Kanjorian Civil War

Major internal and international armed conflicts including armed uprisings, civil wars and multi-state conflicts.

Kanjorian Civil War

Postby historybuff8910 » Tue Sep 27, 2016 1:35 am


After a continually weak economy, constant terrorist attacks, and issues of immigration, Le Grande République de Kanjor has slipped into civil war. The terrorist organization, the United Front for a Greater Kanjor, have already taken over the cities of Narseille and La Gochelle in Oleri, and Cimoges and Voubaix in Numineux.

The organization has accumulated around 120,000 soldiers, with more expected to join in the fight. They have the necessary firearms, but lack artillery and heavy fire.

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Chronicling the Civil War until July 4096

Postby historybuff8910 » Tue Sep 27, 2016 8:43 pm

January 4096

The terrorist organzation, the UFGK, has taken over four major cities in Kanjor. Two of which are located in Oleri, and the other two in Numineux. However, seeing how the government has superior fire power, the terrorists have been finding it difficult to maintain control over those cities.

President Antoine Magonide has announced that Kanjor is now in a state of civil war, and encourages the population to fight against the despibable terrorists that wish to overthrow the people's way of life.

President Magonide also issued an immediate order to detain all former fascist politicians, named the Anti-Magonides, as he accuses them of provoking these actions and being responsible for the civil war.

February 4096
The UFGK, which have identified themselves as ultra-nationalistic rebels, are beggining to plan out their moves.

President Magonide has begun to send the military to rebel camps. Over 60,000 soldiers, along with 1,500 tanks, 3,000 armored vehicles, and 2,000 artillery pieces. Magonide has said he feels very confident in the governments ability to crush the rebels.

Compared, the rebels have approximately 180,000 soldiers, thirty percent of which are professional trained. The rebels were able to raid government bases around their captured territories, capturing 200 tanks, 400 armored vehicles, and 600 artillery pieces.

The Kanjorian government has already began operations to retake Voubaix and Cimoges, which aren't as heavily defended. The rebels occupying those cities are also pinned as they will have nowhere else to go. A large Kanjorian force is making its way to a patch of territory controlled by the rebels near the capital of Soulon. The fascist rebels have begun to move further south near Oleri where their concentration of power is strongest.

Map of the military movements: http://imgur.com/a/jhlQp

Many senators aligning with the fascists have already fled the government, remaining hidden or away from Kanjor. Governor of Oleri, Tristan Bourbeau, the leader of the fascist movement was last seen in his office before the President Magonide called for the arrest of all fascist politicians after banning them in government. It is suspected Bourbeau fled the country, along with another prominent politician, Danielle Routan.

Other non-fascist politicians have also fled the country fearing for their lives, and unsure on their country's future.

March 4096

After several bloody battles, the Kanjorian government has retaken the cities of Voubaix and Cimoges, squashing the rebellion in the Duche de Numineux. In the capital Duche de Martois, the Kanjorian forces have also retaken the land originally occupied by the rebels. However, there was much less conflict due to the immediate rebel movement down south in Oleri and southern Martois, where the rebels have been occupying more and more land.

At the battle of Voubaix over 11,000 rebels lost their lives, and 5,000 have been taken prisoner; this means 4,000 rebels are uncounted for. No superior weaponry stolen by the rebels was taken, the majority of their firepower is located in Oleri. The Kanjorians lost 6,000 soldiers during the engagement. The siege lasted for 15 days.

At the battle of Cimoges, the Kanjorian army surrounded that of the rebels, and with heavy fire from artillery and tanks, over 16,000 rebels were killed, while only 2,500 kanjorian soldiers were killed. In the city of Cimoges, over 3,000 innocent citizens lost their lives in the siege, with heavy artillery fire bombarding the city. The attack has been met with widespread criticism, as it targeted innocent citizens.

The general responsible for this siege was reportedly fired. The rebels claim the general defected to their side, and brought over 20,000 soldiers to the rebel side. It is unsure whether this claim is true, however President Magonide has authorized the use of 30,000 more soldiers in the conflict.

April 4096

There have been several more skirmishes against the rebels and the military, but not much to report on. The rebels continue to capture territory in Oleri, while defending their positions. They've set up dozens of defensive camps containing thousands of soldiers around their borders.

