Swedish General Election, 2018

Anything that is not directly related to the game or its community.

Which party would you vote for?

Social Democrats (S)
Sweden Democrats (SD)
Moderate Party (M)
Centre Party (C)
Left Party (V)
Liberal Party (L)
Green Party (MP)
Christian Democrats (KD)
Feminist Initiative (F!)
No votes
Total votes : 51

Re: Swedish General Election, 2018

Postby Elf » Fri Oct 20, 2017 9:24 am

Hrafn wrote:The Church election is a really weird institution. Is there any other religious organization in the world where secular political parties take part in the election of its council?

Idk... China has something similar with politicians governing their religious institutions. :roll:

Speaking of stuff somehow related to Christianity, KD have their congress this weekend. As a student of communication science... I can't help getting a little frustrated by following their internal debate lol. Imho it's not whatever policy they have but rather the image of a bunch of Christian nerds that's pulling them down. They could have an official policy of allowing polygamous marriages and legalize drugs and whatnot and it still wouldn't help them as long as they look like a group who excuse themselves for even existing. Nearly all Christian subcultures have issues with fake kindness and emotionally repressed people, and such folks aren't very confidence-inspiring for most people - especially not for right-wing voters. One could think of Trump as an example: he got elected on the most socially conservative platform for decades, he could do that probably at least in part because he didn't appear like some virgin from the "religious right". ;)

I mean if you take SD, that party for sure needs people who aren't at all like Trump due its image and history (and all those "Sweden-friendly" people behaving like morons on the internetz... honestly), but for KD, if Ebba Busch-Thor (that name is just so epic lol...) said she wanted to grab guys by the balls, I'm not so sure it would exactly have a negative effect for them in the polls. :lol:
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Re: Swedish General Election, 2018

Postby Hrafn » Fri Oct 20, 2017 11:07 am

Elf wrote:
Hrafn wrote:The Church election is a really weird institution. Is there any other religious organization in the world where secular political parties take part in the election of its council?

Idk... China has something similar with politicians governing their religious institutions. :roll:

Speaking of stuff somehow related to Christianity, KD have their congress this weekend. As a student of communication science... I can't help getting a little frustrated by following their internal debate lol. Imho it's not whatever policy they have but rather the image of a bunch of Christian nerds that's pulling them down. They could have an official policy of allowing polygamous marriages and legalize drugs and whatnot and it still wouldn't help them as long as they look like a group who excuse themselves for even existing. Nearly all Christian subcultures have issues with fake kindness and emotionally repressed people, and such folks aren't very confidence-inspiring for most people - especially not for right-wing voters. One could think of Trump as an example: he got elected on the most socially conservative platform for decades, he could do that probably at least in part because he didn't appear like some virgin from the "religious right". ;)

I mean if you take SD, that party for sure needs people who aren't at all like Trump due its image and history (and all those "Sweden-friendly" people behaving like morons on the internetz... honestly), but for KD, if Ebba Busch-Thor (that name is just so epic lol...) said she wanted to grab guys by the balls, I'm not so sure it would exactly have a negative effect for them in the polls. :lol:

Well, maybe she could attract some men who are into femdom...

Now I can't rid my head of the image of Ebba Busch-Thor as a latex-clad dominatrix. :lol:
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Re: Swedish General Election, 2018

Postby Elf » Fri Oct 20, 2017 11:28 am

Hrafn wrote:Well, maybe she could attract some men who are into femdom...

Now I can't rid my head of the image of Ebba Busch-Thor as a latex-clad dominatrix. :lol:
Hey - just because you're a psychic who can read people's thoughts doesn't mean you have to reveal Decent™ Christian Men's naughty secrets! :lol:

I mean.. it's not like the Young Christian Democrats are really a bunch of pervs just because they have ads like this lol:

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Re: Swedish General Election, 2018

Postby Hrafn » Fri Oct 20, 2017 12:44 pm

We're definitely on to something here.
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Re: Swedish General Election, 2018

Postby Hrafn » Wed Oct 25, 2017 8:59 am

So now all parties except SD are pushing through a motion in parliament to exempt asylum seeker accommodations from the usual building regulations. It is obvious that these parties have no principles apart from maximizing immigration as an end in and of itself.

At the same time, the Pensions Agency is recommending that the retirement age should be raised (which I'm actually in favor of, but that's beside the point) because the recent population explosion (caused by immigration) has put the welfare state under heavy pressure. This is pretty funny considering that we've been told for decades that we must have immigration-driven population growth in order to save the pension system, in fact that has been the main argument for mass immigration in recent years. What the Pensions Agency is leaving out of the equation is of course what kinds of people who have immigrated - namely arabs, somalis and afghans, i.e. low-IQ people without any occupational skills that are in demand in our society.

If it weren't for the fact that this is happening in real life, I could have laughed at it.
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Re: Swedish General Election, 2018

Postby Hrafn » Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:22 pm

I'm surprised with the tone of SD's new campaign film. Pleasantly surprised, that is. Åkesson has become a lot tougher lately.

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Re: Swedish General Election, 2018

Postby Elf » Sun Nov 26, 2017 7:51 pm

Hrafn wrote:I'm surprised with the tone of SD's new campaign film. Pleasantly surprised, that is. Åkesson has become a lot tougher lately.

(Turn on English subs)

Kinda dark. And sorry, but Jimmie isn't a terribly good voice actor. Last time they did something like this they had Paula Bieler (<3) doing the voice instead. So now I can't look at this without missing the immersion of hearing her sweet voice as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death... :(

I interpret it as a reaction to the Moderate Party taking over a lot of the SD's core issues, like immigration and justice. Voters might prefer voting for M or KD rather than SD if they get pretty much the same deal. So from SD:s perspective they have to be "reminded" of their untrustworthiness. Which is a fine line to balance since at the same time they want to form a government with those.

