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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby jamescfm » Fri Nov 11, 2016 2:00 pm

The following piece is reproduced from
The Kizenian Worker
Build A Better Country
Sollomovici elected as President despite defeat for PSD in the Assembly

Nepoleşti, Tiania
19 August 4118

Incoming President Gogu Sollomovici smiles as he speaks to his fans

In a shocking development overnight, it emerged that the Social Democratic Party leader and Presidential candidate Gogu Sollomovici had defeated Henrik Hunyad of the New Endralonian People's Party in the race to lead the Confederation. Following Nic Stefan's resignation as party leader and subsequent call for early elections, Sollomovici stood in the race to succeed him against four other candidates. On the second ballot, Sollomovici was up against NEPP leader Hunyad, who was backed by the Demokratikus Liberális Párt, the Uniunea Hosia Democrată and the Partidul Național Conservativ, but was still able to spring an upset and defeat the former President.

In spite of Sollomovici's success, the Social Democrats suffered a crushing defeat in the United Assembly as they lost a total of 80 seats and won only 15% of the vote nationwide (although this was still better than the 10% they were polling on the day before voting took place). As a result of the PSD's falling support, the NEPP returned to the plurality with 120 seats while the new 'Alternativă' won 114. Presently, the new President faces a challenge familiar to his predecessors. The dominance of the fascist Partidul Național Conservativ means that he will struggle to deliver the moderate and compromising cabinet he fought for on the campaign trail. In his hometown of Nepoleşti, Sollomovici spoke to a crowd full of jubilant supporters.

My fellow citizens, good morning! What a morning it is! [The President is briefly interrupted by chants of "Gogu! Gogu! Gogu!"] Yesterday, our nation voted to come together and face the challenges in front of us, not separately but as one united people. Everybody who voted for me, who supported me and who campaigned for me has been rewarded tonight with the confirmation that we are going to overcome the obstacles of the future. As I spoke- briefly- on the telephone with Mr Hunyad, we agreed that it was imperative that we tackle those challenges which confront us. Despite our differences, Mr Hunyad does deserve some congratulations for his commitment to the campaign and his desire to represent his constituents.

Eighteen short months ago, we heard a similar voice from the people of the Confederation: one which said loud and clear 'we want to change this country for the better'. That change has not come easily and the fight for it must continue. We must put the disappointments and mistakes of the past behind us and keep pushing forward. It can be difficult for us to look forward, to look past the tragic terrorist attacks which have devastated our communities and struck fear into our hearts, to look past the turbulence of a tax code which could seemingly change at any moment, to look past governments which are built on convenience and not cooperation but believe me when I say we can do it!

These threats, challenges, obstacles and difficulties can only be defeated by the collective endeavour of our citizens. Everybody in this nation, under my leadership, will be granted the rights they deserve but that does not mean they do not have a responsibility to help us overcome these testing times. When we face these problems, we don't face them as Socialists, Conservatives or Liberals, we don't face them as Hosians, Secularists or Yeudis, we don't face them as Zyldavians, Kizenians or Kuzaki, we face them together as citizens of the Confederation! I promise you today that, together, we will build a better country!
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby SelucianCrusader » Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:36 am

The following piece is reproduced from
Carpe Diem Press|the voice of reason and truth
DLP moves to the right - founds "Hosian Front"
Mágyar: "We are the real Hosian Democrats"
14 April 4119

Sándor Magyar

NEW ENDRALONIA/CETATERA ALBĂ - After the disastrous elections of 4118, the Democratic Liberal Party has taken some time to reflect on what went wrong. Attempting to redo the strategy from the elections from 4113 when the DLP rose sharply as the Hosian Democratic Union (UDH) declined, DLP Parliamentary Leader Sándor Magyar - who describes himself as a faithful High-Church Luthoran despite being rumoured to have three girlfriends apart from his wife - announced the founding of a new Hosian-oriented intra-party organization yesterday:

