A Battle Unseen

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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Nov 30, 2023 7:03 am

21:00 April 2nd 5401 Unnamed Hot Spring outside of Konstanja, Hodari, Dolgava

The mountain passes of Dolgava are known for being cold for half of the year and alpine playgrounds for Dolgava during the summer. Dolgava's mountains during the winter however are known for skiing yes but also for people to spend their vacations in winter cabins surrounded by woods, snow and majestic views. April was one of the most least popular months as it was the end of the skiing season but the snow persists along with lingering cold temperatures.

A car made its way up a winding gravel road through the mountains. The snow fell at a gentle pace covering the roads, trees and everything. The image looked like that of a postcard. Vilhelmīna Strautiņa drove her a small SUV type vehicle up the mountain road. These types of vehicles are essential for the winter months in Dolgava because small compact 2 wheel drive cars tended to slip and slide all over the Dolgavan roadways. As she climbed the remote mountain road, the snow continued the fall around the vehicle. The road twisted and turned and she had no GPS. Strautina had a nack for directions and seemingly memorized the map that had been given to her, it wasn't going to be much longer now.

Suddently on the right side of the road the shoulder expanded leading to a makeshift pulloff. A black crossover SUV with tinted windows was parked there, snow piling up on top of it. Vilhelmīna parked the car next to the black SUV and got out. She got out of the car, wearing a coat and prepared for the trek up the mountain. The pull off led to a trailhead which snaked further up the mountain. Grabbing a flashlight because of the darkness she made her way up the trail. The trail was hidden from the road but well maintained mostly done by local volunteers. Suddenly Vilhelmīna could smell a strong odor of sulfer and steam rising through the night. She turned a corner to find a natural hotsprings tucked in between two large bedrocks, the clear blue water illuminated by the flashlight. One man and one women were in the pool, but this was expected as was usual protocol for these types of meetings, however the location was very odd. The man was middle aged with salt and pepper colored hair and facial hair, he had a mustache and thinning hair. The women was in her 30's had brown curly hair and a stern serious face. The man spoke first saying "Ms. Strautina clothing is optional if you so choose". Vilhelmīna knew this, it was customary for Dolgavans to go to natural hot springs without clothing on and she decided to do just that. The cold winter air evaporated instantly as soon as she made it inside the pool. She sat opposite of the man and the women and acknowledged both.

The man spoke once more "Some may call me crazy for sending agents up here like this but I assure you what we will discuss cannot leave this mountainside. What I want to make clear is I run things differently damn it, it doesn't make them better or worse than us but at the end of the day this sort of thing works as well as if I did this in a stuffy office. Frankly I feel that intelligence agencies know we are up to something and we've been too damn lax for too damn long. He sat back watching the falling snow illuminated by a hurricane lantern placed next to the hot springs. "Now I have been told you have passed the Campus with flying colors, first let me congratulate you. You were one of 3 Dolgavans to pass this time round. However don't let it get to your head, you have a job to do and you cannot let anything distract you. You know four languages, which is impressive.

Suddenly the man broke into fluent Skitian "Mluvíš skitsky?". Vilhelmīna responded back in perfect Skitian "Ano, pane". The conversation would continue in Skitian, the man would continue "Yes good, Skitian was one of those languages I at first struggled with however well, they teach you many good things at the Campus". He smiled before passing Vilhelmīna a folder with documents inside "You are now Kateřina Hamplová you have no relation to Dolgava and you are a born and raised Kundrati citizen".

She dried her hands off with a towel before sitting up and looking at the contents of the folder Kateřina saw a passport, official Kundrati documents including a certificate of birth, proof of citizenship and passport and even a Kundrati Drivers license. She responded saying "They don't spare any expense, I can't imagine how they do this?".

The man speaking still in Skitian said "Oh yes, I try to model my program after only the best. Frankly we are competing with one of the greatest intelligence programs in Terra however we have another on our side". At this he took out a cigar and lit it. "Now have you seen your plane tickets?"

At this the women now known as Kateřina Hamplová looked at the plane tickets that were directly behind the passport paperwork. A plane ticket to Talmoria was first before another flight to Likatonia, the following to Kundrati and then a flight to Beiteynu. This will be a several month endeavor and I expect you to take this time to fully, and I mean fully not only embrace your new identity but live in it, flirt in it, hell make love in it, do what you have been trained to do in it. These weeks will be a good test for your new identity and I am expecting only the best from you. Once you get to Yishelem, the orders will be sent in the way that you have been trained to do. Unlike in the past I will not be sending someone to help you, I have been getting reports of bungling fools who have compromised too much. That is why I am up here and that is why I am giving this to you myself. In this business you cannot trust anyone. Why we are up here is due to your mission I cannot risk discovery by the TRA, they've been up our asses as of late but they will never look in the Dolgavan mountains. They would expect to find hippies up here, not professionals such as ourselves. I can only trust myself to deliver this information and that is what I expect of all my agents".

