RP Planning: Ikradon

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RP Planning: Ikradon

Postby Luis1p » Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:20 pm

There are concerns about the speed, planning, and lack of communication that have risen with the RP of the Ikradon Civil War. The RPC, specifically myself, will lead further discussion and planning for the remainder of the RP.

  • I am going to retcon the use of the "dirty bomb" or any nuclear-esque weapon in the RP. I dont think the buildup nor the means to acquire that was well planned at all.
  • I am also going to retcon some of the casualty numbers especially considering the lack of international response (due to faulty planning).
  • The rest of the conflict will be planned thoroughly and extensively on this thread.

When planning for the future of this RP: Please consider the following:
  • It must be done in a pace that works for everyone OOC.
  • Every step of the way should be planned and communicated with. There is RP that you can create organically, but due to the nature of this type of even, most of it must be planned.
  • Do not forget realism. Insane casualty figures are ruled out. Please consider consequences and effects of a huge conflict/reconstruction.
  • Do not be afraid to make suggestions and comments in this thread. The more communication there is, the better.

Any RP outside of this thread will not be considered.
The last recognized post in the conflict is here: POST

I encourage those who were are involved in the Ikradon conflict (mainly Svetlana) to come forward and speak about the conclusion of the conflict, followed by those who also participated.
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Re: RP Planning: Ikradon

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu Dec 28, 2023 12:22 pm

Well, first and foremost, I would like to apologize to everyone for my lack of proper planning hesty pace for the Ikradon RP. I recognize that it fell on a period where people are busy with their families for the holidays. I would also like to apologize for some absurd stances I made during the RP, such as the nuclearesque bomb and the comically high number of casualties. But nonetheless, I'm open to completely rewrite the RP if necessary, it lacked a lot of communication between the diffrent party involved as such I decided to delete the two posts I previously made concerning the end of the war for the sake of improving the narrative of the RP.

Concerning edits to my posts:
1) i will heavily rewrite the stratwood bombardment RP alongside multiple other posts, such as the one handling reports of a genocide orchastrated within the territorial borders of one of the factions. This means that the number of casualties will be drastically lowered as it stands rn the number of casualties is around 8 to 9 million.
2) I'm also open to rewriting, deleting, merging, or even adding new factions if it means an enjoyable experience for everyone
3) If necessary, I can rewrite the entire line of events to make it more realistic. After all, a nation doesn't collapse in one go.

For the endgame of the war:
1) I have in mind the establishment of a direct elective monarchy in Ikradon, meaning that the position of monarch will be directly elected by the population through a direct universal vote. The nation will also adopt a socialist economic system mixed with some aspects of the free market to ensure a steady and constant growth in Ikradon while helping improve social conditions in the country without making it at th expense of the average worker but rather sharing the burden equally to ensure a stable future.
2) After the war, Ikradon will hold two conferences to outline its future and relations with other nations. Those are the National Harmonious Convention, a convention of ikradonian parties gathering to agree on a unified constitution for the country alongside discussing which style of economic system would fit best for the country, while the International Conference for Ikradon is an international gathering of nations that took part, indirectly or directly, in the Ikradonian conflict such as Luthori, Dundorf, Kundrati, Rutania, and Lourenne, I'm still unsure if they could be counted as nation that took part in the conflict but they did take part in aiding the government financially and sent a delegation to help plan the reconstruction. But the conference will also allow any nation to send delegation to Ikradon as the main purpose of it is to iron out their relations with the government while ensuring a peaceful diplomatic environment in Artania and Ikradon.
3) I'm also thinking of making Ikradon adopt hard-line neutrality in its constitution, with amendments kneecaping the government from intervening in foreign conflicts while also having provisions concerning the management of Ikradon, I'm taking inspiration from multiple European constitutions but mainly the Belgian, Luxembourgoi, Dutch, French, and Italian constitution.

I'm really looking forward to improving this RP, I will surely learn from this experience that will help me improve the quality of my RP overall.
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Re: RP Planning: Ikradon

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Thu Dec 28, 2023 5:17 pm

As it has been said, the biggest problem with the RP in Ikradon was its death toll, some events which are unrealistic, the speed of the RP and the endgame which isn't settled properly.

For the endgame for Luthori and Ikradon, what I've originally thought was about Luthori installing a "friendly" government, favorable to its interests, as part of its "Security Zone" doctrine, which is meant to protect some Luthorian border states and secure their stability in order to avoid that instability coming from these nations can contaminate the Luthorian Homeland.

