A Battle Unseen

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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby jamescfm » Wed Dec 28, 2016 12:49 pm

21:08, Aldegaria’s outskirts, Kemoku, Glorious Shahdom of Aldegar

Aldegaria’s narrow streets were deserted at this hour but Narsi Dehradoonwala kept silent nonetheless. Since the Shah’s ascension, fresh rumours of government informants and secret police circulated seemingly every day. In reality, it was carefully manufactured lies, aiming to keep the populace in fear and, consequently, in line. He wasn’t quite sure what to expect from AE-3733, his contact in the capital, and he had been apprehensive when invited to meet him in the beginning. Even so, he had managed to place his commitment to his duties, and to his superiors, above his private reservations.

His attentive eyes jumped from door to door, continually searching for the pre-determined meeting point. After no less than twenty minutes roaming down a single, neglected road, he eventually sited it: Apartment 19b. It was something of a contentious decision to even refer to it as an apartment; a more accurate description would’ve been basement. He cautiously descended the steps and rapped on the door three times before waiting a second and knocking once more. It felt amateurish but he didn’t want to disobey direct instructions. There was a brief pause before the occupant hurried to the door.
“ND-1686?” the voice was soft and light yet authoritative at the same time.
“Yes, I’m looking to collect a parcel for my daughter. I believe it’s a Scarlett Sunset Playset.” Dehradoonwala replied. The door creaked open. He shuffled in, snatching a final glance up the street as he did so: it remained barren.

The voice which he had heard, it seemed, was that of a woman. Clearly of Mu-Tze origin, her complexion made her appear hardened and weary but she retained a natural beauty. Piercing sapphire eyes and flowing locks of chocolate-coloured hair defied Dehradoonwala’s expectations of his contact, who he had presumed would be a gang member or drug peddler of some variety. Before long, he wrestled his thoughts away from puzzlement and returned his focus to the matter at hand.

“Hi, are you AE-3733? You’re not what I expected.” was the train-wreck of a starting point he decided to go with. The woman didn’t even dignify him with a verbal response, nodding her head as she proceeded further into the apartment. He made sure to follow close behind. He was led into what looked like a kitchen, although it was evident that it had not been used in weeks, perhaps even months. Having not learnt from his prior failure, Dehradoonwala attempted to make conversation once again.
He probed, “So, is it all in here?”
“Listen,” he had no intention of not obliging, “when they sent me the list of equipment to supply, I don’t recall any mention of having to converse with the guy picking it up. Of course, it’s all here!”
“Right. Thanks. Sorry.” he replied, demoralised. He didn’t know what he had done to upset this woman but the mixture of fear and awe that she pressed upon him meant that he had no plans to take the matter up with her.

Dehradoonwala had been sent to the building to collect supplies for one of the Republican Resistance’s most crucial operations so far. AE-3733 was to provide him with a weapon and ammunition, which he would then transport to a multi-storey apartment building closer to the heart of the new Aldegarian capital. From there, they would be collected by another Resistance member, SG-0012. Officially, individual members were not permitted to know what the overall mission objectives were but it wasn’t difficult to put the pieces together. The Shah’s official birthday parade would pass by the building tomorrow morning…
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:46 pm

12:11, National Security Briefing room, Stortinget, Skalm, Kazulia.

"What i want, Is what i will achieve." the Statsminister said sternly as he paced around the table. "I will not accept error nor will i allow for the inadequate to grow." he continued. By now it was collected that the statsminister was a person against failure and error, a hard line perfectionist one would say. "I expected everyone's best, and if i cannot achieve that with this committee i will not hesitate in dissolving it." he declared in that stipulation. "By now everyone should know me, if not I am not going to introduce myself, you find out who i am when i sign your termination form." he concluded as he took his seat at the head of the table. "I am here for my briefing and I am not being briefed, what then is the purpose of me being here?" he questioned as he awaited for a soul to rise to at least address him.

