The Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative

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The Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative

Postby Maxington » Tue Aug 14, 2018 1:46 pm

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Rebuilding Dovani: A Daring plan to rebuild Dovani
As Dovanian Conflict enters final stages, Kazulia outlines grand scheme to rebuild.
Reconstruction efforts have already begun in Ntoto by Kazulian construction firms.

On the backdrop of the devastating conflict in Dovani, the Kazulian Government has announced its intention to rebuild Dovani in ensemble with the nations of the Northern Council Treaty Organisation and partners. Prime Minister Markus Hanevold spoke before the General Assembly of the World Congress and outlined the largest financial commitment ever seen in modern history, in order to rebuild Dovani, whilst Minister of Foreign Affairs Nils Forslund spoke before the Appropriations Select Committee informing the parliament that it had every intention of rebuilding Dovani on a scale of grand proportions. According to Prime Minister Hanevold the reconstruction and development scheme to be known as the "Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative" (named after its creators Karl Bortnem and Chris Pomerleau) had been long in the making with the Departments of Finance, Foreign Affairs and Industry and Trade jointly at the helm (behind the scenes) working to organise the logistical masterpiece.Prior to the conflict, Kazulia has announced its intentions to invest over $1 Trillion into Dovani over the coming two centuries in an attempt to jump start development in a region which had been left behind by the "first world." Prime Minister Hanevold has labelled the Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative as the most daring reconstruction and development plan in terra's vast history, far exceeding the plans drawn up for the reconstruction of Jelbania and Majatra amidst the Jelbanian Conflict.

From Affliction to Reconstruction
The misery and distress observed by Karl Bortnem and Chris Pomerleau in nations such as Ntoto, Statrica, New Alduria, Kimlien, Utembo and others was pervasive. Masses of citizens from the aforementioned nations have been described as living in conditions which can only be described as substandard from an under privileged perspective. Although the war is coming to an end, it will not usher immediate peace into the room but will force the postwar governments of liberated nations into a no-win situation, as undermining the fragile quality of life was no option for the postwar governments, especially amidst the omnipresent Northern Great Powers poised to suppress ulterior motives. Thus, the Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative champions a reconstruction effort of unseen proportions. In delivering the sentiment of reconstruction in the region, Bortnem stated that he had expected and planned for an uphill battle in a region with a deep history of undemocratic institutions. By contrast to the outcomes in Majatra, the reconstruction and upwards development of Dovani demands democratic institutions, especially in regions where democratic institutions have not existed. Pomerleau stated that education would always a paramount principle in Dovani's reconstruction. Literacy rates in the "third world" have been speculated to be around 60 to 65 percent, making the possibility of competition in the global economy extremely difficult. The established status quo is; unemployment in the poor nations and stringent underemployment in the rich nations. Pormerleau highlighted that pre-war productivity is returning to the third world. Prior to the conflict, productivity levels in the third world nations were described as lacklustre and being directly tied to the levels of education in the respective nations. This is a responsibility which rests on the colonial governments.

Laying the Foundation
More than one thousand Hutorian, Kazulian and Dorvish civil engineers have been consulted on the initiative, each bringing innovative means towards rebuilding Dovani to the table of discussion. The first and more obvious is creating realistic options to fix the country after the war—in some cases literal plans for building infrastructure systems and positioning construction equipment, in other cases guidelines for shaping governance and the second being reintroducing economic activity in Dovani through a series of economic stimuli packages and financial schemes. On the sentiment of infrastructural reconstruction and development, the Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative outlines a trillion dollar programme aimed at infrastructural work. According to an Infrastructural Observation conducted by Daxton, the largest Kazulian construction firm currently operating in Dovani, the damage caused to infrastructure in nations such as New Alduria and Statrica mirror levels not seen since the Great Terran War. Basic utilities such as water and electricity are to be reintroduced throughout Dovani within the initial years of the initiative's launch. Recognising that without substantial equipment and resources to aid in their reconstruction, the colonial governments will make little to no progress in rebuilding, the initiative makes accommodations. According to the initiative as proposed in the Kazulian Stortinget, Kazulia would openly lend/lease fuel, electrical energy, gloves, protective eye masks, footwear, apparel, security and military equipment and accessories, construction equipment, spare parts, lubricants and oils to any government which requires it (once they themselves have been registered underneath the Initiative as a benefactor). Bortnem stated that once it is clear to the initiative, the governments and the respective companies involved in the reconstruction and development phases that a colonial government makes an open request for assistance through the initiative assistance will be guaranteed.

