A Battle Unseen

General outlets, headlines and feeds.

Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby TRA » Wed Dec 21, 2022 11:19 pm

A Beach in Kalopia

11 September 5229,
8:34 p.m.

"They're looking for you".


Skeptical, his hands in his pockets, gazing at the horizon. Some say he looked troubled, but he really wasn't. Almost nothing really affected him. A nihilist neutrality to his demeanour from an early age, perhaps. Trained in the mysterious arts of mystery. For a goddamn plan across the thousands of years.

"We'll be dead, it doesn't matter", he said blatantly. Like discussing the weather.

"For the greater good for all, remember?", she asked.

"Makes my blood boil."

"They'll pay".

"No Hera", he turned around to look at her. Her silky dark hair annoyingly gorgeous. Her face, just annoying. "They'll perish".
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby hyraemous » Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:24 pm

Office of the State Security Unit of Kundrati
Northeastern Peghonai, Kundrati - 17-18 January 5241

"I can see why Bojar Bojarevic loves this lobster. It tastes wonderful. Makes me want to not go ham on this guy." an agent commented as he stares into his binoculars towards a medium sized mansion.

The mansion in question was next to the Livenian Sea in northeastern Peghonai, surrounded by tall walls, a road, it's own dock and beach and shades which were closed in the mansion itself. Clearly, someone rich had been living here for a while. Some people went and left the house over the last few months the house was monitored in. The reason for this house being monitored? Lobster.

While this was going on the Kundrati Navy's Coast Guard had sent three patrol ships around the general area. They often went past the house but never stopped in it - they were also a fair bit far away, to try to prevent alarm inside the mansion... so who was inside this mansion anyway to warrant this much attention? Bojar Bojarevic.

Bojarevic, codename Ezic, was originally a investor in the Kasaema Stock Market and had earned some good money during his time in Kasaema, enough to buy that mansion. He was a millionaire, though he invested in more small scale companies over the years which made him more unknown than other investors. He had many millions stashed up, however, in case of a "rainy day". This house was owned by a shell company linked to him and had recently gotten a few 3D printers which would come in handy incase they needed to, say, defend themselves...

Members of the Kundrati State Security Unit (KSSU) had prepared for raiding this house - after all, Ezic had been caught funneling money towards Malivian Ordosocialist groups with the aim of causing terrorism internationally. It was in Beityenu that a bombing took place which killed many people this year, which gave the justification they needed to arrest him. There were 35 people inside the house including Ezic.

So on 10 January, the operation was greenlit by Kasaema to move in and arrest the people inside the house for questioning. The three patrol ships stopped moving along the coast and began to move near the house in question to monitor and provide backup if need be. A SWAT team with dedicated armored vehicles would move in alongside police to surround the building and the KSSU would provide intelligence about the mansion - not much, as it turned out as the rental listing for the mansion was taken down before the house began to be monitored.

A week later, on 17 January, the chess pieces were all set up and begun to move at 2am that morning. Within moments of SWAT and police approaching the house in question, lights inside the mansion were visible and the windows were opened at the front. They fired on the police and SWAT, who had to retreat. The OrdoSocs continued to fire from inside the mansion before stopping, which gave the police a chance to approach. The KSSU communicated the fact that shots were fired to the three naval patrol ships outside, which began to move in closer.

The police got as close as towards the front wall and tried to rush inside, but they were fired upon. One officer managed to make it through, however, and tried to get in by himself - he managed to get inside the lawn and even inside the houses' front patio but was shortly shot dead, the body being placed in the front gate. The SWAT team and police retreated for the moment, which was when two OrdoSocs tried to escape through the private beach towards the dock and onto a ship. The Naval ships noticed this soon after and as the private ship approached the navy ships they were fired upon after lights were shone upon the ship's general area. The two OrdoSocs were rescued and were treated somewhat for now for their wounds, though they were indeed captured.

By 3am, more OrdoSocs would attempt escapes this way and towards the street in front, though they were soon caught and arrested as more SWAT and police teams - even a helicopter - approached the scene. Orders to surrender to the mansion were given out by police but escapes would become more and more rare - by 7am nobody else had attempted an escape and those who did were caught by either the Navy or SWAT teams.