The Foreign Minister rose to address the stern statsminister, "Currently we are working on revising our diplomatic proceedings, what we aim to do is to re-assert our influence in this region and the establish our influence in the wider world." The statsminister broke in, "It appears that cannot be achieved, what i want achieve is to have our political and military foot on the necks on our neighbors, as we remind them of our place here, in terms of the Hulstrians, they are eager for war, and frankly i will not give them that." the statsminister concluded as he gestured for the Foreign Minister to continue. "I can assure you sir, i will broaden our influence in both this region and the wider world, even if it means crippling another nation's economy." he said deviously. "I trust you can deliver Mr. Berthelsen, if not I am sure your predecessor Ms. Ketelsen will be willing to out of retirement." he statsminister threatened.

"Anyone else, I did come for a full briefing" the statsminister questioned as he look at the various individuals gathered around the table. "You can't leave here without hearing my mouth sir." the Director of the Military Intelligence Service Edvard Nordberg. "Very well then Mr. Nordberg, what does the intelligence community have of great interest to me?" the statsminister asked. "Well sir we have a solution to this hostage crisis." an icy pause grew before the statsminister interjected. "I do hope you do not waste my time, as your predecessor did with the previous statsminister?" he questioned. "I can assure you sir, I will not execute a plan if i know it will fail." Nordberg responded. "Very good, go about your briefing." the statsminister said satisfyingly. "Recently some of the hostages were freed due to medical responses, thus this opened our chance to obtain information on the scope inside the embassy. From what we have gathered there are about 130 persons both military and patriotic committee holding the embassy's 200 staff hostage in the embassy's banquet hall, we have gathered blueprint from the firm which built the embassy and we have formalized a plan to rescue them, but i cannot go over the details here, for those can only be discussed in private." Nordberg concluded. "Very well, tomorrow for the latest." the statsminister reassured.

"And finally internal affairs, Mr. Wangsness, i have not heard from you since, what are these rumours i hear about political spies?" the statsminister asked as he looked at the General Director of the General Directorate for Security. "It was has been confirmed that political spies from Mikuni-Hulstria and several external nations are currently operating within our territory, under clandestine operations." Wangsness began. "Once we have the information on their locations it will very easy for S-12, our counter-intelligence branch to intercept and capture, but there is a problem; We do not have their locations, nor do we have a general knowledge of their operations." the Statsminister broke in once more," If you do not have their location, more-so a general knowledge of their operations, how could we combat them?" the General Director removed a document from his pocket. "Sir, we are not simply taking about minor intelligence agencies from Mikuni-Hulstria or Dankuk or Sekowo, it was recently discovered by S-12 of the presence of much larger intelligence agencies such as the HSIS, the GBD, the SSA, even New Endralonian Intelligence is here, our intelligence apparatus has almost been breached, we do not have any apparatus to find them, thus leaving the apparatus to deal with them useless." Wangsness concluded. "Very well then, for your convenience i will have the Internal Affairs Minister craft a legislation, an omnibus legislation granting you the apparatus needed to detect and gather information on them." the Statsminister reassured. "If that is all, that is all. I expect results for our next meeting, Mr. Nordberg, we can discuss that matter tomorrow as soon as possible." the statsminister concluded as he left the room being tailgated by his security detail.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Fri Jan 06, 2017 9:38 pm

19:11, operations briefing room, headquarters of the Military Intelligence Service, Arthur Claussen Fortress, Borgny, Kazulia.

The room was engulfed in silence, as everyone starred monotonously at the door in anticipation for the Director's entry. A meeting was called for the various department heads, in attendance were some faces which were never seen throughout the hallways of Arthur Claussen Fortress. Nevertheless, those were told to attend, were in attendance, not one person unaccounted for. The monotonous stares of the individuals around the room was derailed by the entry of the director. As he enter, he looked around the room, his eyes piercing great fear into the feeble, great authority into the strong. He did not utter a single word, but simply remove his suit jacket, placing it on the table where everyone sat. He began to pace around the table, before he spoke,"Let me make this absolutely clear to everyone here, I will not accept mediocrity in my presence, more so in my agency." the Director said sternly.