Funding Progress
As outlined by the legislation, the Kazulian Government would introduce a series of financial institutions and lending schemes as a means of championing economic activity in Dovani posterior to its reconstruction. Through the "Community Lending Fund", the Department of Finance will offer loans to nations who require finances to fund local projects separate from the projects to be launched underneath the Initiative. Taking up the majority of the financial assets provided to the initiative, the Developmental Assistance Fund which shall directly fund projects/programmes which (i) provide strong promise of contributing to the educational and medical
redevelopment or development which may be directly tied to holistic humanitarian development (ii) Strive for contributing to the economic soundness of a nation's economy (iii) Show great promise in championing contributions towards reconstruction and infrastructural development (iv) Provide strong support for agricultural development as it pertains to the cultivation of cash crops (v) Show willingness to ensure the repatriation of displaced civilians and making available job
opportunities to the aforementioned displaced citizenry. To this end, around 500 Billion Krona has been appropriated to the fund through financial assets from the Critical Investment and Stabilisation Fund, the largest sovereign wealth fund in the world. Both Bortnem and Pormerleau recognised the importance of agricultural development in rebuilding Dovani, and thus proposed the formation of an agricultural development bank coined the Dovani Agricultural Development Bank which, according to the initiative's road-map, would work in collaboration with local authorities to create a portfolio of innovative and comprehensive financial products and services in the field of agriculture. It has been stated that the initiative could also accommodate for agrarian society behaviour, this meaning that the programme to be launched by the Dovani Agricultural Development Bank would accommodate for nation wholly dependent on agrarianism.

Opening Doors
The War in its simplest form has brought about destruction never before seen in the region. Displacing more than 1.3 million individuals, the sentiment of resettlement remains a paramount issue for the governments of the liberated nations. Students, whose educational achievements had been interrupted by the conflict have been granted the ultimate opportunity. Under the name of the Open Opportunities Programme, the Department of Education and Culture will work with private and public educational institutions on making arrangements to accept students from the nations affected by the conflict. Bortnem stated that education remains one of the most important aspects of life in Dovani, stressing that regardless of a child's race, creed and/or religion his/her ability to obtain an education should be an inalienable right. Applications underneath the Open Opportunities Programme could be integrated into Kazulia's education system and benefit from it similar to nationals and naturalised citizens. Vocational schooling is a sentiment being tested as it would allow for the Department of Education and Culture to experiment with vocational tuition and skill set training programmes. Security concerns have risen with the sentiment seeing that the Government would be inviting large amounts of foreign individuals into Kazulia for the purpose of helping themselves and helping Kazulia's economic activity. According to the legislation, applicants underneath the programme will be vetted by the Security Bureau, the Federal Police and the Department of Domestic Affairs within a period not extending 1-2 months. Director of the Security Bureau, Edvard Pallesen stated that the applicants will be vetted and will follow procedures similar to that of refugees. The Department of Health and Social Services stated that it will be working to construct refugee shelters across the nation to accommodate for the expected influx of refugees and students.

What is certain is that rebuilding Dovani is likely to be as least as expensive as imploding it. A great deal of money has been invested in the region's destruction— by the various government, the local parties to the conflict, and many foreign powers. A great deal of money will be made in the aftermath, in a reconstruction project that stands to dwarf anything seen before mainly due to the joint effort of the alliances at the helm. How that recovery is designed will help determine whether Dovani returns to business as usual, sowing the seeds for a reprise of the same conflict—or whether reconstruction allows the kind of lasting change that the resolution of war itself might not.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
President of the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs.
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