Particracy Player Profiles

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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby pigeonvalley » Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:56 am

I'll do one myself. Let's try this!

Name: Ben (Officially Benjamin, but I don't like that)
Age: 21
Location: Queensland, Australia
Languages: English. No Australian, I can't deal with that. A tiny bit of German, miniscule amount of Welsh, and trace amounts of some other languages.
Race & Ethnicity: By descent, I'm majority-Welsh (about 70%), with a bit of Norwegian.
Religion: Weak atheist
Politics: Communist.
Party and Nation: Krossinn Svartur (Telamon)
Music: Usually individual songs from many artists, but I'm really enjoying Imogen Heap, Faun, Of Monsters and Men and Bill Wurtz at the moment, with the addition of Super Cool (Beck, feat. Robyn and the Lonely Island), Breath of Life (Florence and the Machine), Entertainment (Phoenix) and Say Something (Justin Timberlake)
Television: I love Doctor Who, but at the moment, I'm watching through Manhunt. I don't watch much TV.
Books: Mostly nonfiction, though I also enjoy Lord of the Rings.
Movies: Big fan of the MCU, as well as HTTYD (didn't like 3, though), Zootopia, the Lego Movie and some others.
Games: Paradox games, the Elder Scrolls and Mount and Blade.
Krossinn Svartur - Republic of Telamon - ACTIVE
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby Yolo04 » Mon Mar 25, 2019 4:06 am

I guess I’ll do one of these since everyone else is

Name: Just call me Yolo
Age: Prefer not to disclose
Location: West Virginia, United States(go ahead and make your country roads jokes)
Languages: English and a small amount of Spanish
Race & Ethnicity: White, American, most likely ancestry is Northern European
Religion: Christianity
Politics: Libertarian, but I mostly support republicans(unless there are better candidates)
Party and Nation: Honor and Stability Party, Junta Militari di Keymon (Military Junta of Keymon)
Music: Country and Rock. I don’t like a majority of rap, K-pop, pop, or death metal, though there are exceptions
Television: History channel when it was actually about history
Books: Ive been reading a bit about Tsarist Russia, but my favorite books have to be Orwell’s. He perfectly imagines dystopian worlds and rule under Stalin and many of the people he inspired
Movies: Full Metal Jacket is my favorite film but I also like some old WW2 History channel stuff as well.
Education: Currently in High School
Hobbies: School stuff, watching YouTube, gaming, and lifting weights
Favorite Games: All COD games from MW1 to BO2, Battlefield 1, Tropico, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Star Wars Commandos
Relationship status: I want to die

List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sun May 05, 2019 5:07 am

I'm Alaskancrab I am Male, I am not a normal human being... Centrist-Right Politically, That's It
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby Rafland » Tue May 07, 2019 5:35 am

Name: Rafael
Age: 15
Location: West Yorkshire, Leeds
Languages: English, Armenian, Russian, French and German
Race & Ethnicity: Armenian 75% Russian 25%
Religion: Christian Orthodox
Politics: Right-wing Nationalist social centre-left economically
Party and Nation: The Right Coalition (Luthori)
Music: Pop music and a few Youtuber music
Television: Will Smith and Kevin Hart and I like Prison Break
Books: CGP revision guides for my exams in a week!
Movies: Click by Adam Sandler (2006)
Games: Well obviously Particracy for the time being. Red dead redemption 2 and Far cry new dawn.
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby JuliaAJA » Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:53 am

Name: Julia
Age: As if I haven't posted it before, so 25
Location: USA, for now
Languages: Only fluent in English
Race & Ethnicity: British, Swiss-German, Choctaw, et cetera
Religion: Pagan
Politics: Liberal/Libertarian, DemSoc/SocDem, meh
Party and Nation: Just joined Hobrazia for the first time.
Music: The Beatles are still the best
Television: I've been rewatching The Vicar of Dibley and watching That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. Also rewatched Whoops Apocalypse recently.
Books: I am planning to re-read Starship Troopers
Movies: Whoops Apocalypse is good
Education: GED at 15 in the 95th Percentile, some college
Hobbies: Discord sims, militaria, computers
Favorite Games: I played some Foxhole today, that was nice
Relationship status: Dating the best girl in the whole world
Joined Particracy on: December 18, 2008
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby OneTime2 » Tue May 19, 2020 4:32 am

