OOC: Planning Thread for the Keymon Civil War

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OOC: Planning Thread for the Keymon Civil War

Postby Yolo04 » Fri May 22, 2020 4:26 am

The Keymon Civil War will be a war lasting from 4768 to 4773 and will kill 5% of Keymon’s entire population. The civil war will be a dispute over monarchical succession, with Princess Éva (18 at the beginning of the war) being crowned queen over her brother, Prince Carlu (17 at the beginning of the war).

The following is the backstory of the Keymon Civil War-
King Gaudino suffers a stroke in 4765 and, at the advice of Queen Consort Améilie II, changes the rules of succession so that the first born, Princess Éva, will take the throne instead of her brother (who was originally going to be king).

King Gaudino dies of yet another stroke in March 4768 and, following this, Princess Éva is pronounced as Queen Éva. For the first few months Prince Carlu works behind the scenes to drum up support from members of the elite and of the military to back a coup against his sister. On October 13th, 4768, Prince Carlu will attempt to stage a coup against Queen Éva in the Palace of Love in Leighstown. However, due to heavy resistance from her royal guards, she is able to escape to Turtle Bay. Following this, Prince Carlu decides to declare himself King of Keymon and begins to arms his own military to march on Turtle Bay.

Now, for the actual civil war itself-
The Keymon Defense Forces will be split nearly in half, based on regional and ethnic differences. A majority of the Air Force remains loyal to Queen Éva, whilst a majority of the Navy sides with King Carlu. The Army is split relatively evenly at first.


For the first few months, the war consists of back and forth fighting near the largest mountain range in Keymon. In an attempt to crush King Carlu’s forces, Queen Éva will withdraw most police and military forces from the east to mass for an attack. However, by doing this, she opens up the opportunity for many areas in the region to go into revolt. The Canrillaise majority areas of Eastern Keymon will declare themselves independent and will actively attempt to be annexed and incorporated into Lourenne. Communists and socialists of the DLP Party will actively form a communist breakaway government (hereby referred to as the People’s Republic of Keymon) in Golden Coast. Whilst those two major separatist movements are breaking out, several smaller uprisings will occur throughout eastern Keymon, including several Republican, anarchist, and Hosian uprisings. Following the complete dissolution of federal power in the east, Keymon will become the home of many pirates seeking to raid shipping off the coast of Seleya. Following the independence of the Canrillaise nation (which I will refer to hereto after as New Valois), many soldiers from both sides of the monarchical dispute will desert and join the New Valois Guard, the New Valois military arm. A similar thing will occur following the independence of the People’s Republic of Keymon with communists in either army, but on a much smaller scale.

For the first year of the war, neither side made any major gains. But while the fronts where in a stalemate, two royal branches in exile would return to claim the throne for themselves.. Viola Catena of the House of Catena-Liana, based in Pirland, Likatonia and Maria Catena of the House of Catena-Rosita based in Telamon. Viola Catena will be the first one to land on Keymon, with her own personal army. Following the Battle of the Bay Cliffs, Viola would be offered a role in the army of Queen Éva, in exchange for her becoming Duchess of Turtle Bay. Maria Catena will land two weeks later, also with a private army. However, she would negotiate with King Carlu, and would be given a position in his army, in exchange for the un-banishment of her Branch from Lodamun.


Following this major change, King Carlu’s forces would begin making progress and the artillery of his army would even begin shelling Turtle Bay. However, following several diplomatic missions, Queen Éva would successfully manage to negotiate Hutorian logistical and combat assistance in the war. This would be enough to push back King Carlu’s forces to their previous positions. King Carlu would then launch a major offensive near Mt. Breithorn, and would successfully push his troops to merely twenty-five miles away from Turtle Bay. Whilst unable to capture the capital city, the frontlines where pushed back all the way to Turtle Bay.

Following this major shift in the frontlines, Queen Éva would begin her own offensive, determined to reach King Carlu’s capital of Leighstown and end the war. Whilst her forces did push far in a few days, they were stopped by King Carlu’s superior fighting force. Following this offensive, the frontlines will once again stabilize and defensive warfare would be the order of the day again.

In an attempt to finally end the war, King Carlu will launch ‘Operation: Swordfish’, which will be a massive counter-offensive involving all branches of the military. Operation: Swordfish will bring the frontline only 7 miles from the outskirts of Turtle Bay and, following this operation, Turtle Bay would be under constant artillery bombardment for the rest of the war.


