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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Mon Nov 21, 2016 4:55 pm

First Fleet deployed near Saridan
Vanuku's strongest fleet sent to eastern hemisphere to avoid "infringement of Saridani sovereignty"

The cruisers of the First Fleet sailing ahead towards Saridan with a scouting helicopter in between the vessels, not pictured is the leading aircraft carrier and submarines.

November 4123 - King Wrntukai III has signed an executive royal decree last night which was approved by the Prefect on that same night. With the executive royal decree the fabled First Fleet, known for it's naval victories against Trigunia and Zardugal, has been deployed to the Saridani coast to avoid any "infringement of Saridani sovereignty without the explicit approval of the World Congress and the Security Council" as it was so aptly worded in the decree. The Vanukean government has voiced deep concerns about the "political motives" within the Security Council, stating that several nations within the Security Council are "pushing their personal agendas upon other nations on the world". Now Vanuku has surpassed the Security Council and pitted their most powerful weapon against several other nations, giving them the choice to pull the trigger. The First Fleet will be stationed near the Vanukean naval base on Saridani soil. Previously there were plans to shut the naval base down with the increased radicalization of the Saridani leadership but for now the Vanukeans have decided otherwise. The First Fleet was recently updated, with the Ministry of War stating that with "increased international threats" there needed to be "increased deterrents". It is rumoured that one of the submarines carries two nuclear ballistic missiles capable of making a lasting nuclear strike on any nation within a 1000km range. The government of Vanuku has refused to comment on this, stating that the WMD's within the country's borders are all they have.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Autokrator15 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 12:11 am

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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:44 pm

Vanukean navy begins evacuating St. Pieter Island refugees
Diplomatic solution between two states proves sovereignty "should never be infringed" according to prince Aldrkai.

St. Pieter Island refugees on the deck of the support ship HVMS Mirz Juhn II, naval spokesperson Jaap Gortens stated they would get quarters aboard the ship for the long journey.

November 4124 - It has been a year since the start of the small crisis between the Kingdom of Vanuku and Kalistan and the rest of the Security Council. Today however a breakthrough was reached by the leader of the Vanukean diplomatic mission, prince Aldrkai. The prince and his delegation have had an open line of communications with the Saridani government for the past year and have worked hard on a resolution. The Saridani government, caged in by the rather aggressive approach of the Security Council, finally mellowed and agreed to let the Vanukean navy evacuate the refugees from St. Pieter Island. According to an inside source the Saridani government rather sees the "heretics" leave the nation than to deal with them for a longer period. Prince Aldrkai stated in his announcement of the Vanukean-Saridani arrangement that he was "very proud" of the achievements of his delegation. "This deal here shows that patience and respect solves situations, not blatantly trying to infringe the borders of a nation to do what you envision as the 'good' thing to do, the perspective on 'good' differs per nation, per culture and we must respect that, Vanuku will do everything it can to protect sovereignty and this situation and the unnecessary delay caused by the hawkish behaviour of other Security Council members shows that it should never be infringed" said the prince. The Vanukean government has also opened a line of communications with Kalistan, with a Kalistani delegation set to visit Wiel in the near time.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:13 pm

Kingdom sanctions New Endralon
Naval arms deal cancelled, Vanukean investors pull back from New Endralonian economy.

Press swarming the spokesperson informing the public of the Vanukean reaction to the breaking of the New Endralonian-Vanukean alliance.

November 4125 - After the surprise move of New Endralon to step out of the alliance with the Kingdom of Vanuku, an action sponsored by the far-left coalition and heavily opposed by the right-wing opposition the Vanukean government has mostly remained silent on the issue. Now a press release was issued with the Vanukean plan wherein they state the "immediate focus was first on the safety of the Saridani refugees". It was then said what the Vanukean government would do and the New Endralonians are not getting off lightly. As a first matter the negotiations for the naval arms deal were cancelled, with Vanuku stating they had "no further interest in supplying the Confederation with a modern navy". Vanukean investors were also urged to pull their businesses out of New Endralon. Vanuku was one of the only nations that never applied for the compensation scheme set up by the NEPP government after the socialist fall, yet Vanukean investors were all over the nation. This now seems to end as well, with the government not giving Vanukean businesses much say in the matter. As a final act the Vanukean border control has refused many New Endralonian import products with the rason that "their quality and safety is sub-standard". Especially New Endralonian food products are targeted and sent back. The Vanukean lion lost a friend and is unhappy about it, punishing the New Endralonians quite harshly. Though the government maintains that all these actions are "within reason".
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:11 pm

King consents with liberal government
New Prefect announces liberalization in coming years.

Prefect Mustav Mhmetsrmo Zahr, the new leader of the Kingdom of Vanuku.