In an era like ours we need more power to the civil society - less politicians and bureaucrats deciding our lives. The so-called United "Hosian" Democrats have failed their purpose and their voters. They're only interested in expanding the powers of the state at the expense of the civil society for no good reason. It's proven by the fact that they'd rather recognize same-sex marriage than not having the government recognize any marriage at all - contrary to the values of their voters. We liberals are content with letting the civil society decide, we get the difference between having a personal stance on something and wanting the government to shove it down others throats. It's the same thing with education where they'd rather let the government euthanize free schools - many of them Hosian - and take away freedom of choice from kids whose parents cannot afford that, just because they want to take away power and freedom from society to socialist bureaucrats who consider it immoral to pay the private sector to deliver the least among us a service. And of course - despite the terrorism encourage the rabid anti-religiousness of the "Alternative" - the UDH will never allow the faithful to arm themselves and found militias to protect their families and society. The government has to do this. The government has to decide everything.

Friends - this is not Hosian Democracy. This is socialism. For me - Hosian Democracy is an ideology that understands that a society is built upon natural communities such as the family, nation and faith and that it is not the same thing as the state. It should be a lot closer to our classical liberal values than to socialism. It is for this reason I invite all disgruntled Hosians to join our new Hosian Front - which will be a force for your interests in politics and to make the LDH an even greater alternative for faithful Hosians, so help us God!

Hosian Front symbol
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby jamescfm » Sat Nov 12, 2016 8:44 pm

The following piece is reproduced from
The Kizenian Worker
Red Star Champions Again
After Cetatea Albă United suffer narrow defeat to POFC, city rivals wrap up championship

Cetatea Albă, Tilarnia
6 May 4119

Red Star Cetatea Albă celebrate with the Confederation Championship trophy

Following a dominant 5-0 thrashing of Déltábor Monks this afternoon, Red Star Cetatea Albă ensured that they would be crowned champions of the Confederation Championship for the seventh time in nine years. When combined with the fact that neighbours and fierce rivals Cetatea Albă United were defeated 2-1 by POFC, the result meant that it was no longer mathematically possible for Red Star to be caught at the top of the table.

Very few believed that Red Star would lose their title this season, although they were given a tough ride by United. Unlike last season, when the title race was concluded by April, Red Star were pushed all the way to the penultimate week this time around- giving hope to their competitors. United and others will also be encouraged by the news that Red Star captain Nelu Ardelean has confirmed that he will retire at the end of this season and that centre-forward Albert Șerban, who has thirty-eight goals already, has agreed a deal which will see him join Racing Club Bongjing in Kalistan. Even so, it will take a real upset for the title to change hands next season.

It was United's defensive showing, as has often been the case throughout the season, that let them down against POFC. Despite sitting second, only bottom-placed Trei Rauri Cosmos (74) and Dinamo Deltavaros (69) have conceded more goals than Cetatea Albă United (67) and in the end the fantastic goal scoring record of their front three was not enough to see them over the line. Head Coach Dragomir Gabor must invest in an imposing centre-half who can command a back line which, across the course of the season, has had an average age of 23.7 years.

There is still competition at the bottom of the table, however, as Săteni Wanderers ground out a 0-0 draw with Stâmoarte FC. That result means that if Wanderers can avoid defeat against the champions in midweek, their safety is confirmed but if not, they will have to rely on results elsewhere falling in their favour.
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby jamescfm » Sun Nov 13, 2016 2:39 am

The following piece is reproduced from
The Kizenian Worker
Social Democrats begin walkout, vowing not to return until there is reform on the right to strike

Cetatea Albă, Tilarnia
22 July 4119

Will President Sollomovici's gamble pay off in the long run?

Members of the Social Democratic Party have made the daring decision to stage a strike in support for workers around the Confederation who are unable to do so. All ninety-one of the party's members of the United Assembly have stated they will not return to discuss, vote on or implement bills until 'The Right to Strike' bill passes. Although party members signalled their support for the decision, it could yet be a costly one. With no guarantee that the bill will pass at all, the PSD could be forced to abandon their position or face an extended period out of the Assembly.

