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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Maxington » Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:39 am

Foreign Minister: "Tokundian situation should be mediated on the church Level"
Foreign Minister calls for Tokundian situation to be mediated between the churches.

Amidst the recent ethnic tensions between the Coburan government and the Tokundian Assembly where calls for the region's independence from the central government has flared tensions on both sides of the Augustan Spectrum as nations such as Zardugal and Deltaria have been pressuring Sharba to grant Tokundi independence. The ethnic row is believed to be fueled by poor economic conditions in the region in comparison to the rest of Cobura as well as opposition of the central government's actions in the past. It is also suspected that the Tokundians have been calling for independence from Cobura since the conflict with Deltaria during the Great Terran War, which many Tokundians denounced/opposed. It is suspected that the Coburan Head of State, Lord Anwar Pteroumes has been fueling the ethnic tensions after it was reported that he voted two controversial laws by the Tokundian Assembly thus pushing the hand of Sharba deeper into the boiling pot. Today, Minister of Foreign Affairs Untilov Yevgenievich spoke out on the issue where he called for the situation to be mediated between the churches than between the governing powers in Sharba and Tokundi
Currently, it is simply a tit-for-tat between Sharba and Tokundi on whether independence should be allowed. Now, recognizing that secularism is very prominent in Cobura as a means of curbing religious marginalization., and i know that some may say that is breach of religious rights, that is talk for another time. I believe that if it this situation cannot be resolved on the political level, it is best that the Tokundian situation should be mediated on the church Level. That is bringing the various religious groups and their governing boards together to iron out concerns/issues and address the situation in a peaceful manner. There is no need for the amount of heat which both sides are taking and giving to/from each other. We know the Coburans to be very spiritual and laconic about their ethnicity and religious believes, as we see it that is the only way which this situation can be resolved. I am calling on the Apostolic Church of the East, the Coburan Apostolic Tewahedo Church and the Terran Patriarchal Church to meet together under mutual respect for each other's beliefs in order to resolve this unnecessary situation.

The reason behind the Foreign Minister's call for mediate on the church level is that several Trigunian officials including the President are wary that the Sharba-Tokundi issue could turn into the Zarvospolic Civil War with just one gesture. It is being reported that the Minister-President is expected to speak on controversial news for the Zarvospolic people later today. Without out a doubt, Petrovgrad is urging Sharba to also consider the referendum which the Torkundians have proposed as one of the peaceful processes to mediating the issue instead of an internal conflict which many say is not necessary in an already heating Majatra as the Jelbanian conflict still rages on.

Minister-President: "Zarvospol will become a Federal Entity very soon."
Minister-President announces Zarvospol to become a Federal Entity in the coming months.

After long consultation with the Regional Administrative Council of the Zarvospolic Oblast, the Minister-President in an official press release from the Office of the Minister-President hinted that the Zarvospol Oblast will be converted to a Republic of the Trigunian Federation within a matter of months. After meeting with the Chairwoman of the Zarvospol Regional Administrative Council Pronicheva Sergeyevna, Minister-President Seleznyov Vasilievich has been raising the possibility of allowing Zarovospol to become a Federal Entity (a republic) with President Pavlenko Vladimirovich. These moves come as the Zarvospol Oblast commemorates those who died in the Zarvospolic Civil War, which was sparked as a means of Zarvospol gaining independence from the central government. Being a Federal Entity (a republic) will be allowed to have its its own constitution and legislature, and will be represented by the central government in international affairs, but will remain under control of the central government. Minister-President Seleznyov Vasilievich offered insight into the deal made between the federal government and the Zarvospol Oblast.
It has been long awaiting secession and a very long process of negotiating and compromise by both sides. By which the federal government is allowing for Zarvospol to become the first republic of the federation whilst Zarvospol will still be under the federal government's "control". We have decided that once a referendum by the Zarovospolic Regional Administrative Council is done, Petrovgrad would recognize it and allow to process to begin. This referendum is expected to begin next month. So eccentrically zarvospol will become a Federal Entity (a republic) very soon.