He took another drag of his cigar before saying, "Now I must go, it has been a pleasure to meet you Ms. Hamplová. Let me assure you your Dolgavan papers are somewhere safe, god willing when you come back, that of course is if you choose to come back, they will be waiting for you". He reached out his hand and she shook it. The man got up dried himself off and got dressed, his assistant did as well. When they had bundled up in warm jackets and were ready to go back down the trail he turned around and said "Your plane leaves tomorrow night as you already know from your plane tickets, oh and I will be needing this", he grabbed the folder as Kateřina put the important documents in her overcoat. The man took a drag from his cigar once more before saying "I wish you good luck". He turned away clearly thinking to himself before suddenly realizing something and turning back towards Kateřina. "Oh goodness where are my manners, you must have been wondering this whole time. The name is Biscuit, many call me, Mr. Biscuit. It has been a pleasure to talk with you".

Kateřina smiled before watching as the two figures walked down the trail once again and into the snowy night. The lantern still illuminated the scene, the creek trickling past, the perfectly temperatured water was soothing and the silence of the forest calming and very peaceful. Kateřina thought of the journey ahead of her and the job she was undertaking deep inside of her was excitement and she was ready for whatever lay ahead.
Last edited by alaskancrabpuffs21 on Mon Dec 04, 2023 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Luis1p » Thu Nov 30, 2023 2:46 pm

20:00, July 1st 5401,Delaborde Estate, Lourennais Embassy, Kasaema

A black, glossy Perigot-Citron state vehicle parks in front of tall, metal gates. After some commotion, the vehicle is let in. A stone pavement leads the car towars a medium sized chateau, built of white stone, several windows, and an elegant entrance. The vehicle stopped for a second and last time. A woman stepped out of the rear seat, followed by three larger men. The woman, who walked in wore a navy blue pantsuit, adorned with her nation's flowery symbol, and fitted with white accents, and an ever so appealing red scarf.

The woman passed the large crystal chandelier, up the winding stairs, walked down the hall until she reached the large, dark oak double doors. Before she opened the doors, she noticed stains on the marble floor. Black. Potentially from mud, dirt, or something much more "interesting". The woman walked in and recognized the man immediately. "Ah, Monsieur Holm? How do you fare?". "Not well, Clorinde. I just got out of Långstad after examining the damage. Things are not going well". "So I've heard. I must tell you those bastards at the Palais Epiclese have their ear in everything". "Ah, leave it to IRSA to hear everything". "Well, it is part of our motto. So, here's what Oisy and Epiclese have told me: We will send funds to your account directly. Popular Front correct? Epiclese is expecting over 300 million francs to be sent initially. We expect you to use these with special care."

Holm stands from his chair and walks towards the large window in the room. He looks out and takes a deep breath. "Can you promise that we will not be forced to do anything we don't want?". "Of course, Anders. You seem to forget, our goal here is to spread our vision. Luckily for you, the PF wants to bring a great vision to Davostag. The militarist right always creates issues. We will support your democracy. Whatever it takes". "You know, it's quite ironic, Clorinde. Your people are so quick to fight for democracy but do the unholiest things to get there. You seriously have the world fooled". "It is not my decision to make. I simply follow orders. And what's the issue with promoting democracy? Don't act so surprised Anders."

The woman stands up, walks towards Anders and gives him her scarf. "And what shall I do with this?". "You will understand when the time comes, Anders. Be assured, our francs will be delivered, and our lovely weapons are there for your accessibility. We will be watching your moves with great interest. Democracy will prevail". "You know I don't like when you talk that way." Clorinde laughs as she puts on her leather Adiore gloves, her Louis Bettone shades, and walks towards the door. "We see, Anders. We hear. Remember that." Clorinde returns to the Perigot-Citron car outside and leaves the embassy. Anders Holm watches through the office window, anxious and hopeful at the same time.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby hyraemous » Thu Nov 30, 2023 4:29 pm

B(V)enoran Night of Trouble
B(V)enora, Kundrati - 8 July 5401

As a niche song from Davostag played, a man from the Kundrati Foreign Office drank some beer. "Dundorf makes some damn good beer..." the man mumbled to himself, before continuing: "...and this song...". The song ended and one from Yingdala played. But the song was off-tempo a bit.

The lights flickered. Browned. Shined. Browned again. Then shut. Everything too...

Everyone panicked. Everyone ran. One door. "Help!" "Someone!" people shouted. "Another way! Push!"

Some began to cough. Then, everyone did. Then all fell silent...

