2nd General Assembly Session

An archive of previous sessions of both the General Assembly and Security Council as well as various ad hoc consultations and meetings.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby TheTsar » Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:35 am

Countess Efremova, the Trigunian Ambassador to the World Congress, addresses the General Assembly:
Rejoice colleagues, rejoice! Finally the Saridanese government has matured enough to abolish the practice of slavery, and now we will propose to stop the embargo on Saridan, and we praise its government and King. We will, once again, resume much more friendly relations eith the Saridanese, and our ally, the Kingdom of Vanuku. Thank you.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby J97 » Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:31 pm

The Minister President of the Koninkryk of Seridjan, Johannes Henricus Brand, Speaks:

It's very important, not only for my country but also for the others that the international sanctions placed on Saridan are lifted. Saridan cannot survive on the current international sanctions. We cannot continue to spend the amount of money without creating a huge debt. Not to forget that the unemployment is up mainly because many free slaves aren't able to find a job. We need help from the international community, not punishment. That's why I, the minister-president of Saridan, is speaking to you now and not our ambassador. We cannot express how urgent this is. That's why I'm urging you now to lift the international sanctions immediately and not gradually. If the Security Council are lifting the sanctions gradually, we're no longer willing to comply this easily.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby jamescfm » Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:51 pm

Franklin Foster, Labour Party Foreign Affairs Spokesperson responds to the previous speaker:
Kalistan has lifted its embargo, as was made clear in the legislation which was passed to introduce it. However, if my honourable friend thinks for one moment that the government of the United Republic of Kalistan, no matter who it is led by, will be bullied or blackmailed by a nation which represents the most vile and disgusting aspects of humanity then I ask him to think again. Any economic, social or political turbulence now experienced by Saridan is the fault of a single agent, the Saridanese government. That this nation has the gall to ask us (the international community) for help, following decades of complete rejection of our existence, is appalling. You were the ones who refused to turn your back on brutal and draconian practices and you were the ones who cosied up to an authoritarian, undemocratic Vanukean royal family. At this point, we should really be saying 'you've made your bed, now lie in it'.

Nonetheless, the people most damaged by that course of action would be the innocent Saridanese population. For that reason, we won't be introducing new sanctions on Saridan and will instead ask the government what we can do to assist in the alleviation of suffering in Selaya. Ultimately, we are all brothers on this continent and on Terra. The Labour Party does not hold any governmental office at the moment, though the Kalistani Security Council Ambassador was a member of our party, he withdrew membership to appear apolitical. In the elections in twelves months time, I hope to be elected President and establish a government. That means that the Saridanese government has just over a year to show that they are willing to reform, starting with the institution of an elected Head of State.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby jamescfm » Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:31 pm

Franklin Foster, Labour Party Foreign Affairs Spokesperson responds to the previous speaker:
The sanctions passed by Kalistan against Saridan were worded in such a way that the abolishment of slavery would automatically render the legislation void. Therefore, as I have already mentioned, Kalistan's embargo has been lifted. When I refer to the future, I am simply stating that if Saridan wishes to receive support from Kalistan they absolutely must show a commitment to reforming their nation. Having a hereditary monarch serving as the Head of State is one way in which Saridan shows itself to be behind the international curve. Fortunately, it seems a far more respectable regime is currently in place but that does not mean the AHU should become stagnant in its commitment to improving Saridan.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Reddy » Thu Dec 08, 2016 5:55 am

jamescfm wrote:Franklin Foster, Labour Party Foreign Affairs Spokesperson responds to the previous speaker:
The sanctions passed by Kalistan against Saridan were worded in such a way that the abolishment of slavery would automatically render the legislation void. Therefore, as I have already mentioned, Kalistan's embargo has been lifted. When I refer to the future, I am simply stating that if Saridan wishes to receive support from Kalistan they absolutely must show a commitment to reforming their nation. Having a hereditary monarch serving as the Head of State is one way in which Saridan shows itself to be behind the international curve. Fortunately, it seems a far more respectable regime is currently in place but that does not mean the AHU should become stagnant in its commitment to improving Saridan.

OOC: Ah sorry. I assume your character is referring to my deleted post where the AHU's Foreign Affairs spokesman Rev. Geert Verdonk Jr criticised Kalistan and Talmoria for insisting on measures other than abolition of slavery before the removal of sanctions.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Oakwood » Fri Dec 09, 2016 5:19 am

Ambassador Hrsto Hnanja

Ladies and Gentlemen of the General Assembly,

Once again, the fiends within the Saridanese government have attempted to pull the wool over the eyes of the government's of the world; they have done nothing more than replaced one tyrannical system with another. In the place of a council of theocracy they have put forth a hereditary King, who shall soon be replaced by a strong man. In the place of slavery, my fellow delegates, they have done nothing more but put in place a form of segregation so heinous it makes anything the Yeudish Republic might have ever done look positively quaint in comparison.

