A Battle Unseen

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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Kubrick » Mon May 29, 2017 12:22 am

8:01, board meeting room, headquarters of the SSA, Wiel, Kingdom of Vanuku.

"Obmé authorized this? Are you sure?" the Director-General said sharply, with a look of concern on his face. "Yes, sir, the Prefect said that at this hour Vanuku has only enemies as far as he is concerned. Cusham however was very hesitant and objected, and he seems to have convinced Obmé in settling for that monarchist alliance. But this plan here.. he insisted." said the senior officer, tapping on the stack of papers in front of him. The Director-General, a short barrel-chested man with short salt and pepper hair, simply nodded a few times. "Then I hereby authorize this operation, get it done, Zomers." he finally said. The senior officer inclined his head and turned out of the room, firmly holding onto the folder that simply read "Operation Sacrifice", an eery name for an eery domestic operation.

10:28, outside the residence of M. Yaroslavovich, Vrnésrtràp, MRSF.

Just as Leopold took a sip of his coffee the two men walked outside of the house. He quickly swallowed the hot bitter liquid and tapped his colleague Jeztri on the shoulder. "That's them, you know the drill, as obvious as possible." he said, getting back to his coffee. Jeztri nodded and started the black sedan before making a quick u-turn and following the car with the two Kazulian agents. They tailed them closely and during the ride Jeztri shook his head. "I don't get why they make us do this, Leo, we're just two muppets following two other muppets with the only intention of them seeing us, this is a fucking waste of time if you ask me." he spat out, before overtaking a car to get ever so slightly closer to the Kazulians. Leopold shrugged and answered, "The whole idea behind this is that they know we're here, Jez, we're not here to stop them, we're just here to fuck with them a little. As long as they know they can't go a single step without us breathing down their necks they won't really try to do shit that would anger us. Plus we got the van listening in on their safehouse so I suppose once they do start doing some weird shit we'd get a mem-" Before Leopold could finish he was rudely interrupted by a cellphone, the man sighed and picked it up. "Yeah? Right. Okay. Understood. Long live the King." he said, ending the call. Jeztri stared at him for a few seconds. "Well?" he asked, a curious look on his face. "They want to take out the entire Jelbanian leadership old school style with fucking guns and everything, bang bang going around like it's a warzone." Leopold said, shaking his head. "It's good we turned that guard of that Trigunian cunt, wouldn't have known without his well-placed bug in that room." he stated, quite frankly. Jeztri's eyes went big. "And Yaroslavovich agreed?" he asked. Leopold shook his head. "Old man wasn't there, it was that Karhu guy. But you know what this means, Jez, change of plans, higher ups do not want the Jelbanian big wigs taken out." Leopold said. Jeztri nodded, taking the first exit off the highway, ending the tailing of the Kazulian agents. Their mission had changed and they needed to await further orders from Wiel.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby colonelvesica » Mon May 29, 2017 9:01 pm

21:45, Presidential Suite; Onassus Hotel, Konstandia, Federation of Zardugal

Two people sat in the common room of the Presidential suite of the Onassus Hotel, considered Zardugal's finest and most luxurious hotel. On one hand, a relatively young woman in his late thirties sat in a suit of the finest make. He held a glass of Luthorian brandy in one hand, his suit jacket undone as he surveyed the woman across from him. It was an interesting dynamic, he privately admitted to himself, looking back that this scene had occurred almost exactly 70 years earlier. The difference was the family name and who had sat on which side of the table. Adrian Calstro was the grandson of Bruder Calstro, considered the FIA's most legendary and infamous special operator with the Special Affairs Unit. He himself had gone into intelligence, more or the analystic and command side, where as his grandfather was a career field officer. Adrian's mind had simply been geared to the bigger picture. That big picture thinking had taken him into the private sector where the Terran Intelligence Group has gained a reputation for results in the normally highly competitive world of Zardic private military contractors. What made the dynamic funny, especially to Adrian, was that the woman across from him was the great granddaughter of former President Lindsey Mozby, a President many on the Zardic right considered Zardugal's best President of the 42nd century.. and indeed one of the best Presidents in Zardic history, a mean feat considered her predecessors had been President Taylor Lee Murphy and Yasmin Won, two celebrated Presidents in their own right. Saria Mozby, was a woman only a few years his junior, but from all accounts she had prospered in the Zardic Intelligence community even after he had left. She was known Deputy Director of Majatran Affairs for the FIA, and was directly responsible for intelligence operations in Central Majatra, more specifically against the MRSF, no mean feat for a woman only 34. The irony of their positions hadn't been lost on her either. "I wonder if this is how your grandfather felt when he was being propositioned ZNSO's top job when my great grandmother offered it to him." She said with a smile. Adrian and Saria went back almost 30 years, having grown up together. If It wasn't for the fact he was in a very happy marriage many might have claimed he and Saria had had something between them.