Tristan Bourbeau has been found, and has proclaimed himself leader of the rebellion, embracing the need for change. He has encouraged all major politicians to join his side.

Bourbeau was also the minister of defence, and had a close relationship with many Kanjorian generals. Bourbeau has reportedly been able to get a multitude of generals onto his side, adding a combined 50,000 trained soldiers loyal to the rebels. In this deal, Bourbeau was able to increase the weaponry of the rebels with a new total of 1,200 tanks, 1,500 armored vehicles, and 900 artillery pieces.

May 4096

The rebels and the government had the first major battle in the civil war near the city of Narseille. Over 40,000 rebels were involved against 30,000 soldiers. The rebels brought 50 tanks, and 30 artillery pieces, while the Kanjorian government brought 80 tanks and 40 artillery pieces.

The battle lasted for 8 hours, with no clear winner, until the rebels attacked at night, charging and engaging 30,000 of their men against all 30,000 men from the Kanjorian government. The battle was incredibly bloody, but due to the element of surprise, the rebels won losing only 18,000 of their soldiers while the Kanjorian military lost 24,000 of their men.

The Kanjorian army has retreated for now, but they will not underestimate their enemy again. The rebels now have a clear stronghold in Oleri, and will continue to attack Martois and Oleri. '

The rebels also have a strong positon on the Kanjorian Islands. In the Duche de Silliers they've began to take a lot of territory where the Kanjorian army was relatively weaker. Bourbeau expects the entire island to be occupied soon.

June 4096

No major battles have happened again, but the rebels have expanded drastically.


Bourbeau continues to lead the rebels against the government.

President Antoine Magonide has called him a traitor and that he should "go rot in the depths of hell".
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Rebels move south

Postby historybuff8910 » Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:59 am

After several months of a standstill, the rebels have been preparing to move further south into the heart of Oleri, and take their first Duche.

The rebels, now numbering about 225,000 soldiers, are brining 80,000 soldiers in the campaign south, leaving 145,000 soldiers to defend and prepare new offensive operations in the already controlled rebel territory. Thousands of citizens have flocked to the rebels cause after their massive victory at the Battle of Narseille.

Along with the 80,000 soldiers, the rebels are moving 400 tanks, 500 armored vehicles, and 300 artillery pieces. The rebels plan on raiding Kanjorian military bases still active in Oleri for weapons.

President Magonide has immediately added 50,000 more men to the fight, adding up to a current grand total of 77,500 soldiers.

The civil war, while lasting only 9 months, has already claimed 81,500 lives, 4,200 of which were non-combatants.
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Lambéry and Foulouse Captured by Rebels

Postby historybuff8910 » Wed Sep 28, 2016 7:15 pm

The fascist rebels captured the city of Lambéry, Oleri with minimal casualties.

The rebels took over the nearby military camps, while their artillery pieces fired into the city, stopping any attempt by the government to provide reinforcements.

The rebels lost 6,000 soldiers while the Kanjorian military lost 3,000 soldiers. Over 8,000 soldiers from the government have been taken prisoner by the rebels.

The recent battles indicate the rebels taking a huge advantage in Oleri.

The fascist rebels also made an attack on the border city of Foulouse, Martois. This is the first successful operation the rebels have launched into Martois.

The fascists lost 11,000 soldiers while the Kanjorian government lost 8,000 men.

With Foulouse under the fascists control, President Magonide has decided a state of emergency, granting him war powers and control of the government.

Magonide has also issued the use of airstrikes against the terrorists, making use of the superior air power of the government. However, the rebels have been taking control of several airports and bases around Oleri, which could pose problems for the Kanjorian government.
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Fascists take complete control of Oleri, and invade Numineux

Postby historybuff8910 » Thu Sep 29, 2016 6:11 am

The rebels have once again taken several cities in Kanjor.

The rebels lay siege to the city of Ville Iréne, and infected massive damage on the defensive soldiers. The remaining Kanjorian force in Oleri, numbered at 6,000 soldiers, has been obliterated by the invading force. The invading force of 15,000 rebels were able to use newly acquired artillery pieces and tanks to besiege the city with minimal casualties.

The rebels also made a push into the city of Pesançon, Numineux, the first push into the Duche since the beginning of the civil war one year ago.