It was morningtime now and there began negotiations for a peaceful surrender - indeed it was confirmed Ezic was inside the house, and there were news stations that began to arrive in the area, but they were told to stay back and to wait for further information. The OrdoSocs wanted to move to a foreign country more amienable to their cause though this was rejected. The police ordered the release of any children that were inside - the KSSU confirmed only a small amount of children (likely Ezic's) were inside, and the OrdoSocs refused. By 9am negotiations were getting nowhere and the KSSU ordered the arrested to be sent to police stations around the state and country for further questioning.

It was then that the OrdoSocs began to fire towards the helicopter which responded back with fire from their side. It was unknown by this point of the casualties inside the mansion - the OrdoSocs didn't request medical assistance - but it was clear some of them were indeed dead. Unfortunately for the helicopter, they would find out themselves when the OrdoSocs managed to kill the driver of the helicopter, and in attempting to regain control crashed towards the backyard of the mansion. The police members escaped though they were soon captured by the OrdoSocs. Negotiations restarted again, gunfire ceased. and a new request was demanded by the OrdoSocs: time on the air. The request was soon granted, though media were soon ordered not to broadcast the tape on pain of severe penalties.

The tape was of the three policemen who were in the helicopter being shown with a bloodied wall behind them. A OrdoSoc member spoke and ordered that the police leave them alone and that what they did in Beiteynu was no less different to what Kundrati had been doing to their cause for decades. They further demanded that Kundrati break ties with Beiteynu and the TRA and allow Ordosocialist politicians to run for office without harassment by the KSSU. The policemen were then told to say goodbye to their families and to repeat their demands, before the tape suddenly ended at the third policeman.

The tape was not played except in the municipality where the mansion was located and only for a short period. It was unknown to this point what happened to those policemen, but gunshots weren't detected inside the mansion.

Negotiations continued for the rest of the day and indeed children were released from inside the house though they were taken to the police station for questioning. The OrdoSocs wanted a medical team this time as it was confirmed out of the 35 that 10 had escaped (4 by sea and the rest by land) and been captured, 2 were released (the children), 8 were dead and 7 injured. An ambulance was indeed sent and took 2 of the 7 injured, and a hearse arrived to also take 2 of the 8 dead, but the rest were refused treatment.

At 10pm however gunfire resumed from the OrdoSoc side this time towards the KSSU house itself, which was left alone until Ezic and his fellow leaders realized their surveillance use. The houses fired towards each other and Ezic himself took a gun and fired towards the lower half of the house. The firefight continued for two hours and leaked onto the 18th of January, when police were ordered to do a general assault on the house, this time involving the navy. Two navy patrol ships were sent while one stayed back, now containing all of the captured that tried to escape through the seas. The two patrol ships moved in and approached, the naval patrol soldiers storming the mansion's backyard at 1am - at the same time SWAT and police breached the walls and tried to storm the house. Tear gas began to be used towards the house after the KSSU commander finally allowed it, this was fired on the windows. The gunfire continued but at a lower intensity from the OrdoSoc side as both police and SWAT, and the naval patrol, stormed both sides of the house with gas masks on, approaching the upstairs.

It was in this fight that Ezic attempted to take his own life by firing at himself towards the chest, however in the disorientated self that he was after the tear gas, he mistakenly fired towards his left shoulder. He threw his gun towards the window and the gun fell to the grass. The rest of the OrdoSocs tried to defend themselves, now less than 10 left including Ezic, but by then it was all over - all of them were detained.

In the end, out of the 35 OrdoSocs which were inside the house: 10 had escaped and been captured, 2 were released, 15 were dead and 8 were injured including Ezic. The injured were to be sent to military hospitals for further treatment but they would be questioned. The two children were to be placed in the foster care system after being questioned.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby hyraemous » Mon Jan 23, 2023 3:08 am

18 September 5245, 22:47
Lirnak, Kundrati Union

Lirnak citizens went through an eventful day, the passing of the GRA, massive protests, the military siezing power through an armed coup, the collapse of the government and the proclamation of a new government composed of the Junta and it puppets from the UKM, KD, and NR. Everyone hoped that the situation would calm down, unfortunately their hopes were soon to be crushed. In the middle of the night, everyone was awakened by the sound coming from their radio, they heard the familiar voice of Max Hofman and Isabella Lisbonia, the two hosts of the Harmonist People's Radio, at first everybody hoped that the HPR is gonna announce the end of the coup, but in a weird twist of fate that only the universe knows about, isabella announced that the National Salvation Army is gonna invade Lirnark and Pligon and ordered to everyone to resist the NSA and to evacuate the city by following the emergency evacuation lines traced by the Harmonist Resistance Army, the PHP armed paramilitary organization.