"I have wondered that... and I hope your answer will be much the same as Bruder's was. He was the best at what he did, and if I can sit in Beleco at the Presidential Palace, there is no one I can think more qualified to lead the ZNSO then you and put Zardugal back where it belongs on the international stage. Even if I don't win, I'm hoping we can still arrange to get you at that job... you are by far the best for it."

Saria contemplated the thought. The Director of Zardic National Security Organization was one of the highest ranking, no elected or Assembly appointed, positions within the Zardic government. Strictly speaking it was an unofficial cabinet level position that answered only to the President of the Federal themselves, even if they advised the Ministers of Foreign and Internal Affairs, Defence, Science and Technology and Justice; not exactly a light portfolio. That was on top of being the top intelligence officer; leading Zardugal's myriad of intelligence organizations in Finance, Foreign and domestic intelligence and even supporting military intelligence when the time came. She truly wondered how Bruder Calstro had lasted 21 years at the top job within the Zardic Security and Intelligence Community; the average lifespan of a ZNSO Director was 4 years if they were lucky.

She nodded firmly. "You know I'll gladly take the job if I'm offered it."

Adrian smiled raising his glass in salute. "Then to the future of Zardugal!"
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Mon May 29, 2017 10:10 pm

10:58, road to the Tokhta Apartment Complex, Vrnésrtràp, Nemawar, MRSF Jelbania.

Åsmund noticed the car turning off onto the off-ramp, his suspicion of his environment intensified. “I need to care you to the house to meet everyone.” Tobias said looking at Åsmund’s facial expression. Åsmund’s attention was not centered on Tobias but was centered on the alleys, intersections and pavements as he scanned them out of suspicion. “Åsmund?” Tobias said concerned. “Sorry. I was just thinking about something.” Åsmund said to reassured Tobias. “Anyways, you are going to me people from Military Intelligence, Foreign Bureau and Undercover Strike Group. I also think there is a woman there from your agency as well.” Tobias explained. “After that I will introduce you to my superiors from information dominance.” Tobias concluded. Åsmund felt that something was not right with the deal he had just made, he felt as though he had compromised himself without him even knowing. To calm himself down and gear his mind to meet with the other operatives he centered on focusing on how he would be able to get the money needed to fund the Qujarc Horde.

The vehicle pulled up to a seemingly rundown, yet functioning, apartment complex. “This is it.” Tobias said as the two exited the vehicle and approached the apartment complex’s entrance. Upon entering the room they heard commands being dispensed by a male voice, “This is going to be a simple in and out,” commanded the voice of Daniel Underdahl, the mythical military intelligence officer, pointing out the approach of the planned operation to kidnap the Interior Minister’s chief adviser. Around him was a congregation of operatives from varying agencies of the intelligence community, from black operations to political actions. “This man does not use public transport. From what we know he is picked up at his home by a small motorcade and transported to the Interior Ministry through pre-planned routes. These routes constantly change because he is somewhat of a skeptic since he secretly orchestrates the secret police, controlling and overseeing its bloodshed, even cleaning up for them when necessary.” Daniel cracked his back, the logistical structure associated with simply planning the operation was having a major toll on his back. It would be hell for when it comes to when he has to organize the gradual toppling of the government.

When he turned he noticed Tobias and Åsmund at the door. “Come in, come in, and close the door behind you.” Daniel said. “Everyone this is Åsmund Manger, he comes from a special department in the Foreign Intelligence Service, and I know everyone knows Tobias.” Daniel announced. Åsmund was greeted to the personalities present in the room through a “tour” by Daniel. “This is Bernt and Lars, Hæren Spesialkommando (HSK), our resident multirole special operations people if you’d say.” He also gestured for the Head of the MSK contingent, Kasper to shake the hand of Åsmund, whom had maintained a smile throughout the ordeal. He moved towards the Military Intelligence Service contingent, “These are my people, Sven and Axel Strategic Reconnaissance Group, our resident strategic spies.” Daniel concluded before moving across to the Foreign Intelligence Service group, “Well these faces should be familiar, Iver and Dan, Special Political Actions Divison (SPAD),” to which Åsmund responded, “Yes they are.” He said, shaking both Iver and Dan’s hands. “Your resident juggernauts.” Daniel concluded before finally coming to the Information Dominance team, “Ketil and Tobias (as you know), work for the Information Dominance Agency (IDA), they are our resident Psychological warfare/psychologists specialists.” Daniel concluded, as he had come to the end of his brief tour.