"We spend millions of dollars on working towards a goal we are gradually failing each day, how are we supposed to achieve our goals of intelligence gathering, if we cannot execute them with the most highest of precision, you are all department heads for a reason." The director continue as his voice tonality increased in harshness. "We are a formidable intelligence agency, and everyone incompetence to execute their tasks, is what is going to bring this agency to its knees." The director said as he positions himself between the department heads of the Special Actions Division and the Special Surveillance Division. "We can't even achieve the task set out to us by the Statsminister, we can't even politically destabilize the enemy, so the reason behind having two departments responsible for that, if we can't do it!!?" The Director shouted as he slammed the table in front of both the department heads.

"What have we done!?" he shouted the more furiously. "So here is what, I will be going to Jelbania to negotiate with the Qujarc Horde whom we are going to contract to assist in this operation, once that is done we a form to systematically destabilize Baltusia, even if it means coming into direct contact with BAITI, I want the Special Political Actions Division on the case, also i want signals intelligence and electronic warfare to be conducted on Aldegar, yes that means sending the Oliver Fiske to Seleya, i want communications jammed where necessary and signals intelligence collected," the director ordered. "If you can't get that done, in under a weak, recognizing the amount of resources you have, let me tell you this, you are all easily replaceable." the Director concluded before taking up his suit jacket and walking out of the room. With their tasks set, no time must be wasted, the set tasks were to be executed with immediate effect.

03:23, Kelvon Air Station, Kelvon, Kazulia.

The Special Political Actions Division was considered by many intelligence officials as the most secretive unit within the Kazulian intelligence community, whose aim was to conduct covert paramilitary operations which the Kazulian Government did not want to be associated with, both overtly and covertly. Forged from the most experienced men and women from the various battalions of the Kazulian Army, their jobs were to act as the destabilizing agent to a foreign internal matter which has grabbed the interests of the government. To say it simply, they were the people one would call if they wanted to destabilize a state/constituency and/or an entire country via to use of either state funded terrorism, or a covertly planned coup d'etat.

"Ladies, there is trouble in Baltusia, and the government has deploy us!" shouted Captain, Sivert as he addressed about a company of men and women. "With us, is our capability to deliver destruction without mercy for race nor creed." Sivert continued as he began pacing throughout the lines. "We are the first but hidden line of defense and offense of this country, I demand your best, and if you cannot deliver that, you should not be here!" he continued. "This maybe the Queen's Intelligence Service, but this is my company, and I expect you to execute each task and order with the most highest of precision." Sivert concluded as he walked back to the front of the assembly.

"Lieutenant Peterson, are you aware of the name of this company!?" Sivert shouted to the company's Lieutenant, Mr. Peterson. "Very aware sir!" Peterson responded in that stipulation. "It represents the core of brunt force and intelligence" Sivert continued. "Very Brunt Sir!" Peterson responded all the more louder. "It represents the world's best country, does it not Mr. Peterson!" Sivert questioned. "The best of the best of the best Sir!" Peterson continued. "And what is that name Mr. Peterson!?" Sivert questioned all the more louder. "Special Political Actions Division Sir!" Peterson responded with a crisp stomp. "And what do we say!?" Sivert asked. "Inn i malm-þing!" the entire company shouted.

"Dismissed." Sivert concluded. The entire company formed crisp lines and returned to their resting stations. For the plan to destabilize Baltusia was in its infancy. It was now a matter of getting everything in place.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:27 pm

22:33 Zardic Standard Time, Presidential Suite, Emperor Augusta Hotel, Venetio, Federation of Zardugal

The TV Showed the World Congress Seating from early thay day as the Istalian Ambassador got up and, to the inhabitants of the room, insulted their nation and their President multiple times, before their President stood said her peace taking Zardugal out of the World Congress before departing... followed by another round of accusations and insults by the Istalian Ambassador. After the exchange was done the screen flipped over to ZNN where analysts were picking it apart. The room however proceeded to ignore it before turning to a single person in the room.

Seated on the couch, Lindsey Mozby looked perfectly controlled. Barely turning 50 years old this year she could have lied 10 or even 15 years off her she without a single person daring call her on it. Her piercing blue watched the screen with detachment before she spoke. "So apparently Zardugal are at the centre of a global conspiracy." She shook her head in bemusement. "I honestly can't believe the Istalian President let his Ambassador spew that out, the idiot caused an international diplomatic incident and he is completely obvious to it, I doubt he realizes that his Ambassador to Zardugal just got evicted all becuase he didn't know how to control that mouth."

