2nd General Assembly Session

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Re: General Assembly

Postby stuntmonkey » Wed Dec 28, 2016 3:43 pm

Otto Vanderijk Blick, Head Baltusian Representative to the General Assembly:

Once again I thank Ambassador Fulgi for his support. It is our intention to resolve this matter peacefully, as the Assembly well knows, and we are looking to the Security Council to help us reach a binding solution.

However, once again, I must ask members of the Assembly to be careful when analysing the statement made by Tutak Esfahani. Whilst we mourn the attacks on innocents and are horrified by the attempt to take the life of the Shah, there is no evidence at all to suggest that the Baltusian government had a hand in these foul acts. We ask the reporter who wrote the story to, at the very least, attend a closed-door meeting at the World Congress, so he or she can shed light on how they came about these 'facts'.

Let me make our position crystal clear once again: The Baltusian Government does not endorse terrorists and we do not pay for organisations to carry out acts of atrocity or fund assassins.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby J.G.S. » Wed Dec 28, 2016 6:59 pm

Stanislav Mikhailovich Lomonosov, newly re-appointed Ambassador from the Trigunian Empire:

I greet my former colleagues in this chamber and look forward to working with the new faces I see today. I bring to you the most respectful wishes of the newly reinstated nationalist government of Trigunia, and extend the most heartfelt greetings of our newly appointed Chairman, Father Tikhon of Udinovks. We will, as we have before during the Saridani crisis, bring to this esteemed body our ironclad belief in the values of national sovereignty and non-interference, and we will always stand for the peaceful promotion of conservative and populist policies across Terra.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Axxell » Wed Dec 28, 2016 11:56 pm

Ambassador Fulgi of the Istalian Republic:

My delegation support the request of the Baltusian representative: I demand to this body to demand to the Aldegarian Government to present proofs about the involvement of the Baltusian Government in the terroristic acts occurred in Aldegar. You talk about baltusian citizens, but you have find real connections with the baltusian Government?

About the other words of the Aldegarian Ambassador, I respond you with other question:
Istalia or other nation would take control of territories or official position in Saridan or in Beiteynu? This organization and my nation didn't and don't have any interest to take the control of other territories, of official institutional positions as well as of market for our economy (in fact we don't need of the force to establish economic and trade relation with other nations, we reach that with paecefull relations that lead to fruitful agreement, decided by the democratic expression of the hisghest representative body of my nation and those of the others nations).
About the Esinsundu Empire, it seems to my Government that this personal union was rrach with gradual and shared process. We have not news about repression acts in the members of the Esinsundu Empire to force this Union and the relationships between the members are paeceful and with no serious problems. Someone could bring here some example of impositions of the Esinsundu Emperor of impositive acts? The other members of the Empire called the World Congress to denounce some violence or force acts?
We saw Baltusia came here to express its claim about Aldegar.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: General Assembly

Postby jamescfm » Thu Dec 29, 2016 12:48 am

Tutak Esfahani of the Glorious Shahdom of Aldegar:
I find it rather strange how Aldegar is expected to provide precise details of the perpetrators of a terrorist attack but Baltusia doesn't have to provide information to back up any of its assertions. Of course, I'm not going to reveal sensitive information to an international organisation, what a ludicrous request! Unfortunately, in the eyes of Istalia, all nations are equal but some nations are more equal than others.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Axxell » Thu Dec 29, 2016 1:54 pm

Ambassador Fulgi of the Istalian Republic:

"more equal then other"? Mr Esfahani, the burden of proof is on the accuser! You're throwing ridicule yourself and your nation showing your ignorance on similar affairs, but your are very smart in reality, you're just doing the reticent!
What do we know if all of this accusations are only a way to attack Baltusia from your Government to give some motivations to support the claims of your Shah on the sovereignty of Baltusia? The Shah of Aldegar are claiming requests on Baltusia, not the other way around.
And about the "millions of Baltusian that claim the beloved Shannam to be their shah", can the Aldegarian Government respond about the rumors about the aldegarian internal "republican" resistence against the restored monarchy? Maybe the Aldegarian Government should be interested about its internal affairs rather than pretend sovereignty or official positions talk about "millions of supporters" in other nations.

But to grant the delegation of Aldegar the only resonable request so far presented by it, the Istalian delegation request to the Baltusian Government to present elements and details to exclude its involvement in the terroristic attacks occurs in Aldegar.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: General Assembly

Postby stuntmonkey » Thu Dec 29, 2016 3:16 pm

Otto Vanderijk Blick, Head Baltusian Representative to the General Assembly.