Many Zarvsopolic citizens has gathered in the street in front of the Office of the Presidential Envoy to the Zarvospol Oblast rejoicing the decision made by both the central government and the regional administrative council whilst the Petrovgrad the reaction is similar with citizens gathering in front of the Office of the Minister-President and the Bashnya rejoicing of the news of an official mediate to the Zarvospol issue.
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Maxington » Fri Jul 08, 2016 12:57 pm

Foreign Minister: "Aloria cannot be calling for conflict through one side of their lips and calling for peace through the other"
Foreign Minister slams Alorian bi-polar politics.

Recently the Alorian Defence Minister came out to urge the Dorvish Government to ratify what to them is a Non-Aggression Pact. The pact states,"Aloria and Dorvik cannot either station troops, invade, go to war or perform any hostile actions against each other or the attacking side will be heavily embargoed by the council of protective states containing so far Baltusia and Lourenne." The moves towards the creation of the non-aggression pact come as the Dorvish Armed Forces threaten the blitz of Aloria in response to the Alorian Government's support of the Dundorfian government. Recently there has been a spike in military activity throughout Artania as the various in a period of military buildup. In response to the bi-polarism of the Alorian Government Foreign Minister Untilov Yevgenievich slammed the Alorian Defence Minister for what calls "his double sided mouth syndrome."
The bipolarism of the Alorian Defence Minister is shocking. One minute as we have seem recently, he is urging for peace and an ease of tensions and then minutes later he is talking of nuclear weapons development, and military intervention into Dundorf whilst "military training facilities" appear out of nowhere. Aloria cannot be calling for conflict through one side of their lips and calling for peace through the other. That is plain bi-polarism in the political spectrum. Aloria is directly supporting the Dundorfian government who is entangled between political and religious instability and who is also fostering religious and ethnic assimilation which is fueling the situation into something it does not need to be. This bad diplomacy in the mix with gunboat diplomacy and Guerrilla diplomacy from both sides.

As the MAIN factors are coming into place, it is unknown whether these nations may go into a heated conflict instead of diplomatic war of attrition. Officials from the Foreign Ministry say the Artania has never been this headed since the Great Artanian War. It is unclear whether the tensions will calm down as both sides of the conflict are gearing for war.
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Maxington » Fri Jul 08, 2016 6:47 pm

Prosecutor-Generals accuses Banks of corruption
Prosecutor-General accuses four banks of corruption.

Prosecutor-General, the equivalent of many nations' Attorney General, Maklakova Stanislavovna in a press conference this morning accused twenty (20) private banks with corruption charges after an investigation carried out by the Directorate for Financial Intelligence showed that several of the accused banks engaged in unlawful bidding and bribing state officials as a means of avoiding the corporation tax. The investigation conducted by the Directorate for Financial Intelligence comes after the Directorate for Fraud Protection and Counter Identity Theft reviewed several contracting officials' pre-award contract documentation where it pointed out in a report to the Directorate for Financial Intelligence that many of the documents were back-dated, thus prompting the DFI to launch the investigation which caught the attention of the Prosecutor-General.
The four banks in question were all formed in Trigunia Mrs. Stanislavovna launch a probe into the report submitted by the DFI under advisement by the Justice Minister, the Finance Minister, the Governor-General of the Central Bank and the President. Mrs. Stanislavovna offered no comment on the investigation as she announced that she cannot comment on ongoing investigations. The Prosecutor-General is expected to chair a meeting with several federal prosecutors from across the nation in order to gather enough support and evidence to charge each bank for corruption in accordance with the Anti-Corruption Act of 4019.The sternness by the Prosecutor-General comes as the President called for a tougher stance on corruption as he vowed to purge the nation's government and private institutions/organizations of corruption in what he calls the "decade of transparency."
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Maxington » Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:54 am

Minister of Defence: "Instability within Cobura will not be left unchecked.
Minister of Defence pledges military support in tensions within Cobura sway to the worst.
April 23rd 4056