She shook her head again and stood, straightening out her skirt as she did so. She didn't need this shit right now, her election was in less then a month and, unless every pollster in the country got it wrong; which wasn't particularly Unknown, this mess was going to be her mess after June 22nd.

She turned to an average looking man in his mid forties. He wore a simple business suit and could have been mistaken for any mid level executive at any company in the country; which was exactly the point. The man however was a certain gentleman by the name of Bruder Calistro and he was Director of the Special Affairs Unit of the Zardic Federal Intelligence Agency; the nation's most secretive black ops outfit. In days long past the SAU had held an international reputation on par with the mythic Trigunian GBD Specialkommandos, Vanuku SSA or Hutorian HSIS's Office of Special Observations. In the shadowy world of black ops and Intelligence the SAU had been spending the last 16 years under ZNLP Leadership refining that image and edge.

"Director, if we are being accused of being at the centre of a massive global conspiracy to destabilize Baltusia... why aren't we?" The Zardic Foreign Minister asked Calistro off handedly almost casually.

The Director responded without missing a beat. "I'm sure ma'am but I'll certainly get to the bottom of this and see why in God's name we aren't doing what we've been accused of!" His tone was highly sardonic and sounded almost bored, but Mozby knew he would get the job done, the job she hadn't asked or ordered him to do.

Mozby offered a quaint smile and nodded. If Istalia wanted to play dirty diplomatically... Zardugal could certainly return the favor. And if everything went as it should in only a few weeks, she'd be able to do far far more.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Axxell » Thu Jan 12, 2017 7:25 am

07:48, Antinori Palace, Office of the President of the Council of Minister, Romula, Istalia

The storied door opened, letting in Scialoja along with Mirco Valenti, his closest collaborator, and a man in uniform of the air force.

Scialoja approached the small coffee maker on luxurious furniture in mahogany and gilt bronze, faster loading it with a waffle and putting two cups under the spout.

