Informal News

General outlets, headlines and feeds.

Re: Informal News

Postby jadouljonathan » Sat Aug 24, 2024 2:15 pm

place: Magrathea, Gorvaland, Ikradon
Date: May 5534
Discoverable: no

koen bertrand, an high ranked officer of the Ikradonian army, gets called to general Bert-Jan Aerts at the court of the military base, when he arrives the general walks towars a known blindspot and hands over the enveloppe, Koen opens the enveloppe and after 2 minutes, he gives the envelope back and walks out of the room.

He changes clothes and talks too charlotte meers, goes too his cars and waits on charlotte meers. Both leave the premessis and ride towards Magrathea, near the diplomatic institute and the toekomstacademie there is an abandond building, they stop at the building, they get out of the car, Koen Bertrand takes his phone, takes a picture of the building and knods towards charlotte and they walk inside.

After an hour they walk out and get in the car and drive away.
Nation: Ikradon
Party: Radicale arbeiders partij
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi, Dorvik
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Re: Informal News

Postby jadouljonathan » Sun Aug 25, 2024 10:27 am

Ikradon starting a secret agency?

Place Military base Gorvaland
Date: may 5534
Discoverable: Not the construction, the recruiting is possible, but very difficult

Koen bertrand and Charlotte Meers arrive back to the military base, Charlotte meers gets out without saying anything and walks to he duty again, while Koen Bertrand takes his phone and texts to the general Meet-up

At the blindspot of the court, Koen Bertrand shows the picture, General Bert-Jan Aerts, replies Start the "renovation of the building" in a years time operation de slimme schaduw can start

while the general walks off, he calls someone and says you may start and breaks his phone and while he is walking back into the base, throws the broken phone in the bin.
Nation: Ikradon
Party: Radicale arbeiders partij
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi, Dorvik
Posts: 472
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Re: Informal News

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Aug 25, 2024 11:19 am


Hashmada (annihilation)

Regarding: Beiteynu's nuclear weapons development program
Date: August 5534
Discoverable: No

The AC sounded as if it was ready to quit. It was 47 degrees above in the Desert Bank. He and the other 3 were dripping of sweat. Elior's - not to be confused with the Elior - head was spinning; the fucking heat was not helping. He had no idea how to start. He fidgeted. His sweaty hands crossed on top of his papers.

Still, the AC refused to give up. That goddamn monotonous hum was penetrating his soul. Pretty sure he smelled like a pig.

He wished he could smack the teeth out of all 3, for no reason at all. If only the temperature would drop.

Elior looked at them.


A barely awake military officer from the 3rd Point, reeking of beer, chocolate and hummus.

A hawkish unknown figure from Wiel, a gem tattoo slightly visible on his neck.

And that hypocrite from the Agafim.


He looked down again, trying to clear his throat. Black Beisa's 2-page brief in front of him.

He picked the 1st page and pored through the table of contents.

Table of contents (eyes only):

- 5227, Equifund is founded
- 5228, nuclear development act introduced
- 5251, nuclear renovations complete, Aristocrat Energetical and Black Beisa receive extended contracts
- 5271, journalist snaps photo of Black Beisa facilities
- 5286, nuclear development and maintenance act hits Knesset

- 5362, initial memo
- 5362, massive explosion sighted in the Desert Bank
- 5362, rumours of Black Beisa manoeuvring in the Equifund to mask the program
- 5374, rocket explodes
- 5375, Equifund complex in Amshinov explodes after failed rocket launch
- 5376, rocket debris falling close to Cildania
- 5378, Equifund launches small-vehicle rocket
- 5378, BeiGov establishes the Lavian
- 5388, fission experiment successful
- 5388, Equifund develops anti-ballistic missiles
- 5399, Equifund develops short-range ballistic missiles

- 5438, leaked memo reveals existence of Yeudicho ICBMs
- 5439, Dolgava warns Beiteynu on nuclear weapons development
- 5439, BeiGov denies existence of nuclear weapons

- 5472, manmade seismic activity detected in the Desert Bank
- 5472, BeiGov denies existence of nuclear weapons development program
- 5472, Yeudicho ICBMs launched at Lourenne
- 5478, Equifund begins trials of IRBM capable Nekama-class cruiser
- 5479, existence of 3rd Point is confirmed

- 5482, military spending is slashed
- 5483, BeiGov buries classified military material
- 5487, next-gen guidance systems, rocket and satellite introduced

- Unknown, Kundrati clears Beiteynu of allegations of possessing nuclear weapons

- 5513, AllComm limits intelligence credentials
- 5514, Luthorian Government reacts to Yeudish nuclear weapons program
- 5514, Kundrati reacts
- 5515, potential nuclear detonation shakes Desert Bank
- 5515, Yeudicho ICBMs launched at Seko
- 5515, commercial flight goes missing southwest of Narikaton and Darnussia
- 5515, flight debris discovered
- 5515, whistleblower reveals nuclear weapons test

- 5533, mutual defence pact and intelligence sharing with Lourenne terminated
- 5534, 3rd Point blocks military forces from the Migrant's Pass

Elior cleared his throat, again. Sweat had began dripping on his eyelids.