“It should be of the interest of everyone, especially our Foreign Intelligence people, to know what new department of the Foreign Intelligence Service Åsmund works for.” Daniel asked. To which those in the room shook their heads in agreement. “I will let him introduce you to what he does,” Daniel concluded before stepping aside to allow for Åsmund to address the grouping. “Uhm...Hello everyone, I am Åsmund Manger, I work in the Foreign Intelligence Service’s “Bani” Unit. Whereas everyone here specializes in marine operations or strategic intelligence, I specialize in assassinations, abduction and torture. I am a chemical interrogator, meaning I wouldn’t mind using lye (potassium hydroxide) as a means of extracting information from you.” The faces of those in the group had turned serious, as they had noticed lethal nature of Åsmund. “I don’t want you all be afraid nor be intimidated by me, we are here for a common cause. However if you threaten me or you threaten to disrupt the execution of this common cause I have the authority to execute a witch-hunt of you and your family members (man, woman and child) and I do not intend on having any mercy.” Åsmund concluded before looking at the members of the group with their dumbfounded facial expressions. “Tomorrow we move to execute this plan, get a good nights’ rest and be ready for tomorrow.” Daniel concluded.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Kubrick » Tue May 30, 2017 2:10 am

13:50, old fish market square, Dauwerdamwijk, Prinsenaard, Kingdom of Vanuku.

A drop of sweat ran down his brow as he drove the car down the parallel street of the old market square. They were holding a little fair on the square, the theme being local wine and cheese with even some grape juice stands with candy for the young visitors. It was a sunny day and many people had flocked to the market square to attend this small event. In his bones Merlkai knew what he did was terrible. What he was doing now would kill respected elderly, good loyal citizens and innocent children. The thought of that tore him apart but he had a duty to King and country. His superiors had told him to do this and he had sworn absolute loyalty to the state and monarch. This was a sacrifice that had to be made. Merlkai looked to the person next to him. In the passenger seat was a corpse, a local drunkard that had died in the streets with no family to know or care. He had a neat hat and a set of sunglasses on but under his jacket was a suicide bomb vest. Merlkai swallowed deeply and parked the car behind a wine stand, pretending he was a part of the organization. The parking spot of the car was close to the busiest area and the road crossing people took to get onto the square across the semi-busy street that seperated it from the city centre. Merlkai put the car in neutral, turned off the engine and lights, took out the keys and started fiddling with the bombs on his silent and stiff friend. As soon as the first beep started he knew he had exactly two minutes to clear the area. As casual as ever, although with a heavy heart, Merlkai stepped out of the car, leaving the keys in the lap of his dead(ly) friend, and walked off into the city centre. At 13:55 he checked his watch and within a moment of doing so he heard a terrifying bang as the shockwave, even at this distance, smashed into his body. Chaos erupted and he could hear car alarms, sirens and screaming while a large plume of smoke rose up from the old fish market square. Merlkai knew his job was done but he was not sure if he was able to live with it. Within two minutes he had reported back to his superior, Commander Zomers of the SSA, confirming that his part in Operation Sacrifice has been completed as ordered.

19:41, SSA safehouse, Vrnéstràp, MRSF.

"Recalled? Are you serious? After all that? No. I will- You don't understand, you've read the report I sent through, right? Yeah. Then you must understand! The entire lead- Of course. I apologize. We will pack up and return." Leopold closed the satellite phone with frustration and threw it into a corner of the room. Jeztri silently sat in a comfortable chair observing the phone call. "Not the result we expected here, huh?" he asked his colleague. "Fuck 'em, Jez, they want us to return and take up a domestic operation. Something about a bombing in Prinsenaard and more to follow, they want us to get in on that. Fucking cunts." growled Leopold, seemingly unhappy with the change of affairs. "They don't even want us to stop these Kazulian cunts in killing the Jelbanian big wigs of the fucking commie superstate." Leopold spat out with an audible bitterness. Jeztri merely shrugged. "Why though?" he asked, curiously. "Apparently the circumstances have changed. Some kind of deal has been made, though they wouldn't even tell me what kind of deal. Don't suppose they will go public with it anytime soon. But as I said, Jez, fuck 'em. I'm not going home." Leopold said with solid determination in his voice as he walked over to the corner of the room to pick up the satellite phone he previously dropped. Jeztri knew better not to comment and just remained seated, observing his long-time brother in arms. A few number punches in and Leopold had someone on the line. "Sir, this is Wilhelmsrko. Yes sir, a secure line from location. I know we have been recalled sir, hence the call. Of course, sir. Have you read the report too, sir? Then you must understand, we can not. Please. My father, a last favour is all I ask, sir, after all he did. I know this order did not come from the top floor, nor the Prefect, they would never. I know, sir, I'm sorry. Thank you." Leopold lowered the phone with a sly smile on his face. "It's all about who you know in our homeland, Jez. The boss of our boss owes my father a few favours, long live the King and all that, he's canceled our redeployment as long as the Director-General does not parlay his parlayment of that particular order. Wiel bureaucracy and all that." Leopold said, his tone rather upbeat after all the depressing talk. Jeztri merely smiled at him. "So, two Vanukeans out in bumfuck Jelbania to try and protect some paranoid communist bureaucrats from Kazulian agents? Sounds like the stories we heard at the academy, Leo." Jeztri said with a big smirk on his face. Leopold merely nodded. "We need to get a full assessment on their detachment in this area plus what they got, even without the help of that Trigunian, they can't be the only ones here, just as we aren't the only ones here. Meanwhile, we will need some manpower too. Locals, SSA, I don't care, get it done. I'll get us some hardware. I think I know a guy who knows a guy.." Leopold rambled on, thinking out loud at the latter stages. The two agents went to work after that, both seeing to their own tasks. Operation Red Shield was an official go after the Director-General approved it.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Tue May 30, 2017 1:07 pm

08:17, The Ogeajia, Baofluz, Perimor, MRSF Jelbania.