The rebels have placed 60,000 soldiers into the invasion of Numineux.

Along with Numineux, the rebels have been making quick advances into Silliers. President Magonide had recalled many soldiers on Silliers to be moved into La Tondelle or back onto the mainland of Kanjor.

The civil war is beggining to tilt in the direction of the rebels. Taking over the entire Duche of Oleri is a massive gain for the group, and they've begun to spread in all other Duches. President Magonide's offensive tactics have been failures, and any bombing strikes by the government have been met with reciprocal actions on Kanjorian cities, leaving an unhappy population forcing the President to end these strikes.

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The Rebels advance on Martois

Postby historybuff8910 » Fri Sep 30, 2016 12:06 am

The rebels, having officially began their advance in Martois, have already beat the Kanjorian government in another major battles.

President Magonide sent a force of 18,000 soldiers with 60 tanks and 80 artillery pieces to besiege and recapture the city of Foulouse.

However, the rebels were able to defend the city with only 12,000 soldiers, 15 tanks, and 20 artillery pieces. The rebels did have an advantage in that a local airport had been taken over recently, and the fascists were able to use the bomber jets housed there to bombard the enemy forces.

Over 6,000 soldiers were killed, and 15 tanks as well as 23 artillery pieces were destroyed in the process. Only about 3,00 rebel soldiers died due to artillery bombardments.

Currently, the rebels are beginning to move further into Martois, laying siege to the cities of Saint Claire and Nasbourg. The rebels are also bringing a large force to take out two military bases near the cities to block off any reinforcements.


The rebels have also made significant advances into Silliers, and have begun to attack La Tondelle, a historically socialist and anti-fascist Duche.
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Numineux, Silliers taken over by the rebels

Postby historybuff8910 » Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:38 pm

After a series of victories across Numineux, President Magonide has withdrawn soldiers there and moved them into Martois to defend Soulon from the rebels.

The fascist rebels have accumulated more and more soldiers to fight the government, and have officially occupied the Duche of Numineux.

The rebel forces have also fully occupied the Duche of Silliers, and have occupied a good majority of La Tondelle. `

The rebel forces are currently preparing to lay siege to Soulon, the capital of Kanjor. President Magonide has called back as many forces as he could to defend the city of Soulon. If the city falls, the Kanjorian government will be overthrown.

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Siege of Soulon (January 4098-March 4098)

Postby historybuff8910 » Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:17 am

January 4098
Rebel forces have brought about 80,000 soldiers to lay siege to Soulon, the last city standing loyal to the Kanjorian government. The rebels have also brought 300 tanks and 500 artillery pieces.

The Kanjorian government has gathered and deployment a force of 90,000 soldiers, the majority of soldiers in the armed forces have either defected sides or have left the army seeking peace from the civil war. This is the last defense of the government. President Antoine Magonide is currently inside a bunker in Soulon. A majority of senators have stayed in Soulon, while others have fled the nation or changed sides.

The rebels have used their artillery pieces to shell the city as well as the barracks containing the soldiers.


February 4098
After a month of laying siege to the city of Soulon, the city has seen over 9,000 citizens killed in the rebels bombardments, bringing the total death toll for the citizen population to 47,000.

The rebel shelling of the military bases have also been very succesful, seeing the Kanjorian army lose 9,000 soldiers, while the rebels have only lost 2,000 soldiers in artillery fire from Soulon.

The rebels are preparing to launch an operation into the city to end the civil war.

March 4098
After a month of fighting within the streets,in the various districts of Soulon, the fascist rebels have officially taken over the capital district.

Rebels entered the city in February, and have been fighting and taking over parts of the city for over a month. The Kanjorian government put up a tough fight, but the rebel force overpowered them.

The presidents bunker has been raided, and Antoine Magonide has been imprisoned. All of his remaining cabinet members, including Head of Government Julian Thwarton, have all been imprisoned and will be given trials to see how culpable they were in the mismanagement of Kanjor. Many senators still in Kanjor have also been taken prisoner and will await a trial dictated by leader of the rebels, and soon to be president, Tristan Bourbeau.

The end of the civil war is here, after two years of bloody battle. The old United Party of Centrists will fall to a new and unknown party with Tristan Bourbeau at the helm.
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