...bar the flicks of a raging fire.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby hyraemous » Thu Nov 30, 2023 4:34 pm

Sometimes When We Meet...
B(V)enora, Kundrati - 8 July 5401

...and as the fire raged, another man stood there.

The man chuckled, but he wasn't from around here. The accent is a bit too Northern for a man that was supposed to be from the centre of Kundrati. But he chuckled and smiled anyway.

He dropped a pin of an unknown political symbol as he walked by.

The man grabbed onto a list and stared at it, striking one name out. Four more to go. He went back to his house and started to prepare the next one. After all, that weirdly shaped building with trenchcoats and weird guys with guns was starting to draw his eye just a smidge more...
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 10:40 pm

19:00 August 1st 5303 Dining Room, Private Residence of the Royal Family,Dolgavan Royal Palace, Aikums,Hodari, Dolgava

The Queen of Dolgava was busy, she had been on the phone for several hours talking to the Luthori Royal Family as well as planning for her and the Government to attend the funeral of the late Empress of Luthori. However now he thoughts solely rested on making sure her husband the Prince and herself got some sustenance inside of her. Oh sure the Queen could call on a army of chefs to cook fantastic meals for them but she hated this idea strongly. While she was Queen she made sure to cook as much as she could as she not only enjoyed it but she could choose what she and the Prince ate not professional chefs, it seemingly was stupid in her eyes to have others wait on them.

Today she was cooking a very creamy looking soup that was not only eaten in Dolgava but in Dorvik and it originally came from the Dorvish. It was a Dorvish dumpling soup that had consisted of potatoes, chicken and other good things inside of a chicken based broth that had a creamy texture. This was eaten commonly by the Hulstro-Dolgavan population and a favorite from the Royal Family. Unlike much of the meals that their chefs served them which were inspired by Canrille cuisine and very elaborate and expensive the Dolgavan Royal Family in recent years has rejected this instead eating the food from their homeland. The soup filled the empty cavernous kitchen full of chicken, and other wonderful smells. The Queen walked the short distance from the kitchen to personal dining room of the Royal Family, the table was large but nowhere near the size of the royal dining room across the palace that had a very long table meant for royal events and meetings of diplomatic importance.

Sitting in a chair next to the window was the Queen's husband who was on his laptop scrolling through news headlines. He looked up as his wife entered the room saying "I am glad you gave William a call, I can't imagine, 101 years old, those are some big shoes to fill". Helvig nodded in agreement as she took a seat near to the kitchen so she could keep track of the soup which was simmering "Despite what the Government thinks of Luthori I think this business of animosity is just ridicolous. I will make sure to let him know my thoughts, whenever he gets here". She said, standing up and going to the cupboard next to her and pulling out a bottle of Hutorian Whiskey. She also grabbed a small glass and filled it. "Whiskey darling?" to her husband across the room, he responded "No not right now" he said smiling back at his wife "However if you need some by all means". She gave him a smirk before taking a shot of it. "With the day I've had, yes I need it" she said pouring herself another small shot glass and putting the Whiskey back in cupboard.

Suddenly the phone began to ring next to the cupboard it was the personal phone of the Royal Family and only known by a select few, it was also their way of communicating with the royal guards, chefs, servants and others. The Queen picked up the phone saying "Royal Residence, how may I help you", on the other end of the line was one of the Gate Guards that said "The Prime Minister is here to see her majesty the Queen, can this be permitted?" The Queen simply responded "Yes of course, let him in, and send him to the Dining room when he gets inside". She hung up the phone and hurried to the private bathroom and taking off her cooking apron she was wearing at the same time, she straightened her green dress and quickly turned on a curling brush to refresh some of the curls in her hair. After this she put on some matching formal heels to finish the look. Despite their laid back attitude most of the time, when guests or the Government comes calling the Queen makes sure that she is always presentable.

She walked back in to the dining room and back into the kitchen once again checking on the soup. It was done and this was a good thing since the Queen's stomach was quite hungry at this point. She brought the soup out to the table before telling her husband "If you want something to eat you better get in here before I eat it all". He immediately got up from what he was doing and made his way to the table. The two of them quickly poured their soup, said a quick prayer and started eating. "What if he comes while we're eating?" the Prince asked "Should we put this stuff away?" Helvig thought for a moment "Well knowing his schedule he usually doesn't eat until these sorts of things. If he wants to eat something, this is probably alot better then the fancy shit they feed the cabinet all the time", the disdain for that sort of stuck up attitude was clearly present not only in Helvigs facial expression but in her tone of voice. "Now look, we're not common folk, we are royalty, there are things we do that are...." Helvig didn't let him finish his sentence before saying "When a monarchy becomes too removed from the population this is when we get ousted. My father made sure that my sibings and I had a normal life and that is what I will do for my children as well, it is best that we live as normally as possible and when we do act as Royals we only do it for the best of the Dolgavan people because we serve them not the other way around, that is something we cannot forget". She quickly got up and walked back to her half full whiskey glass and grabbed it.