Azi Baokndz (the Interior Minister’s Chief Adviser) was an ardent Queranzariah and saw it necessary that he kept his faith in order to maintain a human side to him, for what he has done in the past has made him none but human. He had pillaged the locals and backed them into a corner through his blood-lust suppression campaign, he had broken up families and tormented the weak and lame. He had thought to himself that through “liberating” the people from their wrongful state of mind, Akim would rescue him from his past and would bring him into heaven. Perhaps Akim’s answer would come in one form or another he constantly thought to himself. “Akim the great and powerful.” He said wiping his face with his hand. He looked back for a second to see his bodyguards, two situated at the front door and three in the back of the prayer hall. The massacres he had orchestrated in the past had caused him to be skeptic of the persons around him and his general environment, he had feared that the families of those whom he had murdered in the past would avenge them through killing him. Little to the knowledge of him, vengeance would come in an alternate form.

Åsmund, Daniel and Tobias walked into the player hall, saying “Good morning,” to the bodyguards at the door in pure Jelbic. Their movements were surprising normal, recognizing the fact that all three were concealing compact handgun on their persons. “Accept me into your arms Akim [The target is praying]” Daniel said in code, relaying it to the other teams through an earpiece. “For I am a sinner [target is confirmed to be Azi Baokndz]” he continued. Åsmund calmly scanned the room, noticing the three body guards in the back of the room and the persons surrounding them. He noticed Baokndz at the front of the prayer hall, deep in prayer. He moved to position himself a bit closer to him, but not too close that it would trigger suspicion in the bodyguards. “Take me away from this retched place, oh Akim [move in immediately].” Daniel concluded. Åsmund, Tobias, nor Daniel could pounce on the bodyguards and Baokndz. A grey van came driving down the road, with two joggers in tow on the pavement and stopped in front of the prayer hall. “Sir, do you know which way is to the market from here?” Sven, the driver of the van asked on the bodyguards outside. The body guard did not directly answer him, but gestured for Sven to drive off. “Sir, please I need to get to the market.” Sven tried again. The body guard finally answered, “I do not know,” the other bodyguard scanned the exterior features of the van, looking for any form of suspicion.

Suddenly Sven pulled out a silenced handgun, placing a bullet in the head of the bodyguard whom he was speaking to and another into the other bodyguard who was scanning the features of the van. Immediately, the joggers (Bernt and Lars) removed sub-machine guns (Uzi) which they were concealing underneath their sweat jackets, and bolted into the player hall with Sven, Axel and Iver, in tow with submachines in hand. Without hesitating, Åsmund leaped towards Baokndz, placing a gun to his head whilst Daniel and Tobias flipped around to aim their handguns at the bodyguards in the back. Before they could even raise their firearms to mount a response, Sven, Axel and Iver stormed in, training their weapon sights on the bodyguards. Shouting and chaos ensued within the prayer hall as the bodyguards hesitated to raise their guns in fear of being killed and as the other persons in the room shouted and screamed at seeing Baokndz with a gun to his head. Åsmund removed Baokndz gun from his person placing in his pants. “Put your weapons down!” Sven, Axel and Iver shouted to the three bodyguards. Out of compliance, the bodyguards slowly placed their weapons (assault rifles and handguns on the floor), whilst Tobias and Daniel were crowd control, trying to get the civilians to remain quiet.

Another van pulled up behind the grey van outside with Dan as the driver and Ketil in the passenger seat. Immediately Åsmund ran out of the prayer hall with Baokndz in tow, his gun still trained to his head. Sven, Axel and Iver followed suit push the bodyguards outside and rushing them into the second van, seating themselves among the bodyguards. Åsmund rushed Baokndz into the grey van, with Tobias and Daniel following right after. They closed the doors of the vans and sped off taking a hard right through an alley way. “Is everyone alright?” Daniel asked, as he panted heavily. “Yes, yes.” They responded. “Who are you people!?” Baokndz broke in shouting in a confused manner. “Shut down!” Åsmund responded, slamming the gun butt in his temple, knocking him out. “We are going to have to dispose of the bodyguards: Sven, Axel, Iver you know what to do.” Daniel said over the radio. Without a word, Sven, Axel and Iver aimed their weapons once more at the bodyguards, unloading their magazine on their targets. “Pull to the side here.” Ketil instructed Dan. They had pulled into a separate alley way, where they disposed of the bodies by placing them into a compost bin, driving off once it was done. “This is going to be on every news station in Baofluz,” Iver said over the raid. “No it wouldn’t,” Ketil and Tobias said simultaneously. “I’ll ensure my contact in state-media suppresses all attempts to get that news out.” Tobias concluded. The vans joined into a convoy, as they headed to the Foreign Intelligence Service’s safe house in the mountains.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Tue May 30, 2017 6:32 pm

9:02, Foreign Intelligence Service Safe-House, Baofluz, Perimor, MRSF Jelbania.