In bulk, my preferable endgame would Luthori extending its influence, and honestly, it doesn't sound that unrealistic, if you may ask. Luthori had been the nation which took the most refugees, send the most money and send the most troops (even the heir to the throne) in order to get Ikradon stable. Securing a friendly government, favorable to Fort William's interests would be...get me where I am wrong, a logical step.

Of course, you are not obligated to change your structure of government to do that.

I am open to discussions, as I am pretty sure that I am wrong lol :lol:
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Re: RP Planning: Ikradon

Postby Luis1p » Thu Dec 28, 2023 5:53 pm

Thanks to both of you for responding, specifically to Svetlana for a great detailed thread.

It seems the outcome here is hard-line neutrality, a conference to sort out reconstruction, and the Establishment of a directly elected Monarchy.

I think the best approach to start here is to figure out who is going to be at this conference, where it's going to be RPed, and what the outcomes can be.
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Re: RP Planning: Ikradon

Postby hyraemous » Thu Dec 28, 2023 6:28 pm

I personally would like Ikradon to be a neutral state aligned with the Artanian Union but not with any particular Artanian country per se. I would like to roleplay trying to ensure that outcome if need be with bribes and other various things.
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Re: RP Planning: Ikradon

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:21 pm

Luis1p wrote:Thanks to both of you for responding, specifically to Svetlana for a great detailed thread.

It seems the outcome here is hard-line neutrality, a conference to sort out reconstruction, and the Establishment of a directly elected Monarchy.

I think the best approach to start here is to figure out who is going to be at this conference, where it's going to be RPed, and what the outcomes can be.

For the National Harmonious Convention, I'm planning on holding it at the Parliament of Ikradon, which will be renamed to the People's Palace of Representatives. the convention will be composed of two chambers, the Harmonious Gathering of Representatives, which will serve as the lower chamber of the convention with the representatives of each party discussing and arguing concerning certain policies and constitutional amendments, while the Harmonious Union of Leaders will serve as the upper chamber of the convention with the leaders of each faction will gather to discuss and vote on resolutions of the lower chamber alongside discussing requests that foreign nations can submit through the Conference, with each party leaders having veto power. I plan on eventually turning the convention as some sort of base for the establishment of a strong bicameral legislature, this will also be discussed by Ikradonian parties during the convention too with them agreeing on a new voting system and the preparations for a referendum and election of the monarch, after all Carolien was appointed Interim Queen of Ikradon.

Concerning the International Conference for Ikradon,it will be held at the Presidential Palace that will be renamed to the Royal People's Hall, the conference will mainly serve as a way for nations to figure out their relations with ikradon alongside whether or not to take part in the reconstruction but they could also use it as an opportunity to influence the new government for their own intrests, for example, Luthori could use it as a way to sneakily make one of their royals a candidate for the post war monarch election and potentially secure deals with the government. As for the outcomes, I have multiple in minds but the most prominent ones are that due to the attempts of some nations trying to stick strings and harsh conditions for their participation in the reconstruction, in a way that the government is forced to invest in XYZ company from XYZ nation or internal organization, this will lead to said nations getting publicly called out by the NHC. The second prominent outcome would be that the conference is successful in its goal of ironing the relations between Ikradon and other nations alongside ratifying reconstruction deals with foreign governments while also managing to secure Ikradon's accession to the Artanian Union with the Ikradonian economy not being forcefully cracked open to foreign companies. For the matters of who is going to attend the conference, I would say that nations that actively took part in the conflict militarily can afford to finance fhe reconstruction of Ikradon, but it's up to the players to decide if they want to attend ofc.
Last edited by Svetlana2 on Fri Dec 29, 2023 9:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: RP Planning: Ikradon

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:31 pm

Robert F. Kennedy wrote:As it has been said, the biggest problem with the RP in Ikradon was its death toll, some events which are unrealistic, the speed of the RP and the endgame which isn't settled properly.

For the endgame for Luthori and Ikradon, what I've originally thought was about Luthori installing a "friendly" government, favorable to its interests, as part of its "Security Zone" doctrine, which is meant to protect some Luthorian border states and secure their stability in order to avoid that instability coming from these nations can contaminate the Luthorian Homeland.

