
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Supporting the Voronian Monarchy

Postby anonimanonim488 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:25 pm

After a long journey from the Grand Duchy of Vorona, the Grand Duke of Iassius, Andrej Duzkel together with his family arrived in the Keysea, the capital of our country.
We was received by the Praeses of Keymon, Antony Sideris who showed the importance of sustaining an old-root monarchy.
"We are happy to receive the Grand Duke of Iassius as we want to show our support for monarchies all around the world. We will offer our friend from Vorona a good place to live until he will come back triumphantly in the streets of Iassius. We hope our country will be together with Vorona monarchies and also strong supporters of moral values."

After the Praeses speech, the Grand Duke of Iassius said:

" I am happy to be here in the great nation of Dimokratia de Klavia Okeano. After being persecuted in my country and being falsly accused of "surpression" of the workers, I was judged by a popular tribunal made of anarchists who wanted to destroy my country. But now, I hope that together with this great nation I will be promoting the monarchy values all around the world. Big thanks to the Keymonians and I hope one day I will go back to my country and to sign a bilateral military-economical alliance with the future monarchy of Keymon."

After that moment, the Grand Duke went at a reception at the Grand Opera from Keysea.
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Klavia's New Majority Party

Postby Devinthetoaster » Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:05 pm

Klavia's New Majority Party
November 23, 4147 • 25 Cents

As the elections came up, a new party - Klavia Populo Patria- roared across the nation's cities. As the major parties unanimously reinstated the monarchy, the party's popularity only grew. Caesar Sanna, the party's leader called the monarchy a "silly thing". The party's other top leaders: Kyros Kokinos, Foreign Affairs; Kallias Xanthopoulos, Domestic Affairs; Pericles Floros, Finance; Vitus Balbinus, Defense; Philon Porphyrios, Trade and Industry, had all been very public leading up to the election. They seemed more confident than anyone in their potential leading up to the election as polls had them below 30% until just days before the election.

As election day hit, shock and awe struck the nation as the party received nearly 80% of the vote, gaining their 274 seats of the 345 total. The other major parties received 37 and 34 respectively.

The KPF quickly moved their already public (Thanks to their Trade and Industry candidate and his transparency policy) legislation to a vote. When the legislation passes, the government is expected to crackdown on the newly illegal monopolies. Once the lawsuits are finished the unions are expected to take advantage of their newly gained collective bargaining rights as well as their secondary striking rights.

In the months since the KPF has moved a large sum of legislation to vote. When it all passes the government will enforce salary caps per union contracts, actively break up farms and subsidize the smaller, poorer farms, and lower the retirement age to 60 from 65. They also plan to create a national Internet service provider.

In addition to their economic law, the party has sought after an aggressive military. Legalizing the storage, development and use of CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear) materials, the government is expected to act on it and quickly develop what weapons they can. In addition, they intend to allow the use of mines by the army and to keep Conscientious Objectors in the service by moving them to noncombat positions.

Seperate from their economic and military policy, the party has only sought after two bills, one for a new, surprisingly shared cabinet, and the other for expansion of national pride, including a new national anthem, separating from a treaty, the renaming of the nation's cities and singular region.

In addition to the KPF's bills, the CMP (Conservative Monarchist Party) has proposed legislation to seperate Klavia from four of its treaties. The bill has the support of the KFP and is expected to pass.

Klavia's New Majority Party has been very busy in their first few months in the Ecclesia, it'll be interesting to see where they go from here. Growing the nation's economy and military has clearly been put at the forefront of their policy.
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Strikes, Lawsuits, and Patriots! Oh My!

Postby Devinthetoaster » Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:19 am

Strikes, Lawsuits, and Patriots! Oh My!
August 1, 4148 • 50 Cents

Klavia's KPF has aggressively been moving for reform, support on nearly every action by the CMP and the PEF has shocked the country. One thing that remains a surprise beyond the other parties support is the continued efforts of the KPF to create a coalition government - once blocked by the PEF's abstaining the original attempt.

As the quickest of the monopoly lawsuits settle, splitting companies up across Klavia, unions are calling votes and striking. KlaviaOne, the nation's only cable TV provider was recently split into five different companies, one of which has already agreed to a contract with two of the other four currently striking, the other two expected to join in the upcoming weeks.

