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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Aquinas » Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:02 am

July 4148
by Jafar Narasimhan

Security services demolish Ravel house
Civil liberties campaigners demand explanation
The "old house in Bhagya" is no longer standing

Under the direct orders of Internal Affairs Minister Gajra Comar, a property belonging to suspected terrorist Kotari Ravel has been completely demolished. According to high-level sources, the Minister instructed the demolition crew "not to leave a single trace of the property, not even a speck of dust - it must be as though this building never existed".

Ravel is believed to have been hiding out at the property before fleeing in the middle of the night, after he worked out that the police were onto him. The property, an old house in Bhagra, is owned by Kotari Ravel. He had been letting it out rent-free to his 92-year old grandmother, Narmada Ravel, who has been described by a neighbour as "absolutely distraught" by both the situation with her grandson and the dramatic demolition of her home.

The Potensian Civil Liberties Association has criticised the move, demanding that the Minster of Internal Affairs "provides a full explanation of why it was judged to be necessary to do this" and calling for "an independent investigation to be conducted". Age Concern Potensi has expressed concern about "the disrespectful, inconsiderate and completely inhumane treatment of Mrs. Ravel", warning that "to force elderly and frail people to move out of their homes is very traumatic and distressing for them, and our guidance would be that this should only be done when it is really, really necessary".

Gajra Comar has refused to be drawn at length into discussing the issue, although he has stated that "the demolition of the house was necessary as a security precaution".

We will hunt down so-called Army of Equality, vows President Tripathi

President Vijay Tripathi has condemned "the so-called Army of Equality", who he says "want us all to be equal only in the sense they want us all to be dead". He has promised "a massive, co-ordinated operation, involving the police, the intelligence services and the army, to bring these scoundrels to justice".

The latest news is that 5 arrests have been made in Rajdarbar. Also, the Potensian Civil Liberties Association has accused the police of "using excessive brutality in dealing with suspected Army of Equality sympathisers" and has requested a full independent investigation.

Police tackling protesters in Jamgal

Rajdarbar pollution smog "just fog", claims Environment Minister

Central Rajdarbar during yesterday's rush hour

Environment Minister Vrishni Sharma has infuriated air quality campaigners by dismissing Rajdarbar's notorious pollution smogs as "just fog" and "nothing serious, nothing to worry about - it's all just weather". Even according to his own Ministry's statistics, the capital city's air quality ratings have become progressively worse over the last decade, largely as a result of increasing car use and congestion on the roads. After facing a storm of criticism, he backtracked somewhat, claiming he "was not saying air quality isn't a serious concern" and that "all I meant was that we shouldn't get too carried away by the fact the air gets worse for a few months during the summer".

Protesters descend on the Ministry of Environment in protest

Yesterday morning, a small demonstration was held outside the Ministry of the Environment in central Rajdarbar, in protest against the Ministry's "lack of action in taking care for the environment seriously". Green issues have become increasingly prominent in Potensi of late, and the rise of a new political party, the pro-green Potensian People's Party, is partly ascribed to this.

Bennotsville "birdperson" was me, claims Chakraborty

Gagan Chakraborty = Kalguda the Gerajan bird god?

Following a wave of speculation amongst his devotees, the renowned spiritual guru Gagan Chakraborty has admitted that he is indeed the mysterious birdperson of Bennotsville. In an interview with a friendly journalist, he explained:

I sometimes take the form of Kalguda, the bird god, because Kalguda is another aspect of myself. Sometimes at night, when I want to see the world, I turn into Kalguda and fly around the world, to visit other countries. It is all to do with expanding my field of work and fulfilling my spiritual mission.

Since the admission, dozens of alleged sightings of Kalguda have been reported all over Terra, some of them involved miraculous events, such as objects materialising and dramatic healings taking place. Several of the alleged encounters also involve the bird god flying people around the nightsky on long journeys.