If the bill doesn't pass, the PSD will then be forced to rely on another party proposing a similar bill once again in the future. Additionally, voters would surely punish the President's party at the polls if they knew any elected officials would not even fulfil their basic duty. In spite of these concerns, Gogu Sollomovici was defiant saying that 'I do not have time to worry about the potential consequences for my own party in the short and medium term, my duty is to the people! The right to strike is an inalienable human right and the fact that our nation does not guarantee it is a sorry indictment of what we have become. If we have to spend the next year, decade, even century on the streets of Cetatea Albă then, I say, let it be! We will be victorious in our struggle.'
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby Aquinas » Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:04 pm

June 4121
by Natalia Vladu

Police Minister held hostage by cat

Jeni, the Petrescu's 2 year old tabby

Lucian Petrescu, Minister of Internal Affairs and former chairman of the Hosian Democratic Union (HDU), was forced to call the police for assistance last night after his family's cat, 2 year old Jeni, flew into a terrifying feline rage. Petrescu, his wife, adult son, two teenage daughters, and three guests (all HDU parliamentarians) all remained in the living room until police forced entry into the property and pacified the cat. Jeni is said to be "very territorial about the house" and to have resented the number of people who had arrived that evening, so decided to round them all up in the living room and refuse to allow them to leave.

The incident is personally and politically damaging to the Internal Affairs Minister, since Internal Affairs Ministers are responsible for the police and usually like to pose as tough, strong-minded types.

This comes hot on the heels of an embarrassing episode last week, when it emerged Petrescu had signed off on a 5,000 NED government grant to a drug rehabilitation self-help group based in Săteni. It was meant to be a group run for and by recovering drug addicts, to help them rebuild their lives and stay away from drugs. However, an investigative journalist from a current affairs television program discovered the people who were running it were using the funds to buy drugs and then sell them to the members.

Petrescu has declined to comment on the cat hostage incident, but his wife has told journalists:

We really want to keep Jeni, because she is the most wonderful cat. The other day, she was acting entirely out of character - I think she was just stressed out because there were too many people here. We are going to bring in a feline psychologist, to try and help us with Jeni's issues.
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby Aquinas » Sat Nov 19, 2016 1:11 am

July 4122
by Natalia Vladu

It was Petrescu's fault not the cat's, says tv feline psychologist

Jeni with cat psychologist Anita Kende

The television series "LIving with cats" has done a special episode dedicated to the testing relationship between Internal Affairs Minister Lucian Petrescu and his family, and their cat Jeni, who a while back became so aggressive the family had to call the police for assistance.

The show's leading star, feline psychologist Anita Kende, quickly diagnosed that "the problem was with the humans, not with the cat" and that "the family were behaving in a way which caused stress to the cat, and then they were reinforcing aggressive behaviour by responding to it with cat treats". She found, in particular, that the family were "trying to play with Jeni as though she was a dog", probably because Jeni was their first cat and previously they had only owned dogs as pets.

Television cameras followed the Petrescu family at home for 7 days, whilst they tried to follow the "Action Plan" set for them by Kende. During the first 2 days, the cat was filmed assaulting family members 11 times, and in one incident Lucian Petrescu's nose was left bleeding with blood. However, after that, as the family adapted to the plan, the aggressive incidents became less and less, until by the final 2 days, there were no problems at all and Jeni was spending most of the time purring on Mrs. Petrescu's lap.

"She's a completely different cat," Lucian Petrescu said at the end. "This is so wonderful and I'm so thankful for all of the help Kende gave us, we couldn't have done this without her." He also added that "we've come to understand and respect Jeni much better than before, and everything is just so transformed - you can tell she's a much, much happier cat".