Will Kundrati's democracy and people survive this bloody coup?

[Article written by PHP Kundrati]
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby XanderOne » Wed Jan 25, 2023 4:01 pm

25 January 5247, 11.12 a.m.
LHD Aquila sailing towards the Kundrati waters,
southern South Ocean

Finally also the helicopter with the division general Count De Adam and the Squadron admiral Silvana Polidori on board had finally landed on the Aquila and also them reached the commanding officer's quarters where there where already present the division admiral Mattia Arena, the air brigadier general Alessandra Calefi, the air force lieutenant colonel Stefano Leoni, the brigadier general Tiziano Sgarbi (Defense Intelligence), Domenico Sangiorgi (AIDIE, foreign intelligence agency), the Colonel of the Army Marianna Barbieri (Defense Staff), Army Corps General Giovanni Voiello (Defence Staff), and then Admiral Alberto Cantalamessa, Chief of Defense Staff.

"very well, finally we are all" the Chief of Staff welcomed them.

"What a wheater!" exclaimed general Count De Adam as he unzipped his field uniform jacket. In fact, the ship rocked dramatically, the portholes were lashed by the rain and were frequently illuminated by lightning.

"alas it was necessary to meet as soon as possible" the Chief of Staff spread his arms.

"with everything that's going on we need to take matters into our own hands!" General Voiello placed some glass glasses with a polygonal base on the table in the middle of the room, which he held skilfully with all the fingers of both hands so as to satisfy all the throats with some "fil de ferru" (trivenditan home made distillate) kindly offered by the very trivenditan Admiral Arena.

"The Prime Minister... has already made the matter clear with our allies" Colonel Barbieri replied, catching her breath after the second sip of the clear distillate.

"I really hope that the "professorino" (egghead) has enough balls to put them all in line" exclaimed lieutenant colonel Leoni contemptuously refering to the Prime Minister.

"You don't necessarily need balls" General Calefi retorted chuckling. She then downed the rest of the distillate.

"in any case" Admiral Cantalamessa spoke up as soon as he too drained his glass "I think we all agree that we will have to take over the direction of operations in Kundrati as soon as possible, where we are redeploying our forces from Malivia"

"what a shame in Malivia" General Voiello shook his head, draining his glass.

"the crisis in Kundrati broke out on our hands overnight!" colonel Barbieri intervened "We found ourselves overnight without the entire Kundrati contingent in Malivia, all the plans had to be redone, we had to postpone operations that were vital"

"Are you going to deny that there were several issues in all the organization?" retorted Voiello "do you want to deny that someone has gone too far this time? We relied on the information of the legitimate Government, the Beiteyneuses on the other hand agreed... and what happened? 3500 soldiers death! Don't to talk about the political consequences in Beiteynu"

"And now there is Likatonia too that can't even tell us how many troops they are going to send" added Admiral Polidori in consternation.

"I hope all these "gentlemen" have understood that OUR pilots will be in the skies over Kundrati and soon OUR soldiers will also be on the field" General Calefi also commented.

"And if we can't count on reliable informations we risk hitting a school or a hospital instead of military posts" added admiral Polidori.