Also, a woman in the city of Bairak has claimed the bird god swooped into her garden, ate her dog, spat out its head and tail and then flew away. She says she "began writing a letter to Gagan Chakraborty, demanding to know why he had behaved in such a horrible way" but that "as I began writing the letter, I began to see that the Swami was teaching me a spiritual lesson, because I had become too attached to the dog, and needed to move on from that...so after that, I was at peace".
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:33 pm

the communist party organises a commemoration of all victims of the attacks on lok Sabha

it may be dangerous to organise such a big event in such a small place with the terrorist group still at hand and still on the loose and so maby people. 2500 man showed to rethick and pay respect to their family's, brother, sisters, boyfriend,girlfriend,... It was quite and sober, but it was a healthy afternoon and no accidents. Their was a lot of security and the army was presence.

the communist party starts campaign by accusing the governement of lacking capabilities

The communist party accuse the governement of lacking capabilities to handle such great problems. Their campaign is baised all around that accusation. vasu dash an important politician of the communist party and will run for minister of internal affairs, speaks: the pontesian national congress can't handle this events that are happening, they can't garantuee our safety, but are on the governement. Yes, i respect Vijay Tripathi as a person but as a politician, he lacks the nerve and the capability to act fast. Thats why the army of equalty is still at large and they are getting stronger every day. The incapabilty to give the ppeople honest and free education and healtcare, they rather let religion decide who deserves a good education of a good healthcare. They rather let a young child, who is our future, work then they get a proper education. It is time for change, for change, education and healthcare. For the army of equality, i say this, please don't read this as a threat, this is a promess to you, if the communist party wins the elzction and get in the governement, we will end you all! We don't tolerate terrorisme and mas murder!

the communist party announce their candidates

Their is still 2 years ahead untill the elections, but they already gace it to the public, Wouter Burret talks to us, to explain himself and the party: you may ask yourself why we do this so early, but we de don't find this early,by doing this the people has the chance to get to know their possibel future ministers. In a period of time every candidate will have their chance to give a speech to the public, they will have a chance to give their goals

This are the candidates of the communist party:

Foreign affairs: Aedhera Dixit
Internal affairs: Vasu Dash
Finance: Girisha Penkar
Defence: Ekram Doctor
Justice: Aditha Kalsa
Infrastructure and transport: Uden Mehan
Health and social services: Ekadanta Bulsa
Culture: Vasuki Parmer
Science and technologie: Balin Chandra
Food and agriculture: Jayne Mayne
Envirement and tourisme: Ura Ben
Trade and industrie: Mahesa Soni
Nation: Dorvik
Party: the kommunistische partei
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:48 pm

The army of equality strikes again.

Februari 4149- The army of equality took 5 men and 5 women hostige and took a video how they slaughtered this poor humans. With the message that they will not stop until everybody who opposses them is dead. Former chairman of the Commubist party who was on a vacation with his family and also to educate himself in other cultures. An interviewer asked him what he thinks about this situation and if he new that Kotari Ravel was this radical and extreme: i regret that this is the situation of Pontesi, where people are scared to go out even for grocery's. This was never our philosofy and never will be. Terrorisme will never be the answer for injustice or an "fascist" governement. I don't know what kotari is up to or why he is really doing this. If i have a chance to talk some sence into him, i would, but we all know that that stage of negotiating and talks are over. My advice to the governement is to eredicate this group and bring safety and peace to our great nation. I didn't know, he would slaughter people like this. Who woud know that of anyone? Meanwhile, the police is trying to calm the people, who are scared, down. We are doing everything in our power to get this terrorist, we have leads and we are getting closer, but more as this i can't give you, we don't want this very delicate investigation in danger.

the army of equality and the cow protection army working together?

February 4149- paper trail found that would give a light on this subject. An army's general answered thz question: it woudn't be unusual of two group colliding to gather for a greater purpose. It would make them stronger. They have a common goals or can at least work together to archieve their goals together. The police, with our cooperation, found a paper trail that confirms this investigation.
Nation: Dorvik
Party: the kommunistische partei
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Aquinas » Thu Jan 12, 2017 3:11 pm

July 4148
by Jafar Narasimhan

Police in dawn raid on Communist Party HQ

Communist Party HQ in Rajdarbar was "turned upside down" according to party workers

Under the orders of Internal Affairs Minister Gajra Comar, police have launched a dramatic dawn raid on the Communist Party's headquarters in Rajdarbar, breaking open safes, seizing computers and documents and arresting and questioning volunteers and staff. According to one party worker, "the place has been absolutely trashed and turned upside down - they've gone through everything and left everything a total mess".

Comar claimed the raid was necessary "in order to investigate connections between the Communist Party and the terrorist organisation, the Army of Equality". However, within 72 hours the police issued a statement admitting that "no suspicious evidence of any kind was found" and that "all arrested persons have now been released, and we are no longer pursuing any further lines of investigation in relation to this raid".