Although the Jeni saga has been embarrassing to Lucian Petrescu, most observers now believe that on balance, his popularity and name recognition with the public has significantly increased as a result of the television coverage.
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby Autokrator15 » Sat Nov 19, 2016 10:17 pm

Decision December 4122
Election results of the Presidential and United Assembly

December 4122, Cetatea Albă

Presidential Elections

The Presidential Elections of the Confederation have been a tense elections with various candidates going out to ask the electorate to vote for them. The major cities have been filled with posters and nearly everwhere are leaflets with the faces of the candidates on them.

These were the candidates for the 4122 Presidential Elections:

- Valentina Cojocaru-Gulyás, Alternativa, sitting President of the Confederation.
- Andros Lakatos. New Endralonian People's Party, supported by the United Hosian Democrats and the Democratic Liberal Party.
- Flavius Mironescu, National Conservative Party.
- Zsombor Szarvas, Left Faction.
- Ioan Dragos Lupei, United Centre Coalition.

These candidates held serveral debates and campagned all over the nation to gain the most votes and in the second round came Andros Lakatos and Valentia Cojocaru-Gulyás. The sitting President won 56,67% of the vote and won the second round and thus the elections of the Presidency and has been elected for a second term in office.

United Assembly Election 4122

The campagne was hard and long. The biggest party the Alternatives campagned for a second term for their president and hoping to remain the largest party. The various other parties challenged the party hoping to defeat them and claim the plurality for themselves.

The results were a win for the right, giving them a majority. The Alternatives remained the largest but lost 10 seats. The biggest winner were the Kizenian Conservatives of the PNC who gained 17 seats whilest the biggest losers were the Left Faction who lost 13 seats.

The results of the elections were:

- Alternatives (A): 195 seats (-10)
- New Endralonian People's Party (NEPP): 113 (+7)
- National Conservative Party (PNC): 111 (+17)
- Left Faction (LF): 69 (-13)
- United Hosian Democrats (UHD): 67 (-2)
- Democratic Liberal Party (DLP): 46 (+1)
- United Centrist Coalition (CUC): 0 (+/-0)

Cabinet formation

The President has not yet announced if it will form a new cabinet or if it will remain with the current coalition.
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby Autokrator15 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 12:10 am

Minister of Defence Supports Vanukuan Military Action

December, 4123

Exactly 130 years after the Vanukuan, Hutorian, Indralan and Confederal armies prevailed in the Great War the Vanukuan fleet moves out protect the Saridani sovereignity against illegal unauthorised movements by other powers.

Minister of Defence, Lt. General Georg Lakatos, NEPP, said he fully supports Vanuku and offers them the full use of the Confederal harbours for shoreleave, refulling, docking and resupplying. The General said the Confederation will stand by its ally and an attack on Vanuku will be an attack on the Confederation.
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby Aquinas » Tue Nov 22, 2016 1:11 am

Autokrator15 wrote:Minister of Defence Supports Vanukuan Military Action

December, 4123

Exactly 130 years after the Vanukuan, Hutorian, Indralan and Confederal armies prevailed in the Great War the Vanukuan fleet moves out protect the Saridani sovereignity against illegal unauthorised movements by other powers.

Minister of Defence, Lt. General Georg Lakatos, NEPP, said he fully supports Vanuku and offers them the full use of the Confederal harbours for shoreleave, refulling, docking and resupplying. The General said the Confederation will stand by its ally and an attack on Vanuku will be an attack on the Confederation.

OOC: Ermm...sorry to be awkward here, but my party, which is part of the government (and controls the Foreign Ministry) did not and would not give consent for the government to do what is described in the post above. As it happens, I'm doubtful the other party in the government, Alternativa (which controls the Head of State/Head of Government) would consent to this either, although I do not know that for sure.
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby Kubrick » Tue Nov 22, 2016 2:44 am

OOC: Maybe a good opportunity to call the Minister to answer for his odd statement in parliament? Clearly the coalition stands divided!
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