“I will be very lenient towards you and those other people, and your respective families if you let me go immediately.” Baokndz pleaded as he was stressed to a chair in a darkened room, speaking to nothing but its dark and hallow walls. “You have my word!” he continued, shouting in Jelbék. Suddenly the door opened and in came Åsmund with what appeared to be a glass bottle filled with a colourless solution (sodium hydroxide) and a bucket of water. It was clear that this chemical was extremely corrosive due to the fact that he wore splash protection and protective gloves. “Please, hear me out for a minute, I can grant you wishes far beyond your comprehension. If you only let me go, I can grant you gold, diamonds.” Baokndz pleaded. But Åsmund did not say a word, he simply placed the glass bottle on the floor in front of Baokndz and retreated to the darkness of the room’s corner. “Do you realize who I am?” Baokndz shouted. “It would serve you well if you release me immediately!” he shouted the more loudly. “I have been to be unfair in dealing with people like you!” he concluded before Åsmund made a step forward out of the corner.

“I am going to ask you one question and you will answer it in a way that I find pleasing. If you do not, I will not hesitate to rectally infuse sodium hydroxide into you.” Åsmund said with an emotionless face. He walked closer to Baokndz, taking up the glass bottle and unscrewing the cover. “Where do you store the money you pillaged from the locals?” Åsmund questioned. “I don’t know what you are talking about. I did not take money from the locals!” Baokndz shouted, spitting on the splash guard of Åsmund. Out of pure disgust Åsmund pured half of the bottle’s contents on Baokndz legs and “private region”, all in one stroke. “Ahhh!!!” Baokndz shouted in pain. Daniel and Iver who stood outside the room could hear the screams of Baokndz through the door. Immediately the sodium hydroxide began working on eating through Baokndz’s clothes and then skin tissue, causing small lesions on the legs and nearly frying his private region off.

“Please! Please! Make it stop! Please! I will tell you!!” Baokndz cried in agony. To reduce the acidity of the sodium hydroxide, Åsmund emptied the bucket of water on Baokndz’s now burnt legs. “Citizen Service Trust in Beleco, Zardugal, and the account is under the name Gershom Speyer account number 109-290-86-90. Now please let me go.” Baokndz pleaded, clearly in pain. “I have what I need, is there really a need for you anymore?” Åsmund questioned? “You bastard!” Åsmund removed the splash guard and the gloves, dropping them on the floor. He then removed his hand gun, removing the silencer from his shirt pocket. Screwing the silencer on the gun, he proceeded to train the sights onto Baokndz heart, and without hesitation to put about three bullets into Baokndz heart, leaving him to bleed out.

He opened the door looking at Daniel and Iver, “Citizen Service Trust in Beleco, Zardugal, the account is under the name Gershom Speyer, account number 109-290-86-90.” He concluded as he walked off, contemplating on what he had just done.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Wed May 31, 2017 11:06 am

08:12, Foreign Intelligence Service Safe-House, Baofluz, Perimor, MRSF Jelbania

We can’t get that close to them, he’s a high value target.” Daniel explained, leaning on the wall whilst the remainder of the crew listened. “We can’t ambush him because we run the risk of being compromised, what we did in the prayer hall was extremely risky. I do not intend on trying my luck at something like that stunt again.” He continued. “We wouldn’t be able to spin the story if we execute him via sniper.” He said before Åsmund broke in, “The only logical approach is through an explosive device, a bomb.” Åsmund began explaining, “From what Ketil and Tobias have told me, they can spin this to make it seem as though it were either the Temrkids or the Jeztris who detonated the bomb. These are the factions which work against the Red Claw Movement, the current government.” Åsmund concluded. “How are we going to go about getting into the building and planting this device? The building is a fortress, heavily armed guards in addition to that security cameras and identification cards. It would be virtually impossible to get into that building.” Bernt said worryingly. “We have Ketil and Tobias obtaining information on the temporary information technician programme in the Ministry. They bring in people from foreign countries to assist in setting up their information technologies systems. Some are replaced if they don’t appear to work or they call in “sick”.” Daniel resumed explaining. “Ketil and Tobias can work on the information, what we need is the device itself.” He said as he looked at Dan. “You are our resident explosives expert. Our choice of device is a telephone. The Minister receives many calls throughout the day. Rig the telephone so that we would be able to trigger the device via a cellphone, basically what I am asking you is to create an IED.” Daniel explained.