"We may have it. 1 nuclear warhead. To be retrofitted on 1 Yeudicho ICBM", he said. AC kept blasting, fruitlessly.

They all fidgeted, not looking surprised.


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Re: Informal News

Postby jadouljonathan » Wed Aug 28, 2024 5:54 pm

Ikradon starting a secret agency?
Place: Military Base at gorvaland
Date: July 5536
detectable: no

General Bert-Jan Aerst receives a call on his undetectable phone and hears operation de slimme shaduw is a go, he smiles.

he goes to his computer, prints something and puts it in an envelope.

He goes to his car and drives towards the presidential palace.

When he arrives and goes to the big door, the security guard lets him in, he walks towards the office of the staatspresident and goes in and lays the envelope on his desk, walks out again.
Nation: Ikradon
Party: Radicale arbeiders partij
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi, Dorvik
Posts: 472
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Re: Informal News

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri Oct 11, 2024 1:31 pm


From Fort William, with love.

Regarding: Austen Kelly, Foreign Secretary, Luthori and Angèle Maret, Minister for External Affairs, Kanjor.
Date: August 5556
Discoverable?: Yes (if the Luthorians and/or wants to, albeit doing it unilateraily may result in consequences)

From Fort William to Atyr

To: Madam Angèle Maret, Minister for External Affairs.
From: Mr. Austen Kelly, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

Object: Communication of Luthorian and Kanjorian differences.

Mrs. Maret,

You might already know that the Luthorian and Canrillaise (by extension Luthorian-Kanjorian) diplomatic relations are already in an standstill, due to Luthori and Lourenne’s long “stare-eye” contest that can be traced all the way back to the Lost Souls War. Her Majesty’s Government, in light of Lourenne’s apparent withdrawal from the international scene until further notice come from Eroncourt, has become increasingly interested, especially in light of a new administration taking over in Crown Street, to expand Luthori’s trade ties with other Terran states, and this, by extension, also means, expanding trade relations with the Canrillaise Empire-in-Southern Seleya.

We deeply understand your (and by extension your country’s) distrust and protectionism in light of what can be considered to be “Luthorian imperialism” as famously framed by both Your Excellency’s Government and Their Majesties, the Kalistani Emperor and Empress’ Government. Yet, if I am writing this letter to you, Madam, it's for a hope that Kanjor, Alduria and Luthori can come to a mutual understanding of each others’ goals, interests and fears. This is also the opinion from the Cabinet under which authority I am writing to you. Her Majesty’s Government plans in Southern Seleya are not necessarily be taken with much worry from both Aldurian and Kanjorian Governments, as the Empire’s will is to protect its ally in the region and Realm united with Luthori under a personal union of Her Majesty, the Empress. The Mordusian and Luthorian Governments already agreed that the Luthorian presence was bound to Mordusia’s will to sustain it, if the Mordusian Government seems to shift in opposition to this security arrangement, the Luthorian Navy would leave the Area. But, as of now, the Navy would go to Mordusia to protect and honor its commitments to her ally in the region, who called her to help. Although all of this, Her Majesty’s Government has no intention of becoming an “issue” that could potentially disrupt future trade links between Luthori and Canrille, and we hope that open-mindedness is prevalent into the Kanjorian and Aldurian Administrations as much as it is present in Luthori as well.

In light of resolving past grievances and move forwards in a new relationship, the Luthorian Government proposes that a summit be organized between the Luthorian leaders and the Canrillaise leaders, where a potential roadplan could be drafted towards the resolution and restoration of relationship.

We hope that a goodwill summit may resolve these particular issues.

With our distinguished regards,
Austen Kelly, 84th Viscount of Helenbury.
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
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Re: Informal News

Postby Nileowen_ » Tue Oct 15, 2024 8:24 pm


Camps in the desert

Regarding: Oversight Corps & Redemption Corps, Temania
Date: 25th July 5558
Discoverable?: Ask me first, but yes

Temanian Desert: Not everyone is happy with the reforms, over a million people in fact. To stop these more ardent opponents, the Supreme Marshal has been working on "Redemption Camps" and the Redemption Corps, a forced labour corp in which opponents can earn their "redemption" through their labour. The Oversight Corps has been working hard to manage the sites, and they have been secured by soldiers from the Labour Corps. Here they will work for the good of the people in the more dangerous of projects.

I have a vision of a worker. Who will grow up knowing neither family nor comfort. Who will not be distracted by the illusion of a long life. Who will know nothing but honour and duty. Who will die joyously for the sake of the revolution.
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