Narikaton and Darnussia

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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Chelvebergen » Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:24 pm

Luuk Chelveberger, Announces Formation of Democratic Liberals
Announces plans for the party the country

Chelveberger from his party's new office in Merenbürg

Hope was the main message felt in my recent interview with Luuk Chelveberger regarding the establishment of the Democratic Liberals. He spoke of a new kind of Darnussia one in which "values of freedom and liberty to do business with each other, to act as one would like in the boundaries of new, less oppressive law" which, despite being revolutionary, cannot be argued with. He spoke of "peaceful intervention" in bringing down the oppressive regime. "We must respect the fact that the Fuhrer has a mandate, we're lucky to have elections, we must respect the democratic process by challenging the Fuhrer in a general election and not by undermining the process in violence," he said. Amongst other things, he spoke of a bright future in which the entire landscape of Darnussia is changed for the better. As per the request of our editor, Luuk has been invited to write an article about his plans which shall come in the following weeks.
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Chelvebergen » Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:59 pm

A Fairer, Freer, and Just Society
My Plans for Darnussia, by Luuk Chelvebergen


We've got quite the road ahead of us. The next general election is in two-and-a-half years, but that doesn't mean we can't start suing for change now. We, the Democratic Liberals will be the change for you. A few months ago, I announced part one and two of our manifesto. These parts related to foreign policy, our armed forces and also healthcare and reflect the fundamental issues with our society that we hope to, with your support, put right.

In terms of part one, or the military, we've outlined our plans to make the military an inclusive place by removing limits on homosexuals, women and ethnic minorities so that we can revolutionise the military into an establishment in which merit equates to success, not unchangeable characteristics, thereby allowing for the incorporation of the best amongst all walks of life.

In part two, or healthcare, we've set out our plans for a fair and just healthcare system which respects the rights and safety of individuals by pledging to distribute free contraceptives as to combat sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. We've also pledged to extend the wonderful possibilities that IVF can bring to a potential parent by increasing the scope of who can take part in the procedure. Most importantly, we've pledged to legalise cannabis for recreational purposes as to create a society in which no one is punished for something that is not harmful to anyone.

This morning, I announced part three of our manifesto, or the part relating to the Exchequer. In it, I set out our goals to institute a living wage so that all members of society are guaranteed a safety net. Amongst other things, I also set out plans for the legalisation of pornography for those who are mature enough to produce, take part in and watch it as to break down the societal stigma against sex and healthy relationships.

In part four, relating to justice, I'll announce plans to demilitarise the police service by phasing out the use of military weapons, instituting warrants for searches and restricting their patrols to public property. I'll also announce my pledge to remove the death penalty and police torture as these barbaric practices have no place in a fair and just society. I'll also announce my plans to destroy the DNA registry and to bring about a more rehabilitative prison system.

In part five, relating to education, I'll announce plans to introduce mandatory sex education classes as to equip the future generation with the knowledge they need to form safe, healthy relationships in the future.

In part six, relating to liberty, I'll announce my plans to allow homosexual couples, and those without partners to adopt as this amazing experience should be open to anyone willing to help the most vulnerable and desperate in society, regardless of sexual orientation or marital status. I'll also announce plans to allow for cross-dressing, interracial marriages (and sex), and most importantly, civil unions for same-sex couples so that regardless of who you love, you can enter into a legally recognised relationship. I'll also legalise public nudity in certain environments such as colonies and beaches.

In part seven, relating to religion, I'll decriminalise blasphemy, this doesn't mean I'll decriminalise religious hatred or the incitement thereof, but allow for criticism and freedom of speech as fundamental rights. I'll also encourage school prayers but not force children to pray, I'll instead promote respect and tolerance for the church.

After I'm elected, I also hope to tear down the tyrannous Reichstag and replace it with a States-General, and in the process, morphing the role of Fuhrer into President.

As for my potential cabinet, I've chosen the following people to help me build the society that we desperately need:
My Foreign Affairs minister will be Josef Schneider.
My Internal Affairs minister will be Valeska Schwartz.
My Finance minister will be Diethelm Van Rompa.
My Defence minister will be Fred Herberts.
My Justice minister will be Miranda Aukes.
My Infrastructure and Transport minister will be Bernhard Vogt.
My Health and Social Services minister will be Jo Leeuwenhoek.
My Education and Culture minister will be Amanda Wörner.
My Science and Technology minister will be Friedrich Giese.
My Food and Agriculture minister will be Stephanie Brams.
My Environment and Tourism minister will be Traugott Gehring.
Finally, my Trade and Industry minister will be Fleur Aleshite.

We've got a long way to go, but I believe that we can do it if we pull together and peacefully enact a new kind of Darnussia.