Sven, Axel, Åsmund and myself will head down to the Ministry once the identification cards have been completed, thereafter we will scope out the scene. Most likely we will try to get the make/model of telephone so that the IED version would look exactly like the original one.” Daniel continued, still looking at Dan, “I don’t want an explosion that would bring down the entire building, simply one that is small enough to engulf the Minister’s office.” Daniel concluded before turning to face Ketil and Tobias, “Are they finished?” he asked. “They need to be placed inside their packs and then they are done.” Tobias responded, sliding both Sven and Axel’s I.D cards into their clear cases. “We only created two, so that means that Sven and Axel, you will be going in.” Daniel said as he reviewed their realistic yet fake office I.D cards. “You two could pass as some Telamonians.” He pointed out, looking at the section marked nationality, which stated: Telmonia. “Alright let’s move, no guns today please people.” Åsmund commanded. Daniel shook his head in agreement recognizing the fact that technically Åsmund was the highest ranking field officer within the room, and it was his agency’s operation. The three left the safe house (with the I.D cards) and entered the car which usually comes with Foreign Intelligence Service safe houses and left.

So, how do I get into the office? Wouldn’t it be on like prohibited for persons to enter the Minister’s office?” Sven questioned as he thought about the operation. “Make something up.” Daniel responded. “That doesn't really help you know.” Sven replied. “It wasn't supposed to help,” Daniel concluded in a condescending tone. Very soon they had arrived at the Ministry building. “Go in, speak to the receptionist and she would guide you from there. From here on keep communications between us on a low.” Daniel concluded before allowing Sven and Axel to leave the vehicle and walk up the ministry’s stairs into the building. In the lobby Sven and Axel proceeded to the receptionist. “How could I help you sirs?” she said would a warm, reassuring smile. “Uhm...We are the technicians called in to work on some of the electronics in the building.” Sven said whilst Axel showed the receptionist their I.D cards. She meticulously reviewed the cards before handing them back to Axel. “You take the elevator on head to the 15th floor and the person at the floor will guide you from there on.” She concluded before pointing to the elevator which stood adjacent to the reception desk. “Thank you.” Sven replied before walking with Axel into the elevator.

We are in.” Axel said through his earpiece to Åsmund and Daniel who were waiting around the corner for the two to complete the mission and exit the building. “Good.” Daniel replied. Upon reaching to the 15th floor the two were greeted by a woman who seemed stressed beyond comprehension. “Good morning, Are you the technicians?” she asked seeing their I.D cards for a brief second. “Yes, we are.” Sven responded. “Great! Please come with me.” The woman shouted in joy, pulling the two towards the Minister’s office. She pulled them pass the sentry who stood in front of the Minister’s office door. Sven and Axel had noticed that the Minister who not present, making the situation a bit better. “He complains about constant lagging in the computer and often threatens someone to fix it. I’m tired of them the threats, could you fix it?” she said pointing towards the desktop which sat on the Minister’s desk. “Yes we can, but do you mind me taking it back to the office with me. I will bring it back tomorrow as soon as possible.” Sven responded in that stipulation. “Yes, do whatever you must, just bring it back before the minister returns. That’s around mid-day tomorrow.” She concluded.

Sven took the CPU whilst Axel took the monitor, leaving the keyboard and the mouse behind. “What company do you work for again?” the woman asked. “Tekniskt Träd, it’s a Telamonian company.” Axel responded. “How are you able to speak Jelbék?” she continued questioning. “We learn't the language for some years now. We were working for the Jelbanian branch of the company when the government publicly traded it.” Axel responded quickly. “Alright, just once the computer is fixed, I can get that old slag out of my ears.” She concluded before guiding the two out of the office and to the elevator. Upon exiting the building, Daniel and Åsmund pulled up in the car, “Why do you two have those in your hand, were supposed to get the features of a telephone.” Daniel questioned as to why the two had parts of a desktop in the hands. “I have a plan!” Sven said entering the vehicle with Axel in tow. “I think Dan, with the help of Ketil and Tobias could do something with this.” Sven concluded before the car drove off into the direction of the safe house.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Wed May 31, 2017 3:52 pm

11:05, Foreign Intelligence Service Safe-House, Baofluz, Perimor, MRSF Jelbania

“Now listen to how this works.” Tobias explained to the group around him. “This desktop is one which requires the Monitor to be turned on first and then the CPU in order to start it up.” He began demonstrating with a picture of the original desktop. “So the target presses the monitor button, sees the orange light turn green (meaning the monitor is one). Then he turns on the CPU with this button.” He said whilst pointing the CPU’s on button. “When it is on there are three light which light up green to show that the electronics inside the CPU are functional.” He lifted the bomb-rigged CPU and Monitor on the table which stood at the center of the room. “With this one, the target puts on the monitor (sees the green light) and then presses the button on the CPU. Immediately, once the button is pressed, a signal is sent to the IED inside which triggers it to explode in a faction of a second.” He continued. “To ensure that the target is decapitated, the monitor has been rigged with a much smaller bomb. With the original when the CPU dies the monitor turns off. So with this one, when the CPU explodes the monitor explodes, causing a secondary explosion. There is no gap between when these two bombs will go off, as soon as the CPU bomb goes off, the monitor bomb goes off with it.” Tobias concluded, making room for Dan to explain what he had done.