As for SD propaganda pieces, this one is my favourite (you don't need to understand a word Swedish to get the point):

From an artistic point of view I think it's a masterpiece: the colours, the music, the hot chicks (made in Sweden you know ;) ), the set. If I ever designed a homepage for my company I would want to lend they guy who made this.

Oh and today SD congress decided to not oppose same sex adoption any more. I think it was inevitable. a lot of people vote SD nowadays to protect liberal values, and that will have to be reflected inside the party itself..
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Re: Swedish General Election, 2018

Postby Hrafn » Sun Nov 26, 2017 9:14 pm

Elf wrote:I interpret it as a reaction to the Moderate Party taking over a lot of the SD's core issues, like immigration and justice. Voters might prefer voting for M or KD rather than SD if they get pretty much the same deal. So from SD:s perspective they have to be "reminded" of their untrustworthiness. Which is a fine line to balance since at the same time they want to form a government with those.

Too bad that the only thing that has changed about M is their rhetoric. They actually have no intention of stopping mass immigration. What they want is to go back to the immigration levels that we had under Reinfeldt, which is higher than we have now under Löfven, which is still way too high. People tend to forget that it was M who opened the floodgates both back in the 90s and then in the 00's and 10's, and in both cases it was S who somewhat closed them again. Unfortunately it seems that a lot of new SD-supporters are stupid enough to fall for M's trick and are turning back to M.

I think KD is more likely to become SD-lite than M is.

Funnily enough, Åkesson has now officially declared that SD and S are more natural partners than SD and M. Well, someone would first have to assassinate Löfven then :lol:

Åkesson also mentioned on the congress that they will campaign for repatriation. Very good. It might make them sound like "nazis" and scare off some Svensson-types for now, but in the long run the shifting of the centre will make such ideas mainstream. SD should keep going more hardline.
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Re: Swedish General Election, 2018

Postby sylence » Wed Nov 29, 2017 1:51 am

Hello guys,

It is seldom one sees such sober analysis. I get tempted to contribute with a lot of reflections, but I'd better not start, or there'd be no end to it...

Well... Look... I'll just comment on the first line... OP started with

"Because everyone knows that Sweden is the most important country in the world. At least that is what our government seems to believe..."

Yes, not just the government.
The swedes do not take to an extrovert, manifest, parading nationalism, but in their stubborn silent way are probably the most nationalistic people in the world.
Look - the rage the "Sweden Democrats", Sd, have provoked in the Swedes, is because they have insulted the Swedish sense of supreme vainglory.
The Sd nationalism is a very humbled down version of the Social Democratic nationalism that the Swedish people is massively inculcated with.

The Swedes are good, by proclamation.
Just hear a Social Democratic leader simply proclaim that Sweden shall have the best schools, the best healthcare, full employment and the highest salaries, because swedes are the best workers (that is understood). And Sweden is always the nation ready to give and help. All this will simply happen as long as the base "egoists" of the opposition don't sabotage it.
He just needs to proclaim all this, and Sweden believes in it, the opposition can only compete by saying the same thing, just change some keywords.

Swedes feel sorry for anyone who is not a Swede. They should be given a chance to come to Sweden, so that they shall learn what peace, prosperity and happiness means. They shall learn what it means to work... to keep time. They shall learn what democracy, real democracy, is - something only known in Sweden, and Sweden shall teach them and help them.

Globalism has complicated the situation, and wrecked the base of the Swedish self-esteem. The "third world" has had a swift development the last few decades. They can no-more serve as the innocent, starving images of people who need Sweden - to help and teach - more than anything else. And - guess what - it was not socialism that brought about this development. :shock:

Sd is an update of the Swedish ideology - Social democracy - an update that takes account of the reality of the present world. An ambition not to speak nonsense, but to realize real circumstances and limitations.
There is the old SD and the new humbled down Sd.

Now, since I am as anti-social democracy as anyone could be, I am consequently not Sd either. Had I been SD, I'd have been Sd.

Why do these misfit boys (for the original Sd:er is a boy) love Sweden so much? Their love is not requited.
They apparently had the capacity to think for themselves in school etc, so they could not just bleat with the flock. They found the cracks and the nonsense in the PC-talk, so they didn't get good grades, could not submit to it.

So how in the hell did they get the idea that the answer to this is to - Love Sweden?
So these boys could think, but it didn't prevent them from committing themselves to a paradox. Sd loves Sweden. Sweden hates Sd.
I would never commit myself to courting a lady for 20 years, just getting spat on and railed at, and called a loser, and evil, and in the end she just takes my money (accepts my ideas!), and continues to despise me.

In the end one must always adapt to reality. The same PC-nonsense cannot go on forever, must reach a cliff, and reinterpret its formulas.
And so it has, and we have seen how easy it is for the old SD just to transform themselves over a night and use the same policies as they the day before branded as racism and nazism. The swedes are so fatuous, they can do such tricks without a sense of contradiction and dishonour.
The sedate, compulsory braggery will continue. That is permanent.

Alright - I paint a much simplified picture, for sure. But one must start somewhere saying something about these things, and then one must stop somewhere, and now I have written long enough - just as a reflection upon that first sentence.

I like your analysis, guys. But it seems we do not agree on the best ways forward. Yet. 8-)
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Re: Swedish General Election, 2018

Postby sylence » Wed Nov 29, 2017 1:55 am

What I was really going to say was that
Hrafn - you are recognized! Why did you abandon Grönne Radikaler in Kazulia? It was very interesting. Please come back. :D
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