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Games like Particracy?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 2:49 pm
by Choice Party
Particracy's definitely my favourite online game, there's nothing quite as good as this. However I was wondering how many other games there are like this out there which I've not heard of before; I've been playing government simulation games for quite a few years now (Nationstates and so forth), but it took me a long time to find out about Particracy. I was just wondering whether anyone wanted to share some other games like this.

One game I was thinking would be cool if it existed would be where instead of playing as a Party, you played as a MP/Senator/etc. as part of a part full of other players, I was wondering if anything like this existed.

Re: Games like Particracy?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 5:12 pm
by Siggon Kristov
Choice Party wrote:Particracy's definitely my favourite online game, there's nothing quite as good as this. However I was wondering how many other games there are like this out there which I've not heard of before; I've been playing government simulation games for quite a few years now (Nationstates and so forth), but it took me a long time to find out about Particracy. I was just wondering whether anyone wanted to share some other games like this.

One game I was thinking would be cool if it existed would be where instead of playing as a Party, you played as a MP/Senator/etc. as part of a part full of other players, I was wondering if anything like this existed.

We possibly like the same thing about Particracy; instead of having absolute power within your nation like you do in NationStates, you have others who act against you within your own nation. You have to face political opposition, and you have to convince others to support your agenda instead of just unanimously making decisions.

There is a Model House of Commons on Reddit, I think it's r/mhoc - but maybe you're looking for an actual game.

I like Victoria 2 because the nation you control has a legislature, so you can't just pass any policy you want. Of course, the party lines are way too rigid, and you don't get as much power in an Absolute Monarchy or Presidential Dictatorship as you should (instead of being able to change anything, it means you're allowed to change nothing). There's a game I'm waiting for, to be released, called Urban Empire; it's like a city-building game but with politics.

I wish Tropico had a mod or something that allowed you to have a National Assembly, Congress, or some other form of legislature that was elected by the people based on their factions. That way, my decisions would have to pass through another body for approval. Usually, the only obstacle to passing an edict or building something is money or some prerequisite which only costs money. I like that there is some politics; I just wish there was more. I also like playing around in the World Congress in Civ, paying off nations to vote for you, and that thrill you get when what you want isn't a guaranteed outcome.

Another thing you can look at is forming games/activities/exercises in person with other political junkies. I've turned single-player games into multiplayer activities. I've done it with "Conflict: Middle East Political Simulator" with 3-5 other players at a time. It was fun each time, and we did it over 10 times. I also turned Democracy 3 into a multiplayer activity in my debate society. We had almost 20 persons participate in this, and they want to do it again in September when school resumes.

"Conflict: Middle East Political Simulator" had every player being a party, and the votes were determined by random number generators in Excel (to divide the 120 seats in the Knesset among us). We'd start off, and parties would align themselves in coalitions. The Excel spreadsheet did all the work. We just had to click a button to dissolve the Knesset (and call new elections), and type a coalition abbreviation for each party. From the coalition stuff, the spreadsheet identified who is the Prime Minister, on its own. The Prime Minister would basically play the game, but everything he did needed approval from the Knesset. The Knesset would be dissolved if the Prime Minister chose to dissolve it, or if a majority of Members (as in 61/120 seats, not a majority of players - just like an early election in Particracy) voted to dissolve it. We saw fragile coalitions, just like Israel IRL. No 2 players were identical in policy. When a Prime Minister couldn't get his way, he would just dissolve the Knesset.

Democracy 3 had every player being a Member of Parliament. Since I was the only one familiar with the actual game itself, I was the Speaker. There were 2 persons who volunteered to be party leaders, so the rest of the players just picked which leader they preferred. The party with more members was the government (and the leader therefore the Prime Minister), and the other party was the Opposition (and the leader therefore the Opposition leader). It was a debating exercise, and the effects of policies that were implemented were measured by the game. Throughout the exercise, players could change teams (so the government and opposition did get switched around). It was fun to watch.

Another thing you could do is join Model UN. I've had a lot of fun in that, forming blocs and whipping other participants into the bloc line. It's a very parliamentary setting, and you're 1 person trying to ensure that your agenda is carried out by the end of the day, i.e. that whichever resolution passes at the end of the day is in line with what you want.