“I have used a small 60mm mortar for both the CPU and the Monitor. Since the monitor is a CRT monitor, I was able to fit it in the back.” Dan explained, pointing to the back of the monitor. “Now, as previous mentioned, this going off is based on whether the computer is turned on.” He continued. “These duel explosion would kill him and anyone in its immediate range. Since the CPU is on the floor, the explosion will form a hole underneath the minister’s office floor.” He looked at Sven and Axel, “Be careful with these, please! Do not drop it!” he stressed. “Alright, alright.” Sven reassured. “Alright everyone let’s go!” Daniel shouted ordering everyone to get into the vans parked outside. The van kept a tight convoy, from the highway and into the city. Upon arriving at the Ministry building once more, Daniel turned around to face Sven and Axel, “Don’t make this hard, in and out as I always say.” To which Sven responded, “The story of your life.” Before exiting the van with the CPU in hand, and Axel in tow with the monitor. They carefully walked up the stairs and into the building. “Could you open the elevator door please?” Axel asked the receptionist whom he had spoken to the day before.

“Sure, what floor are you going to?” she responded walking over the two to open the elevator door. “Fifteenth” Axel replied, as she pressed the button to the 15th floor. “This is for the Minister isn’t it?” she questioned. “Indeed.” Axel responded. “Alright, at least he’ll stop complaining since it’s fixed.” She concluded. “Yes, certainly he will.” Axel concluded before the elevator door closed and the shaft went to the 15th floor. The rest of the crew had set up in an abandon apartment in view-able distance of the Ministry of Interior building. “Are you in?” Daniel questioned whilst Åsmund look through a pair of binoculars, starring at the Minister’s office window. From the binoculars he could see that the desk was positioned in front of the window, a fortunate arrangement of the room indeed. They met the same woman whom they had met the day before, presumably the Minister’s personal secretary. “Is it fixed?” she asked, hoping for a “yes”. “Yes it is.” Axel replied. “What was the problem?” she questioned. “Uh...The CPU had to be cleared, it was doing too many things at the same time. Thus causing the lag.” He explained. “Very well, he will be returning very soon so please set it up.” He guided them to the door. The sentry opened the door for them and walked in with them. Axel and Sven “hooked up” the keyboard, mouse and internet back up to the computer and then plugged it into the electrical outlet, but they made sure not to turn it. “I have eyes on them.” Åsmund said as he saw Sven and Axel through the window via the binoculars.

Sven and Axel, left the room with the room with the sentry in tow. “Could you tell the Minister to turn on the computer to check if it is working?” Sven told the woman before entering the elevator with Axel. “Uh…Sure thing, Thank you!” she shouted before the shaft door closed and elevator went back down to the lobby. “We’re out, we need ex-filtration now.” Sven said in a hushed voice over the earpiece. Immediately Bernt and Lars rushed out of the apartment and entered into one of the vans, speeding off to retrieve Sven and Axel. Suddenly, a motorcade turned up in front of the building. Axel looked at his watch to relieve that the time was 12:00 noon. “The Minister is here.” He whispered to Sven. “The Minister is here,” he said over the earpiece. The Minister marched up the stairs and into the building shadowed by roughly six bodyguards. Upon the arrival of Bernt and Lars in the van, Sven and Axel entered, and without hesitation, Bernt sped off back to the abandoned apartment. “Yes! Successful!” Sven shouted upon entering the apartment. “Not yet, we still have to wait for him to trigger the device.” Daniel said whilst looking through the binoculars which Åsmund was previously using.

They had waited for a proper ten minutes, until, “He’s in the office!” Daniel shouted, grabbing the attention of everyone to the window. “The secretary is there…she is showing him the computer…” Daniel announced, holding everyone at suspense. “He’s reaching for the CPU button!” Immediately after that was announced a bang was heard as it echoed throughout the city, followed by a secondary explosion. Through the binoculars, Daniel could see the 15th floor in ruins, the Minister’s office destroyed. Screams and car alarms could be heard wailing in the distance due to the relative loudness of the explosion. Smoke could be seen raising from the site. “And so the work begins.” Daniel thought to himself, with that completed he could now move to execute the Military Intelligence Service’s plan on destabilizing Jelbania. The group left the apartment, speeding off with the vans.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby colonelvesica » Wed May 31, 2017 4:40 pm

10:45 Office of the Director of the Zardic National Security Organization, Beleco, Federation of Zardugal

All things considered Saria had to admit she did have a nice office. The ZNSO Director had a corner office in the Presidential Palace however she actually worked out of the Augusta Federal Building down the street. The Augusta Federal Building was the nerve centre of the ZNSO and was considering the most secure building in the capital outside of the Presidential Palace itself; it made sense being the de-facto center of the entire Zardic Security and intelligence apparatus.

