Requests: RP Laws

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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby Auditorii » Thu Apr 28, 2022 3:18 pm

Polites wrote:Selucia has adopted an RP law that bans political parties: ... lid=657489

The justification of this bill is that Selucia has a very long history of a non-partisan legislative due to it being appointed by sortition, so a ban on political parties is just one more step in the same direction. The current government justifies such a ban on the grounds that it considers partisanship to have been one of the main causes behind the rise of the recent dictatorship. Factionalism is also seen as a very negative thing from the point of view of early American and French republicanism, one of the inspirations of the Selucian form of government.

I'll approve, please note that this should be kept under the "Bills under debate" section and include a link to this post authorizing Moderation enforcement of this RP law.
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby XanderOne » Sun May 01, 2022 4:14 pm

I would like submit this RP bill: ... lid=657529

As per this RP Law the organization, in any form, of any political party referring to Quanzar or related to Quanzar Ideology and/or legacy is prohibited.

About the justifications for the adoption of this Law I point out the whole RolePlay developed on the forum and in-game in Istalia, for several decades called Union of Quanzar and Alaria and than Istalian Union of Quanzar and Alaria, during the in-game 51th century (years 5000 - 5100) (starting from this post viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4118&start=1740#p175868).
Revival of Quanzar legacy is seen as a danger for the very existence of Istalian identity and for the unity of Istalian people and nation. It was a political movement refering to Quanzar that put an end to the unified Istalia around 5033 and that began to undermine the istalian legacy and its heritage.

About the roots of the deep aversion towards the Quanzar legacy held by the Istalians and which dates back to well before the 51st century, there are first the conquest of mainland and then also of Alaria by part of the Empire of Quanzar and the Emirate of Quanzar (events well considered as "canon" for the fictional past history of the country), and then the three monarchical regimes imposed by the house of Hessex and their repressive policies against Istalia culture and identity.
In this bill: ... lid=656950 there are several references relating to this issue with parties and bills enacted under the mentioned regimes explicitly aimed to suppress the Istalian identity and culture and which have generated suffering and deaths for many Istalians (and it is also stated in this post on the forum viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4118&p=175868&hilit=quanzar#p175868 that "the name evokes bitter memories in the minds of many Istalians, for whom "Quanzar" is a synonym for anti-Istalianism").

Thus, after the definitive regaining of control of the nation by Istalian parties and Istalian nationalists, the latter, mindful of all what already mentioned and of what happened in the 51th century, having seen yet another party refering to Quanzar trying once again to undermine Istalian unity and Identity, they have decided to adopt adequate measures through this RP law.
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby Auditorii » Sun May 01, 2022 4:36 pm

XanderOne wrote:I would like submit this RP bill: ... lid=657529

As per this RP Law the organization, in any form, of any political party referring to Quanzar or related to Quanzar Ideology and/or legacy is prohibited.

About the justifications for the adoption of this Law I point out the whole RolePlay developed on the forum and in-game in Istalia, for several decades called Union of Quanzar and Alaria and than Istalian Union of Quanzar and Alaria, during the in-game 51th century (years 5000 - 5100) (starting from this post viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4118&start=1740#p175868).
Revival of Quanzar legacy is seen as a danger for the very existence of Istalian identity and for the unity of Istalian people and nation. It was a political movement refering to Quanzar that put an end to the unified Istalia around 5033 and that began to undermine the istalian legacy and its heritage.

About the roots of the deep aversion towards the Quanzar legacy held by the Istalians and which dates back to well before the 51st century, there are first the conquest of mainland and then also of Alaria by part of the Empire of Quanzar and the Emirate of Quanzar (events well considered as "canon" for the fictional past history of the country), and then the three monarchical regimes imposed by the house of Hessex and their repressive policies against Istalia culture and identity.
In this bill: ... lid=656950 there are several references relating to this issue with parties and bills enacted under the mentioned regimes explicitly aimed to suppress the Istalian identity and culture and which have generated suffering and deaths for many Istalians (and it is also stated in this post on the forum viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4118&p=175868&hilit=quanzar#p175868 that "the name evokes bitter memories in the minds of many Istalians, for whom "Quanzar" is a synonym for anti-Istalianism").

Thus, after the definitive regaining of control of the nation by Istalian parties and Istalian nationalists, the latter, mindful of all what already mentioned and of what happened in the 51th century, having seen yet another party refering to Quanzar trying once again to undermine Istalian unity and Identity, they have decided to adopt adequate measures through this RP law.