Name: Mark
Age: 24
Location: Chicago
Languages: English, Polish, Russian, Spanish
Race & Ethnicity: Polish
Religion: Atheist
Politics: Marxist-Leninist
Party and Nation: Decided to come back and am giving Hutori a shot
Music: NAV, Belly, some other shit
Television: Don't really watch it
Books: Don't know her
Movies: Good Will Hunting will always be a classic
Education: Bachelors in civil engineering
Hobbies: gym, alcohol, soccer, naps
Favorite Games: I played FIFA and COD last
Relationship status: Newly heartbroken
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Jul 24, 2020 2:46 am

idk I guess I have nothing better to do rn

Name: Named after some scorched hellhole in the southwest
Age: 18 pretty much
Location: Ohio
Languages: English and a decent bit of German
Race & Ethnicity: White, Irish America
Religion: Agnostic
Politics: Right libertarian
Party and Nation: Liore's my baby, but Kalistan is my home
Music: Classic rock, classic country, folk... Bob Dylan and Led Zeppelin are the greatest artists of all time
Television: I only watch Pawn Stars reruns
Books: Currently reading East of Eden, but I mainly enjoy non fiction
Movies: Forrest Gump, FMJ, good shit
Education: Currently studying history and poli sci
Hobbies: Video games, reading, PT (naturally). I like an occasional hike too
Favorite Games: Fallout New Vegas is the greatest game ever made, change my mind. Other than that, give me some PC grand strats
Relationship status: The friend zone is soul crushing
RP Controller of Liore
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby robmark0000 » Sun Jan 17, 2021 2:07 pm

Last edited by robmark0000 on Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Information: Player Profile here, Musical Profile here, Political Compass here.
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby ChengherRares1 » Sun Jan 17, 2021 2:35 pm

Remaking up my profile after 2 years of leaving it to get dusty. Time for a clean and improvement.

Real-name: Boțan Gabriel
Party Name and Nation: Lodamun as the Post-Social Ethicist-Idealist Party
Age: 19 (growing up aren't we?)
Languages: Romanian yey, good English levels and some French (God forbid i need to use it again ever lol)
Location: Romania, Transylvania (no vampires seen yet, still searching)
General Political Affiliation: Libertarian Socialist; Anarcho-Communist (Lately I just been messing around with ethical socialism and still not sure where I am)
General Religious Affiliation: Agnostic still, yet to pursuit Truth without religious meddling
Current Occupation: Student (a very lazy one)
Professional Goal: Most probably a professor on philosophy
Relationship status: None at the moment, had two relationships before but all online
Favourite genre of music: Post-Rock, Lofi, instrumental etc
Television: Do not watch too much still, it's boring, aside from rare times when I watch shows or documentaries
Books: Kinda lazy on this, I like gay themed romance books like Call me by your name, action packed like Origins by Dan Brown, Shogun by James Clavell, Straja Dragonilor by Ion Negoițescu, Jeff Kinney with his series of Wimpy Kid
Movies: Race to Witch Mountain, The Host, The Island, Call me by your name, Love, Simon , 120BPM, Agora, From Beginning to End, Kick Ass, The Hobbit series,
Level of School: University (specialization Philosophy)
Hobbies: Thinking of my life, wasting time on Internet, being on PT, philosophy, history, watching random youtube videos, maybe improving my political knowledge when i got time
Favourite Games: Favorite part! Papers please, The Last Door, Tonight We Riot, Flash GAMES (a lot of them), Minecraft (God bless Notch), Undertale (the when i need to cry game), PT Classic, Chicken Invaders, I liked TF2, FNaF and CS 1.6 but rarely touch em today etc
Gabriel Boțan, oldie
Home nations:
Lodamun - main

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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby Liukupukki » Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:20 am

Real-name: Juuso
Party Name and Nation: changing countries often, so I'll not mention that here
Age: next week I'll be 18
Languages: Finnish, English, Bit of german, Swedish and i understand a bit of norwegian and danish, but not well
Location: Finland, Ylöjärvi
General Political Affiliation: Hard to say anything, to an extent anarchism, as in the government should stay out of personal lifes, economically left wing, i support the welfare state, kinda conservative values, but I wouldn't say that's political, Dont want to force it on anyone,that's just my personal values. Pacifist, but I will conscript and defend my country if an attack ever comes.
General Religious Affiliation: Agnostic
Current Occupation: Student
Professional Goal: A house builder most likely
Relationship status: single and hopefully will be lmao
Favourite genre of music: I love all kinds of music, but mainly Rap, Reggae, Rock and Metal
Television: I dont watch television
Books: Don't realky read books too much, but fantasy is awesome
Movies: I don't really know, i love watching stupid shit, but otherwise i dont really watch movies
Level of School: A vocational school, studying construction
Hobbies: Particracy, Writing songs, worldbuilding, videogames, hosting tournaments, making stupid life choices
Favourite Games: CS:GO, Minecraft, Paradox games, Osu!, GTA, and a lot of games I play rarely.
Your friendly neighborhood Lube bottle. Contact me on discord rather than on forums. > Liukupukki#2896
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