While this took place a soft "knock knock knock" sounded off against the door of the room. Helvig sat back down with her glass while the Prince said "Come in". In walked the Prime Minister of Dolgava, he had salt and pepper hair, glasses and was very tall, much taller than the Queen even with her wearing heels. Helvig smiled at the Prime Minister and stood up giving him a hug "How are you doing Kornelijs?" The Prime Minister sat down took off his jacket hanging it on a peg and said "Quite well, trying to get the budget passed is always something I look forward to"... He rolled his eyes as the sarcasm in his comment cut through the room like a hot knife through butter. Helvig and the Prince chuckled before Helvig asked "Mr. Prime Minister would you like some soup? Its one of the family's old recipes for Kartoffelknödel Suppe". The Prime Minister looked and realized the two Royals were eating before quickly apologizing saying "Oh my goodness I didn't realize you were eating dinner, should I come back later?" Helvig shook her head reassuring the Prime Minister that his stay was welcome. The Prime Minister realized this before looking at the soup and saying "If you have enough for me, I would love some soup".

Helvig left the room returning with soup and gave it to the Prime Minister. She now began to speak "As you know the Empress of Luthori has died, the Prince and I have spoke to the Luthori Royal Family and offered the best wishes of the Government as well as for us. I intend to be there for the funeral service and I was hoping you would come with us, what are your thoughts on this". The Prime Minister sat there in what seemed to be in deep thought for a second "Well, the Government has been clear that what Luthori has done in Malivia and Likatonia is unacceptable". Helvig could feel her annoyance rising but kept it cool and dignified before responding "That is the Government's view but what about the view of the Dolgavan people. Many many people in this country have respect for Luthori and the monarchy and do not understand why this government cannot stand them, I ask again, will you be coming?"

The Prime Minister knew he was in a tough spot but he continued to try and enjoy his dinner, after sighing a few times he finally spoke once again "Luthori back stabbed Dolgava, can't you see? They cannot be trusted". Helvig's annoyance now reached the boiling point, her blue eyes looked cold and icy. "No it was Malivia that back stabbed this country not Luthori, see how unstable and inconsistent that country is? If you were in Luthori's shoes you would have done the same. Luthori can be trusted, Malivia cannot... Furthermore, she said her voice raising, it is my duty as Queen to represent the people of Dolgava as well as bring peace. I will bring peace between this country and Luthori, with or without the Government, do I make myself clear". The Prime Minister sat in shock before standing up, reaching his full height. "Why are you doing this". The Queen stood up unafraid of this gesture her eyes piercing through the Prime Minister. "It is the best interest of our country to make peace with Luthori once again, we have adversaries yes but Luthori is not one of them. Mr. Prime Minister, I ask again will you be coming with me?"

The Prime Minister at this point did not want further argument or tension so he conceded saying "Yes, I will be there". Helvig smiled sat back down and offered the Prime Minister a pretzel roll "I am glad we can agree on this" she said her voice going from serious to cheerful in a matter of moments. The Prime Minister continued to be deep in thought and Helvig could tell, finally after the soup had been eaten, they had talked and the dishes had been put in the dishwasher the Prime Minister said in a heartfelt voice. "I am sorry, I am sorry for that whole exchange earlier, you are right, we need to leave the past be and work towards peace. I let my own pride get in the way and that is frankly what a Prime Minister should never do. I was humiliated and Luthori seemed like the scapegoat, how can one blame Malivia when the easy target Luthori was right there... I need to fix this"... he said. Suddenly he spoke to a microphone on his shirt "Mr. Palters, I want you to arrange a phone call between me and the Luthorian Prime Minister in my office tomorrow tell them I want to start fixing this mess". He then turned to the Royal Family before saying "and to you I promise I will never raise my voice to you ever again, I am deeply sorry". Helvig knew he was sincere and honestly was not bothered that he had raised his voice but she responded "It's alright, we both raised our voices after all and sometimes it is the best way to get your feelings across". All three of them chuckled before and talked for an hour about life, the Queens pregnancy and even domestic affairs.

At the end of the evening the Prime Minister stood up and said "Well friends I will have to go. Thank You for the wonderful dinner, thank you for the hospitality and Your highness, I love your green dress". The Queen smiled but corrected him saying "please call me Helvig, lets leave the formalities for official business". The Prime Minister laughed and headed towards the large door to the hallway "I will see you again next week during our weekly meeting, it has been a pleasure". The Royal couple smiled at him before he left the room closing the door behind him.