The nation's army unveiled its chemical and biological testing facilities this week, and though small, the army announced that it plans to expand the facilities into a shared command with the KAF (Klavia Air Forces). The KPF's defense administrator believes this will lead to breakthroughs in understanding how exactly some lesser known chemicals and bio-materials act and react with the human body.

The KISP (Klavian Internet Service Provider) is expected to open its service across the nation late next month, bringing much lower prices to the still monopolized market. Service is expected to be poor and spotty to begin with improvements as the newly setup equipment is optimized.

Banks seem to be the next target of the KFP as their new bill would force state ownership of the national banks, allowing smaller banks to be privately owned to help settle much of the market fluctuation that has plagued Klavia's economy in the past.

As the long overdue national anthem revamp and city and region name changes passed in the Ecclesia, many patriotic Klavia's cheered. The capital verification is expected to be voted on and passed in matter of months.
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Coup d'etat in Klavia Okeano

Postby anonimanonim488 » Fri Jan 20, 2017 3:08 pm

As the monarchy was stabilizing as an institution in Keymon supported by the majority party KPF and also, by CMP., some anarchic subversive elements came into power.
As a consequence, KPF proved that they want to support only their interests and suddenly broke the large popular majority and proposed a bill in which the monarch is deposed, even if they didnt know the fact that the population wanted that.
They saw in the monarch a threat to their precisely built strategy to destroy the Klavian state and to introduce a state where basic human rights are restrictioned and also to create a state in which SLAVERY should be Legal.
But, CMP opposed to these proposals and they show their support for the Klavian State, a state built on Rule of Law . As a result, thereare huge manifestations all along the country in front of KPF headquarters.
A total of 250.000 of protesters from unions along country has been marching and asking for the return of monarchy and also for the basic human rights.
The situation is getting highly intensionate and sources said that a huge manifestation will take part in the capital where 1.000.000 people will get part in a protest when the illegitimate majority tries to depose the monarch.

We will keep you update
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Jalal Al-e-Ahmad » Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:50 pm


Are the lost children of Klavia OK-eano. ACCEPTABLE SOCIETY Kingdom Monarchist Lie State.

The SONS of Fathers who lost the jobs their Fathers won them
THE CHILDREN of Weak Service-Industry Half-Men pampered and hen-pecked


We are iNdustrial Waste

ABOVE the tempest of our weekdays;
ACROSS the ashes and cindered homes of the past;
BEFORE the gates of the vacant future;

-THE ELIMINATION OF THE MONARCHY - This Weakened Ineffectual Limb, cast aside by the INVISIBLE HAND OF GLOBALISM
This Brother in Soul and Silver to the ARTANIAN AND MAJATRAN SCUM
of Terra
The Merchants of Our Culture have sold our Fathers and We to the lowest bidder. We sit before the altar of High Technology surrounded by the crumbling ruin of INDUSTRIAL splendor that so birthed it. What false economy these MONARCHS have created for us, beholden to tourists both digital and analog.
OUR ROADS crumble, OUR BRIDGES collapse, OUR INFRASTRUCTURE grows weak as our WIFI SIGNAL grows strong. This must reverse - we must discover the PRIDE of Industry as is our birthright.


What is this stagnation that clings upon Dear Klavia? Once all villages worked, separate and united, CHAINED BUT FREE in a syndicate of progress. This MUST return. We must return KLAVIA to its Masters - WE CAN maintain NATIONAL "CULTURAL" UNITY and PRIVATE INDIVIDUALISTIC PROFIT EXPANSION IN EACH QUARTER

This IS and ALWAYS HAS BEEN since the DELETION of the Inferior Insidious Indigenous a KLAVIAN nation. We must MAKE KLAVIA ITSELF AGAIN.

There must be an END to RADICAL MAJATRAN RELIGIOSITY. It was the KLAVIAN MAN who created INDUSTRY, INTEGRITY, and FATAL HUBRIS. This should be a source of pride, not a forgotten term washed away by CIVILLY SENSITIVE PRONOUN PALADINS. A nation ruled by the weak and effeminate. Our FATHERS fought to build this nation, hammered its mighty industry into being, their DAUGHTERS sold it into Globalist Feminist Committee Worship! Agreement breeds weakness, - look out your windows brothers. Look at the weakness of our society. Its permission to critique SCIENCE, FACT, REASON, and XENOPHOBIC NATIONALISTIC PROTECTIONISM

