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2020 Through the Lens of PT?!?!?!?!?!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:28 am
by alaskancrabpuffs21
Well Everyone, we made it, 2020 is in its last dying breaths but in the World of Particracy Classic, those breaths are as fun as they were at the beginning of the year. I have heard murmurs, nothing serious but the occasional murmur that PT Classic is not going to be around too long, however from the current community the game is as strong as ever. New Players have joined us in 2020 and the game is as rich and 2020 for Classic has been an enjoyable, fun wild ride to say the least and I would like to spend some time to recap it. This game has sure helped me get through 2020 and provided a glimpse into a world were pandemic is not ravaging, where politics is in turmoil but we are controlling it a world so wacky weird and zany that I have to just laugh at some of the things you all have come up with.

Let us now travel back in time, to a different world, to the beginning of 2020 but in the world of PT. Some of the news headlines from the beginning of the year are almost like a foreign planet to the news headlines of now. In Istalia, questionable photos have been released about Prince Tommaso causing massive outrage in that country, in Dovani the WDEA is growing and expanding to new regions and the headlines in Lourenne show the death of King Louis lV and many countries including the world leading nations of Hulstria, Kazulia, Dorvik, Kalistan and Indrala all attended. In Dolgavia Syndicalists have stormed Aikums and chaos has ensued across the country. Dorvik contemplates to join in but the quickness of the civil war means they weren't able to join quite in time. For me I had been role playing actively in Pt for half a year, first joining the forum in late 2018. I had just ended a long streak in Hulstria and went to Dolgavia to try something new. For many of you either here or not in PT during this time it feels like forever ago.

As the months went on the WDEA collapsed, powers changed and new exciting Roleplay started to emerge. In Likatonia a new branch of Hosianism called the Reformists started to go around Terra spreading the good news and for many countries this was welcome for others this was controversy. Many countries called it a "political stunt" from Likatonia and Religious banter soon ensued back and forth. This is the first religious RP I had really been apart of and one of the most interesting RP series of events I have ever been apart of. This is 2020 in a nutshell new things, new countries, new corporations, new RP. If you look across the International News Section you will see all of what we have done. 3M, Rebirth of the Northern Council, Rise of nations that had never seen the light of day, like in Jakania and Vascania, and the rise of the 3rd world as a whole into international politics. The rebirth of the World Congress as a system that is actively being used. This time last year that was not the case. All of this has made this year something special for PT, a year that we can all agree sucks has made Terra a even more interesting place.

For this game and community things have not always been good for 2020. Scandals, arguments and heated discussions can also be found throughout this same forum and some people have gone their own ways. This is of course unfortunate but I think most of it is buried in the past and should stay there.

The highlights of 2020 for PT have been the group RP projects especially the conflict RP we have done. Things like the Keymon Civil War and the Rapa Pile Conflict have been huge successes and have seen RP that is thought out, well done and enjoyable to watch. There has been some great projects, collabs and some stories that have been totally unique. Lourenne turning into a Napoleon like state, The rise of Vascania and the continued rise of Liore to new heights, all of this is stuff that has never really happened in PT. Other creative projects like, mega-corporations have been totally new and creative. I personally have enjoyed bringing Dolgava from a forgettable nation to a regional power and I am beginning that process once again.

Recapping the entire year would take hours to read and hours to write but I think you all get my point, PT kept me busy during the height of my quarantine time and I was able to write a story of a nation that is something so different than the world today it is like a breath of fresh air.

To you all I say, Thank You, Thank You for doing this and keeping the creativity flowing through this game. I have developed into a decent RPer with the help of many of you and your ideas have rubbed off on me. At the beginning of the year I was experienced but at the end of the year I have seen and wrote many things. I looked back this evening and seen all of the stuff we have done and I have come to the conclusion that PT has gone against this year and for PT it has been a good year, not a perfect year, but a pretty darn good year. Thank You for making the boring, dull, dreary, sad year of 2020 a little bit better. You made this year a little bit more bearable and to that I tip my cap! I hope this feeling isn't just me, I know many of you have also been thankful for the rebirth and renaissance of the past 2 years. Now as we all count the hours to 2021, hoping for a better year, I will make a imaginary toast to all of you, PT had a good 2020 and we will have an even better 2021. 2021 will see more people come and go, new countries rise and fall and new regimes take the place of old ones. I believe that 2021 will be a good year and for PT at least we can control what happens, lets make 2021 a good year! Lets do some great stuff next year. I personally have some plans for RP in 2021 and I hope to see the fruition of all of yours!!!

Happy New Year Particracy Community!!!



Re: 2020 Through the Lens of PT?!?!?!?!?!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 11:12 am
by robmark0000
I agree with your words and wishing you and everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR! 8-)

Re: 2020 Through the Lens of PT?!?!?!?!?!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 11:54 am
by ChengherRares1
Happy news year folks! PT Community rules the waves.

Re: 2020 Through the Lens of PT?!?!?!?!?!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 7:19 pm
by DueWizard70
Happy New Year everyone!!! I think we can agree that this has been a tough year on everyone and that PT has made it a bit better. I'm excited to see what will happen in Terra in 2021.

Soon Kundrati will be the hyperpower it deserves to be

Re: 2020 Through the Lens of PT?!?!?!?!?!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 7:32 pm
by robmark0000
DueWizard70 wrote:Soon Kundrati will be the hyperpower it deserves to be

Kundrati will be an ally of a hyperpower*