Following Operation: Swordfish, Queen Éva would begin negotiations with the government of New Valois and (secretly) the government of Lourenne to ally with her forces and create a united front against King Carlu. New Valois and Queen Éva’s forces had never been in large scale battles with each other, as neither wanted to provoke the opening of a second front. However, both factions had sizable armies stationed on their respective sides of the border in case an offensive would occur. Negotiations would last three months during which, Dolgavian peacekeepers would begin humanitarian operations in Turtle Bay.

Following the signing of the ‘Valois Agreement’, New Valois, Lourenne, and Queen Éva would begin a massive counter-offensive against King Carlu, pushing the frontline back to it’s 4768 frontlines, excluding the Turtle Bay front, which will have been heavily fortified.

Following the offensive mentioned above, yet another stalemate would occur.

As the stalemate continues, aerial and naval combat escalates, with Hutorian and Lourennais Navy ships beginning anti-Carlu naval operations.

Following the Battle of Ancona, King Carlu’s Navy would be nearly entirely destroyed, which would enable the Allied Coalition (Supporters of Queen Éva’s succession, includes Hutori and Lourenne) to begin a blockade of Leighstown, which would cut arms supplies for King Carlu’s forces. Noticing this, the King Carlu government will begin building up its own domestic arms manufacturing, with the usage of POW and Canrillaise slave labor.

Following reports of the legalization of slavery by King Carlu, a Security Council resolution to begin an international embargo on King Carlu’s nation would be passed, and would begin the ultimate downfall of King Carlu. Valruzia, on behalf of the World Congress Human Rights Office, will begin monitoring the situation. The Valruzian Navy and Air Force will, in collaboration with their Lourennais and Hutorian counterparts, securing air and naval trade routes around Keymon. Valruzia will also begin evacuations of certain civilian population centers and begin transporting them or Valruzia as refugees.

A temporary SC dictated ceasefire will be held for around 2 months, allowing both sides to reorganize and for WC peacekeepers to begin being deployed to the area. The most prevalent nation in the peacekeeping operations will be Dolgavia. Dolgavian peacekeepers will bring with them weapons to assist King Carlu’s forces, such as anti-air and anti-tank missiles. Alongside this, certain Dolgavian citizens will form militias and begin operating as an expeditionary force for King Carlu’s side.

3M will begin shipping in medical supplies, alongside bringing in PMC to defend said medical supplies. The increase in medical supplies brought in by 3M will lead to fewer casualties on both sides.

Following a year of planning and re-organization, the Allied Coalition would begin Operation: Riverbed, the final major military operation of the civil war. Once Operation Riverbed began, all of King Carlu’s frontlines would begin collapsing, as the combined military force of Hutori, Lourenne, New Valois, and Queen Éva’s forces would begin to take their toll on his men.

Following the Battle of Bloody Rivers, Maria Catena would turn against King Carlu and would join the Allied Coalition’s attack against Leighstown. As Maria Catena joined the Allied Coalition, so did the 25k troops under her command (nearly a third of King Carlu’s entire military).

Knowing that he would most likely be captured and executed for treason, King Carlu secretly fled to Malivia, alongside several of his supporters.

By the end of July 4772, all of King Carlu’s forces would stand down and surrender to the Allied Coalition. Effectively ending the civil war. However, the People’s Republic of Keymon had also remained alive and has been performing asymmetrical attacks against both New Valois and loyal Queen Éva forces.

By October 4772, Operation: Red October would be the final offensive of the war, with forces from New Valois and the Kingdom of Keymon (previously comprised of Queen Eva’s forces) joining together for a final assault against Golden Coast. By November, the People’s Republic of Keymon will have fallen and Keymon will have become firmly split in two- New Valois (who still sought a Union with Lourenne) and the Kingdom of Keymon (who sought to capture all of former territories back).

After the fall of the People’s Republic of Keymon, pirates originating from Rapa Pile, who had been terrorizing the coast sicnr 4769, will escape back to their home country, before Keymonite authorities could capture them.

The year 4773 would see the signing of the Skalm Convention, which would see New Valois territories become part of the Duekdom of New Valois, which would be headed by the monarch of Lourenne. Alongside this, the Dukedoms of Turtle Bay and Leighstown where given to Viola Catena and Maria Catena respectively. Queen Éva would have her position as monarch of Keymon reconfirmed through the convention.

Alongside the designation of power, a new governmental system would be set up where the Dukes/Duchesses of a region would hold full executive powers over said region, with local parliaments being the local areas legislators. The King or Queen of Keymon will be able to appoint the Dukes/Duchesses of a region, with the people of a region only being able to elect members of their local parliaments.