The prince rushed over to Helvig giving her a large hug "You did amazing, you stood up for yourself". Helvig hated doing that because she avoided conflict as much as possible but she knew that, that is what needed to be done and sometimes you must make the tough decisions.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby myungggg » Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:03 pm

Sankt Erwinsburg, Kovmark
8 December 5404

The December morning in Sankt Erwinsburg unfolded amid the echoes of civil unrest and economic strife. The café, a dwindling bastion of normalcy on a desolate street, hosted a handful of patrons seeking refuge from the turmoil that had swept through the landskap. The air buzzed with the weight of uncertainty, and the conversations were a delicate dance between optimism and the fear of what lay ahead.

I found a seat near the window, ordering a caramel macchiato – a small indulgence amidst the prevailing unease. The café, one of the last-standing establishments, had become a sanctuary for those trying to grasp onto the remnants of a life disrupted.

As I sipped my coffee, I observed the eclectic mix of patrons: elderly veterans sharing tales of a bygone era and a young couple, their baby daughter providing a fleeting distraction from the harsh realities outside. The atmosphere was laden with a sense of collective melancholy.

In this setting, the reunion with my twin brother, Soren, took on a poignant tone. Our mother's recent passing cast a shadow over the joy of seeing each other again. The café, a relic of better times, became a backdrop for our complex emotions.

Soren arrived, his entrance marked by an infectious energy that momentarily lifted the heavy air. Our embrace held a mixture of joy and sorrow – the joy of reconnecting, tempered by the sorrow of recent loss.

"How's life treating you, Henrik?" Soren asked, attempting to steer the conversation toward the lighthearted.

I chuckled, hazel eyes glinting with a spark of idealism. "Busy as always, Soren. You know me – always fighting for the greater good."

Nodding, I admired his unwavering commitment, even if our paths had diverged. Our conversation weaved through memories of shared dreams and childhood camaraderie, offering a respite from the world outside.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soft hum of subdued conversations surrounded us as we delved into the complexities of our divergent lives. I traced the rim of my coffee cup, contemplating the paths we had chosen.

"So, tell me about life on the farm. How's Mette? And the little one?" I inquired, eager to shift the focus to Soren's world.

A smile crept across Soren's face, a glimmer of paternal pride in his eyes. "Mette's doing well, and the little one, she's a bundle of joy. We're managing, Henrik, in these trying times."

As the conversation meandered through the mundane and the profound, I couldn't escape the reality that loomed over us – a nation teetering on the brink of upheaval. The recent attacks by Fronttinget för Nationell Väckelse (FTNV) had sent shockwaves through the landskap, amplifying the tension in our quaint café refuge.

In a moment of candor, Soren revealed more about his life than I anticipated. "You know, Henrik, things have changed for me. I'm part of something bigger, something that's fighting for the Davostag nation's revival."

His words hung in the air, the weight of their implication settling between us. I arched an eyebrow, my curiosity piqued. "Revival? Soren, what are you involved in?"

Soren hesitated, his gaze briefly flickering away. "I'm with FTNV. We're striving for a Davostag Republic – a return to our roots, to what Davostag once was."

My initial disbelief transformed into a mixture of shock and anger. "FTNV? Soren, you're part of a militant group? Attacking our landskap governments?"

Soren's expression tightened, and he attempted to justify his choices. "Henrik, it's more complicated than you think. The nation needs a radical shift, a return to its true essence."

The café's ambient sounds seemed to fade as our discussion escalated into a heated exchange. Patrons glanced our way, their eyes reflecting a mix of concern and apprehension.

I couldn't fathom how my brother, my flesh and blood, had become entangled in a movement that sought upheaval through violence. The disagreement spiraled into a physical altercation, mirroring the turmoil that had gripped our nation.

Amidst the scuffle, harsh words were exchanged, and the reality of our differing paths became painfully evident. As the café patrons intervened, pulling us apart, I made a solemn vow.

"I won't let FTNV tear apart our nation, Soren. I'll fight against this radicalism and defend the democracy we hold dear."

With that declaration, I left the café, the weight of family bonds strained by ideological chasms, and the nation's uncertain future looming ahead.
You have no enemies, you say?
Alas! my friend, the boast is poor;
If you have none,
Small is the work that you have done.
You’ve never turned the wrong to right,
You’ve been a coward in the fight.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby hyraemous » Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:12 pm

Don't Tell Endralon What We're Doing...
Somewhere over the Lievenian Sea - 8 December 5404

"Godfuckingdamnit if this ship keeps rolling around I'm going to get sick!" said Captain Halász Sándor of the KuNS Albatross, the frigate which would command the Kundrati Naval Patrol Group "Davostan".

"Captain, they taught you this at the school! You have to breathe in, breat-" said his lieutenant Alexei Paronev.

"IT's NOT THAT!" yelled the Captain.

The phone rang suddenly as the ship rocked and turned. It was the Defense Minister.

