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Updated country description for Bazgaristan

PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2024 10:43 am
by jamescfm
The Role-Play Committee is updating the descriptions of the forum-based countries. For more information about the changes, please see the announcement post here: viewtopic.php?p=191143#p191143

Below is our updated country description for Bazgaristan. The Role-Play Committee is proposing a major change to the country's culture. As a way of contextualising the change, here is some background. When the culture of the forum-based countries was decided, Bazgaristan (then named Xsampa) was based on a combination of Myanmar and Tibet.

In approximately 2020, a series of major changes were made to the forum-based countries. Xsampa was retconned and the Myanma and Tibetan culture was replaced with Afghanistani. The change was tied to the retconning of another country, Utembo. The retconning ignored the existing role-play in both countries. In the period since the retcon, there has been significant role-play in Utembo.

As a consequence, we have decided it would be best to keep the change made to Utembo. Rather than return Bazgaristan to its original culture based on a combination of Myanmar and Tibet, we have decided to focus on the former. In line with this change, we are proposing to rename the country to Yerrawa. The name is based on the existing term "Errawa", which is the in-game equivalent of Bamar. Please see below for our proposed updated description.

Players are invited to offer their feedback on the proposal in this thread. A period of at least two weeks will be allowed for players to provide feedback. This period will end at the end of the day on 16 February 2024. The feedback period may be extended if discussions remain ongoing at the end of the initial two week period.

Yerrawa is primarily based on Myanmar.


Errawa (Bamar)- 68%
Xsampan (Tibetan)- 15%
Vuang (Hmong)- 13%
Other- 4%


Daenism (Buddhism)- 88%
— Upayana (Theravada)- 74%
— Xsampan (Tibetan)- 14%
Ahmadism (Islam)- 3%
Hosianism (Christianity)
No religion- 3%
Other- 3%


Errawese (Burmese) is the most commonly spoken language in Yerrawa. Xsampan (Tibetan) and Vuang (Hmong) are spoken as a first languages by significant minority populations.

Re: Updated country description for Bazgaristan

PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2024 11:22 am
by alaskancrabpuffs21
I like this idea, It was strange how (the old Xsampa) turned into an Afghanistan type state. I like this idea alot!

Re: Updated country description for Bazgaristan

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2024 10:42 pm
by jamescfm
The feedback period has concluded and the country description has been updated. Please continue to share any concerns, queries or suggestions in this thread.