Re: Games like Particracy?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:35 pm
by Choice Party
Siggon Kristov wrote:
Choice Party wrote:Particracy's definitely my favourite online game, there's nothing quite as good as this. However I was wondering how many other games there are like this out there which I've not heard of before; I've been playing government simulation games for quite a few years now (Nationstates and so forth), but it took me a long time to find out about Particracy. I was just wondering whether anyone wanted to share some other games like this.

One game I was thinking would be cool if it existed would be where instead of playing as a Party, you played as a MP/Senator/etc. as part of a part full of other players, I was wondering if anything like this existed.

We possibly like the same thing about Particracy; instead of having absolute power within your nation like you do in NationStates, you have others who act against you within your own nation. You have to face political opposition, and you have to convince others to support your agenda instead of just unanimously making decisions.

There is a Model House of Commons on Reddit, I think it's r/mhoc - but maybe you're looking for an actual game.

I like Victoria 2 because the nation you control has a legislature, so you can't just pass any policy you want. Of course, the party lines are way too rigid, and you don't get as much power in an Absolute Monarchy or Presidential Dictatorship as you should (instead of being able to change anything, it means you're allowed to change nothing). There's a game I'm waiting for, to be released, called Urban Empire; it's like a city-building game but with politics.

I wish Tropico had a mod or something that allowed you to have a National Assembly, Congress, or some other form of legislature that was elected by the people based on their factions. That way, my decisions would have to pass through another body for approval. Usually, the only obstacle to passing an edict or building something is money or some prerequisite which only costs money. I like that there is some politics; I just wish there was more. I also like playing around in the World Congress in Civ, paying off nations to vote for you, and that thrill you get when what you want isn't a guaranteed outcome.

Another thing you can look at is forming games/activities/exercises in person with other political junkies. I've turned single-player games into multiplayer activities. I've done it with "Conflict: Middle East Political Simulator" with 3-5 other players at a time. It was fun each time, and we did it over 10 times. I also turned Democracy 3 into a multiplayer activity in my debate society. We had almost 20 persons participate in this, and they want to do it again in September when school resumes.

"Conflict: Middle East Political Simulator" had every player being a party, and the votes were determined by random number generators in Excel (to divide the 120 seats in the Knesset among us). We'd start off, and parties would align themselves in coalitions. The Excel spreadsheet did all the work. We just had to click a button to dissolve the Knesset (and call new elections), and type a coalition abbreviation for each party. From the coalition stuff, the spreadsheet identified who is the Prime Minister, on its own. The Prime Minister would basically play the game, but everything he did needed approval from the Knesset. The Knesset would be dissolved if the Prime Minister chose to dissolve it, or if a majority of Members (as in 61/120 seats, not a majority of players - just like an early election in Particracy) voted to dissolve it. We saw fragile coalitions, just like Israel IRL. No 2 players were identical in policy. When a Prime Minister couldn't get his way, he would just dissolve the Knesset.

Democracy 3 had every player being a Member of Parliament. Since I was the only one familiar with the actual game itself, I was the Speaker. There were 2 persons who volunteered to be party leaders, so the rest of the players just picked which leader they preferred. The party with more members was the government (and the leader therefore the Prime Minister), and the other party was the Opposition (and the leader therefore the Opposition leader). It was a debating exercise, and the effects of policies that were implemented were measured by the game. Throughout the exercise, players could change teams (so the government and opposition did get switched around). It was fun to watch.

Another thing you could do is join Model UN. I've had a lot of fun in that, forming blocs and whipping other participants into the bloc line. It's a very parliamentary setting, and you're 1 person trying to ensure that your agenda is carried out by the end of the day, i.e. that whichever resolution passes at the end of the day is in line with what you want.

Yep, not having complete control and having to face opposition is definitely one of my favourite things about particracy too.

I'm not overall familiar with Reddit, I presume it's mostly similar to a forum?

I'll try looking into those suggestions, thanks. Recently among my searches I cam across the "remains" of this game called "Senate Seeker" which seems like a pretty good fit into the sort of thing I'm looking for, it's just a shame it closed down about ten years ago.

Sadly I don't really know any other political junkies IRL, plus I imagine my debating skills IRL wouldn't be so "efficient" as in game (still need practise, I'm only young xD). But those do sound like good suggestions, I'll try keeping those in mind for one day, cheers.

I just wish I knew how to code my own game but I doubt I'd get passed the banner for it xD

Re: Games like Particracy?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:48 pm
by CCP
Choice Party wrote:it took me a long time to find out about Particracy.