Waves smashed into the ship as the Defense Minister spoke, so Captain Sándor could only hear a few words at a time. "Sándor... Davo... patrol the..." The line broke shortly thereafter, though admittedly it was a poor line to begin with, so Captain Sándor went to his combat information centre to figure out the plan. There he met Commodore Lucius Dorian.

"Commodore." "Captain." they both stated.

"Captain, the plan is to land in Davostag's west coast and drop off the shipment there. We have secured assurances by the People's Front that they have a port ready to take in supplies and ammo. There are four more ships that contain the same guns and ammo that are on their way. As we speak jet fighters and interceptors from the 12th Air Wing stationed at Riecny Brod are launching towards Davostag and will be there in a few hours."
"Commodore, my men are, although seasick with the rough waves, ready to both patrol the seas and help our friends up north."
"Very good."

The boats continued forward. Just above, about 25 fighters and interceptors were moving past and having a much smoother ride than their naval colleagues.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby hyraemous » Tue Dec 12, 2023 10:54 pm

Remembering the embassy attack... with force
Metallikberg, Davostag - 26 April 5405

A meeting was held in the late cold night of 25 April 5405 over finalizing plans for "Operation Unitatis II". The meeting was between Colonel Jonas Karlström and his advisors, who represented the Davostag Military Police and, with him, a hundred military police preparing for the operation, alongside Colonel Romana Vojtechová and her advisors, who represented the Kundrati military and, with her, four hundred troops also preparing for the operation.

For a few weeks with the help of the Beiteynuese Allink system of sattelites alongside some on-the-ground intelligence gathered by Davostager troops and police, a farm was being looked at more closely. The farm, surrounded by a small forest, was owned and operated by Rörik Torn, who reportedly led the FTNV in the area. Some 110 or so people were congregating at the farm which included a barn and a few smaller buildings. Trucks had been entering the property for a while now, always covered, but always with two people inside the truck. For a while the contents of the trucks were unknown, though one night a man entered the property and took some photos of one of the truck's insides. He wasn't captured, running off as it was in the middle of the night.

Bombs. More of them. Some of them tiny enough to fit in a car, some of them small enough to fit in a briefcase. Some FTNV flags and material were also found.

Another thing: there were some tall looking men walking around the outskirts of the property. Some of the men had even walked around the roads near and leading in to the barn and questioning cars entering the area. A Kundrati man from our unit was caught in this unofficial roadblock and managed to get away by saying that he was a fisherman that moved four decades ago. The man did go fish, though he came back and brought a recording of the interaction via his dashcam.

A few plans were discussed in the meeting. Most notably, one of them discussed slowly moving in to the barn. A military jet would drop a few smoke bombs to blind most of the barn's occupants, though it would be expected that the barn raid would lead to some of the defenders donning some gas masks. They would rush towards the barn and grab whomever they could to arrest them. A few busses would be requisitioned to transport the prisoners to a jail. Any intelligence and papers would be grabbed as well. This plan was approved.

So in the very early morning, around midnight of 26 April, the attack slowly began. Colonel Vojtechová and her troops would surround the barn. Colonel Karlström and his troops would do the same. The troops slowly moved in.

It was very dark. Both troops slowly moved towards the barn. However, a few of those tall men noticed and began to run. They were shot at and a few of them fell and died (3 total). But it was enough.

Suddenly the base lit up. People inside began to move outside. The entire force had to halt and hide as FTNV patrols moved out to investigate. There, they found the three men and immediately raised the alarm. More and more FTNV would move outside towards the trees. There, the first few battles began. Kundrati and Government aligned forces fought back against the FTNV-aligned foes with Rörik Torn at the helm. The FTNV troops, although putting up a good fight, were forced into a mass retreat to the barn.

By 1am the entire farm was surrounded by Government and Kundrati aligned forces.

A jet moved in and dropped some smoke bombs. However, the smoke would be dropped at the smaller bulidings and the smoke would be facing outside instead of inside. The Military Police and some of the Kundrati troops in the area would don some gas masks. Once they did so, they began to move in to storm these small buildings. There, fierce firefights were fought inside these buildings and the surrounding areas. Some trucks were used as a battering ram against the Government and Kundrati aligned forces. They were effective, injuring at least 8 and killing 1. However, grenades were thrown on these trucks which exploded. The fire from these trucks would then spread inside the smaller buildings.

The Government and Kundrati troops retreated. Most of the FTNV forces in the area would be distracted trying to fight the fire with some troops of the FTNV still inside.

Near the barn troops from both sides fought over it. By 1:30am the barn would slowly be surrounded with the surrounding action being finished by 1:45. By that point most remaining Government troops moved in to the other areas of the property to attack and arrest FTNV troops.

The rest of the FTNV troops which hadn't been in the barn would be arrested or killed off (12 dead and 34 arrested).