October 4165 - After a period of isolation and internal stagnation the King of Vanuku has consented to assigning Mustav Mhmetsrmo Zahr as the new Prefect following the resignation of the previous one. For several years there have been cries for further liberalization within the Kingdom, with many claiming that the only way to battle the stagnation is to steer away from the classical authoritarian semi-democratic approach that the Kingdom has used for the past few decades. "In times of war the direct approach that the royal family prefers is very useful, it guarantees swift action and no delays in the process. But we now live in a continued era of peace, the old ways are not relevant in these times, there must be further liberalization and a stronger representative democracy." said one of the King's leading advisors, Pawl Zuidhoorn. With even the monarch's own associates calling for change the 84 year old King Juhn V had little choice but agreeing with the proposal put to him. The new Prefect is a Krlmék Ahmadi and experienced politician. Mustav Mhmetsrmo Zahr has no close ties to the royal family as previous Prefects had, he is by many seen as a traditionalist with pan-Jelbic nationalist views, yet he has also campaigned for a more democratic and constitutional Vanuku for at least a decade. With Zahr's leadership a varied cabinet was composed, four ministers in the new list stand out. The Minister of Justice is the youngest brother of the King, Prince Wrntukai Banmek-Sntazed, while the second son of the King has an important role as the Minister of Trade. The Minister of Science is a von Bismarck, an ancient Dorvish line with close ties to both the Vanukean and Dorvish royal families. The Minister of War and National Defence, Commander-General Sryca, is also closely related to the King. All the other ministers and subordinated secretaries are all newcomers and known for their democratic and liberal views. With a cabinet composed of both authoritarian conservatives and liberal-democrats the Kingdom of Vanuku seems to ready itself for a new era.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby jamescfm » Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:33 pm

Liberal Party Founded
Former Crown Party parliamentarian requests official status for new political venture
December 4166

Liberal Party leader Eksandr Kush, a former official from the Crown Party

In an attempt to capitalise on the move towards liberalism facilitated by the new executive, a former Crown Party official, Eksandr Kush, has requested observer status for the Liberal Party in the Grand Council. The party, who hold no elected office presently, was formed within the past twelve months with the stated objective of transforming Vanuku into a thriving liberal democracy. Kush, aged thirty-six, was never a particularly successful politician until now, his views often clashing with the leadership of his organisation. Nonetheless, he has committed to building what he describes as a 'freer and fairer future' for Vanuku. In his first interview since the party's formation, he told reporters that he would work with his former colleagues to achieve common goals but that some 'difficult truths must be impressed on the government'.

However, Kush and the Liberals face an uphill struggle. There is no scheduled election for four years and the return of a Crown Party government has become something of a habit for the general public in recent decades. Furthermore, Kush is the only member of the party's executive with any political experience. Somewhat embarrassingly, it has been reported that Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Merlkai Cusham was unable to correctly name the members of the World Congress Security Council when pressed on the matter.

In terms of concrete policy, little is known about where Kush's Liberal's stand because as a member of parliament he rarely spoke against government policy. On economic matters, he is believed to be much further right than the Crown Party, arguing for a strict laissez-faire approach and a significant slashing of taxation and public spending. His other views may ultimately be define by political positioning. If he is to convince the electorate to make the bold decision to endorse his new venture, as political outsiders, he must articulate a clear vision for the future.
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby jamescfm » Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:00 pm

Liberals Adopt Caucus Structure
Growing movement seek to formalise their political framework
December 4167

Classical Liberal Eksandr Kush and Social Liberal Jan-Hendrik Poorten are the first leaders of the party's primary caucuses

Following rising support for their movement, Vanuku's Liberal Party have approved a formalisation of their structure. On Tuesday, the party's leading figures- including leader Eksandr Kush- voted to adopt a faction structure moving forward. The new organisation mandates that party members must designate themselves as members of one of the party's recognised caucuses and that each caucus will elect a leadership, who together with those of the other factions will form the 'Executive Council'. In order to preserve unity and prevent infighting within the party, the Council must vote unanimously to appoint somebody as the party's leader.

Already in the days since the announcement was made, three factions have emerged. Party leader Eksandr Kush has become the first leader of the Classical Liberals, who argue for deregulation, tax cuts and individual freedom while the Social Liberals, who support the state having a limited economic role in areas like healthcare and education, will be led by Justice Spokesperson Jan-Hendrik Poorten. Though most members are aligned to one of the aforementioned caucuses, there are also the Centrists, who advocate for a 'synthesis of right and left wing policies'. The Executive Council's first meeting will be held at the end of the month, where Kush is expected to be confirmed as party leader.

Speaking to the press, Kush explained the reasoning behind the new structure:
As the only opposition to the government in Vanuku and a still-emerging movement, the Liberal Party is in an extremely unusual position. We have members whose views range all the way from anarchists to socialists with everything in between. It simply isn't possible for all our members to agree on every issue that a political party must legislate on. Consequently, we require a system and structure which will allow everybody to have their views represented in a productive and effective manner. By developing caucuses, we facilitate a party which values positive discourse and which is fighting for common values of democracy, freedom and justice as a united front.
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Sat Feb 18, 2017 1:33 am

Crown Party in crisis with unpopular Zahr reforms
Liberals leave party for the new Liberal Party

Prefect Zahr is under pressure by party officials after over 6,000 people changed their party membership.