The Potensian Civil Liberties Association has described the raid as "absolutely disgraceful, carried out for purely political reasons, and without a shred of real evidence".

The long-term effects of this are not yet clear. It is apparent that a large section of the public distrusts the Communists and supports the firm line being taken by the Internal Affairs Minister. Many are saying that even if the investigation turned up no evidence, that does not mean the Communists are not involved with terrorist activity. However, others are questioning whether the police are simply being used as a means to tarnish and harass the regime's political opponents.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has dismissed calls for an investigation into the raid, insisting that "this operation was necessary in order to protect the public, and all of the proper procedures were followed".

Chakraborty materialises magic golden Kalguda egg

Spiritual guru Gagan Chakraborty has magically materialised a golden egg in front of an audience of devotees at his ashram in Jamgal, as further proof that he is indeed the Gerajan bird god Kalguda, who has recently been spotted at various locations around Terra. Anand Sridhar of the International Gagan Chakraborty Association has acclaimed the miracle as "the most convincing proof one could ask for that Gagan Chakraborty is Kalguda, because only Kalguda could produce a golden egg".

Cartoon from Potensi Today
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:59 pm

The commubist party angered by politiv attack by the governement

July 4148- The communist party is disgusted by the raid by the police. There were also small gathering on several places across the nation, because of the terrorist threat. They are calling for change of governement and turn back to democraty. They find this unacceptable, what the governement did today. Wouter Buffet responds: it is very undemocratic of this governement tto atack their political opponents like. To invade our headquarter and accuse us of terrorisme, with lies. They have to be held responsible for their actions. We won't let this happen and we demand an investigation of this, because this can't be justified. We are a democraty and we believe in democraty, how about you president Tripathi and Gajra Comar?
The army of equality beaten by the police

January 4150- The police busted a empty warehouse where the big shots of the army of equality had meeting they arrested everybody and questioned everyone and because they were proud of what they did and were willing to sacrifize themself for a bigger cause, they confessed. The leader was nowhere to be seen. Rumours are that he fled, but where we don't know. The commisioner is happy that this is ended.
we will search gor kotari ravel, but for now we are already happy that we ended this terrorist group. We will bring safety to our people
Nation: Dorvik
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Aquinas » Sat Jan 14, 2017 2:53 am

July 4150
by Jafar Narasimhan

Police chief apologises to Communist Party over raid
Not enough, say campaigners

Chief Constable Apu Landge

Rajdarbar Chief Constable Apu Landge has written a short, low-key apology to Communist Party chairman Wouter Burrett, expressing "my sincere regret for the distress, disturbance and inconvenience caused by our operation" and admitting that "some procedures were not properly followed, and in retrospect, the operation was probably unjustified and inappropriate". In one specific case, he has also offered an apology and 100,000 PON compensation to a Communist Party worker for the way she was kept in a cell for over 7 hours without being permitted access to drinking water, a toilet or a lawyer. Along with all the others who were arrested in the operation, she was later released without charge.

Some have welcomed the move, but the Potensian Civil Liberties Association is distinctly unimpressed, warning:

What we are seeing here is the politicians hiding behind the police. They are blaming the police for what happened. The police do carry some of the blame, of course, but the ones who are most responsible are the politicians who ordered the raid in the first place, most particular the Internal Affairs Minister, Gajrar Comar. Why doesn't he apologise? Why doesn't he resign?

Gajrar Comar has refused to comment on the latest developments, although President Vijay Tripathi has said he has "total and complete confidence in my Minister of Internal Affairs".

It is not quite clear yet what the overall effect of this will be in terms of public opinion. Some commentators are predicting it will damage the Potensian National Congress. However, others say there is a large section of the public which regards the Communist Party as dangerous terrorists, and that all of the publicity surrounding the raid and its aftermath has simply ended up confirming that impression. "The government are embarrassed for the moment, but in the long run, they know they've won, because the damage against their opponents has been done", was the analysis of one former government minister.

Army of Equality commander to face death sentence


Ravi Chaudhari, a senior Army of Equality commander recently arrested in a police raid, has become to first person to be sentenced to death since the death penalty was reinstated last year. Minister of Internal Affairs Gajra Comar has commented that "the death penalty could not be more justified in a case like this" and that "we must execute as many of these criminals as we can".

