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Re: Solentian News

Postby peopleparty412 » Thu Aug 25, 2016 5:16 pm

Conservative People's Party push for new budget to be introduced

Conservative People's Party have asked President General Erwin R. Walker to host a meeting with party leader Michael A. Allen to discuss the current budget in the country. The party want more money invested in areas such as Health, Trade, Industry, Food, Education and Tourism by making small cuts from the defense budget and head of government budget. Greg Foster, (Conservative People's Party shadow finance minister) has applauded his party for the move saying it is well overdue.

Citizens have gathered outside the Conservative People's Party HQ to thank them for the move with some holding signs and chanting while others have begun to sing the national anthem. President Erwin is yet to reply on the matter.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby Sir Thomas Hill » Mon Aug 29, 2016 6:33 pm

Y O R K I S T . R E V I E W | O N L I N E . E D I T I O N
NATIONAL: HEADLINES ~ Centrist Fraer elected Unionist Leader
January 4082

HALION – Relatively unknown Senator Rythan Fraer (U - Tesuhen) has been elected as Leader of the Unionists. With a noticeably centrist voting record and campaign (as opposed to Torvellian's centre-left approach), Mr Fraer defeated opponents Leo Goldsea-Vincenti, who chairs the powerful Steering Committee, and Shadow Foreign Secretary Maxic Castle. Commentators note that both defeated candidates come from famous Unionist titular families whilst victor Mr Fraer, whilst sharing a name with Supreme President Aidan Fraer, is not. They say this marks a departure from the standard Unionist strategy of using a trusted name and brand, hinting that their electoral strategy has shifted.

In his campaign, Mr Fraer unveiled several proposals for policy which will now be put to Steering Committee. Among these include a better support network for small and local businesses, a focus on more "traditional Unionist values" and a strict doctrine of isolationism. It is anticipated that these will be accepted.

Speaking after the results, Mr Fraer thanked his party colleagues for their support. He issued a warning to parties seeking Unionist backing for Governance that voters would remember every ballot in the Senate. He said that the biggest challenge of the political age was "facing up to the real draw that people have to SUN and nationalist groups" and warned that the SNP "flied dangerously close to the sun" in the last parliament. He said future relationships should not be risked for temporary gain, advising SNP Leadership to consider their allies carefully.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby peopleparty412 » Sat Sep 10, 2016 1:53 pm

Conservative People's Party celebrate election results.

The Conservative People's Party are celebrating as they became majority party within Solentia, Party leader Michael A. Allen has said he will work with other parties today to form a new coalition cabinet with the strongest parties taking top positions. He also said that before the next election he plans to introduce a new budget and host a summit in Halion, Orame where he will invite other leaders to discuss global issues, one issue he wishes to focus on is world peace. This afternoon we are expected to hear from the Conservative People's Party's finance minister in Nukeya where he will discuss what plans he has for the new budget.

In other news, the Libertarian Socialist Confederation party has become least popular party and we are still waiting to hear from their party leader who is expected to arrive in Halion in just a few minutes.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby Sir Thomas Hill » Sun Dec 11, 2016 11:39 am

Y O R K I S T . R E V I E W | O N L I N E . E D I T I O N
NATIONAL: HEADLINES ~ Unionists to back SUN in Presidential poll first
October 4133

HALION – In an uncharacteristically cooperative strategy, the Unionists have outlined their intention to formally back the Union of Nationalists in the second round of any upcoming or emergency elections. The announcement was made by the Party's General Secretary, Zeren Tenvir this morning after journalists questioned about rumours the Party was going to back SUN in both rounds.

The most notable shift in Unionist policy, which usually steers defiantly clear of supporting another party in an election, is that the relationship with SUN has obviously improved. Historically the two parties have been close but sceptical of each other, "like a supportive but critical friend" as one Unionist Leader (Cillian Torvellian) described it. Following the collapse of the last Coalition Government, many pundits would have predicted relations to have soured. However it seems that Unionist insistence, or rather Scott Zadan's commandment to Party loyalists, that SUN were not to be held accountable for this break-up, pinning blame squarely on the Solentian Worker's Movement. The Unionists have therefore been able to retain a healthy working relationship with SUN. Insiders indicate that the personal relationship between Messrs Zadan and Anton, the SUN Chairman and current Chancellor, are a major factor in this. The two men were rumoured to get along famously when in Government together. It would appear this friendship has helped sooth potential difficulties between the two.

The same cannot be said for former Education Secretary Patch Killmillion. Mr Killmillion was particularly vocal about the break-up of the Coalition, and Mr Anton was forced to respond directly to him. It is expected, being a senior Unionist, Mr Killmillion will return to the Cabinet in any future Coalition, but is has been noted that Mr Killmillion has been very quiet since a stern and public dressing down from Mr Zadan in Unionist HQ, Kennedy House. Staff observed a row between the two men and indicated Mr Killmillion had been "put squarely back in his box".