"AIDE and the military intelligence are already on the spot collecting information" Mr Sangiorgi intervened "but... the Kundrati services are left with few resources, many agents killed, zero logistics, and what's more the putchist forces have taken the control of telecommunications and their SIGINT installations"

"sir" general Voiello turned to admiral Cantalamessa "the Arturo Gabriele II has re-embarked the medical personnel and is making a route to Istalia, let's redirect it to Beiteynu: we load it with Beiteynese troops and vehicles and send them to Kundrati! Let's amass forces, send them against those sons of bitches, crush them and put the government's ass back in charge of the country"

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in contact with our embassy in Yishelem" Colonel Barbieri resumed "we are trying to evaluate the situation, politically the government has come out quite shaken and many in their parliament seem to be questioning military operations"

"We will make return the Arturo Gabriele II to Istalia, attack helicopters, armored vehicles and amphibious landing troops will be embarked" the Chief of Staff cut short.

"nostru uòmunu, ca canussciunu u mestieri!" exclaimed in strict trivenditan admiral Arena ("Our men! Who known their trade")

"okay, but since the whole Pact is redirecting its forces into Kundrati, here we need to establish a central, unified command led by US!" general Voiello continued "the only thing that Likatonians, Kundratis, Beiteyneses, Selucians... all of them, the only thing they shall say is "yes sir!""

"and we must convince Dundorf to act also in Kundrati" added General Calefi "they cannot just close the borders and welcoming refugees! We need bases in Dundorf, if we could use bases also in Dundorf we will halve the duration of the conflict"

"The Prime Minister has already pointed out the need for a central command, clearly with us at the top, you can rest assured, General" replied Colonel Barbieri "and the Foreign Ministry is getting in touch with Dundorf about the matter"

"The Prime Minister must not only let it be understood, he must say it and demand it! Here we are the ones who are deploying the bulk of the weapons, the bulk of the artillery, the missiles, our ships, our planes... and I think not must mention OUR men, men who... one of ours is worth ten of theirs"

"The Prime Minister is well aware of it general" Colonel Barbieri replied again "the whole Pact is not making a good impression"

"he had to point out to the Pact that without our weapons, without our air cover, without the arms and ammunition that we are sending to Kundrati, even 50 thousand, 100 thousand, 300 thousand men would only be cannon fodder"

"general, calm down" the Chief of Staff intervened "we as the Prime Minister are aware of all this and the Prime Minister is also worried because of how the Pact will evolve"

"if everyone really wants this coalition, alliance, or call it what you like... let everyone make up their minds to have our military advisors teach them how the fuck to wage war"

"For the moment, however, we have to deal with the one in Kundrati" Colonel Barbieri intervened again, bringing everyone's attention back to the present.

"we have to offer air cover on Keita" then the general of division Conte De Adam took the floor "we have to hit the enemy artillery and take out the armored units, if Keita falls we will only be able to keep the island and if that happens... really Likatonia will have to send us all his army"

"Yes... good cannon fodder for a landing" Admiral Arena chuckled.

"I will be in Likatonia next week" General Sgarbi spoke up "I will meet their General Staff: they must tell us exactly what they can and want to send us"

"and let them do it quickly!" General Voiello almost growled.

"yes" nodded Colonel Barbieri "we have to quickly turn the tide of the conflict in Kundrati, the Prime Minister wants to put everyone back with his ass firmly in the saddle and proceed quickly in unison, and shake off all the shit that rained on the head of the Pact in the last months"

"proceed in unison in Kundrati and even after, as mentioned, if we really take the next step with the Pact, they take it into their heads that they learn from us and let us organize military matters, tell this the Prime Minister by returning to Romula, sir" Voiello said to the Chief of Staff.

"I won't find him when he gets back: he will be "discreetly" flown to Beiteynu to speak with their government. He should stay there until the 2nd and..."

Suddenly the room tilted to the side and made the glasses slide on the surface of the table forcing all the officers to try to stop them from falling while trying to grab the fixed fornitures to hold on.

"cristu! Iera granni" Admiral Arena muttered through clenched teeth in trivenditan (Jesus Christ! It was a big one), then went over to the intercom while the ship was recovering trim and called the bridge asking for information.

"The sea is getting bigger, the meteorological control has said that the hurricane is increasing in intensity but that it is deviating towards the east: it will hit Likatonia at force 5, especially Pirland" Arena reported to the others.

"great!" general Voiello exclaimed sarcastically "we just need the Hurricane to hit Likatonia, so they didn't even send us half a soldier"

"by how much do they suggest to deviate?" asked the Chief of Staff.

