Pale's PT Book Review

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Pale's PT Book Review

Postby PaleRider » Mon Aug 24, 2015 1:38 am

Hello all, sorry about my brief absence, work got in the way and all. Anyways I am starting something new, and hopefully something I can follow through on in a semi-regular fashion. I consider myself a voracious reader and my love of books has inspired me to write my own commentary on them, about how I interpret them and how process the information relayed by the author. And what better place to show myself off than on PT? SO here it goes....

The Conservative Heart
By Arthur C Brooks, President of the American Enterprise Institute (a link to the AEI: ) ... 0062319752

Most I have very positive reviews of this work. Took about a week of light reading to finish and it is refreshing to see someone be clear, concise and straight to the point. His basic premise is that while the conservative movement here in America has the better of the stick policy wise, we too often come off as aloof, out of touch weirdos compared to our progressive Democrat brethren who, while short on functional policy possess the heart and soul of politics in the American system. Mr Brooks impressively manages to weave together the science of how people understand and relate to political movements and make choices about, with important references to studies on why the conservative movement must get better at defending not only its economic policies but also find its inner strength to figure out how to convey its superior moral message of pride in work, faith, family and community.
Yet while he writes this with the American conservative movement in mind, one can easily transplant his findings here and place them in critiques about centre-right movements in Europe and other parts of the world. Indeed, in the course of his book (which traces his own path of understanding) he shows how his travels around the world have led him to where he is today, and what we can learn from other places. From the bustling slums of India to the stagnant waters of Europe, he brilliantly weaves together not just your typical book on politics and policy, but a compelling personal narrative of not just winning the policy debate, but winning the hearts and minds of others.

Any American conservative here would do well to pick this book up and give it a good read. Any centre-right fellow worldwide would also do well to pick it up and I of course I would say to those left of centre and left of that on here to pick it up as well. It's always good to know how the other side thinks and feels!
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
Anti: leftist, multiculturalism, Islamic radicalism
Currently the Zardic People's Party
Starring as Wiendonia in NS
Posts: 1388
Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:26 am

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