apr 13, 2021 7:21 pm

Kubrick wrote:It was more a reply to Mr.God. I feel that roleplay with willing others and developing scenarios should influence the rankings way more than an arbitrary number of rehashed news posts. All good intentions taken in account and no offense, of course.

Thats again a point I am agreeing with, almost every of my economic posts is about cooperation with other players :lol:
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Re: Feedback: Dynamic Rankings

Postby Rogue » Tue Apr 13, 2021 7:26 pm

Kubrick wrote:Quantity is not quality. If they use 50 news posts as a guideline for getting a big boost it makes it impossible for part-time players to ever rise. Not all of us have the time or resources to post four times a day.

This is a bit contradicting. On one hand your saying that the quantity doesnt matter, on the other you are saying people dont have time to post 4 times a day, which suggests that posting more cost more time and is thus of higher quality.
Furthermore, yes my posts are numerous, but i wouldnt say they are necessarily short. as can be seen

and the recent posts on the political crisis and i could list a few more.

Yes, some are smaller, but that doesnt take away the fact that i tend to invest considerable time into my RP, something i hope ive shown in the years that i have played. To reiterate, im not calling for Deltaria to be regarded as better or "superior" im asking for the distinction between soft and hard power to be more clearly defined.
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