"so we keep him there?" Valenti asked as he sat on the couch in the middle of the wide office.
"did you hear it? It isn't?" said Scajola as if to remind him of the council of ministers meeting just ended, pressing in the same time a button and then begin to loosen the elegant tie while coffee was beginning to fill the cups.
"yes, but we have to put a brake! He would be capable to break even with Selucia! That PNI's..."
"I already did send another message, this time I told him to pack it seriously, broke the fucking pretty now... but his big mouth has taken them by surprise! They make indignant but meanwhile Kazulia seems to have eclipsed by the Assembly, Montreal is gone, and I must say I do not mind at all having done to escape the menstruating pain in the ass, and Zardugal too well after answering nonsense and avoided any answer to our questions; virtually all the assembly refused the requests of those exalted of Aldegar... "
"we did still a mess"
"which has stirred the waters and led to interesting things under the lights, that asshole of Malga nevertheless put the flea in the ear not to a few people and then... If Aldegar were to make some gesture against risky Baltusia would have the world against and what will Zardugal? And Kalistan? They will sustain a first attack of Aldegar? Kalistan continue to establish business with Aldegar? But for this last question ... I think the answer is yes"
"you are so convinced?"
"the Canal is one of the activity that yield most in the world! It connects the east and west of the world! Idealism guide politicians and ambassadors, but the power and strength will depend always and only by the money! They prefer do the hypocrites to the end, instead their new friends of Zardugal seems less subtle. But it still remains clear how they use this fucking insanity of Aldegar to take advantage.
Fucking zardugalians... We tends the hand to them, a good and secure plan for Majatran but... They prefered Kalistan to take the world starting from Seleya, but 'they reckoned without the host' and we are the host! We can always take advantage of it: this is not a nice place to invest Aldegar... we'll have fun watching them in deal with those exalted! Baltusia will be less economical interesting but it will ensure easy and consistent benefits with a government that is much more disposed toward us" answers the Head of government with a smile finally putting down his coffee cup "Now we have to see what will Kazulia!"
"no! We have to double the work of AISIR and AISER (Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Interna della Repubblica/Agency for Internal Information and Security of the Republic and Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna della Repubblica/Agency for the External Intelligence and Security of the Republic)! And triple the control over kazulians here with us for the military cooperation program" said Valenti.
"those sons of bitches..." chuckled Scialoja "we were checking their e them ours... but in the end we screwed them!" but the smile soon turned into a grimace enraged.
"they are involved in Baltusia... it's sure... but we have to know why and how much are involved!" he thought about it a bit of time then he turned to the man in uniform:
"Marco, sure do not you want a coffee?"
"no, thanks"
"so, your men shall redouble their efforts! We have to find out more, and especially if they are actually in cahoots with Kalistan and Zardugal"
"get hold of those records was a fluke and these info were discovered thanks to those kazulian agents in Baltusia! In Kazulia it will not be easy..."
"you have all the resources you want, you know? All the money that drain the defense, and for decades are not few and are only increasing, are not only for ships, aircraft and various equipement! The intelligence absorbs considerable resources and I want it continue to yield results! If those three assholes are in cahoots, I will know, we need to know what they are doing! We cannot leave them the world while distracting everyone's attention with this bullshit crisis between Aldegar and Baltusia "
"a bullshit crisis that we did not make a pretty picture..." said Valenti not too convinced "what a asshole Malga... Baltusia it is coming out even better than we do!"
"in a few years no one will remember this any more... but in the meantime we continue to show us concentrated on that bullshit crisis and a bit in jeopardy, we'll drink even a little more shit... but they feel itself reassured and maybe they will lower a little bit the guard "
"but now they know that we suspect something"
"now they know that everyone suspect something! Do you believe that the intelligence services of other nations does not start immediately to investigate? And maybe won't be few the nations which will analysing more carefully their words and actions. We now will not care any more of Aldegar, we see how they will handle those fanatics! They will push to have to take thorny decisions! The truth comes out when it's time to take sides! Do not forget!" Scialoja looked to the two men with you with a silly grin.
"and if the sides arrived at the point of no return?"
"thought they that they could divide the world without problems manipulating in this way peoples and nations? And then right now Aldegar is controlled by Zardugal forces and it would not be difficult to Zardugal to block all attempts of those crazy, maybe if they had to lock them, this might could turn angry someone of those fanatics... there are many possibilities... for them like for us... but one thing is for sure: as I said we will not allow them to divide among themself Seleya or the world!"

Scialoja moved toward one of the windows behind his desk, peering with the look full of thoughts but also of satisfaction the panorama of Romula while the sun climbed increasingly turning into a shining silver snake the Sela that flowed placidly through the city and then along the flat river valley disappearing behind the horizon.
Last edited by Axxell on Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:50 pm

10:30 Zardic Local Time, President's Office, Presidential Palace, Belgae, Federation of Zardugal

A soft knock on her door broke President Mozby's train of thought. She glanced up noting the time on the clock on the wall. Good right on time. Nodding she spoke a single word. "Enter".

Into the room came Bruder Calistro, the Director of the SAU. "You called for me Madam President." His serious deep voice said. "I did yes and dead on time as usual. Punctual as always, have a seat." She said gesturing to one of the chairs in front of her desk. Calistro nodded taking a seat, saying not another word.

On her desk sat a dozen open folders of various ZFIA Operations, both ongoing and planned, along with stacks of files from the Ministry of Defence, Foreign Affairs and dozens of others. Calistro only rose an eyebrow looking at the impressive amount of paper. "And I thought my job had too much paperwork."

She returned a tired grin. "Had I known there would be this much I might have let Gladios have the job. I wish Taylor or Yasmin had warned me, but alas I wanted it and for at least the next four years it's mine. Regardless my job isn't what I called you in about, it's yours."

Calistro nodded for Mozby to continue. "I am your servant Madam President."

"You've done a good job as Head of the SAU... how would like to head Intelligence?" She asked.

"Director of ZFIA... I had thought about.." He began but she cut him off. "No Bruder not head of ZFIA or any other agency.. I mean HEAD of Intelligence." She emphasized the word. It took Bruder only a moment to understand what she meant. "Wait... you mean.. the ZNSO". She nodded as a reply letting it sink in.