"60/70 degrees to the west, they suggest to sail along the Malivian coast, the Pirland channel will be impassable and Keymon too will soon be in the eye of the storm"

"mmm... better review all our flight plans then" Admiral Cantalamessa commented to himself.

"perhaps it would be better for you to leave within two hours admiral, also the Sagitta will probably be slowing down to avoid running into the hurricane: we risk finding ourselves too far away for the helicopter's flight range" admiral Arean was referring to the frigate which further south would have had the admiral's helicopter refueled to continue the journey to Selucia from where he would then take a flight to Italy.

"damn... then better move to the CCO and start seeing the tactical situation in detail"

Continuing to hold on so as not to be tossed about by the increasingly agitated sea, all the officers agreed and left the room, sliding along the walls, occasionally changing sides according to the ship's inclination.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby TRA » Mon Feb 13, 2023 8:56 pm

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beiteynu

7 July 5256,

She'd been a typist for the better part of a century. Baruch called her a "bureaucratic programmer". She smirked at the thought. How silly.

The door opened and the classic ensemble of diplomatic floor clacking on hard wooden government floors ensued. The "clackers". She smirked again. Yona, control yourself, she thought and cast away all silliness as the delegations entered the room and aligned around the table. Some exotic figures, from lands unguarded in the fairy tales of the middle-east. Some gunslingers, who looked ready for a fight, although they looked like lawyers. Kafuri, Solentian, Istalian. Then finally, Mrs. Aristocrat, the classic lady with the pearls, a short figure, by any standards, looking humble and fragile, of seemingly great age.

The doors closed, everyone sat down and the niceties began. Some bloodshot looks here and there, nothing out of the ordinary. Quite common for these types of benevolent conferences happening halfway around the world. Carrots and sticks. Cat and mice. She almost smirked this time.

Her fingers were hard on the typewriter. It was a reflex. Like he said, a bureaucratic programmer. Wished she had a cigarette just about now.

A deep low voice emanated from the man to the left.

"Position of Jamahiriat al-Qalb is amenable...", yada yada. Type type type.

Eliana Aristocrat's squeaky voice, yet again, "as we carefully consider all the remarks from all sides...". Blah blah blah. Sure.

But she almost faltered, when a man entered silently from the sidedoor to Yona's left. No, the other left. He fit none of the stereotypes, but more like a swift breeze bringing you to the point of shivering, but not quite. He leaned to the Istalian delegator and whispered things, "...instability...something...invade...something". Yona's natural typewriting survival reflexes kicked in, telling her to disregard whatever she may or may not have heard. After all, she'd been in these situations countless times. Ah, Baruch's sad tale, that she remembered.

The man caught her dead in the eye as he sat on a chair underneath the window, away from the table. A cold hard look from the Agency's GD. Hell no.

Then the moment was over.

"Might I interject by entertaining the possibil...".

Back to the listening-everything-but-hearing-nothing-typing.

Gosh, a cigarette would be nice just about now.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby TRA » Mon Feb 13, 2023 10:00 pm

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beiteynu

7 July 5256,

He watched stoically as Eliana poured vinegar on an already heated conversation. Bold, or just plain stupid?

His phone vibrated.

"Kundrati signed with Dorvik", the encrypted text read.

His face drained.

"Sit tight. Do nothing. Freeze TS on Kun HQ. Switch to PV comm 3.", he felt like he was on fire, but underwater.

And immediately understood they'd pay him a final visit, soon.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby ReformedEndralon » Tue Feb 14, 2023 12:58 pm

The International 5* Hotel in Yishalem

12 December 5256

The three men sat on the sofas in a quiet corner of the hotel bar. It had been a long day. Their smart suits were crumpled, and they’d clearly been enjoying a bit too much whiskey. For such an open environment they were not guarded in their language, betraying the years of friendship, even hardship, that linked the three men. They looked slightly out of place. Not the usually Artanian luxury tourists or businessmen, these men were darker, their features betrayed them as Majatrans, perhaps from the islands of Badara, maybe from Kafuristan. No their Majatran dialect gave them away, officials from Solentia.

“So, have you spoken to the General”, enquired the oldest, a grey bearded bespectacled portly man.