Recently tragedy struck the Eastern Tokundian City of Kuracgrad when pro-Coburan protesters were attack by elements aligned with the Provisional Government of the Tokundi region, which recently made massive pushing towards declaring independence from Cobura after a referendum within the now autonomous region was passed. There are proclamations that the attack could have been carried out by a paramilitary group affiliated with the Provisional Government of the Tokundi region whilst others proclaim that the attacks on pro-Coburan protesters was carried out by an angry mob rather than a paramilitary group affiliated with the Provisional Government. In response to the action, Sharba established border checkpoint along major road ways towards the Tokundi region and also called for the Provisional Government to withdraw its paramilitary forces from the eastern region of Tokundi in a timely manner, with threats of an invasion between thrown from those in Sharba to Tokundi. Minister of Defence, Tsitsyanov Yemelyanovich has come out and pledged military support to Sharba in the event of instability swaying to the worst, thus gesturing a change in Petrovgrad's policy towards the Tokundians. Petrovgrad, in recently times has been very vocal on the topic of mediating the Tokundi issue on the church issue, but with the recent attacks on pro-Coburan protesters, It appears that said policy appears to be changed. Petrovgrad has been a long backer of the Governments in Sharba. Defence Minister Tsitsyanov Yemelyanovich spoke with reporters in front of the Ministry of Defence where he said,
Although in the past we have called for the matter to be mediate in a peaceful, but the recent actions portrayed is of testimony to bad governing and control of the actions of its people, we will be taking into the account of presence of Trigunians at the massacre. Let it be known, that instability within Cobura will not be left unchecked. We are working teadiously with the Coburan Government on finding whether Trigunia were involved in the event. I have been advised by the President that we will be pledging military support to Sharba if tensions sway for the worst.

It is unclear whether Sharba will be recognizing the Tokundian Referendum as a means of mediating the issue, but after Coburan officials staged a walk out during the passing of the referendum in the Tokundian assembly, it is of testimony of Sharba's unwillingness to cooperate with the Tokundian Assembly in light of the recent attacks.

Envoy sent to Kalistan to repair stagnating relations.
Foreign Ministry sends Envoy to Kalistan to repair stagnating relations.
April 23rd 4056

In light of diplomatic silence between Trigunia and Kalistan, Kalistan is beginning the process of realigning themselves with the orient. The moves by the Kalistanis come as many point out that it would be Geo-politically correct for Kalistan to align itself with nation which has closer cultural and territorial ties to them rather than one that is both further away and has no form of cultural ties what so ever. In response to the recent diplomatic sway between Kalistan, Trigunia and Indrala, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent a Trade Envoy to Kalistan to reaffirm trade and economic ties rather than repairing seemingly stagnating diplomatic ties with Kalistan. Many have questioned why would the Ministry of Foreign Affairs not repair diplomacy relations, thus prompting Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman, Kirilova Innokentievna to speak on the issue in the daily Foreign Ministry Press Conference.
The reason behind our recantation on Kalistani diplomacy comes out of respect for their diplomatic decisions as it is Geo-politically correct for them to align themselves with a nation who is both a power-player and is closer geologically and culturally. It makes no sense for our nations to be so close, yet we have no cultural ties and are separated by millions of kilometers of land and water. That is why we have instead focused on reaffirming trade and economic ties rather than diplomatic and cultural ties. To say the least, the diplomatic move by the Kalistanis is not going to stop us from engaging in trade and economic diplomacy.

The Envoy to Kalistan, Kadtsyn Ivanovich stated that he does intend on offering a foreign direct investment (FDI) to several Kalistani companies including KALNAPECO as he stated that the he will be pushing the proposal which was mentioned by the Director-General of the Main Directorate for Energy and Energy Affairs which would enable Kalistan to gain greater access to the oil markets in order to supposedly de-saturate the oil markets in light of falling oil prices throughout terra.
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Reddy » Sat Jul 16, 2016 4:30 pm

Communists Victory In Trigunia
December 18, 4059

The Trigunian Communist Party (KPT) has won both the presidential and legislative elections in Trigunia, wining control of the northern juggernaut. Campaigning on a platform of restoring stability, creation of a socialist state and ‘propagating the spread of social justice across the globe.’ The victory stunned many given how Trigunia’s a notable conservative stronghold despite previous experiments with socialism. The Communist victory is thought to have been created by high levels of apathy in the electorate and the exemplary organization of the Communists – they were the only party with a truly national organization.