That was not quite what the life long spy had expected; the Zardic National Security Organization was the overall parent and umbrella organization that coordinated all Zardic Intelligence, Security and military matters. The Director of the ZNSO wasn't quite a Cabinet level position, but in terms of work load, responsibility and access it might as well have been, coordinating agencies through most Federal Ministries... it was also considered the single toughest and most stressful job outside of a Cabinet position or the Presidency; you were under scrutiny for every decision and botched operation if anything went wrong.

It was a massive and tough decision and the job could theoretically kill you... not a job for anyone sane. It took Calistro only a heartbeat after he figured out what she had meant before he responded, with absolute confidence. "I'll take it."

She smiled broadly. "Good I knew I could count on you. Your first official order is to cement that musing thought we had on the Campaign Trail. I assume you already have the assets in place?"

"Yes Madam President, I took care of it personally."

"Good... I've reached out to the Court Minister. If I can get him to wash his hands of the matter it'll work far more effectively. He's stubborn but hopefully he'll see reason. If not do it anyways, just be more careful how the message is crafted."

"Of course Madam President"

She nodded, dismissing the new Director of the ZNSO, who fled the office to begin his new job. She may still have had the Highest Office in thr Federation but damn her if she just hadn't just handed Bruder Calistro the toughest.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby TheTsar » Sat Jan 14, 2017 4:32 pm

14:34, Aleksandrovskaya Ploshad, Petrograd, Trigunian Republic
Nikolay Romanov-Udinov, now simply "candidate to the throne after its restoration", and Chairman of the State Council, was sitting in his office, pondering about all things politics, was aroused by his secretary, Grigoriev, popping his head out and saying rather loudly,
"The President of the Duma is here."
"Let him in." replied Romanov-Udinov
Meetings between the speakers of the two houses were extremely rare in the past, but now are a common sight. Rodionov walked in, saluted Romanov-Udinov, and greeted him,
"Wish you health, Your Imperial Highness!"
"You very well know, that I am not a Grand Duke any more, and you can just call me Nikolay Kirillovich." replied Romanov-Udinov, while saluting him back
"Pardon me, Nikolay Kirillovich."
"Please sit." said Romanov-Udinov, pointing at a chair in front of his desk
Rodionov nodded and sat down. Immediately, he began talking with Romanov-Udinov,
"A number of proposals repealing the reactionary reforms imposed by the National Front regime have been put forward in the Duma by Fyodor Nikitin."
"Excellent, Vladislav Petrovich!"
"Thank you, Nikolay Kirillovich."
"What next? The return of the monarchy?" smiled Romanov-Udinov
The two men laughed. Rodionov than said,
"I have nothing else to tell you," he stood up, "am I dismissed?"
"Yes." replied Nikolay Romanov-Udinov
"Thank you." replied Rodionov, while saluting Romanov-Udinov
He saluted him back and Rodionov departed the office.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Sat Jan 14, 2017 4:41 pm

18:12, Room 23, Abandon Hotel, Amsadomura Outskirts, Amsadomura, Turadrad, Greyist Republic of Jelbania

The blood on the wall was virulent and clear. The room was smelting hot and the old fans which stood motionless on the ceiling were not improving the situation’s already tense setting. The radio played Majatran music in the background and the small lamp on the table barely lit the room, intensifying the immersion of secrecy. Vidar starred at the bloody riddle man who sat in front of him with his head covering a black plastic bag. For six months, he has been working laboriously to track him down. To his amazement, it was not as easy as he had expected. Nevertheless, he was moderately satisfied with the outcome of his work. The man who sat in front of Vidar was, the General Intelligence Services believed, the leader of the reformed Qujarc Horde.

Vidar stood up and removed the sack from over the man’s head. He starred at him if he was looking right into him. The animosity of the battered man was growing. Vidar stroked his neatly kept beard before leaning in and asking in his thin Jelbic accent:

“What is your name?”

A thousand thoughts ran through the man’s head, had he been blown or should he respond with a genuine answer. Choosing to respond with a genuine answer, the man replied worryingly:

“Çekel Tafaj…. please what do you want from me?”

Vidar studied him closely. The situation turned into a game of chess. Each player questioning as to the move of the other, weighing in each potential scenario. Finally, Vidar responded:

“Whom do you work for?”