However, despite the Minister's tough words, in practice, in every case other than this particular one, the courts have actually avoided giving death sentences to captured Army of Equality leaders. Most of the others have received lengthy jail sentences or life imprisonment. According to some reports, the Minister would like to see the death penalty being more liberally applied.

Minister for Transport enrages road safety campaigners

Dada was loudly booed and slow handclapped after his gaffe

Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Dinesh Dada stunned a conference on road safety in Rajdarbar by suggesting "people are getting too hysterical about road deaths" and that "we need to return to our Gerajan (OOC: Hindu) roots and begin to try to understand that if you die in a car accident, it's not anybody's fault - it's just that it was your day to die today". He even suggested there "could be spiritual meanings behind these things" and that "these people may have done something bad in a past life, which is why this is happening".

The audience, which included hundreds of bereaved family members of people who died in road accidents, was visibly shocked by the Minister's comments, and before long, he was being loudly booed and interrupted.

He later tried to clarify his comments, saying "I was not saying we should be complacent about road deaths; the point I was making was that it is too easy to become obsessed with them and to become animated by a spirit of vengeance and blame, instead of being practical", adding that he had in mind an incident three months ago, when a man who ran over a 10 year old boy was beaten to death with a meat cleaver by the boy's father.

One of the delegates at the conference, Meghana Parmar of the Safer Roads campaign group, told me:

Most of what the Minister said was very sensible and welcome. What he said in his main speech was excellent - it had probably all been written and prepared beforehand. Where he came unstuck was in the impromptu question and answer session afterwards, where he said a few things that were really not very appropriate and caused significant offence to many of the people here.

Dada has declined to directly apologise, although he has insisted "I never intended to cause any offence to anybody and there was nothing I said that should be considered offensive or even very unusual".

Cow urine now free on National Health Service


At a jointly-held press conference, Minister for Health Sunreet Bhosale and Minister for Cows Durvasas Khatri have announced cow urine will now "be free at the point of use for every citizen in Potensi", promising "cow urine therapy can cure all manner of diseases, conditions and ailments - including even ones people don't know they have" and that "we are beginning a revolutionary path towards cheaper, more natural and more effective healthcare".

According to well-placed sources, the Minister for Cows wanted cow urine to be injected into the general water supply on the grounds of improving public health, but this plan was vetoed by President Vijay Tripathi and others in the Cabinet.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Sat Jan 14, 2017 9:17 am

Kotari Ravel rumoured to be in lodamnum

February 4150 - Kotari Ravel would have fled true a smuggling route true beluzia, to get to Lodamnum. Apparantly he asked asylum there. It would bring tensions between the two nation, because what Kotari Ravel did and potensi want to have Kotari Ravel to bring him to court. A spokesman of the governement told to us that if he gets asylum, this will bring a lot of aggrevation of lodamnum to us and our people to us. It would also stabbing a knife in our back.

Tensions between lodamnum and Potensi, Kotari Ravel gets asylum

March 4150- Kotari Ravel got asylum and is now protected by the governement of Lodamnum. The people of potensi are furious that tvis can happen, he is seen as a terrorist and a traitor. Even the communist party are shocked and angered by this. Wouter Buffet replied on the issue: this is outragues, that another governement gives asylum to such a dangerous terrorist, who in a cowardly act fled from justice, while his accomplices are arrested and pu'ished for their capital crimes. Now he can plan new attack and make a new strategie, while we don't know what and maybe Lodamnum will even help them this is really disgracefull. We demand that Kotari Ravel is transported back to potensi, to face court for his crimes!

How will the governement react to this news? How will lodamnum react?
Nation: Dorvik
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Sat Jan 14, 2017 10:35 am

the red alliance

The communist party changes name

The communist party changes name and is from now on known as the Metzism movement party. Probably because after the army of equality and everybody knowing that it was disrupted of the communist party, their reputation got damaged. With the new name they hope to decrease the damaging and hope they move forward once again. Wouter Buffet, the chairman of the MMP, replies: We thought it was better to show we distanced ourself fully of the army of equality and changed our name to fecrease the damage. We hope with this the people will retrust us and don't see us anymore as terrorist. It's not only the army of equality who forced us into this, also the governement forced us to this, with their randomly accusations and lies. People were scared and trusted the governement, while they were attacking their political opponenents. We still want an investigation to the previous incidents and we wont a sincere apologie of the president or the minister of internal affairs and that he resigns! Action always has a reaction and consequences!