How did you find particracy?

Choice Party wrote:One game I was thinking would be cool if it existed would be where instead of playing as a Party, you played as a MP/Senator/etc. as part of a part full of other players, I was wondering if anything like this existed.

USGov Sim is like that. It's just a forum game though. We could easily do something like that here on particracy which I think would be fun.

Siggon Kristov wrote:I've turned single-player games into multiplayer activities. I've done it with "Conflict: Middle East Political Simulator" with 3-5 other players at a time. It was fun each time, and we did it over 10 times. I also turned Democracy 3 into a multiplayer activity in my debate society. We had almost 20 persons participate in this, and they want to do it again in September when school resumes.

"Conflict: Middle East Political Simulator" had every player being a party, and the votes were determined by random number generators in Excel (to divide the 120 seats in the Knesset among us). We'd start off, and parties would align themselves in coalitions. The Excel spreadsheet did all the work. We just had to click a button to dissolve the Knesset (and call new elections), and type a coalition abbreviation for each party. From the coalition stuff, the spreadsheet identified who is the Prime Minister, on its own. The Prime Minister would basically play the game, but everything he did needed approval from the Knesset. The Knesset would be dissolved if the Prime Minister chose to dissolve it, or if a majority of Members (as in 61/120 seats, not a majority of players - just like an early election in Particracy) voted to dissolve it. We saw fragile coalitions, just like Israel IRL. No 2 players were identical in policy. When a Prime Minister couldn't get his way, he would just dissolve the Knesset.

We used to do this on USGov Sim forums with games like sim city. It works very well. We should do it here in the particracy forums. A game like GPS 4 Power and Revolution would work well for it since it's so slow-moving.

Re: Games like Particracy?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 11:22 pm
by Choice Party
CCP wrote:
Choice Party wrote:it took me a long time to find out about Particracy.

How did you find particracy?

Choice Party wrote:One game I was thinking would be cool if it existed would be where instead of playing as a Party, you played as a MP/Senator/etc. as part of a part full of other players, I was wondering if anything like this existed.

USGov Sim is like that. It's just a forum game though. We could easily do something like that here on particracy which I think would be fun.

I can't quite remember how I found Particracy actually. It was during one of my searches of the internet for new political games. I remember initially not thinking it was going to be any good and nearly exited the page, but then I decided to take a further look and was hooked since. But I'm sure if I left the page then I'd have found ti again eventually.

USGov Sim doesn't sound too bad. Overall I'm looking for games in similar formats to Partiracy but at some point I might look into forum games. Perhaps a UK equivalent wouldn't be amiss either.

As for a similar game on the Particracy forum, I suppose that'd be up to the mods. Unless we made another forum for it.

Re: Games like Particracy?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 1:49 am
by Aquinas
Choice Party wrote:As for a similar game on the Particracy forum, I suppose that'd be up to the mods. Unless we made another forum for it.

If it was something really involved, then you would probably be better off doing it on another forum, where you can manage it all better. But I'd certainly have no objection to you doing something reasonably small-scale on Off-Topic, so long as it all stays reasonably civil and well-ordered.

Re: Games like Particracy?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 10:38 am
by Choice Party
Aquinas wrote:
Choice Party wrote:As for a similar game on the Particracy forum, I suppose that'd be up to the mods. Unless we made another forum for it.

If it was something really involved, then you would probably be better off doing it on another forum, where you can manage it all better. But I'd certainly have no objection to you doing something reasonably small-scale on Off-Topic, so long as it all stays reasonably civil and well-ordered.

I don't have any experience regarding forum games like this so I can't really say I'd be a fair judge. I suppose it'd be up to who's running it.

Re: Games like Particracy?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 2:23 pm
by Siggon Kristov
Choice Party wrote:
Aquinas wrote:
Choice Party wrote:As for a similar game on the Particracy forum, I suppose that'd be up to the mods. Unless we made another forum for it.

If it was something really involved, then you would probably be better off doing it on another forum, where you can manage it all better. But I'd certainly have no objection to you doing something reasonably small-scale on Off-Topic, so long as it all stays reasonably civil and well-ordered.

I don't have any experience regarding forum games like this so I can't really say I'd be a fair judge. I suppose it'd be up to who's running it.

I've never really been into forum games. I like Particracy because of the game mechanics, which forums just lack.

Re: Games like Particracy?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 8:41 pm
by JuliaAJA