I will have to take some time and review this. Please post relevant links to support the ban on anti-Quanzarism, and it’s relevant ideologies.
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby XanderOne » Mon May 02, 2022 6:01 pm

Auditorii wrote:
XanderOne wrote:I would like submit this RP bill: ... lid=657529

As per this RP Law the organization, in any form, of any political party referring to Quanzar or related to Quanzar Ideology and/or legacy is prohibited.

About the justifications for the adoption of this Law I point out the whole RolePlay developed on the forum and in-game in Istalia, for several decades called Union of Quanzar and Alaria and than Istalian Union of Quanzar and Alaria, during the in-game 51th century (years 5000 - 5100) (starting from this post viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4118&start=1740#p175868).
Revival of Quanzar legacy is seen as a danger for the very existence of Istalian identity and for the unity of Istalian people and nation. It was a political movement refering to Quanzar that put an end to the unified Istalia around 5033 and that began to undermine the istalian legacy and its heritage.

About the roots of the deep aversion towards the Quanzar legacy held by the Istalians and which dates back to well before the 51st century, there are first the conquest of mainland and then also of Alaria by part of the Empire of Quanzar and the Emirate of Quanzar (events well considered as "canon" for the fictional past history of the country), and then the three monarchical regimes imposed by the house of Hessex and their repressive policies against Istalia culture and identity.
In this bill: ... lid=656950 there are several references relating to this issue with parties and bills enacted under the mentioned regimes explicitly aimed to suppress the Istalian identity and culture and which have generated suffering and deaths for many Istalians (and it is also stated in this post on the forum viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4118&p=175868&hilit=quanzar#p175868 that "the name evokes bitter memories in the minds of many Istalians, for whom "Quanzar" is a synonym for anti-Istalianism").

Thus, after the definitive regaining of control of the nation by Istalian parties and Istalian nationalists, the latter, mindful of all what already mentioned and of what happened in the 51th century, having seen yet another party refering to Quanzar trying once again to undermine Istalian unity and Identity, they have decided to adopt adequate measures through this RP law.

I will have to take some time and review this. Please post relevant links to support the ban on anti-Quanzarism, and it’s relevant ideologies.

After finally the Istalian parties and above all the Istalian nationalist party managed to re-establish a united Istalia, the latter decided to take measures to prevent what happened in the last in-game century (the 51th), namely the fall of Istalia
And the subsequent establishment of a nation aimed to eradicate the legacy and the heritage of an unitarian istalian people, nation and identity, adopting resuming from the ashes of the past the term Quanzar:
A term, as already explained in my first introduction, that make resume memories of sufferences for many istalians, as stated several times in several post made on the forum:
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4118&start=1850#p178088 (second half)
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4118&start=1740#p175868 (where it is clearly stated, as already said, that "the name evokes bitter memories in the minds of many Istalians, for whom "Quanzar" is a synonym for anti-Istalianism", thus it is an estalished idea that Quanzar and its legacy is something that generated fear, sufference and great discomfort for istalians)
The memory of what the regimes aimed to a revival of Quanzar legacy upsetted Istalians for centuries:
The Quanzar regimes harmed a lot Istalia and its people. Their measures regularly came to acts of political repression and persecution which forced istalian patriots in exile and the istalians in their country to organize themself even into a CLNI (Istalian Liberation National Committe):
Quanzar legacy's revival was always aimed to hit the istalian people backed by external forces aimed to suppress the istalian identity and which clearly supported even violence against Istalian people:
The Quanzar regimes of the past enacted many repressive laws against Istalian people undermine thier right to partecipate to political life of the country: ... lid=233001
Even clearly racial laws against the Istalian aimed to persecute political and social partecipation of Istalians, to suppress the use of the istalian language and to hit the istalian Intelligentsia, adopting draconian punishments (like long prison senteces, revocation of citizenship status, deportation and even forceful separation from their own child) ... lid=235345
The bills were even supported by political movements supporting the revival of Quanzar which advocated form of aparthaid, the rule of minoritarian part of the population over the rest of the nation. ... tyid=10682
All the parties who in several time contributed to the fall of the istalian nation openly claimed to want to impose foreign and minoritarian cultures, interests and domination on the country: ... tyid=10821 ... tyid=10369 ... tyid=10889

For the current Istalian nationalists, during the 51th century yet another party inspired by the Quanzar legacy promoted once again the fall of Istalia and worked to undermine its identity and unity. Also this time, once again, attacking the istalian language to break istalian cultural and identitarian unity:
Which furter more drastic measures fortunately failed thanks to the efforts of the istalian nationalists.
A party that, as it was aware of the political re-organization of istalians didn't hide their discomfort viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4118&start=1750#p176252 and began to put in place measures to harm and break their re-emergence, like the dissolution of the Istalian Armed Forces viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4118&start=1750#p176286 view as a stronghold of istalian nationalism.

