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Republican 2016 Presidential Field

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 1:39 am
by PaleRider
I know I know, you are all probably like "PALE! Shut Up! We're tired of your political shatz" but since I did the Democrat thread, its only fitting for a Republican one as well!

Unlike in the Democratic field, there is no front runner and our field is moving wildly. One day its Chris Christie, at CPAC it was Rand Paul, and other article trumpet Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal and Rick Perry amongst others. So, unlike my monologue in the Democrat thread, I have little to say other than I don't want Rand Paul to win the nomination and if he does I could very well vote Democrat if their candidate is right. I personally would prefer Jeb Bush or Scott Walker or Chris Christie.

So if you were a Republican primary voter, who would you choose?

Re: Republican 2016 Presidential Field

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:02 pm
by MichaelReilly
PaleRider wrote: "PALE! Shut Up! We're tired of your political shatz"

Now, I don't want to be telling people what they can and cannot like, but if you're playing this game, I don't think you should be getting tired of political threads. :lol:

Re: Republican 2016 Presidential Field

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:38 pm
by SelucianCrusader
Out of this guys, Ted Cruz most probably. But I keep my thumbs crossed for Rick Santorum, the man - the myth - the legend.

Sorry for spaming this:


Re: Republican 2016 Presidential Field

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 9:49 pm
by Afrocentric
Chris Christie.

Unless the Dems can put up a pro-business Democrat like Mark Warner, I will be voting for Christie. I like Christie; he represents the ideal type of Republican that this country needs; fiscally Conservative and socially moderate. I do not want some Liberal Dem like Hillary or some Right-wing idiot like Cruz, Jindal or Santourum. Sadly, the GOP will nominate somebody to the far right since they figure that's the way to go after Mittens got smitten in 2012.

Fuck me...

Re: Republican 2016 Presidential Field

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:49 pm
by PaleRider
SelucianCrusader wrote:Out of this guys, Ted Cruz most probably. But I keep my thumbs crossed for Rick Santorum, the man - the myth - the legend.

Sorry for spaming this:


Its so beautiful....

Afrocentric wrote:Chris Christie.

Unless the Dems can put up a pro-business Democrat like Mark Warner, I will be voting for Christie. I like Christie; he represents the ideal type of Republican that this country needs; fiscally Conservative and socially moderate. I do not want some Liberal Dem like Hillary or some Right-wing idiot like Cruz, Jindal or Santourum. Sadly, the GOP will nominate somebody to the far right since they figure that's the way to go after Mittens got smitten in 2012.

Fuck me...

Mark Warner is hardly the moderate business Democrat he makes himself out to be....however I too like Christie and would support a Christie presidency. I can tell why you don't like Cruz or Santorum but I wouldn't mind Jindal, he ran a tight ship as Governor and has two successful terms in Louisiana. I also would support a candidacy from Paul Ryan or Scott Walker.

Re: Republican 2016 Presidential Field

PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:04 am
by Afrocentric
I can tell why you don't like Cruz or Santorum

Cruz was born in Canada so he can't run for President; Santorum is dead wrong on most social issues.

I wouldn't mind Jindal, he ran a tight ship as Governor and has two successful terms in Louisiana.

Jindal is not the type of person you want in the oval office. Trust me, a man who mandates Creationism be taught in textbooks and claims Obama is waging a "war against religion" is sketchy. Mind you, these are the same morons who claim he's a Muslim, yet now he's an Atheist who hates Christians and Christmas? My God, these loons can't make up their minds.

Yes, he cleaned up the mess that Kathleen Blanco left and helped the state recover from Katrina, but the negatives outweigh the positives in this regard.

Re: Republican 2016 Presidential Field

PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 10:32 pm
by EEL123
Every GOP contender has his issues. Cruz, Paul etc. are just too right-wing for the electorate. Santorum and Huckabee are also too conservative, and are has-beens. Bush has a surname which is anathema to most Americans. Christie and Walker look a bit shifty after their respective scandals. I personally have a soft spot for Paul Ryan, because he's suitably right-wing but not a nut (a rare combination in America), but I have questions about his electability. Whoever emerges after the primary will look like a dork (often with good reason), and that will be a problem.

Re: Republican 2016 Presidential Field

PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 4:35 am
by PaleRider
EEL123 wrote:Bush has a surname which is anathema to most Americans.

While I can see the logic behind that sentiment, most of the denizens I encounter are more concerned about the current day. The American electorate has a wonderful ability to forget most things that only happened a few years prior. Plus I think Jeb would be able to show he is a different kind of leader than George was.

That being said this is primarily why I am attracted to the Republican Party, we have such diversity in our ranks ideologically speaking. The GOP is home to what I wager are the last true moderate politicians in America (see Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) ) while it also hosts right wingers like Senator Ted Cruz and libertarians like Senator Rand Paul. Looking at the Democrats I see they all believe the same thing, within a certain standard deviation. They all support bashing the evil banks, the evil Koch Brothers, they all support same sex marriage, abortion and such. I mean you just tick the boxes and after a while they all believe the same thing, again within the standard deviation. The GOP is a much more diverse we are also diverse in other ways too. Out of the 5 women governors in America, 4 are Republican, out of the three Hispanic senators, 2 are Republican, the GOP elected the first female governor of a state and the GOP has the first indian American governor and the first female indian American governor. so suck it!!!

however for a presidential ticket in 2016 i'd like to see: Chris Christie for President and Susana Martinez (R-NM) as the Vice President nominee.
I could also support Jeb Bush, and Paul Ryan and I would support Ted Cruz although id be less enthusiastic about a Huckabee or Santorum campaign.

Afro- you seem to deserve the Rockefeller Republican label more than me as you are a social moderate and an economic neo-liberal while I am a social conservative and more supportive of some government intervention, I did support the bailouts and the financial rescues.

Re: Republican 2016 Presidential Field

PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:59 am
by EEL123
PaleRider wrote:While I can see the logic behind that sentiment, most of the denizens I encounter are more concerned about the current day. The American electorate has a wonderful ability to forget most things that only happened a few years prior. Plus I think Jeb would be able to show he is a different kind of leader than George was.
Well, his brother is so widely reviled that I don't think they'll ever warm to Jeb even if he gave them free candy (and ran a great campaign on top of that). And while they may have a habit of forgetting, George's various misdemeanors (to put it mildly) are close to unforgettable.

PaleRider wrote:Looking at the Democrats I see they all believe the same thing, within a certain standard deviation. They all support bashing the evil banks, the evil Koch Brothers, they all support same sex marriage, abortion and such. I mean you just tick the boxes and after a while they all believe the same thing, again within the standard deviation.
Actually, I'd give them credit for a lot more diversity than that. Some of them are pretty pro-market (I mean, they want to regulate and tax it and all, but at least they accept the principle that the market is at least generally the best option), while others are socialists (and I mean that literally), although there's not very many of them left because real socialism has been politically discredited in most Western countries.

Re: Republican 2016 Presidential Field

PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:18 pm
by Afrocentric
PaleRider wrote:Looking at the Democrats I see they all believe the same thing, within a certain standard deviation. They all support bashing the evil banks, the evil Koch Brothers, they all support same sex marriage, abortion and such. I mean you just tick the boxes and after a while they all believe the same thing, again within the standard deviation.

Yet most Repubs are becoming far-right loons because they don't want to get "primaried" by the Tea Party. I give the party credit though, at least they're principled on what they stand for and any deviation is frowned upon. Because the Democrats are America's "big-tent party", it's hard to get us to agree on anything.