Game Rules

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Re: Particracy Game Rules

Postby Moderation » Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:07 am

Section 9 - Forum-Based Countries

1. Players interested in assuming control over a forum-based country must have a forum account over 30 days old and be in good standing with the Particracy Game Rules;

2. Players who meet the above mentioned criteria should request control in the Forum-Based Countries Control Requests thread located HERE;
-- 2a. Players who request control must contain the name of the nation they are seeking to control;
-- 2b. Players are generally asked to disclose their plans for the nation, if they do not Moderation can require that they do so;

3. Players may request control for a nation that is currently occupied, Moderation (or the Forum-Based Countries Coordinator) will make a decision based on the factors present at the time of request;

4. Moderation retains authority on permitting, removing or otherwise overseeing operations of the forum-based countries alongside the Forum-Based Countries Coordinator (if present) and may change, alter, "ret-con" as a matter of basis;

5. Players in control of forum-based countries are permitted governance over all domestic and foreign affairs, cultural affairs are restricted to the national descriptions provided by the Forum-Based Countries Information thread located HERE. Forum-based countries are also included in the Particracy Military and Economic Rankings located HERE;

6. Forum-based countries are members of the World Congress and thus are permitted to contribute to its discussions;

7. Forum-based countries cannot be controlled, re-colonized or other source of direct assumption of power by an in-game nation. These nations are intended for role-play opportunities that may not be possible;

8. Players are expected to respect the established role-play history of a forum-based country if assuming control from another player or other circumstances;

Last updated: 27 January 2020
This account is for administrative purposes only. For queries or information, please contact a Moderator personally.
Posts: 56
Joined: Sat Aug 01, 2020 2:49 am

Re: Particracy Game Rules

Postby Moderation » Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:33 am

Section 10 - Second Accounts

1. Under certain conditions, players are permitted to operate a second account. Permission to operate a second account is a privilege that requires a significant degree of trust. Players must ensure they understand the second account system before requesting permission. Attempts to abuse the system represent a serious breach of trust.

2. To qualify for permission to operate a second account, players must have a forum account that is at least thirty days old.

3. Players who wish to operate a second account should post a request in the Second Accounts thread. The request should include a link to their current account and a link to the proposed second account. Prior to making a request, players are permitted to create a second account in a different country but they must immediately inactivate it. The same email address must be used for both accounts.

4. Players are not permitted to operate two accounts in the same country and are expected to keep role-play with their two accounts separate at all times. As a result, players are not permitted to operate two accounts in neighbouring countries, or in two countries with a close historical or political connection.

5. When making a decision on second account requests, Moderation will consider the previous role-play that a player has produced. In evaluating role-play, Moderation will place weight on the following factors: a willingness to respect previous role-play in a country, an ability to plan and execute role-play in collaboration with other players, and a capacity to adapt role-play to the history and culture of different countries. Consideration will also be given to a player’s ability to demonstrate they are committed to role-playing in the country where they are applying for a second account.

6. If a second account request is approved, the two accounts will be added to the Second Accounts Register and the proposed second account will be reactivated.

7. If either of a player's accounts are inactivated, the player will be given a twenty-four hour period to request reactivation. After this, their permission to operate a second account will be withdrawn and their name will be removed from the register.

Last updated: 4 May 2024
This account is for administrative purposes only. For queries or information, please contact a Moderator personally.
Posts: 56
Joined: Sat Aug 01, 2020 2:49 am

Re: Game Rules

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Oct 18, 2024 5:41 am

Section 11 - Protected Nations
Implemented 18 October, 2024

Just like Forum-Based Countries (FBCs) where you have undisturbed control of a nation, you can request an in-game nation to be protected. If your request is approved by the moderation team, they will create a set of dummy parties in your nation, to help lock it with a total number of 8 accounts.

You can absolutely request to protect a nation with your fellow players in that nation.

You can only protect one nation at a time.

A. How to request

    1. Submit your request [here].
    2. Explain your intents, reasons and goals for protecting that nation.
    3. You can provide party names for these dummy accounts, if you want to - these won't change.

B. Criteria for approval

    1. You must have demonstrated an ability and commitment to long-term RP. Doesn't matter if you've been on and off from the game, as long as you've engaged in quality gameplay and roleplay.
    2. You must have a history of good sportsmanship, especially on international RP and with other players.

C. No-nos
You will be immediately deactivated and your protected nation will be unlocked (if you're solo) if you:

    1. Are found to be breaking the Game Rules in any way.
    2. Are found to be deterring new players in any way whatsoever, or even players interested in joining you in your protected nation.
    3. Are disrespecting other players and even engaging in non-sportsmanlike conduct especially on international RP.

D. Notes

    1. Keep in mind you'll have to propose and submit a few legislative bills once in a while, to make sure the dummy accounts don't steal seats from you in the legislative assembly, due to your party having low to no visibility and positions.
    2. Other players can still join a protected nation - just make a request on the reactivation thread (with an existing or for a new account) with a clear explanation that you will not be deterring the existing players from their roleplay. Upon approval, the moderation team will deactivate a dummy account.
    3. Should you and/or your fellow players deactivate from a protected nation, it will be unlocked by the moderation team - a heads up is always appreciated!
    4. Moderation team may reach out to players if a protected nation seems to no longer generate roleplay; and may unlock it.
    5. Players in protected nations are exempt from the 4-day inactivation rule.

E. Tips

    1. You should avoid venturing into the world of international RP with assumptions about where your nation stands in power and influence. It can lead you to clash with potentially different points of view on your nation from other players.
    2. If you can't gauge where your nation stands on power and influence on the international stage, you can just ask other players.
    3. International RP is about interacting and playing with other players on stories that are fun for you, at the end of the day. That's it.
The Terran Times
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