Luuk Chelvebergen
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Mbites » Sat Aug 13, 2016 9:07 am

PDU rejects Early Elections
One of the opposition Parties proposed early elections.
But the PDU wants to keep its power and rejected the elections.

What will the rejection mean for Darnussia & Narikaton?
We do not know yet but it seems that trouble is brewing.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Pan-Dundorfian League Council/Newspaper

Postby Wobach » Mon Aug 15, 2016 6:46 pm

Protests against the Pan-dundorfian League
We the Imperiale Demokraten and many independents have organised a peaceful protest against the Pan-dundorfian League in Merenbürg (Darnussia). Ca. 35 000 have protested outside the Darnussian parliament, including our party's president Marie Habicht.

-By Imperiale Demokraten (IP)-
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Mbites » Tue Aug 16, 2016 3:21 pm

PDU evolves
The newly elected party-chef Marlon Thaller, reformed the Pan-Dundorfian Unionparty to something more fitting.
He said that they do not only want to identify themselves as "Pan-Dundorfian"
The new name of the Party is Eiserner Ring, they want to lead the country to its former glory and nationalist virtue.

One of our reporters said he heard Marlon Thaller yelling "Sieg Heil"
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Mbites » Wed Aug 17, 2016 9:53 am

Fascists & National Socialists march
Many of the right-wing extremists marched on the streets of the capital to show their hatred for the government.
The extremists were partially armed and a few of them were arrested.
There were many injuries and around ten dead people.

We asked both the acting police officer and the fascist rebel-leader for a statement, both of them denied.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Wobach » Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:36 pm

Fire Salamander populations recover
After the Bundesländer Alkavon & Kozaria introduced new pesticide laws, the number of Fire salamanders increased steadily.
Acording to farmers and the government, the usage of (slightly) neurotoxic Benfluralin (C13H16F3N3O4) has fallen for around 45%. Several environmentally semi-protected areas have banned the pesticide. But perhaps the main factor is the fact that farmers at lakes, swamps, rivers and streams reduced the usage of the pesticide for 70-90% (depending on the Relief).
Populations of other amphibians have also started to grow, which might lead to higher biodiversity and general environmental well-being.

Arthur Gruberhausen organises major Paragliding event
Arthur is a known member of the ID, but the event was organised "politically independent" with more than 720 paragliders (most of them members of the Alkavon Gleitschirm Club) flying on the skys of the Darnussian Alps. Over 500 people have flown for the first time. The event was also meant to show people how atmospherical physics and meteorology works. The ZAMG (Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik) was giving lessons, advice and fun-facts.
Image There were also ornitologists watching several bird species including the endangered Thick-billed raven (the largest corvid; raven)Image
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Mbites » Fri Aug 19, 2016 9:53 am

Smuggler arrested
Last night a band of smugglers were arrested in their goods were confiscated.
But you might think now "What is so intersting about this?"
Well, the goods were the interesting part of the story.
The goods were uniforms with national socialist symbolic on it.
Mysterious documents which were saved from destruction hint that the Nationale Einheitspartei of Dundorf is behind this plot.
The documents said that a right-wing extremist rebel-group should recieve the uniforms. These rebels were part of the demonstration a month ago.

The police stormed the hideout and arrested everyone in there.

All of the rebels denied our request for a statement. We sent a message to the press-speaker of the Nationale Einheitspartei and still got no answer yet.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Phibotic » Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:04 am

Helmut Helm visits the Iron Ring

Yesterday Helmut Helm, a member of the NEP, which is responsible for the defense politics of the party, arrived in Narikaton.
He came to attend a meeting with the Iron Ring. This seems really suspicious, because of the recent events, the NEP seems to be involved in.
Although members of the NEP tried to hold back the reporters, we know from several sources that Helm was greeted by Marlon Thaller. He
even received one of the iron rings. Normally only high ranked members of the iron ring get to wear these.
On-Off Pseudo Opposition in Narikaton
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Mbites » Sat Aug 20, 2016 9:21 am

Iron Ring supports Rebels?
The Iron Ring a fascist party has a symbolic Iron Ring for High ranking individuals or close friends.
Recently a smuggler-nest was found and stormed, now after taking down more and more Terrorist-hideouts they found a Iron Ring on the finger of the leader of the smuggler/terrorist-group.
We asked him for a statement he only yelled national socialist paroles.

The rebel-leader

The Iron-Ring meda-speaker only told us that these rebels are not party-members nor does the Iron-Ring see them as affiliates.
Even though it seems that the police force stopped the thread some of the remarks of the leader were worrying, he said that the volunteer-numbers were quite high.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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