And it was the same political movement who advocated the revival of Quanzar that once istalians took again control of their own country represented the most dangerous and extremist among the opposition to the istalians and which threatened the whole nation with the menace of a violent actions if not a veritable armed revolution

Thus, the istalian nationalists once again, like three other times in the past (Royal Union and Holy Empire of Quanzar after the first Istalian Republic 2615-2751, the Kingdom of Quanzar after the second Istalian republic 3077 - 3133, the Southern Majatran Union and Kingdom of Quanzar after the third Istalian Republic 3291 - 3363) had assisted to the fall of yet another Istalian Republic (the Sixth) in favor of a nation, Union of Quanzar and Alaria, once again did a lot to eradicate the istalian culture.

The sufferences and the struggle of the Istalian to free themself from the yoke of these regimes it is something more than established in the lore of the country, and even in the traditional national anthem of Istalia there is a clear reference of the sufferences experienced under the first and most ancient Quanzar domination that experienced Istalia (and it was clearly not me that adopted that text but other players that roleplayed these fights (I hope you don't pretend that I'll go to recover any single bills or national communication by part of parties that roleplayed such events many years ago).

I think that with the current control of the country by part of istalian party and especially istalian nationalists, after all the struggle they had to carry out for a whole century, it is quite justifiable that they want introduce such harsh measures against parties that under the banner of Quanzar legacy are aimed to once again hit istalia, its culture, its identity, its language, its heritage. Nationalists saw the party that adopted the name Quanzar as the he main culprit of what happened to their country.
The recent Quanzar revivalims revived into the mind of the Istalians all the sufferences already experienced under ALL the previous regimes which adopted in any form the name Quanzar.
It is quite simple and logic as a roleplay evolution and I think it is quite well understandeable this roleplay progression reading the news thread of Istalia of the last months.
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 12, 2022 9:46 am ... lid=676248

Requesting this RP law to be approved. So far made one post on it and plan to do more. Its a transitionary period, as i seek to once again make Tukarali fully democratic in 20 IG years or so. It involves a simple "faction" system
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jul 12, 2022 5:11 pm

Rogue wrote:

Requesting this RP law to be approved. So far made one post on it and plan to do more. Its a transitionary period, as i seek to once again make Tukarali fully democratic in 20 IG years or so. It involves a simple "faction" system

Moderation approves of this considering its rather short timetable and it doesn't prohibit other parties.
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby Polites » Mon Jul 18, 2022 7:55 am ... lid=676394

Could you please approve this RP law? The only enforceable part of this long document is Article V, which prohibits anti-democratic parties (explanation given in the OOC section).

The justification for this is the establishment of a Septembrist-inspired constitutional monarchy, after a fascist Kunihito-supremacist regime discredited Kunihito nationalism.
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jul 18, 2022 3:07 pm

Polites wrote:

Could you please approve this RP law? The only enforceable part of this long document is Article V, which prohibits anti-democratic parties (explanation given in the OOC section).

The justification for this is the establishment of a Septembrist-inspired constitutional monarchy, after a fascist Kunihito-supremacist regime discredited Kunihito nationalism.

I will approve on the basis that it does not require as stringent RP requirements to a one-party state.
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby Swadeshi Samaj » Mon Oct 24, 2022 6:06 pm

Can this be approved - ... lid=679639

The idea is to give the head of state more power and not to reduce it to just a name. Let him serve as a nominal head that way. Plus it may help later in creating RPs if the country becomes a multi party system in future.
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Oct 24, 2022 6:21 pm

Swadeshi Samaj wrote:Can this be approved - ... lid=679639

The idea is to give the head of state more power and not to reduce it to just a name. Let him serve as a nominal head that way. Plus it may help later in creating RPs if the country becomes a multi party system in future.

It seems like its better as a voluntary RP law versus a Moderation enforced RP law.
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