Saria herself sat on the 8th floor with a direct line of sight of the Presidential Palace. She uttered the slightest of laughs. The perks of the job did not outweigh the responsibilities; the monumental pile of paperwork on her desk proved as much, a staggering point considering her digital pile was just as if not even more staggering. She had had an inkling of what she was in for when she accepted the top job, but she was gaining an ever increasing respect for her predecessors; how Bruder Calistro had ever done this job for 20 years on top of having a family was utterly at this point beyond her.

Still it was her job until at least 4222 and the next Presidential elections so she fully intended on beginning the task thay was laid out for her... and speaking on which, a knock on her door breaking her from her slight break.

"Enter." She said said turning back to the door. In strode Aleksander Kelsino; the Director of the Federal Intelligence Agency. "Alek a pleasure as always have a seat."

The FIA Director shook her hand and sat down. She knew with our even having to say anything it was still somewhat awkward between them; up until a fee months ago he had been her boss, now the dynamic had flipped in the most spectacular way and she was in the big seat. He hadn't yet let it affect their working relationship, but she could tell he was still getting used to it. "I understand Ma'am that this meeting technically never happened."

She nodded. "That's exactly right Director. You and I both know the monumental threat that the MRSF presents to the Federation and our need to have eyes, ears and boots on the ground. Unfortunately the Administration think it's too much of a risk to deploy official assets. I worry that the President had underestimated how much of a risk the MRSF is posing."

Kelsino nodded. The one thing to his credit was that he had been her close superior as she has risen through the ranks. He had a healthy appreciation for her unconventional mind and didn't need to have a picture painted for him to understand the point she was driving at. "I get where your coming from. Were you thinking Jelbania or Jakania."

She smiled and replied. "Yes."

He chuckled. "I should have known. I'll see if we can make any arrangements and see what we have in the ground in terms of unconventional assets of NOCs."

"Excellent.. get it done Alek."

He nodded and departed a moment later. Saria went back to think after her one time superior left. This was but the first step... hopefully it wouldn't be the last.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Auditorii » Wed May 31, 2017 6:16 pm

Minister of Foreign Affairs Office, Noversk, Vallosta Region, Dolgavia

Minister-President Visvaldis Ezernieks, Minister of Foreign Affairs Agris Upeslacis, Minister of Defense Andulis Mazkalnins, General Commander Lt. Gen. Arijs Freibergs and another man sat around the office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs discussing the future of the Grand Duchy, the State Secretary for Ducal Affairs had joined them shortly after the meeting had started. "We've yet to receive a positive response from the Trigunians, we all know that the Kazulians want us for our resources...as does half the world." Minister of Foreign Affairs Agris Upeslacis spoke, he pointed out the obvious geopolitical advantages of Dolgavia which from years of mismanagement they had been protected due to incompetency during the Republic of Dolgaria-era. The meeting had been called off schedule so the men could speak frankly, officially they were all in various other meetings but they clearly weren't. "What about that monarchist alliance or whatever they are calling it...that Vanuku is spearheading?" Minister of Defense Mazkalnins asked. "Eh, we'll see where that one goes. No one is really sure and the recent moves by Vanuku show them cozying up to those fucken communist." the Minister of Foreign Affairs spoke with a noticeable choler in he voice. "Progressives here, Communist there, Socialism down there. They're fucken everywhere." The Minister of Defense sipped his vodka and shook his head. If there was one thing that these men shared in common, it was their disdain for communism or socialism in any form. Ironically enough, they believed in the Conservative version of social welfare, but they swore that it was not Socialistic or Communistic, they called it nationalism.

"There is another." The figure who was standing in the corner thumbing through papers. The small gathering turned to him, his voice carried weight that's for sure even the Minister-President turned his attention to him. "Zardugal." The men stepped from the metaphorical shadows and the General Commander smiled. "They're fucken everywhere aren't they?" The General Commander chuckled, then stood and shook the mans hand. "Gentlemen, this is Leopold Karl von Desidier. His titles are far too long to speak about, but he's been a close friend of ours for quite sometime. The Minister-President stood and walked over to the man and shook his hand, he thanked him for his support and the man nodded. "We could play Kazulia and Trigunian off of each other and work to build our relations with Zardugal, they have a far more open defense industry then anyone else. We could benefit greatly from purchases of their equipment. I can use my contacts in various organizations and place ourselves in the good graces of the Zardic's." The man finished speaking, his sipped his chilled whisky and awaited a response. The Minister-President, who was now standing, nodded. "Then it is done. Make the arrangements Herr Desidier."
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