Particracy Player Political Compass

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Re: Particracy Player Political Compass

Postby John Cracker » Thu Oct 01, 2020 8:42 pm

I said him being pro gay marriage and legalization of pot is that far right, and he should have condemned it at the debate, but the day after he did condem it.
Interested in not responding to ridiculous accusations, namely from Jakania, and Lourania, and now Valruzia
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Re: Particracy Player Political Compass

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:55 am

robmark0000 wrote:
isn't that far right.

We talking about a man who even couldn't say that he is condemn white supremacists. Pathetic lol
"We condemn, in the strongest possible terms, this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America." -Donald Trump
"Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs. Including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything that we hold dear as Americans." -Donald Trump

Also get the serious discussion outta my thread, this is for the compass. On that, Wu and Siracha pls give me a moment
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Re: Particracy Player Political Compass

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:04 am


Added Wu Han and Sriracha
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Re: Particracy Player Political Compass

Postby Zongxian » Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:42 am

Been a long while since I've taken this test...seems I'm still lingering around the same area.

Economic Left/Right: -4.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.85
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Re: Particracy Player Political Compass

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Oct 02, 2020 3:28 pm


Added Zongxian

lmao you liblefts are so numerous, you're names are starting to disappear of the borders of the compass
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Re: Particracy Player Political Compass

Postby Independent P » Tue Dec 15, 2020 12:20 pm

A bit late but

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Re: Particracy Player Political Compass

Postby Independent P » Wed Jan 20, 2021 1:33 pm

An updated one

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Re: Particracy Player Political Compass

Postby wlievens » Fri Mar 12, 2021 9:51 am

Economic Left/Right: -3.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.03
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Re: Particracy Player Political Compass

Postby Liukupukki » Fri Mar 12, 2021 10:57 am

post number 100 for yall
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Re: Particracy Player Political Compass

Postby robmark0000 » Fri Mar 12, 2021 12:46 pm

Economic Left/Right: -1.0; Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.56


Its not really different than my former one, however I moved to the right more economically, and became more libertarian socially. Change was not radical, neither in the economic or the cultural aspect.

I think the social permissive (cultural liberal), mixed-economy or regulated free market capitalist description to myself is still valid 8-)
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