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Re: Informal News

PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 7:51 am
by alaskancrabpuffs21

A Royal Insult and Lies

Regarding:Kolstad Government Insulting and Threatening Princess Sofia,
Date: May 5368

Skalm- The Kolstad Government has been evenly split along the lines of returning the monarchy. The elite inside of the Rettferdighet og frihet want the Republic retained while rank and file and up incoming politicians like the new Mayor of Skalm who has gained national popularity want to see the Monarchy returned. The Statsminister retains a firm grip of popularity across the country but the Crown Princess is an extremely popular public figure, to the dismay of the Kolstad Government. It is unknown as to the opinion of the Statsminister on the monarchy but many cabinet officials detest the idea.

The Statsminister saved face to attend the Royal Wedding but popular support for the monarchy continues to rise. The official stance of the Government has been indifference but the higher ups inside the Party have insulted the Princess on multiple occasions especially from Interior Minister Elin Salberg who has met with the Princess on multiple occasions. If this news broke it could lead to a monumental change in the Kolstad Government with the Interior minister surely fired and a possibility for a Party coup and the end of the Kolstad Government.

Re: Informal News

PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 8:18 pm
by Robert F. Kennedy

Fortunate Support.

Regarding: Chris McFlee, CEO for National Credit Dovani, Luthorian
Date: 15th, August 5370
Discoverable?: No

Skalm, Dreton, Republic of Kazulia: Several deals were put in place between monarchist organizations in Kazulia and Luthorian economic organizations on the establishment of certain economic advantages for these associations, via donations of money by individuals, no one could have thought that this was the CEO of the Dovani branch of National Credit, who is a staunch monarchist, who organized the entire support network for monarchist organizations and the royal family of Kazulia. With the support of several economically influential men in Luthori, such as the heirs to the wealth of the Churchill family, Seward and Liz, the head of the Humperdinck family, Davon and many others and the support of influential figures in Kazulia , they were able to pass the secret investments via National Credit, which itself was able to count on the support of the Imperial Security Service which covered this operation.

Re: Informal News

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 8:17 am
by GreekIdiot

Ramatkal meets with the Empress

Regarding: AIG unveils long lost crown of the Yeudi Monarchy
Date: May 5388
Discoverable: Yes

Fort William, Luthori - While the press statement read that the Ramatkal will be meeting with Fort William to discuss regional affairs in the Artanian Sea and Likatonia, the whole thing was a cover for the meeting behind the meeting. Media outlets gulped it up, of course. The whole thing was about the crown; not the Luthorian one. The topics discussed were about a prince, a gem and 2 houses. The Queen expressed her worries over the TMA; Nefariouiem dismissed the concerns saying that these "rumours" will at best remain "conspiracies by crazies" and at worst "plausible fiction".

The prince; that's understandable. But the gem? Why did the Ramatkal go there to talk about 1 of the 8 Gems with that Queen?

There were others in the room. It was a YC meeting, after all.

Re: Informal News

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:02 am
by GreekIdiot

Pure fission experiment successful

Regarding: Black Beisa working on the development of nuclear weaponry
Date: December 5388
Discoverable: Yes

Last time Black Beisa's activities were spotted in the Desert Bank, Sato took the blame on what was widely presumed to be a failed launch of earlier models of the Shavit rocket. That was true. What missed the headlines was that rocketry was half of the equation. There's a grant tracing all the way back to 5286 of almost 35B LOD still active today in the maintenance of the country's nuclear energy grid. It was a result of Artistocrat Energetical's winning bid in 5251. Throughout the decades AIG's contracts with the Beiteynuese Government hinted at R&D in nuclear energy, with Black Beisa's elusive signatures signed on most papers. BB has been active on aerospace, missile, navigation and weapons systems of the sort since the Equifund's foundation back in 5227.

In fact, the only time it couldn't avoid the spotlight of media was in 5271, when it brokered a supranational military agreement between a multitude of companies; everybody knew it then, BB stood for "Boss" in R&D. That deal, curiously, was with Kundrati on raw materials and Trigunia on "experiments".

Yesterday afternoon, somewhere in the Desert Bank, the scientist who has come to be known as the one losing his shit after 77 attempts, simply pursed his lips in agony when those neutrons hit Uranium-235's atoms leading to a small scale chain reaction that grappled with critical mass, in a siloed area 157kms to the south.

"Thank you Kundrati", mumbled another. He still thought "barbarically amateur" but had no glasses to throw this time.

Re: Informal News

PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 10:18 am
by alaskancrabpuffs21

Troll Mountain Corruption and Money Laundering Scandal

Regarding: Troll Mountain Naval Base aka. The Troll Mountain Complex Ministry of Defense, Dolgava, General in Charge of Building the Base: Matz Steinbauer
Date: May 5393- The next few decades
Discoverable?: No

Aikums, Dolgava: General Matz Steinbauer is one of the only competent general left from the former regime, he has been influential in dictating the need for not only a Naval base deep inside of a Basalt Mountain but one that will have headquarters of Dolgavan Intelligence Networks, Number Stations and other things that the Government would never share publicly. However the General in charge of the project is actively taking government funds for the project and investing them in private stock accounts and returning the money once he has made a profit with extra that is coming back in the books as "interest". The projects allocated money has been growing but what is clearly happening is fraud from General Steinbauer. Due to the top secret nature of much of the complex it will be hard for him to be caught and his scheme to be discovered...