Yet we cannot critique Liberal-Democratic Monarchism?
You cannot escape us
We are iNdustrial Waste



What you aspire to as revolutionaries is a new master. You will get one. - Jacques Lacan
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Jalal Al-e-Ahmad » Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:33 pm

The Klavian Daily Crown

The Children Aren't Alright
By Anatazzi Bengazi -

A worrying new political trend has been on the rise in the Kingdom of Klavia Okeano. A loose affiliation of Populists, Neo-Fascists, Klavian Nationalists and internet trolls have taken to the streets and social media to call for an end to the long-reigning Monarchy. Led by founder, Ew-Tube celebrity and notorious firebrand Benedictine Superbia this new political party has taken to calling itself iNdustrial Waste - Rifiuti Industralia in Klavian. Holding no seats in the nation's Ecclesia has not prevented these foul-mouthed youths and vagrants from spewing their hatred across forums and message boards. A meandering speech by Mr. Suberia already has over 14 million views on Ew-Tube and has been forwarded and re-posted in an increasingly self-contained circle of drop-outs and rural communities.

Pictured - Rifiuti Industriali founder Benedictine Superbia

"The issue is disenfranchisement" said Socioconomistic-Genderpologist Professor Ricardo Slavono of Klavia Civitas Magna University. "As you can read in my new book, or see in my new e-series, there is a growing trend for the youth of this nation to dis-identify with some of the prevailing cultural trends. Many who fail to understand the fluidity of gender spend much of the day 'trolling' the internet and asking impossible questions like 'why am I and my Father unemployed?' It is truly a tragedy in this day and age."

Yet the movement is not made up simply of counter-counter-culture youths and blatant obvious racists deserving of no dialogue - a growing section of the rural countryside has begun to identify with the ambiguous and angry political movement. The Klavian Daily Crown spoke with the Mayor/Post Master/Head Teacher of Nessuna, Klavia - a hamlet of 87 people which, thanks to progressive Liberal political policies carries the same voting weight as nearby Lumborgeni City (population 74,000,000). She spoke of life after her husband left in search of work: "After the mill closed, and the plant shut down, and the factory boarded up my husband just couldn't support us none. We wrote our representatives and didn't get no message - so's I sent my oldest off the university. He came back and told us that we had a Patriarchal view and my husband shouldn'ta been the only one working and the geopolitical situation had resulted in shifts in the manufacturing and heavy industry sectors...course that didn't put no food on the table." We asked her where her son was working now, "down at the Coffee Hut," she replied.

It is concerning that this new party, with a swelling base of supporters, seems to hold no true ideological or political positions. Many have noted that its founder, Benedictine Superbia, is best known for his scathing take-downs of Klavian politicians, his fervent hatred of "Radical Majatran Religiosity," and his over-priced time-share company Superbia's Simulated Suberia, which infamously allowed many poorer citizens the chance to live in high-income neighborhoods for several months at a time. This resulted in many law suits filed against Superbia after it was discovered that he purchased the former homes of citizens who fled their neighborhoods and sold them back at astronomical profits.

"That's why I'm smart!" declared Superbia to adoring fans. We shall see what he plans to do with political power - should he ever hold any.
What you aspire to as revolutionaries is a new master. You will get one. - Jacques Lacan
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby hts » Tue Nov 07, 2017 8:21 pm

"The Klavian Enlightenment"

The Klavian Enlightenment, as it has been called, is the rising status and productivity of Klavian intellectuals. The most signifiant political theory to be formed out of this movement is popular economics, or popularibus oeconomica, which is an ideology based on the writings of Alexandros Economos. Economos's essay Lucrum, is the basis of the ideology.



In the essay, Economo's details what he describes as the societal "functions" of wealth. These functions are the basis of his theory.

The first function of wealth is it’s function of social ordering. Wealth is a mechanism of determining, organizing, and perpetuating social hierarchies across Terra. To start, wealth sorts nations into hierarchies. In order to prove this, a correlation must be proved between a nation’s wealth and it’s status or power. This can be seen in the Terran Economic and Military Power Lists produced by the Zardic Institute of International Relations, in which all the nations of Terra are ranked according to economic strength and military power. Of the four nations ranked highest in the economic rankings (Dorvik, Istalia, Kazulia, and Vanuku), three (Kazulia, Vanuku, and Istalia) are also ranked highest in the military power rankings. For a nation to be wealthy is not necessarily for it to be powerful, however in all but a few instances the two variables, wealth and power, coincide with one another. Next, wealth’s function of social ordering occurs individually. A person’s social status and membership in a particular social class is almost entirely determined by wealth. All of society from top to bottom, nation to individual, is ordered, ranked, and organized by wealth.