Jonathan Jadoul coming back to the party?

Jonathan Jadoul, the former chairman and founder of the communist party, now known as the metzism movement part, is rumoured to come back into politics. He told this in an interview, but gave a vague responds.

Hello mr. Jadoul, it is a long time ago we heard about you, i start instantly with a question. What do you think about everything that happened, with the army of equality and the raid of the governement?
It is worrying that a group can disrupt from our party, while we are a party that believes in democraty, to change politics with negotiatians and compromise without losing our perspective. It is also worrying that a governement just can accuse an important political party in this country of terrorisme without important evidence. Which ofcourse result in damaging our reputation. I think Woutet Buffet has a lot of work ahead to control this

What do you think about the change of name?
With recent events and the personal attack of the governement on the communist party, it is a necessary step in a good ditection. I think Wouter has a lote more work to do and i really do hope he can do it.

Should he resign, because it is in his time as chairman that the army of equality dirsupted from the party?
That is not my decision to make, that is the board and his decision. I can also be in fault, because when i found the party together with others, including mr. Ravel, we did it with believe and conviction. Maybe Kotari was the most radical of ours, but how can any man know that someone you are friends with can be this violent?
That is very honest of you to say that.

What do you think about the recent news about the army of equality being beaten by the police and the commander even sentenced to death?
I am happy that the army of equality is beaten, that they will face their punishment for their crimes. On the other hand i heard the communist party voted yes on the bill of the death penalty, where i fought very hard as a young man and as a politician to get rid of it. I understand that the terrorists should be punishment, but applying the death penalty is lowering ourself to the same degree of those terrorists.

What do you find about the news of kotari ravel fleeing to Lodamnum and getting asylum?
It is a very cowardly act of Kotari, to leave his accomplecises and rescue himself of punishment. About lodamnum, it is strange that they would give asylum to a terrorist with communist motives. I wonder what is behind it

My final question is may be a little more personal. Would you come back to politics as rumoured is?
I am considering it, to be honest. I found it and it is still in my heart. When i was chairman is still wanted to do a lot. When i lost the election and resigned as chairman i wanted to make more time for my family, because i have a beautifull wife and daughter now, but i also wanted to educate myself again. I went on a vacation trip to dorvik and istalia to learn more about those country's and they were spectacular. I sat with smal political groups with metzism ideology and gave also speeches to reconstruct our international reputation of our party. Now, even do i am against religion i want to know what is our religion of our country and learn more about it. For now i took a job as a teacher on the university in polotical science but when its time, i will come back

Thank you Mr. Jadoul for your open and honest answer and for youre cooperation.
Nation: Dorvik
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Aquinas » Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:50 am

October 4150
by Jafar Narasimhan

Hand over the terrorist, Potensi tells Lodamun


President Vijay Tripathi has publicly called upon the government of Lodamun "to extradite Kotari Ravel to Potensi without delay, so he can be brought to justice for the crimes he has committed against our people". "If they give this terrorist sanctuary, they will have removed themselves from the civilised community of nations," he added.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:10 am

the red alliance

The Metzism movement party loses seats again and chairman Wouter Buffet resigns

January 4151- the MMP dramaticly lost the election and Wouter Buffet resigns as chairman. The cause of losing this hard is probably the cause by the damaged reputation the MMP has. Wouter Buffet replies: we lost and it hurts, but i have to take my responsebility. The future chairman has 3 and half years tonreform the party again, i did my best and i didn't succeeded, i hope he or she will succeed and make our once so great party great again. I have my fault but the PNC and the PPP with their personal attacks didn't do good ad our cause. They have filled the hearts of the people of potensi with hate and fear. Is this how they want to do politics? What i will do in the future? Work in the back for the the paryy and may be do internationnally mission to boost our reputation.

The Metzism movement party needs to do something really quick if they want to have a chance in next elections.

Aedhira new chairman of MMP

The new chairman is already chosen. Their was only one candidate, probably a lot of members are scared of the big challenge, that was Aedhira Dixit. She is since the beginning in the party and started as a militant and grew up to be an important person of the party. She held a brief conference: I am happy to be the new chairman, i have 3 and half years to reform the party and putbit back on the map. I like big challenges and it is all or nothing for me.
Nation: Dorvik
Party: the kommunistische partei
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi
Posts: 210
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