Aldegar Canal Crisis

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Aldegar Canal Crisis

Postby Svetlana2 » Fri Feb 02, 2024 2:34 pm

As you all know the Aldegar Canal has been suspended for an "indefinite" period of time due to the NOWS organizing nationwide strikes which also included Canal workers that led to the Canal being out of use de facto before the government officialized the suspension of the canal by trying to mask the disaster as some sort of foreign scheme to topple the government as protesters are far from backing down on their demands on free and fair elections alongside major reforming of the nation and its economy. Well you have some insight on what I have in mind for Aldegar in the plans for Aldegar planning thread I made in the official discord, I have decided that offering more detail into what I have planned concerning the Canal and the crisis it generated are necessary,

For starters, I plan on:
A) Use the the suspension of the canal as a way to radicalize even more the protesters and weaken the grip of the authorities in Ramsāhreza, as the suspension is currently hurting the Aldegarian economy real bad
B) I originally planned on the international community to pressure the government into peacefully handing power to a transitional authority for elections to be held alongside the release of Parisa from captivity
C) Said crusis will showcase the weakness of the Unitary system in place and that the creation of special Autonomous Administrations to handle the canal and other key parts of Aldegar are necessary to ensure that such crisis never happens again
D) capitalize on the crisis and the country's economic situation to boost its own economic sectors alongside international related ones such as shipping, tourism, and oil production

You can see the current series of event unfold by extremely calculated decisions orchastrated by the Intellectuals of Aldegar and their allies in their plan to reform Aldegar,
1)the death of Freydoun was far more than a spark, I plan to reveal in the future that Freydoun was a part of the Intellectuals clique and that his death was an extremely well thought out plan to set ablaze the Aldegarian powderkrieg
2)Parisa speech infront of the NOWS was far more than the incitor of the movement, her radical and bold speech calling for the abolition of the republic was nothing more of a stunt move as her allies knew that if said loudly and boldly enough the people of Aldegar will eat into their reformist agenda without asking questions by selling then sweet promises
3)Parisa purposefully let herself get arrested to cause the suspension of the canalParisa and her allies purposefully let her get arrested in order to force the NOWS into organizing a nationwide strike to paralyze the economy and the canal as they have threatened to do such thing if Parisa was arrested, this will help them intensify the protests even more as the economy falls in disarray and the international community is forced to either condemn or support the movement in Aldegar (to be honest it's up to the players, no need to pick a side if you don't want to)

Finally, anyone is welcomed to add their 2 cents into this shit show as a famous saying goes "Never let Svetlana cook unattended and unsupervised or you will find her on the electric chair because she was just THAT good"
Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Joined: Sat Mar 04, 2023 2:29 pm

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