Grenades on both sides would be thrown. However it would not be enough for the FTNV as, at 2:30am, troops stormed the barn by climbing the roof and breaking a hole towards the inside. That'd be a good distraction as more Government troops entered. A short firefight followed but it was in vain.

In the midst of the chaos at the smaller buildings Rörik Torn would be found. A gunshot wound to the head and a few gunshot wounds in the back and front of his body. Some burns in him didn't help.

In total, around 29 FTNV troops died with another 56 injured. The rest, and the injured, were arrested shortly thereafter. The busses would be taken to a nearby hospital to be reviewed and to be treated, and then to a prison. For the Government forces and Kundrati forces, it was about 24 dead and 87 injured total. The barn would be seized and any documents and other valuables seized as evidence.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby myungggg » Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:20 am

Skjoldhus and Vänersshamn, Östraland
11 October 5405

The improvised war room in a family barn echoed with the murmur of Foshog commanders discussing strategy. Magnus Troels Lund, his eyes scrutinizing the map, couldn't shake off the gravity of the impending operation. He exchanged a glance with his trusted friend and second-in-command, Helmer Hellström.

Helmer, clad in his military gear with a smirk playing on his lips, leaned over to Magnus. "You look like you're about to lead a charge into Valhalla, Magnus. Ready to give those FTNV bastards a taste of our fury?"

Magnus chuckled, a glint of determination in his eyes. "Valhalla or not, we're taking back Skjoldhus and Vänersshamn today. Our fury is long overdue."

The autumn rain outside mirrored the somber mood, but the cessation of the downpour brought a flicker of hope. The war-torn towns awaited liberation, and Foshog stood poised for Operation Hurtigt Fri.

As they stepped outside into the now-damp battlefield, Magnus and Helmer's camaraderie shone through. Helmer, ever the jester, couldn't resist a friendly jab. "So, Magnus, heard you were leading the charge shirtless. Going for the heroic Viking look?"

Magnus chuckled, adjusting his armor. "Maybe next time. Don't want to blind the troops with my dazzling physique." Both chuckled as they left seperately to their respective positions in the fight.

The autumn leaves crunched beneath the boots of Foshog forces as they cautiously approached the outskirts of Skjoldhus. The atmosphere was tense, a palpable anticipation hanging in the air. Magnus Troels Lund, leading from the front, exchanged a final glance with Helmer Hellström before the impending confrontation.

Helmer's voice crackled over the radio, "Magnus, reports suggest fortified positions ahead. Expect heavy resistance."

Magnus nodded, gripping his rifle tighter. "We've faced worse, Helmer. Let's give them a taste of Foshog's resolve."

The initial encounter was a hail of gunfire as FTNV forces, entrenched in strategic positions, unleashed a barrage on the advancing Foshog troops. The air filled with the staccato rhythm of automatic weapons and the ominous whiz of bullets slicing through the air.

Magnus barked orders, "Take cover! Return fire!"

The streets of Skjoldhus became a battleground, with Foshog soldiers maneuvering through the alleys and behind abandoned vehicles. Helmer, coordinating from a vantage point, guided Magnus through the chaos. "Watch your left, Magnus. They've got a sniper."

Magnus, ducking behind a crumbling wall, scanned the rooftops. He spotted the glint of a scope and squeezed off a precise shot, silencing the threat. "Sniper down, Helmer. Thanks for the heads up."

As the firefight intensified, Foshog's superior training and equipment began to tip the scales. Helmer's voice provided a constant stream of tactical advice, creating a symphony of controlled chaos. "Move to the right alley, Magnus. You've got a clear shot."

Magnus, flanked by his comrades, advanced with precision. The alleys echoed with the clatter of gunfire and shouted commands. The FTNV, caught off guard by Foshog's strategic maneuvers, found themselves gradually pushed back.

Amidst the chaos, Helmer radioed, "Magnus, we've got intel on a possible trap near the square. Proceed with caution."

Magnus acknowledged, "Copy that, Helmer. We won't fall for their tricks."

The square became a focal point of the firefight. Foshog forces, wary of potential traps, advanced with caution. Suddenly, an improvised explosive device detonated, sending shrapnel through the air. The blast echoed in the narrow streets, momentarily disorienting both sides.

Helmer's voice cut through the chaos, "Magnus, watch out for ambushes. They're desperate."

Magnus, rallying his forces, pressed forward. The smoke from the explosion began to clear, revealing FTNV forces disoriented and scattered. Foshog seized the opportunity, surrounding the remnants of resistance in a decisive move.

Magnus, breathing heavily, radioed Helmer, "We've got them cornered. It's almost over."

Helmer's voice conveyed satisfaction, "Finish it, Magnus. We're with you."