This would later become the basis of the first tenet of popularibus oeconomica, which is the principle of Greater Competition. This principle asserts that although all citizens in a society are competing for spots in the social hierarchy, nations are also constantly competing for spots in the international hierarchy, and the latter must be prioritized.

The second function of wealth is it’s ability to be both an individual and societal good. This quality intertwines the good of the many with the good of the one, and allows wealth to serve as an excellent device for concealing individuals from their own purposelessness. No man wants to be but a gear in the machine, but it is a fate that can be escaped only through paths of worse suffering. Therefore, wealth serves as bait, constantly providing small incentives for the individual to keep working toward a goal that is not his. That long strenuous hike toward nothingness, which goes by its ironically pleasant name, life, seems far less daunting when there are pleasurable and happy stops along the way, insignificant but achievable goals and false purposes, to sweeten the bitter taste of impermanence and irrelevance.

This function would later become the basis of the second tenet of popularibus oeconomica, which is the principle of Intertwined Interests. This principle asserts that working as a gear in the machine advances the interests of both entities, even if the gear has no actual purpose it still betters its situation by playing it's part.

The third, and most complex, function of wealth is its influence on human relationships. Wealth, particularly in a free market system, tends to divide society into various groups. The Metzists would argue that these two groups are the “haves” and the “have nots”, however this answer is to simple. Much more fitting is the categorization of society into three groups, the ambitious, the satisfied, and the indifferent... Although it may sound immensely virtuous, life outside the simultaneously confining and protective walls of the machine is cold and unforgiving. A machine without gears and gears without a machine are equally useless, and when one considers the wasted productivity caused by their separation, indifference becomes not only an unwise choice, but a harmful one.

This function also fits into the principle of intertwined interests. However, it also adds Economos' three economic groupings. The theory of popularibus oeconomica argues that an ideal economy has the maximum amount of ambitious people, and the least amount of satisfied or indifferent people.

To Summarize the Essay:
To conclude, it is through these societal functions that wealth influences the world. Although the overt purposes of currency and wealth are important, it is necessary for policymakers to begin to consider these hidden functions when structuring economic policy. The only way for an individual to have purpose in this world is by serving as a gear in the greater socioeconomic machine. Therefore, it is necessary for economic policy to be inconsiderate of the interests of individuals or groups, and to be totally focused toward the advancement of a society as a whole. This strategy of popular economics is the pathway toward long term economic growth, and away from the closed mind economic policies of the present, which advance only the interests of particular individuals and groups and provide these small groups with merely temporary economic benefits.
“The truth may be puzzling. It may take some work to grapple with. It may be counterintuitive. It may contradict deeply held prejudices. It may not be consonant with what we desperately want to be true. But our preferences do not determine what's true.”
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby joshnz » Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:47 am


Klavia Civitas Magna, 4307 – Pericles Vienna, has announced the successful conclusion of a series of negotiations to form a political party. The party will be called the National Democrat Union and it combines the Tomorrow Party of Klavia, the Liberals and the Agrarian Union. While these three parties remain rather unknown to the general populace of Klavia, the Tomorrow Party may ring bells for some, having been a ruling political party in Selucia and Saridan. Pericles Vienna, who fronted the Tomorrow Party of Klavia, was a descendant of Abraham Vienna, the head of the Saridan Tomorrow Party until it became defunct following a corruption crisis. Abraham Vienna and his family were forced to migrate and they chose to integrate into Klavian society.

In a press statement, the party biography was given as this:

The thrust of our philosophy is that we are a political party that is democratic, rational and one that encourages fraternity.
Democracy - We respect the views of voters and we consult them regularly. We acknowledge that many people espouse conservative views.
Rationality - We will encourage voters to be as informed as they possibly can (as to neglect this, would be to lead democracy to failure) and our decision making will be as informed and rational as possible.
Fraternity - We will place great emphasis on the need for civic engagement and inclusiveness. Our society only works when we work together. This leads back into rationality - with only more diversity, more perspectives, more information can we have positive decision making

As a result of the negotiations, Valerie Tsipiras, an outspoken activist from the Liberal Party resigned from the NDU citing that she had not left the party, but the party left her.