General Secretary Nikolai Zhukov

The KPT has moved fast in its implementing its desire to turn Trigunia into a socialist state with General Secretary Nikolai Zhukov creating and taking up the post of ‘Chairman of the Council of the People’s Commissars’. The KPT rejects what it calls 'bourgeois democracy' and has vowed to create a 'popular democracy' instead. Zhukov is expected to dominate the government, unsurprisingly given his role as primary founder of the party and strong connections with the Trigunian trade union movement.
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Reddy » Mon Jul 18, 2016 4:33 pm

Zhukov Leads Dovanian 'Round Trip'
December 17. 4060

Nikolai Zhukov the General Secretary of the Trigunian Communist Party and Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars has returned from a four day state visit in a major diplomatic coup for the newly established Communist government. Zhukov, the People's Commissars for Trade, Defence and Foreign Affairs along with dozens of other state officials visited Lourenne and Horrellia (Vorona) where a number of cooperation agreements and trade deals were signed, including one that will allow the northern power to establish a military base in eastern Horrellia.

General Secretary Zhukov

All this serves to increase Trigunia's presence in the eastern continent in addition to its growing presence in Majatra. Zhukov has adopted a policy of reassuring traditional allies that Communist Trigunia will not lead a ideologically driven foreign policy and will generally keep the commitments made by previous Trigunian administrations.

Zhukov: Revolution From Within

The Trigunian Comminst Party has managed to stabilise its rule of the northern nation with minimal disturbances, a development that has puzzled many a political scientist. Some point to the traditionally statist and authoritarian nature of Trigunian government as having allowed the Party to establish control easily with the loudest cries only over the massive economic reform program which is nationalising whatever bits of the economy which remained in state hands.

The tactics adopted by the Party in its establishment of its rule have been captured in a new doctrine formulated by the General Secretary, known as the 'Revolution From Within' and proclaimed at the Party's second Congress in October. According to Zhukov, the Party will not seek to destroy all reactionary institutions but instead reform them from the inside and at a somewhat gradual pace. Many principlists in the party are thought to oppose this 'moderate' course and calls for 'swift and full institutional revolution'.
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Reddy » Mon Jul 18, 2016 4:55 pm

Trigunia Warns Zardugal
December 19, 4060

Trigunian communist leader Nikolai Zhukov has issued a warning to Zardugal over its 'ethnic-chauvinist based aggression against Cobura'. The General Secretary spoke after a meeting with the Coburan Ambassador, through whom, he sent a message of support to the Coburan leader Field Marshal Banemes.

It is not in Majatran nor Trigunian interests to let Zardugal destabilise and destroy Cobura over imperialism thinly disguised as ethnic chauvinism. We will not stand up and watch, we will support our Coburan friends. Stability in Cobura is a key Trigunian foreign policy objective and we will use whatever means are available to us to achieve this objective.
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Reddy » Thu Jul 21, 2016 7:44 pm

Zhukov: Full Support for Majatra
January 6, 3962

General Secretary Zhukov

Trigunian Communist Party leader Nikolai Zhukov has rejected Vanukean criticism of the northern power's increasing role in Majatran affairs. Zhukov spoke at a ceremony welcoming representative of Kafuristan's Red Horde government - a communist movement which recently overthrew the long ruling Chann dynasty. According to some, Petrovgrad's fingerprints are 'all over' the Kafuri revolution.

