A Battle Unseen

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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Sep 10, 2024 6:37 am

Previously, on Ezrahim...

Ezrahim (Civil War)
October 5508

Eli composed himself, just as the Thaller was walking to join Benowitz.

He studied both men, under the dimly lit hallway. Nobody spoke.

"We had warned you Benowitz...", Kadiyot began to say.
The Terran Times
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Sep 15, 2024 4:34 pm

Ezrahim (Civil War)


October 5508
Previously, on Ezrahim...

Eli Kadiyot kept staring into his enemy's eyes, his own glistening with hatred; Thaller stood by Benowitz's side.

"We had warned you Benowitz", he whispered,

"all of yours",

"will be ours".


October 908
Previously, on Ezrahim...

Distrust swelled the air; he stared at the bowing man, chest heaving, his mind torn, his heart racing.

Ishmael I, a Kadiyot, the 1st Yeudi Monarch of the 1st Yeudi Homeland and one of the Kadmonim, drew his knife.

And shoved it on the back of the head of the bowing Caleb, the High Priest.

Caleb, a Benowitz, the other one of the Kadmonim.

Both, brothers, of the House of Elior.


Uncover the hidden layers of the Ezrahim, here.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Kubrick » Mon Sep 16, 2024 12:54 pm

Wiel, research room 8C in the Museum of National History, 9 December, 5545, 11:26.

"This would not fool anyone," the old academic spoke to the figure as he leaned up from the gem on the table. "It's a clear reproduction once any expert gets close, from a distance you can't tell but.. no, any expert worth his salt will know this is not good." He stepped back from the table, put down his magnifying loupe, and patiently waited for the other man to respond. He seemed deep in thought, this suit-wearing ghost. They told him he worked with the museum but he had his doubts, he was too slick, too business-like to work in a sector like this. RSB probably. His train of thought was interrupted by the man speaking up. "So in the glass encasing in a exhibition, nobody would be able to tell? With the protective dimmed lighting and the fifty centimetre distance?" He nodded. The man had the slightest hint of a smile appear. "Good, thank you professor, it has been an honour to have you study these gems today." Without a second to wait for a response the man opened the door, mumbled a few words to the two men at the door and turned around to smile at him. "Thank you again, Nrést here will bring you back to the main hall. And please, to avoid any rumours to discredit the Kingdom, not a word about this meeting to anyone." He could only nod as the man smiled at him with his empty eyes. Once outside the museum he was left with an uneasy feeling, as if he had been the spark to light a fire..

At that same time, back in room 8C.

"It will not pass the test, that is clear enough. I'm appalled too, director, should we prepare for the contingency plan? Understood." He hung up the phone. "We have been greenlit, move this gem into room 1A with one of the real ones, preferably one of the Lourennais. Put the traitor's gem with the other Lourennais one in this room, that's a.." He looked at the other agent in the room, who promptly responded. "39 second elevator ride, with a 1 minute and 4 second walk to and from the elevator, covering five flights of stairs." He nodded a few times. "In room 2B, across the first room, prepare a distraction to come out of the room. The inspectors must be delayed for three or four minutes. During that delay the gem can be moved in here through that door," he pointed at the side door behind him, "after it has been moved out of the downstairs room and taken up with.. I would say we avoid the elevator in case of a malfunction, prepare a padded box and get a fit man to run it up." The other agent nodded. "If something goes wrong we use the buzzers in our shoes, additional delays must then be improvised. If we can have the inspectors in two rooms with two real gems each.. then no one can doubt Wrnuke has four of the Eight Gems."
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri Sep 20, 2024 8:32 pm

7, Bennett Street, Fort William, Luthori, in an old man house...

Once hailed as a political genius, he was merely weakened, politically, physically, and mentally, Alfred Stawberry had aged during these last 10 years. And while he wasn’t as sharp and coherent compared to his “glory days” during the Tory leadership election of 5536-5537, he was still coherent enough to meet with some conspiring gentlemen.

“Sir. It is quite an important measure that we are proposing here, and we hoped to have your support.”

Unfortunately for the man in black suit facing the elder Foreign Secretary, he was still as sharp politically as he ever was.

“I understand this proposed Act. The Rapa Pile Embargo Bill, although I might say, if you have come all the way to come see me, Mr. Grapher, it’s that you likely have another ambition on your mind, aren’t I right?”

Grapher was never well suited for lying and here this grandpa already knew in 5 minutes his whole plan. So, he only did the natural thought.

“Yes, I have. Mr. Strawberry, you’ve lost against the Prime Minister in the last leadership election. It’s been 10 years and Luthori has missed on numerous issues on the world stage due to the weak “Meyerist” policies that have been implemented in foreign policy, that of muted silence. If my ambition is to restore Luthori’s lost glory, by implementing a much harder foreign policy, then I am guilty.”

The old man could only look in contemplation to his younger self, that he could see in this politician, waking up and tendering his hand for a handshake, he said these last words.

“If that is your ambition, then you can count on my support.”

The Senate Member reached his hand and a handshake followed. The Prime Minister would never survive this debate and this Bill, he thought. He would make sure of it. Gaklington will be gone. For the Empire. For Unity, Stability…and Eternity.
Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
Controller of the House of Orange-Villayn Armstead.
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