The list was also announced, it is as follows:
1. Pericles Vienna, Leader of the NDU (Formerly Tomorrow Party)
2. Xenophon Brisbane, Finance spokesperson and deputy leader of the NDU (Formerly Tomorrow Party)
3. Victoria Bishop, Health and Social Services spokesperson (Formerly Liberals)
4. Adrian Sydney, Foreign Affairs spokesperson (Formerly Tomorrow Party)
5. Alcibiades Rhodes, Defence spokesperson (Formerly Tomorrow Party)
6. Zahra George, Environment and Tourism spokesperson (Formerly Agrarian Union)
7. Julius Devin, Infrastructure and Transport spokesperson ((Formerly Tomorrow Party)
8. Cleon Griffin, Justice spokesperson (Formerly Liberals)
9. Lucas Stark, Education and Culture spokesperson (Formerly Liberals)
10. Alexander Bosch, Internal Affairs spokesperson (Formerly Tomorrow Party)
11. Fabio Cook, Trade and Industry spokesperson (Formerly Tomorrow Party)
12. Laertes Abete, Science and Technology spokesperson (Formerly Tomorrow Party)
13. John Stonewall, Food and Agriculture spokesperson. (Formerly Agrarian Union)

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby joshnz » Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:52 am


Klavia Civitas Magna, 4307 - Pericles Vienna commenced the campaign for the National Democrat Union to claim the Ekklesia. Here is an excerpt from his speech:

“ The NDU is founded on the principle of fraternity. The idea that we are only strong when we work together. It is an important concept but not the only concept needed for success. Just agreeing to this concept will not move us any further forward. I am also asking for action. To use this idea of fraternity to contribute to the welfare of our great nation.

Fraternity and action is needed like no time before. We are being restrained by this government. Our economy and civil liberties are burdened by excessive regulations. Lawmaking is grinding to a halt due to lack of interest from parties and limits to what a party can propose. Even more terribly, our cabinet has remained in place despite their party losing the election. There is no democratic standing for that cabinet.

What I promise to you, people of Klavia, is that I will release the shackles. I will lead us to the new golden age of Klavia. It is on our horizons. It is up to you, to take that opportunity and embrace this idea of fraternity and action.

Acquiescing has got us nowhere. It is time to unleash the Klavian potential.”

Pericles Vienna during his speech

Xenophon Brisbane converses with Adrian Sydney before the campaign launch

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby joshnz » Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:52 am


Fireworks display following the NDU’s victory

Newly elected Counsel Pericles Vienna addresses the crowd at his victory event.

Laertes Abete (right) and Alciabides Rhodes (left) applaud Vienna’s victory speech

Julius Devin (right) and Xenophon Brisbane (left) on stage with newly elected members of the ecclesia

The 4307 election has come to a close with the National Democrat Union only marginally beating the incumbent Conservative Monarchist Party for control of the ecclesia. The NDU only enjoys a majority of four seats, a reflection of how close the election was. Pericles Vienna, who leads the NDU, says that while the election was close, he was proud of the NDU’s progress. “What we are talking about here, is a party that was only barely registering in polling and had no parliamentary seats, has now claimed control of the ecclesia. That is a significant amount of progress in only a few months”. Counsel Vienna also attributes the closeness of the election results because the NDU suffered from a credibility problem. “Neither of our three merger parties had ever held political office. They were seen more as activists. Nevertheless, we seek to build our credibility in government”. Counsel Vienna confirms that ministerial portfolios will reflect the list presented prior to the election.
Counsel Vienna has outlined the priorities for reforms as follows
- Infrastructure (Minister Julius Devin) – pledge to engage in an investment of infrastructure.
- Economy (Minister Xenophon Brisbane) – pledging to relax regulations to boost economic growth. Overhaul the tax system and get back into surplus.
- Foreign policy (Minister Adrian Sydney) – leading a reach out to the international community.
- Liberty (Internal Affairs Minister Alexander Bosch) - committed to more freedom for civil liberties.
- Democracy (Counsel Pericles Vienna) - seek bipartisan support in legislation by consulting opposition. Try to engage in constitutional reform to change term length, seats in the ecclesia, add more proposals.

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