The last stand played out in the narrow alleys of Skjoldhus. Foshog closed in, and FTNV forces, overwhelmed and outnumbered, raised the white flag of surrender. The echoes of gunfire were replaced by the sounds of victory and relief.

Magnus, a mix of exhaustion and triumph on his face, radioed Helmer, "We did it, my friend. The twin towns are free."

The liberated streets of Skjoldhus and Vänersshamn erupted in impromptu celebrations. The people, emerging from hiding, chanted slogans of liberty, brotherhood, and justice. Foshog corps and ordinary citizens set the streets alight with their joy.

As the towns celebrated their liberation, Magnus and Helmer shared a quiet moment. Magnus, catching his breath, teased, "You know, Helmer, your well warning saved me. I'd hate to become Davostag's drowned hero."

Helmer smirked, "I've got to keep you in check, Magnus. Wouldn't want you taking all the glory."

Magnus then spoke, "At least we blocked FTNV's pathway now in Östraland. May we finally defeat this scourge against the people."

Helmer raised his beer bottle, "I couldn't agree further. To glory, to victory, and to well-placed warnings! Skål, Magnus."

Magnus clinked his bottle against Helmer', "Skål! To a Dovrige free from oppression and drowning heroes." Their laughter echoed in the liberated towns as they toasted to a new era.
You have no enemies, you say?
Alas! my friend, the boast is poor;
If you have none,
Small is the work that you have done.
You’ve never turned the wrong to right,
You’ve been a coward in the fight.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Luis1p » Fri Dec 15, 2023 3:26 pm

Presidential Palace Bunker, Undisclosed Location, Ikradon

22:56 HRS, 1 January, 5409

A heavily armored vehicle, surrounded by five military vehicles, approached the palace under the cover of night. In the distance, bombs, gunfire, and commotion can be heard. Beyond the skyline of the area, bright colored flashes shinned through the sky. A group of individuals stepped out of the armored car and immediately went inside the palace. They were followed by Ikradoni troops and another heavily armored group, wearing green berets.

Once inside, cracked marble floors, broken concrete from the crumbling ceiling, and a smell of smoke filled the room. The group made its way down the left hall, down three flights of stairs, and entered a room with a solid metal door. Armed Ikradoni guards waited inside with guns pointing at the door. Upon making a realization, the Ikradoni troops stood down and led the group into another heavily guarded chamber. The armed team of green berets dispersed throughout the underground level, leaving only two women alone in the room.

"OH! Sa Majesté !" said a woman dressed in a raggedy black dress, wore faux-gold earrings, had a dark complexion and a noticeable Canrillaise accent. "I did not expect you to see you here. Oh-- how ever did you get here?" She turned to the other woman, wearing a white pantsuit detailed in golden lace, somewhat dirty in places. She wore a beautiful sapphire necklace. Her face dirty, but without imperfections. She wore a heavy vest on top, covering the rest of her clothes. She spoke: "Oh Carol! How lovely to see you. Not the best circumstances here, but I am glad to see you. do not worry about my arrival... I have my ways. What news have you?". "Oh it is not great cousin, every day we gain more popularity with the people...but I feel we lose it the next second. There are too many forces at play here I cannot see a bright future." she concludes as she gasps for air. "I understand Carol. Well, I did not make it all this way too see if you are doing well. I came to tell you personally that I will see your victory through. I will give you what you need". "Oh praise be cousin! What exactly will you do? I need many resources as soon as possible." "Do not fret, Carol. Your forces are receiving the help they need as we speak". "But we need weapons, cousin. We need troops, money, food--everything!" "I know. I understand. All of that is being delivered, I promise. What I need you to promise is that you'll come out on top". "I do not understand, cousin."

The woman in white sighs walks towards the fireplace and turns: "I am giving you 300 million francs from our personal account. The RDB will make sure the money is received by you". "No no no--cousin I cannot acce-" "Do you want to win or not? Do you want to live? You represent the Saksoure's. Your house! You are Princess of the Blood. You will accept. you have forfeited your life in this wasteland, now you must consolidate your power and seize it. I will accept no less from you." The woman in black stared silently at the woman in white. She sat on a metal chair and stared at the floor silently. "I know it is a struggle Carol, but I need you alive. Here take this." The woman in white takes out a red scarf from a ragged bag and places it on the other woman's neck. "Take my scarf and use it to remind you that I will have your back. My nation has your back and we will see you be triumphant". "Thank you cousin, I will not forget your help and your gestures". "I will se myself out Carol, take care my dear". They both embrace and stay silent. "If you have concerns my darling, always call me. IRSA and the others will make sure you come out on top." The woman in black nods, with a cheery face as the woman in white turns and exists the room. The loud, rustic churning of the door fills the room, following a loud metallic slam that echoes and ends the meeting.
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