The decision not to back SUN in the first round of voting is typically Unionist in nature. The Party has prided itself on putting forward a Unionist option on every ballot and standing in every seat. This very old policy is unlikely to change however the move does seem to challenge traditional ideas about Unionist strategy. This, combined with a move to the right in actual policy terms, hints at a change of strategy and thought at Kennedy House. Mr Zadan was elected a moderate reformer but it seems he is going to drag the Party back into governance at the expense of it's ancient ways, kicking and screaming if he has to.
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Re: Halion Post

Postby abcxyz123 » Wed Jun 07, 2017 5:03 am

Blackwell tests prototype for new police sidearm

SUN Begins Electioneering
Akra - SUN enjoyed greatest success in the state of Orame, grabbing victory at 32% of the vote. Supreme President-candidate SUN, Alexander Blackwell, spent time at Armalock headquarters meeting with employees and testing a new prototype for a police sidearm. Blackwell made it clear he was determined to fix budget and taxation problems in Halion and willing to work with all parties

SUN spokeswoman Lonna Tripwell asked all of Solentia's endorsement for President and said there were a few parties SUN was looking forward to working with after the new election. SUN remains focused on a proper budget, final tax plan, increasing diplomatic visibility and finalizing some benficial trade deals. Issues all parties can support.

Stocks Rise on Trade News
Halion - Union Petroleum (UP), Orange (ORNG), Sol Motor (SMC), and Pace of Halion (POHA) were top gainers as the Solentian Stock Exchange rose 300 points on Monday following the Trade Ministry's press conference promising a series of bilateral trade agreements and possible ramping up and renewal of the Trilateral international market.

Trade Ministry Promises Quick Recovery
Halion - A press release entitled 'Solentian Trade Greatly Expands' today from Trade & Industry Oliver Fox promised recent trade moves by the Ministry of Trade & Industry will deliver an. "immediate impact on our GDP growth, jobs available, and increase in revenue."

Revenue has been a hot topic lately following successive administration's wrecking of the national budget and near elimination of the national tax code. SUN is attempting to leverage their cabinet positions in Foreign Affairs, Finance, Infrastructure, and Trade, to raise revenue and aid economic recovery and growth amid obstructionism and privitisation-worship from Republicans, Minister Fox later told the Post in a press conference.

The press release stated:
The Republic of Saridan and the Trigunian Empire have both unanimously voted to expand and establish trade with Solentia. Saridan will expand trade relations and work for better economic cooperation through a bilateral agreement. Trigunia has joined the Trilateral treaty and this addition alone will have immediate impact on the markets available for our goods. The Ministry of Foreign Relations and Trade have also reestablished relations with our former ally and trade partner Istalia in order to reopen trade relations. We are also attempting to establish a deal with Kanjor.
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Re: Halion Post

Postby abcxyz123 » Mon Jun 26, 2017 11:51 pm

Stocks hit record-setting levels at close of market Tuesday

Trade Ministry Boosts Economy with Big Announcements

Stock Market Hits Record Levels

Halion- Stocks on the SSE hit all-time highs never seen in decades as the Ministry of Trade and Industry made three big announcements today: massive growth from a renewed trade agreement with Istalia, an impending one with Kazulia and five of Solentia's premier companies will be listed on the International Terran Bank Corporate Index (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=7049). Minister Oliver Fox in a press conference stated that 5 of Solentia's top companies listed on the Solentian Stock Exchange (SSE) have announced additional shares will be issued internationally to increase international investment and growth for Solentian industry.

The Ministry has worked closely with five of Solentia's top companies to increase investment in Solentian growth. We have worked with these companies to increase our industrial profile Terra-wide. Should this go well, we expect additional companies to join suit. Solentia is rising like a phoenix from the global recession and we expect Solentia to become a lion internationally on the economic stage.

Banking and finance company Pace of Halion (POHA), integrated oil and gas giant Union Petroleum (OIL), computer and software marvel Orange (ORNG), transportation and vehicle manufacturer Sol Motor Company (SMC), and military tech conglomerate H.A. Hamilton Holdings (HAH) are the first five companies to branch out internationally.

It is expected the sales of these shares internationally will help these companies branch out further into countries where Solentia has close economic ties with.
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Re: Halion Post

Postby abcxyz123 » Thu Jun 29, 2017 10:29 pm

Special Report: The East Majatra Crisis


Supreme President Blackwell: Mobilise Armed Forces
Seeks Senate Authorisation to Deter Conflict

In a special announcement today, Supreme President Alexander Blackwell called on the Senate ( ... lid=526703) and Ministries of Defence and Internal Affairs to mobilise SSR Armed Forces and State Police to deter any acts of aggression within the region of East Majatra. While it is within the constitutional scope of the Supreme President to order this unilaterally, Blackwell insisted on the country to 'stand united.'

The announcement was made following the Communist superstate of MSRF's expansion in recent years, the breakaway republic of Kalopia-Watuni, and most specifically in response to Kafuristan placing 60,ooo troops within 'spitting distance' of Solentia's border.

Kafuristan has NOT bothered to notify Solentia of this move

The Office of the Supreme President told the Halion Post that Solentia wishes for a diplomatic solution but can not stand idly by when surrounding countries play carelessly with fire and do not think of their neighbours wishes.
Following approval of the bill, the Solentian Army and Air Force will seal the northern border with Kafuristan and closely monitor and control the border with Kalopia-Watuni.