“Yes, yes, straight from the front line, he risks his life unnecessarily”, exclaimed a younger colleague.

“And that is why he is the best option. He is popular with the men, with the Istalians, he can govern”, responded the first man.

“These talks are going nowhere, it is a waste of time”, added the third shorter man.

“So, what shall we do? How do we provoke a reaction from the others? We need Istalia, Kafuristan and others to destroy the terrorists”

“There is another path. The terrorism has been contained to Solentia, why don’t we explore the Emir option?”, added the bearded man

“Wakeem, what a useless goat, he has destroyed our country”

“Wakeem is expendable. His death, no his murder, that will surely convince Terra to destroy the terrorists”

“What does the general say”

“It was his wife’s idea. Akim willing, he can become our head of state, and drag Solentia into the modern world”

The waitress came over to deliver more drinks. She was too new in her role, too nervous when collecting information from these foreigners. Despite her training something about her had alarmed the men and they stopped their conversation. Back to their whiskey.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby TRA » Tue Feb 14, 2023 3:38 pm

An International 5* Hotel in Yishelem, Beiteynu

12 December 5256,

"Intel?", he typed. A few seconds later, the familiar vibration.

"Plots on the Emir".

"Which one?". Vzoom, that silly encryption sound.

"The other".

"Where?". The tension was palpable.


He put the phone in his inner pocket, lowered his eyebrows - a personal trick he mastered to initiate his poker face - and opened the door.

"Ah, Mr. Sadozai, where were we...? That pickle situation. What a pickle, indeed", he smiled.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby TRA » Mon Feb 27, 2023 12:40 pm

Knesset, Beiteynu

11 June 5263,

"Madam, the car is ready".

She nodded. Both hands typing frantically on the government issued cellphone. Busy day ahead. She vaguely remembered she had to attend a memorial this afternoon as part of some cultural awareness program for Pontesi. The fog of memory.

"Madam, please step this way".

What startled her was the different voice. The first one was a squeaky girlish voice, probably one of the coordination interns. The second one was a baritone speaking with immense bureaucratic authority. She raised her head and her eyes caught an Agent of the TRA's Secret Service arm. He was pointing to a hallway and a door next to the main entrance in the Knesset's grand hall.

Her steps shuffled a bit on the marble floor. A faint tickling in her spine.

She entered the room and closed the door behind her, as if though she had teleported. She just couldn't remember.

"What'ya doing, Yasmin?", an entirely different voice said, calmly, indifferently.

She raised her eyebrows and slightly tilted her head to the side.

"You wanna find yourself in a ditch like Baruch?".

A feeling of bewilderment.

Then annoyance.

Followed by disbelief.

The seeds of dread.

And finally, a realisation. The rumours were true. She was face-to-face with one of them. Them.
Last edited by TRA on Mon Feb 27, 2023 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby hyraemous » Mon Feb 27, 2023 2:37 pm

Office of the State Security Unit of Kundrati
Kasaema, Kundrati - 24 June 5263

The Kundrati Ambassador to Beiteynu, Tomas Masrik, walked inside the office of the Foreign Minster of Kundrati at noon that day after experiencing a nervous breakdown privately. He was sent to a hospital earlier that morning as a result and it was clear he would have to be replaced. This was the environment of the office that day.

"Close that door now." Bruahilan Hulanevek, the Foreign Minister, said.

"I think we've entered a stage of unmitigated disaste-" Masrik replied, before he was cut off.

"You think?! We've not been through 20 years of civil war and now I have calls from my higher ups that are demanding an explanation as to why we are suddenly the enemies of the Beiteynuese, not to mention the ongoing crises in Luthori related to us!" Hulanevek replied. Continuing, he said: "Not to mention the calls I've been getting from those unknowns!"

"Sir, it's clear they want us to respond and that response you gave ain't working out." Masrik stated.

Both of them sat down, pondering together for a little bit of time. After a few minutes, the Foreign Minister decided to call one of his higher ups. The brief conversation ended after a few uh-huhs. Hulanevek stood up and whispered something vague to Masrik: "Perhaps a world full of snakes would work after all. Better than eagles." Masrik was dismissed, and Hulanevek left for the Palace.
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