Zhukov said he rejected Wiel(Vanuku)'s 'supposition' that Petrovgrad could just sit and watch as the 'world went up in flames'

The world is but a set of inter-linked threads. If a single one breaks, the entire arrangement is at risk of collapse. Conflict in Majatra would as far south as it may be, affects all of Terra. Wiel's threats are most unfortunate as we are a peaceful movement which does seek conflict with anyone. We formed attachment with the southern nations such as Jakania and Kafuristan out of concern and a desire to help protect the socialist governments there form the intrigues of the reactionaries. Majatran stability is an issue which has long perplexed even th wisest of thinkers and we think perhaps it can only be attained with the help of outsiders and the development of socialism there.

Many have noted that the General Secretary has increased his focus on foreign affairs, where the country has had much success and much less focus on domestic affairs, where the economy can be best described as bleeding. Growth has totally disappeared and there has been considerable brain drain, stanched only by increased restrictions on passports and visa applications. Repression in general apepars to have increased with the Ban on Factionalisation transforming the country into a one party state.

Communists only

Zhukov 'Advises' Hutori

The General Secretary offered some advice to the Federal Republic of Hutori over the Lagard referendum issues. He said Hutori could copy the crisis caused to Trigunia with its breakaway Zarvospol oblast and instead devolve a lot of power to Lagard before the conflict escalates. Many in the diplomatic community have greeted the General Secretary's 'advice' with great skepticism, given Trigunia's historical enmity with the Artanian nation.
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby colonelvesica » Sun Jul 31, 2016 8:15 pm

National Alliance Sweeps to Power

The new Trigunian political force, known simply as the National Alliance, has seized power in Trigunia following the nation's short flirtation with communism.

Following, now disposed, Nikolai Zhukov's banning of all political parties outside of the Communist Party of Trigunia Generals in the Trigunian Armed Forces launched a quick and bloodless coup, dumping the Communists from power and allowing for free elections again. The National Alliance, under Nikolai Tarkovsky, quickly seized the moment and came to the forefront of the Trigunian political scene, taking power in every Oblast across the nation along with the Military Party, a political party serving as the political Wing of the Armed Forces.


The National Alliance is a loose Coalition of Trigunians business elite, military leaders, and ranking officials from the Security and Intelligence world. Tanya Chernova in fact, the new Minister-President, was a former Director of the GBD's secretive Special Options Directorate, their highly classified black ops elite.

Minister-President Tanya Chernova

How they will run the nation is as of yet Unknown but it is known their first course of action since coming to power is beginning the process of restoring the Trigunian Monarchy, having found a member of the mythic Udinov Family, an ancient Trigunia family of nobles and the closest thing to a Royal Family the nation as at this point.

Tsarina Aleksandra I

It's notable that Trigunia, a country traditionally ruled by strongman figures, is now lead dually by powerful women and it will be interesting to see how the world reacts to these recent developments.
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:13 pm

Imperial Trigunia Restored

A full century after its abolishment the Monarchy has returned to Trigunia has the National Alliance finished it's final touch on the amendment to the Constitution that allowed Aleksandra Udinov, a descendent of the ancient Udinov Family of nobles, to be enthroned as Tsarina Aleksandra I.

Tsarina Aleksandra I, the Modern Empress

Tsarina Aleksandra, only the young age of 26, is very possibly the youngest Head of State in the world that doesn't have Regent ruling in their stead. She has ready announced her first official State Dinner will be the with King and Crown Prince of Valruzia. The Valurzian Monarchy are rumored to wishing to join their House with the new Tsarina's but thus far nothing as from the Northern Imperial Palace.

In on of her first official actions the Tsarina invited Tanya Chernova, the head of the National Alliance, and the last holder of the position of Prime Minister to take on the office of Chairperson of the Imperial Chancellory, or Chancellor as she will commonly be known as across Terra.

Chancellor Chernova, who has already gained a reputation for brutal efficiency has allegedly already begun her work, with a full purge of the Armed Forces, Security and Intelligence Services, ridding them of any lingering Communist elements.

While she hasn't announced anything in the way of her foreign policy some Independent analysts point to her past as the Deputy Director General of the GBD'S secretive Special Operations Directorate, and have stated wherever she points her gaze, that the world needs to be ready for her.
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