This is what we are asked to reward, my fellow members? Legislation which bars interracial intercourse? Legislation which forms lines between the races themselves? Rhetoric which does nothing more but empower hatred, which is brought forth by both the former government and the junior coalition partner of the current regime? When shall the banality end, my fellow delegates? When shall Saridan join us in the modern world?

I find it odd that nations such as Kalistan balk at the notion of Barmenians practicing the death penalty, but seem fine with this latest travesty. Apparently Barmenian scaffolds will not be tolerated, but the Anti Interracial Intercourse Act will.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby jamescfm » Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:01 pm

Franklin Foster, President of the United Republic of Kalistan addresses the previous speaker:
I assure you Mr Ambassador, there has been no wool pulled over our eyes and I do wish that fewer of my counterparts took each other for fools. In my view, it is rather detrimental to facilitating a productive discussion between two nations if we provide a running commentary to the international equivalent of an internet chatroom and for that reason, I have not been providing constant updates on the position of Kalistan in relation to Saridan. I hope you can forgive me for that.

Exactly what reward it is you believe we have granted the Kingdom of Saridan is beyond my comprehension. The last legislation passed by the National Assembly of Kalistan pertaining to Saridan was the 'Embargo on Saridan' act. There are a total of eight parties in that legislative body so it is rather unfair to expect me to be able to respond immediately with new legislation however I can guarantee you now that the Kalistan's response will most certainly not be to fund illegal terrorist organisations, like Barmenia has done!

In future, I would greatly appreciate it if the Kingdom of Barmenia refrained from targeting Kalistan, one of the most liberal nations on Terra, and focused more of their efforts on those who have undemocratic systems of government and murder their own citizens- their own country might be a suitable starting point.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby TheCaliph » Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:38 pm

The President Of The Republic Of Telamonia Haytham Kennedy :
wE Wouldl ike to gain the attention of the Assembly in the growing threat of the government in Republic of Saridan...they have put up a bill named the "little segregation bill" and they are pushing for blatant racist policies....we tried to warn them how ever they answered with threats and verbal attacks to our nation...we already have denounce and cut all diplomatic ties with Saridan until this racist government is our of power
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Re: General Assembly

Postby jamescfm » Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:59 pm

Court Minister Tutak Esfahani of the Glorious State of Aldegar rises to address the General Assembly for the first time:
Good day. I speak here, in the World Congress General Assembly, on behalf of both the National Divan but also the incoming Shah, His Most High Majesty Shahnam I. First, allow me to inform you all of the impending passage of the Withdrawal of Support from Corrupt World Congress bill. With this bill, the Aldegarian National Party and the National Divan make clear that we will no longer allow our people to be subjugated by imperialist foreigners. Across Terra, we see that the World Congress has emboldened nations, like Hawu Mumenhes and Kalistan, who do not believe in the right of a nation-state to govern itself. Instead, they want to impose their own values on our people- this is immoral.

Furthermore, the values which they espouse are not modern values nor are they enlightened; they are in fact the values of the Organisation of Ahmadi Cooperation. Many of you may not be aware of this clandestine movement but that is part of their success. Established in order to spread the barbaric religion of Ahmadism, it has become the primary consideration in whether or not a nation wins a seat on the Security Council. If you don't believe me, simply take a look at their supported candidates: Hawu Mumenhes, Jelbania, Kalistan and Talmoria- only one of which has not secured a seat. Any nation, such as Vanuku, which dares to oppose the OAC is promptly thrown out and replaced with a nation sympathetic to their interests.

The OAC attempts to turn the World Congress into the global police, searching out nations which oppose it and eliminating them entirely (consider for example the Republic of Saridan or the Yeudish Republic of Beiteynu). How can we combat this threat? The only solution is for all nations who believe in sovereignty and the rule of law, who reject the barbaric Ahmadi religion to unite together behind candidates in each seat. It is not my place to dictate who those candidates should be but obviously all of the current Security Council members are inadequate. What I am certain of, though, is that we need to act fast if we are to prevent complete Ahmadi domination in Terra.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby TheCaliph » Mon Dec 19, 2016 1:25 pm

President of The Republic Of Telamonia
Hello...as a friend and as an ally i ask for you help....after denouncing the republic of saridan fir their racist laws they have thretend us with occupation...so please help me to spred the word against this military threat and i would like to as for you support and alliance in the possibilty of war
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