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Postby Malleovic » Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:15 pm

Question about the past election in this country:

Athlorcaea just held the Sept 2737 election. I'm not complaining about the outcome, I'm asking for a rationalization. The Saiserists proposed three large pieces of extreme legislation, none of which got passed, and went from inactive to over a quarter of the legislature. Now I understand the principle that differentiation makes it likely a party will do better, but this is a little weird.

Also, the Lib-Dems and RASU have rocketed to the #2 and #3 positions, even after almost exclusively abstaining from the last 10 or so votes (in the LibDems case) or just being much more inactive than usual (in the RASU's case). Since the last election, the FMCP has proposed 10 pieces of legislation that have passed, has refrained from abstaining ever, and yet has lost almost 50 seats in this election (2737).

Again, I'm not complaining solely because the outcome may not have favored my party. I am wondering if someone experienced could explain to me how this happened.
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Re: Uh...

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:18 pm

The Saiserists already have their ideologies boosted and clear. And the outcome i just like the theory of chaos. All things affect the outcome. The most logical theory would be to presume that the specific parties that gained most of the seats in a seemingly unfair way simply "stole" the voters and created some sort of confusion with the visibilities. This sometimes happens when almost similar parties coexist within a nation.
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Re: Uh...

Postby Malleovic » Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:23 pm

How often can we count on this sort of thing happening? Is there any real strategy to this thing?
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Re: Uh...

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:28 pm

Mainly confusion. An established, probably in the past before the inactivation, party will gain either way a lot of seats, unless a similar party is already established. Visibilities are a minor factor in this case. Similarity and difference is the key.

For example, say a party exists in a liberal nation, and the party is extremely liberal. A new party is founded and it's totalitarian and very socialist - basically it's the opposite of what the first party is. Now, due to the difference, the second party is most likely to gain more seats, despite the fact that the nation is liberal.

Now, imagine another party is founded, which is liberal and similar to the first. Many factors contribute and in most cases the voters are shared between the two of them, with the totalitarian still gaining the majority. But if more parties come and mix with the standard ideologies the outcome cannot be safely estimated by looking at visibilities and ideologies.

The purpose of all of this is to gain power. And there are some tactics to survive even in such cases, but I shall not mention their Deltarian name.
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