Çekel, frustrated, battered and tired wanted the quickest way out of the situation. And thus, moved to decline every question given to him by Vidar:

“I work for no-one, I have no job, no family, please let me go!”

Çekel’s heart stepped up a gear as he saw Vidar stand up and walk to the back of the room, taking up in his hand what appeared to be a syringe filled with a colourless liquid. Vidar returned to the man only to grab one of his tied arms and insert the syringe’s needle into a palpated vein and left it there to “hang around.”

“Mr. Çekel if you don’t talk I wouldn’t hesitate to kill you”

Çekel starred at Vidar with a face of contempt as he challenged him to interfere with his family members whom he had hidden from the public eye. Now that Vidar challenged to interfere with his family, Çekel felt empowered to withstand the torture to come.

“I know that look Mr. Çekel, you think I am bluffing. Very well, I will contact GE-1 (the General Intelligence Service) and tell them to do as they please with Denata.”

Çekel immediately rustled with the restraints and anger as Vidar mentioned his wife’s name. The wife whom he had hid from public eye for more than six years.

“Oh, so you think I didn’t know about your family in Zardugal? They have such a great life, your daughter in ballet and your father and grandfather receiving the best healthcare they could offer. But I suppose once I kill you, your financial support to them will end and they will be forced to sleep on the streets or worse because of involvement I heard the Zards are very strict when it comes to terrorism and accomplices.”

“Okay, Okay, the Aljabhat Alddimuqratiat Alshshaebia and I don’t work for them, I am their leader.”

Çekel knew that cooperation was his only attempt at ensuring that safety of his family, more-so himself. He starred at Vidar with an apologetic face.

“Very good, you see cooperation is the best option. Now you will cooperation, more-so listen the orders my superiors give you, do you understand?”

Vidar questioned as he returned to hover his thumb over the plunger of the syringe, which had been lodged into one of Çekel’s veins.

“Do I have your cooperation Mr. Çekel?”

“Yes, Yes, just leave my family alone.”

Vidar removed the syringe from Çekel’s vein and proceeded to swab the insertion site with a blood-stained rag. Vidar leaning into Çekel’s ears and whispered:

“My superiors are hiring you to execute a contract, if you don’t comply we will hang your family and hunt down each and every single one of your hordes men.”

Çekel nodded in agreement. Çekel knew that if he told anyone of this “meeting” it would seriously jeopardize the situation and would ushering the eventual murder of his family, his hordes men and himself.

“We shall meet here against next week Mr. Çekel, don’t be late please, oh and clean yourself up.”

Vidar said before proceeding to pack up his equipment and walking out of the door of the room. Phase two of the so-called Operation Achilles was complete, all that was left was getting Aljabhat Alddimuqratiat Alshshaebia into Baltusia without raising suspicion.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby colonelvesica » Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:40 am

23:50 Local Time, Industrial District, City of Abri, Democratic Republic of Tukarali

Tukarali was an odd choice to meet. It was an even odder choice to pick a no account industrial town like Abri. But it was quiet, it was in the middle of no where, and most importantly, it was only 45 miles away from the Baltusian border.

In a warehouse three such Baltusians were looking through innumerable crates their eyes wider and wider. Ammunition, grenades, Rifles, explosives... there wasn't enough just to make a statement to the central government.. there was enough to fight a sizeable war against the corrupt Government. The Leader of the Baltusians, Norman Wain looked to their benefactor.

The benefactor had refused to introduce himself as anything beyond Longwei. He was a mostly nondescript Indralan male. Wain assumed he a highly disgruntled former member of the Indralan Armed Forces; when the Empire had collapsed there had been a mass exodus of personal, and high ranking officers thay abandoned both their uniform and their country... and took thousands of tons of equipment with them during the chaos of the Revolution. Based on the fact that's 99% of the equipment he was selling was Indralan in origin it all but confirmed his theory. He spoke fluent Luthorian with only the hint trace of an accent, an accent Wain assumed was Indralan.

"So we can take all of this? No questions asked?" Wait asked Longwei.

The Indralan Arms dealer nodded. "Aye. As long as you swear it'll be used to restore the Rightful King of Baltusia to his throne."

