Table of contents (eyes only):
5227, Equifund is founded
5228, nuclear development act introduced
5251, nuclear renovations complete, Aristocrat Energetical and Black Beisa receive extended contracts
5271, journalist snaps photo of Black Beisa facilities
5286, nuclear development and maintenance act hits Knesset
5362, initial memo
5362, massive explosion sighted in the Desert Bank
5362, rumours of Black Beisa manoeuvring in the Equifund to mask the program
5374, rocket explodes
5375, Equifund complex in Amshinov explodes after failed rocket launch
5376, rocket debris falling close to Cildania
5378, Equifund launches small-vehicle rocket
5378, BeiGov establishes the Lavian
5388, fission experiment successful
5388, Equifund develops anti-ballistic missiles
5399, Equifund develops short-range ballistic missiles
5438, leaked memo reveals existence of Yeudicho ICBMs
5439, Dolgava warns Beiteynu on nuclear weapons development
5439, BeiGov denies existence of nuclear weapons
5472, manmade seismic activity detected in the Desert Bank
5472, BeiGov denies existence of nuclear weapons development program
5472, Yeudicho ICBMs launched at Lourenne
5478, Equifund begins trials of IRBM capable Nekama-class cruiser
5479, existence of 3rd Point is confirmed
5482, military spending is slashed
5483, BeiGov buries classified military material
5487, next-gen guidance systems, rocket and satellite introduced
Unknown, Kundrati clears Beiteynu of allegations of possessing nuclear weapons
5513, AllComm limits intelligence credentials
5514, Luthorian Government reacts to Yeudish nuclear weapons program
5514, Kundrati reacts
5515, potential nuclear detonation shakes Desert Bank
5515, Yeudicho ICBMs launched at Seko
5515, commercial flight goes missing southwest of Narikaton and Darnussia
5515, flight debris discovered
5515, whistleblower reveals nuclear weapons test
5533, mutual defence pact and intelligence sharing with Lourenne terminated
5534, 3rd Point blocks military forces from the Migrant's Pass