Furthermore, the order will brush away any dust the Armed Forces have accrued from immobility by immediately instituting join-military exercises to cover four potential scenarios:

i) a war spilling into our borders,
ii) an invasion of Solentia. The Republican Army is an OFFENSIVE army and training will simulate a rapid response and destruction of foreign armies,
iii) A refugee crisis where in Solentia may have to feed, contain, and keep thousands of displaced persons fleeing a war zone.
iv) A massive counter-offensive deep within enemy territory comprising all service branches to disable and completely destroy the enemy's ability to wage war.

The order will also place elements of Solentia's small, but potent nuclear arsenal on standby.

Pete Schrader, military analyst for H.A. Hamilton Holdings and grandson of former Defence Minister Paul Schrader, says the country's decades long practice of the Schrader Plan or 'Schraderism' (a modern offensive fast-mobilisation army supported by overwhelming air support and large manpower reserves) could amass an Army of over 400,000 combat troops within a short time, with many more thousands in reserve.

Solentia spent decades devising a quick knockout strategy for stronger nations such as Istalia which avoided the Sea entirely and focused on relentless waves of Land and Air power on strategic targets to disrupt, confuse, destroy, and scatter smaller and less fanatical armies. The recent passage of the Military & Civic National Service Act has once again placed our total manpower close to within a million people combined with a first-rate Air Force and top-of the-line armoured vehicles and tanks.

The Supreme President told the media in a press conferance today that diplomatic solutions are the key to resolution and that Solentia would gladly host any peace discussions in Halion as Solentia is a neutral power in the middle of a giant crisis.

A map below visually presents the crisis:
BLUE: Solentia,
YELLOW: Istalia,
GREY: Kafuristan,
BLACK: breakaway nation of Federal Republic of Kalopia-Wantuni
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Re: Halion Post: PLP about Solentia Future

Postby TheSocialist » Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:45 pm

Halion Post

PLP very ambitious about Solentian Future

Our correspondent had a talk with party leader Justan Trudo.

So Justan, your party was founded a few months ago. Can you tell me why you wanted to go in politics?

Justan Trudo:Well first of all I myself always voted for LSDP. Because LSDP want to help the poorest people of Solentia. Socialism can work in our opinion. But we think liberalising our country can work to. As we don't have a party combining those two, I founded PLP.

So you see yourself related with LSDP?

Justan Trudo:Not only with LSDP. We think LRP has some good points to. As we think we share our view on the role of the government. Rather small. Though still regulating certain issues.

Do you think there's a potential chance of forming a cabinet with them?

Justan Trudo:*starts thinking* I think we're moving to quick. Elections are in less then a year now. We don't think our party will be known everywhere in Solentia by then. But if we speek from a future more fare away we are open to negotiate our stances with them.

How do you see your future in Solentia.

Justan Trudo:We think Solentia can use a like PLP! But.. LSDP and LRP are also necessary. Certainly from parties like SUN who want to bring more fascism to Solentia. That's something we need to fight side by side!

Thank you Mister Trudo, for having this conversation with us.

Justan Trudo:You are welcome.
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Re: Halion Post: Solentian Election Results, 4294

Postby intelligentai » Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:29 am

Liberal Democrats Seize Senate, Presidency in Unprecedented Victory
This morning, the Liberal Democratic Party of Solentia, lead by President Kristoffer Enok seized 418 seats in the Solentian Senate, giving them a governing majority. This came on the tail of a devastating loss in the last election, where the party received only 34,104 votes, meaning that the party achieved one of the single largest vote gains in Solentian history. Enok attributed the win to, "massive discontentment with Socialist status quo," and a, "search for positive change." The rest of the seats were split between the Solentian Democratic Socialist Party, which won 196 seats, and the Austonean Socialists, who won 136 seats, the worst election result in the party's history. Enok has expressed interest in developing a government coalition with both parties.
Constituency Breakdowns
Pine State
The Liberal Democrats came first in Pine, the location of their national headquarters, winning 118 seats. The Solentian Democratic Socialist Party came in a distant second, winning just 21 seats in the Senate. Trailing in third were the Austonean Socialists, with just 11 seats gained this election cycle.
Nord State
The Solentian Democratic Socialist Party won 62 seats in Nord, giving them first place, showing the strong base of Socialist support there. The Liberal Democrats came second, with 47 seats followed in a close third by the Austonean Socialists, with 41 seats.
Frostland State
The Liberal Democrats handily won Frostland with 62% of the vote and 93 seats, followed by the Democratic Socialists, with 29, and the Austonean Socialists, with 28 seats.
Elsa State
The Liberal Democrats took Elsa this cycle, winning 84 seats, followed by the Democratic Socialists, with 39, and the Austonean Socialists, with 27.
Winterhold State
Finally, the Liberal Democrats took Winterhold, winning 76 seats compared to the Democratic Socialists' 45. The Austonean Socialists came in a devastating 3rd, winning 29 seats.
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Re: Halion Post

Postby Axxell » Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:20 am

Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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