In bulk, my preferable endgame would Luthori extending its influence, and honestly, it doesn't sound that unrealistic, if you may ask. Luthori had been the nation which took the most refugees, send the most money and send the most troops (even the heir to the throne) in order to get Ikradon stable. Securing a friendly government, favorable to Fort William's interests would be...get me where I am wrong, a logical step.

Of course, you are not obligated to change your structure of government to do that.

I am open to discussions, as I am pretty sure that I am wrong lol :lol:

I would like to note that all the factions that were already existing before or emerged after the Luthorian invasion of the border were and are still somewhat "tense" concerning it. The invasion came out of the bleu for every faction and was mistaken for a full blown war by the RPG and EB, the PRN and FAPB alongside CNL and RPHUA consider it as an unlawful act of agression and imperialism while ELF considers it as an lawful agression but didn't actively consider it as a full-blown declaration of war. The invasion, surprisingly, allowed for a somewhat united front to form between all factions condemning the maneuver so I believe that a luthorian influenced government will only be perceived as a puppet of luthorians by the population and further fuel the unrest. Furthermore, with the plans of a hard-line neutral ikradon, the NPC would instantly veto any requests from the Luthorian government in giving for example a benefit in term of REM extraction and such-and-such, I would also like to note that Ikradonian parties are still focused Nationalist in nature, with FBS being the least Nationalist due to their plans of a direct elective monarchy.
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Re: RP Planning: Ikradon

Postby Drax » Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:19 am

OOC: This is my third try to post here. If I fail again will move on.

Dundorf stll has troops in Ikradon ready to return to our border. Planning to leave humanitarian relief in place unless friendly government wants it out too.

Should any of the 1/2 million refuges we took in want to return we will facilitate it. Expect a few want to.

At some point we'll ask about reopening our mining operation with local partners. If not, live and learn.

Ready to help rebuild specific projects or contribute to some fund preferably through Artanian Union or possibly World Congress. I am in Dundorf government but not in charge on this.
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Re: RP Planning: Ikradon

Postby Svetlana2 » Fri Dec 29, 2023 9:06 pm

hyraemous wrote:I personally would like Ikradon to be a neutral state aligned with the Artanian Union but not with any particular Artanian country per se. I would like to roleplay trying to ensure that outcome if need be with bribes and other various things.

Thanks for bringing this up, I would say it's up to the personal opinion of the elected Monarch alongside which party/coalition dominates the political landscape. While the fate of a neutral ikradon is set in stone, its fate and relations with the Artanian Union is all up to how the government reacts and acts coupled with the fact that the economy will be a socialist one that will heavily discourage the practice of the idea of stockmarket and profit focused policies, it will rather be centered on semi open market with a mandatory quality and consumer oriented policy with corporations being heavily taxed and forced to diverge their profits to local government owned projects that will improve the livelihood of Ikradonian citizens. I have also read through the Ikradonian wiki and it apparently states that Ikradon is a rather fertile and flat country with a history of being the raw material provider for Artania due to our rich land, so I plan on making Ikradon the broad-basket of Artania by utilizing our history of Bioengineering and agricultural research alongside developing a stable industrial side by making the Huntingson province the industrial heart of Central Artania.
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Re: RP Planning: Ikradon

Postby Luis1p » Sat Dec 30, 2023 6:00 pm

Okay, so from what is currently here:

  • Ikradon will likely become an agrarian-focused, semi-socialist elected Monarchy (that's a mouthful) after the war. Whether, they open up to the Artanian Union is up to the Artanian Nations and what they offer to the nation wary of foreign influence.
  • Ikradon will likely be a neutral state.
  • All nations who participated in active military operations, still exist within Ikradon, Dundorf ready to leave the area and continue providing humanitarian assistance.
  • Kundrati willing to facilitate AU discussions.
  • Luthori is wanting to take advantage of the situation and influence the country, however, it will be met with immediate Ikradoni resistance during reconstruction.

From what I'm gathering, there seems to be a solid plan of what Ikradon will become and how it will g of this couldet there. There is a solid plan on what industries Ikradon will use to lift it from a war state. I think a lot of this could be organic RP notre that there's a fundamental plan of where this is going.


As far as Lourenne goes since I did involve myself, I will only be pushing people to provide assistance and humanitarian aid as Lourenne--mainly leaving all other issues to the other Artanian nations. Our goal will be to plan reconstruction and leave.
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