The Keymon Monarch will also be given the right to enact emergency powers, which they can use in the event of future emergencies.

The Jamestown Trials will be held, with the intent of handing out punishments for the leaders of the Communist and Carlu’s rebellions. Almost all people’s convicted in the trial would be sentenced to death.

Following the Keymon Civil War, the government will end its policy of Keymon Neutrality and will establish it’s friendship with Lourenne and Hutori.

The agricultural sector of the economy will have been completely destroyed, opening the way for Keymon to rebuild itself as a technological and logistical hub for Seleya.

The positions of dukes/duchesses will become hotly contested titles, which hold a significant power over Keymon politics.

Keymon will have a peacekeeping force made up of Lourennais, Hutorian, and Dolgavian soldiers present until 4775, which will see the last peacekeepers leave keymon.

Huminatiran aid will flood into Keymon in an attempt to rebuild the destroyed nation. Golden Coast will be partially destroyed and will no longer be considered a major city. In its place, a new capital city, named Pacivilia, will built on the border of all three dukedoms. This city will be entirely ruled by the King.

Due to Dolgavia supplying weapons to King Carlu’s rebellion, diplomatic ties would be strained between the two countries, however would normalize over the years.

Keymon will publicly demand Rapa Pile hand over the pirates that had raided its shores for 4 years. However, fearing yet another conflict, the Keymonite demands would subside

If you want to get involved in the civil war, just say so in this thread. If you have a better idea for how the civil war should play out, by all means say so.
Last edited by Yolo04 on Sun May 31, 2020 7:03 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: OOC: Planning Thread for the Keymon Civil War

Postby John Cracker » Fri May 22, 2020 3:45 pm

Do you mind any outside intervention? I was going to ask, but with Likatonia being mentioned I thought it would be appropriate to attempt to support that one lady coming from Pirland, or some of the Republican separatist movements.
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Re: OOC: Planning Thread for the Keymon Civil War

Postby Yolo04 » Fri May 22, 2020 5:46 pm

John Cracker wrote:Do you mind any outside intervention? I was going to ask, but with Likatonia being mentioned I thought it would be appropriate to attempt to support that one lady coming from Pirland, or some of the Republican separatist movements.

Anyone who wants to intervene can do so, you just have to post it here in the thread (as long as it’s realistic).

On the topic of Likatonian intervention, Likatonia is a small power so it wouldn’t be able to provide much direct military assistance. However, for the republican uprisings you could certainly provide logistical support.
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Re: OOC: Planning Thread for the Keymon Civil War

Postby John Cracker » Fri May 22, 2020 6:01 pm

Okay, I am good with that. We are a weak power, however we did realistically purchase and pay Horizon to produce HF-35s (two different variants adding up to 130) along with Bekenial frigates, (20 so far), so we have some limited air and naval capabilities.
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Re: OOC: Planning Thread for the Keymon Civil War

Postby Masionette9 » Sat May 23, 2020 2:46 pm

A stable country, and likely a security council member and a civil war? that does not sound right xD but Valruzia will be participating.
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Re: OOC: Planning Thread for the Keymon Civil War

Postby aurek » Sat May 23, 2020 3:52 pm

I kinda regret the super isolationism and totalitarian I have been playing because now I want to intervene case it semes fun but now I can't think of a way to join
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Re: OOC: Planning Thread for the Keymon Civil War

Postby XanderOne » Sat May 23, 2020 4:12 pm

Masionette9 wrote:A stable country, and likely a security council member and a civil war? that does not sound right xD but Valruzia will be participating.

This is gold! Litterarly!
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Re: OOC: Planning Thread for the Keymon Civil War

Postby John Cracker » Sat May 23, 2020 4:14 pm

If I were to support the republicans in the war, would this cause yet another international scandal? Cause it seems to take you guys like 10 IG years to start getting over it.
Interested in not responding to ridiculous accusations, namely from Jakania, and Lourania, and now Valruzia
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Re: OOC: Planning Thread for the Keymon Civil War

Postby Yolo04 » Sun May 24, 2020 4:24 am

Masionette9 wrote:A stable country, and likely a security council member and a civil war? that does not sound right xD but Valruzia will be participating.

Ok, what faction will you be supporting in the civil war?
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: OOC: Planning Thread for the Keymon Civil War

Postby Masionette9 » Sun May 24, 2020 7:52 am

Obviously NOT the republicans in this scenario.
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