Re: Informal News

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 4:48 pm
by TRA

TRA sends Dairat agents to black site in Jelbe

Regarding: 2 Dairat agents apprehended in Haifbourg
Date: January 5400
Discoverable: Not outside Kafuri GID

A little bit frustrated with the Intelligence Oversight Committee's limits on counter-intelligence placed upon the Agency, the Director made a judgement call on Saturday night to send the 2 Dairat agents "offsite". Turns out, after a very concise and direct mutual understanding with Baofluz - which is not keen on seeing its people continue suffering even more - the Director gave the order to establish a black site somewhere in Jelbe's coastline.

The decision will most likely bite the Agency on its ass in the future, but the Director couldn't just wait while the HA deliberates with the Amira Administration in Yishelem on whether it was "moral" or not to lift the limitations. It was taking too long.

The goal?

Get the agents to crack and spill information on the whereabouts of more Kafuri agents in the peninsula.

The chances?

Highly unlikely, but still, the Director had to give it a shot. Time was of the essence.

Re: Informal News

PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 8:17 pm
by Kubrick

Be careful who you anger..
Regarding: Tobias Ilam (Head of the Medinat Department, Beiteynu) & Mustav Hizdrüz (Wrntuhiko, Vanuku)
Date: February 10, 5403
Discoverable?: No (for now)

Yishelem, Beiteynu: The Head of the Medinat Department, Tobias Ilam, has gone missing. A short while after the Wrntuhiko (Leader) of the Kingdom of Wrnuke Mustav Hizdrüz announced that Beiteynu had pledged to join the Great Western Majatran Oil Pipeline and would stand for a large part of its funding the TRA veteran & top man of the Medinat Department Tobias Ilam contradicted him, stating that Beiteynu had made no such promises.

The move angered Wrnuke's dictator, with one persistent rumour stating that he himself ordered Wrnuke's security and intelligence service, the RSB, to "deal with it". On February 10 5303 Tobias Ilam was last seen by relatives and colleagues, ever since then there has no been no trace of him. Where could he have gone? Was it Wrnuke or did the man have an accident?

Re: Informal News

PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 8:03 am
by alaskancrabpuffs21

Patriarchal Extremely Royalist Faction Murdered the Hanzense Queen Believing only Male Heirs can Ascend to the Hanzen Throne

Regarding:General Kittibun Thaugsuban, Hanzen
Date: October 5401 to Present
Discoverable?: Yes (Countries with active Intel in Hanzen have a higher likelihood of discovery. It is so deeply rooted into the Hanzense Government that a Domestic investigation or uncovering would be impossible...)

Hanzen: The Mysterious Group rumored to exist only in the minds of the elite of the elite in Hanzen did not want Queen Kohsoom to take the throne even if the current system has the previous monarch choose which of their children takes the throne. Kohsoom was an only child and seen by many of Hanzen's more traditional minded folks a mere pretty face and not a ruler. Led by the pragmatic General Kittibun Thaugsban a secret society called the "Emperor's Guard" killed the Queen using a substance known as Amatoxin that was injected in a very large amount along with a sleeping drug so that she would certainly die. This group will continue to undermine any Princesses or potential Queens and convince the King to have a son so they can crown him King. They also are very interested in Hanzen to invade Kimlien and Ntoto to create the proposed "Hanzen Empire". This radical group is virtually unknown outside of Hanzen's elite however if they get their way and not stopped, they will chaos much havoc inside Hanzen....

Re: Informal News

PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 8:50 am
by alaskancrabpuffs21

Another Type of Intelligence...

Regarding: Royal Intelligence Agency, Hanzen
Date: May 5404 - Indefinitely
Discoverable? No (possibly discovered eventually)

Hanzen & Worldwide: As Hanzen expands its cultural influence as well as its geopolitical soft power. Hanzen wants to slowly but surely cement its place in Terra and sway countries to their side using means that many would find, well very manipulative. As apart of Hanzen's crackdown of its world renown red light district and it massive prostitution industry the Hazenense Government has decided to curb much of the illegal activity and notorious reputation by hiring and training prostitutes and young Hanzense women to do their trade abroad. This program led by the Royal Intelligence Agency has "agents" infiltrate the nations of Terra and to extract information in their trade with members of legislatures, government workers and everyone. Some more expert agents were trained to marry government workers and to use this marriage as a means to extract information from it and to bring that information back to the Hanzense Government. This program is extremely secretive and the nature of the program means it will never be officially recognized.

Re: Informal News

PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 9:56 am
by alaskancrabpuffs21

Black Site at Troll Mountain

Regarding: Dolgavan Ministry of Intelligence
Date: 5405 to Present
Discoverable?: No

Troll Mountain Complex: Troll Mountain has been publicly seen as a Naval project but the Dolgavan Ministry of Intelligence has been extremely active at the site as well. Along with a full communications center there is also a Black Site at complex where foreign agents could easily "disappear". The Dolgavan Government has supported a top secret blacksite for sometime and it will be useful to extract information out of those caught doing espionage in Dolgava. The DMI keeps foreign agents alive and even if they were interrogated at the facility they would have no idea where they were and would never find out. They may return to their country and tell their government the nature of the interrogations but they won't even be sure who did it or where. To those who would be disposed of, well dead men tell no tales...