Ambassador Fulgi, matters have become more complicated, I'm afraid. One of our country's elder statesmen - a vocal critic of Aldegar's position - Rhydian Dormorco has been shot dead.

http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=498422

It later transpired that his killer is an Aldergarian national called Rostam Insharab who was supposedly in Baltusia on holiday. Insharab was shot and died fleeing the scene but his cousin, who he was staying with, has been taken into custody.

http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=498433

The cousin is now being questioned to discover the truth behind Insharab's attack and our Home Secretary, Xander Fisk, informs me that he will soon have a full report.
We have had word from the official opposition party in Aldegar, Hezb-e Melli-ye Aldegār, (but not the government) – that no-one with Insharab's name has left Aldegar in the last 18 months. Again, Baltusian internal affairs is looking into this through our border agency records and will report back.
All this time our armed forces remain in a state of defensive readiness and will remain so until this matter is resolved.

So it seems we are at an impasse: we strenuously deny that we have any involvement in the terrorist attacks in Aldegar and Aldegar similarly denies any involvement in the assassination of one of our fine congressmen. We will report back with our findings very soon.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby jamescfm » Thu Dec 29, 2016 3:34 pm

Tutak Esfahani of the Glorious Shahdom of Aldegar:
Let's not be deceitful here, this was clearly a false flag attack conducted by the Baltusian government- who are well-known sponsors of terrorism and supporters of human rights abuse- to discredit Aldegar. There was absolutely no Aldegarian involvement in this assassination, if it even occurred. It would not surprise in the slightest if this was completely staged and nobody even died. That said, nobody in Aldegar will be mourning this man's death; he was a corrupt and hateful individual.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby matthewleitch » Thu Dec 29, 2016 5:50 pm

Lewis Wright stands again to address the comments made previously by Aldegar:

This Mr Esfahani and the Shah or whoever he is, are hateful, abhorrent individuals. They claim that the Baltusian government are "well-know sponsors of terrorism" due to an incident reported in the Alegarian national press, and no investigation has officially stated that Baltusia were involved whatsoever. Accusations that we are "human-rights" abusers is only a tactic, which has already been used against us. We are clear that we have no further relations with Beitenyu, those relations are over. Perhaps if you paid attention to International proceedings in the General Assembly, rather than trying to force sovereign nations into accepting a foreign, unrecognised Head of State, you would be aware we have no relations with Beitenyu.

Delegates of the General Assembly, Aldegar have continuously forced us to accept an unrecognised head of state and Baltusian congress has passed 2 bills to oppose this involvement. Aldegar have accused us of being "sponsors of terrorism", yet this is unfounded and they cannot prove this. Finally, and probably most offensive of all things Aldegar has done, is accuse Baltusia of making up stories of the death of Congressmen. We have been accused of it being completely staged and that nobody even died. This is disgusting, my thoughts are with his family and friends.

As for accusations that Mr Dormorco was corrupt. You Mr Esfahani, your Shah, and your nation are corrupt, you only care about growing your Empire and the Shah ruling the Terra.

Baltusia has no interest in Aldegarian claims and any attempt at diplomatic negotiations Baltusia has tried to put forward have been thrown straight back in Baltusia's face. The Baltusian government shall explore options such as embargos and sanctions on Aldegar, and we encourage other nations around the Terra to sanction Aldegar and show that the way they have acted is truly gross, offensive and unacceptable.
4042-4190: Baltusian Republican Party (Baltusia)
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Re: General Assembly

Postby jamescfm » Thu Dec 29, 2016 5:57 pm

Tutak Esfahani of the Glorious Shahdom of Aldegar:
Here we go again. Baltusia is allowed to make accusations, throw ad hominem attacks and disregard our nation completely and there is no consequence. They are permitted to murder our citizens, refer to their own divinely appointed ruler as 'abhorrent' and ally themselves with nations which segregate and exterminate citizens but we are not allowed to recognise corruption in government. What a sad state of affairs...
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Re: General Assembly

Postby matthewleitch » Thu Dec 29, 2016 6:02 pm

Lewis Wright:

I challenge Mr Esfahani to find our current 'alias' who segregates and exterminates citizens and provide evidence. Mr Esfahani, how are we allowed to 'murder your citizens', again, find some evidence which says the government permits Baltusians to murder Aldegarian citizens. And finally, prove how there is 'corruption in Baltusian government".

Good luck.
4042-4190: Baltusian Republican Party (Baltusia)
4190- : Republican Party (Cildania)

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