Wait nodded vigorously. "We and our cause have no doubt that corrupt Republican Government will twist the results to ensure that the Monarchy will be allowed to be restored! We won't let the government forget there are those faithful and loyal to the Crown!"

Longwei nodded getting off the crate he sat on. "Then I leave this in your hands. Good luck Brother, Long Live the King!" Longwei departed while the Baltusians began loading the crates on their trucks for their drive back to the border where it would be smuggled in.

After he left Long returned to his small motel he was staying at until tomorrow... he would return to his safe house in Kafuristan after that for his next assignment. Longwei wasn't his name, it was merely an identity he had assumed for this singular assignment and it was a legend he was u likely to need to assume again. His real name was Brett Gaoying; he wasn't Indralan, but Channese, though with how close they appeared no one outside of those two nations could often see it. However he was Channese in race only; his true citizenship, a citizenship he hadn't claimed or used in nearly 6 years was Zardic and he was a deep cover operative for the Special Affairs Unit. He had been in Kafuristan when he had recieved this assignment from his boss... a boss that he wasn't overly surprised to hear had gone from being his immediate Superior to Head of the ZNSO... and when Bruder Calistro gave you a job.. you did not fail.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Axxell » Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:00 pm

23.57, Quattroregni Palace, Office of the President of the Republic, Romula, Istalia

President De Michelis was sitting behind the desk, loosened tie and open collar shirt.
He was agitated, before him the prime minister, the defense and foreign ministries and military staff of the Presidency.
There was also another officer of the air force, he was talking:

Our satellites have identified the camp, it is near an industrial installation, a cement plant.
This morning we photographed the morning muster, they separated them into men and women, cabins separate from the main field.

on a screen a projector showed photographs of a houndreds of metal huts surrounded by fences, outside a concrete building and a landing pad for helicopters.
Along one of the borders of the camp there was an airplain strip.

they occupe only this sector, the rest of the camp is void: it was used under the theocracy, there were segregated circa 50 thausands of "child of Satanail" condamned to the forced labours and to reeducation.
The security: between 25 and 30 guards, armed lightly. cameras along the perimeter and a military base to fifteen km, infantry and not too many vehicles. no anti-aircraft equipements.

There is an airplain strip! demanded the prime minister.

It was used during the deportations, from Saint Pietereiland here came between 1000/1500 people each days. Commercial airplanes. responded the officer.

Six Colossus! They will stay close, but with a good air cover we can solve all in three hours, their air forces could never compete with our aircraft fighters said firmly one of the officer of the Presidential Staff, an old admiral.

They are still three hours! In three hours all the Saridanese air force will be on us! replied the Minister of Defence.

Not if we silenced the zone before of the arrives of the airplane! An elite squad of 20 special forces privates. They can arrive with helicopters, here the old officer indicate a wild zone close to the camps.
Our men will take controle of the concrete build and will eliminate the guards. Only three guards controlle the perimeter of the four barracs the night.
The planes will arrive just after the infiltration. Two planes each 25 minutes! We will flight under the range of the radars, very close to the ground. The best way is flyes below Mordusia and than cut directly here!
he showed a point on the Mordusia-Saridan borders we will have to demand the authorization to Mordusia where we will fly at normal altitude.

The President continued to whatch the screen for a while, then he demanded to the Foreign Minister:

There are the possibility of a dialogue?

Mr President... I'm very sad to say that we are facing the same behavior Saridan had during the first Crisis. Less religious jangle obviosly... They want blackmail them, it's clear, their Ambassador declared this even toward all the General Assembly to the Security Council. The other delegations demanded a... Fact-finding mission. finished embarased.

What? A fact-finding mission? exclaimed incredulously the President they declared to have these camps, they declared to internate our citizens! What they have to check?

By the Majatran Union we could find more active support. proposed the Foreign Minister.

And after the support? Our citizens will be still deteined in Saridan! answered th e Prime Minister.

Mr Sarcosi is right! Saridan will free our citizens only if we will reppeal the embargo and the sanctions. And this is out of the question! Tomorrow I will meet the supreme council of defence: I want a mission plan in two days! Thank you at all.
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