January 4168 - The Crown Party, which has dominated Vanukean politics for centuries, is under big pressure after the new Prefect took power. Prefect Mustav Mhmetsrmo Zahr has the lowest approval rating of a Prefect of the past 100 years. After two decades of a declining economy the people of Vanuku demanded change, the Crown Party brought forward the idealistic Zahr to bring this change. Now he is in power however Zahr has adopted a rather reactionary approach, falling back on the authoritarian methods of Prefects in the past. A more liberal Vanuku, as he promised, is not coming. As a reaction to this however, several Crown Party members have split off and founded the Liberal Party. The new party offers the liberal alternative people seek and only a few days ago the council overseeing the approval of new parties granted the Liberal Party permission to enter for the next elections, scheduled for January 4171. High-ranking members of the Crown Party have put Zahr under more pressure to make adequate reforms and find peace amongst the people. It is rumoured that even the Archduke Juhn, the heir-presumptive, has met with the Crown Party leadership. With the King at an old age it is not the wish for the Archduke to inherit a Kingdom in shambles.

Apart from that Zahr is faced with several issues, like the chaos in Barmenia. So far Zahr seems unwilling to intervene as the Barmenian diaspora have asked him, citing that under his course the Kingdom is unwilling to interfere in the internal matters of other nations. However, even within the cabinet pressure is rising for him to take a stance as the hawkish Minister of War and National Defence Dnkai Dnkaisrmo Sryca is increasingly worried that Barmenian violence might spark into Vanuku. However some people have stated that Zahr is openly pan-Jelbicist and the minority government in Barmenia is not in the interest of Vanuku. The last issue he is facing is the return of the Khan in Jelbania, with some people even stating that another war is highly likely. So far however, Zahr has not taken any position regarding the Jelbanian restoration and refuses to comment on it. As far as anyone can tell the Zahr regime is already showing cracks, either the Crown Party needs to change course rapidly or a Liberal Party victory and a weaker Vanuku seems a certainty.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:21 am

Zahr wishing to make amends on old grievances
"Nations like Kalistan need not be our adversaries."

Prefect Zahr continues to step away from the 'old ways' with his recent actions.

February 4169 - The Prefect has spoken to parliament earlier today and subsequently announced that in the new era of the Zahr cabinet he will seek for a greater international stability. This course was previously known after minister Jeztri visited Kalistan to speak with her Kalistani counterpart on pressing matters that also include the Koeistad Pact. While the Kingdom has not been involved in the Security Council ever since its first term it seems that Zahr is wishing to return to an active state on international politics, citing the need for global prosperity and peace. During the centuries Kalistan and Vanuku have been bitter rivals, facing each other in the Great War. The Kalistani old order, mainly present within the long lasting Socialist Party of Kalistan, has never forgiven the nation for being partially responsible for the death of President President Elga Bjorksdattir-Carrangus in 3925. The Vanukean research on the incident has never been released to public, and is not set to be released for another five-hundred years, yet the official statement remains that a rogue Admiral plotted to murder the President to cause a war between the nations. So far the Kingdom has never taken responsibility for the treacherous act occuring but Prefect Zahr had the following to say on the long-lasting bitter situation: "the day those 53 people died, including a head of state and a minister of a free nation, the Kingdom of Vanuku failed, I can safely state that Vanuku did not instigate the act, but we failed in stopping it, the failure of the SSA (State Security Agency) to pick up on the plot before it the heinous deed was done is something that can never be forgiven. On behalf of our nation, our government and our people I wholeheartedly apologize to the nation of Kalistan for the losses, perhaps one day the Kingdom can repay the Republic, for now all I can give are empty words but with a well-meant meaning." Whether the Kalistani state will share the opinion of Zahr is yet to be seen.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby jamescfm » Fri Feb 24, 2017 1:40 pm

Kush Calls on Government to Respect Voters
Liberal Party leader urges Crown Party to take notice of the will of the electorate
February 4171

Kush was clear that the government could not ignore voter demands

Following an historic election last month, the leader of the Liberal Party Eksandr Kush has targeted the governing Crown Party to insist that they radically reform the nation's electoral system. Despite receiving around five million more votes on election day, the Liberals found themselves with fewer seats than the incumbent administration in the Grand Council. Kush says this is due to an 'outdated and corrupt electoral system' and that change is urgently needed to return power to the hands of the people. At the first meeting of the party's Executive Council since the election, he made clear that there would be serious consequences if change was not forthcoming.

Though they narrowly missed out on a majority, the Liberal Party still stole over one hundred seats from the Crown Party in the January election. In doing so, they have brought an end to decades of one-party domination in the Grand Council. With significantly more human capital available to them now, the party are expected to push forward with a number of policy pledges which featured in their election manifesto. This creates a headache for the government, who must now decide whether to regain support by compromising with Kush's insurgents or utilising their one-seat lead to block legislation.

In addition, the election of Boris Grigorievich- a former Trigunian diplomat- as one of the one-hundred-and-twelve new Liberal members of parliament marked the formation of the party's 'Hosian' faction. When combined with the three original caucuses and the recently formed 'Socialist' caucus, the total number is now five. While the structure seems to have been successful so far, it is already being reported that a great deal of friction exists between the economically right-wing sects and other party members. Kush will have to work hard to maintain a united party.
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