
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:00 pm

Red Alliance

President of Potensi, Aedhira Dixit, visits Istalia

After recent events, mr demichelis, president of Istalia, invite our president, Aedgira Dixit, to talk about a cliser relation between potensi and istalia. They will also talk avout the foreign policy of both nations and ms Dixit will probably try to convince istalia to take military actions against Saridan and avout recreating the Majatra Union.
The president will talk to the press when she returns.

Police arrest 10 people on suspicion of sympathizing with kotari ravel

The police took 10 people in custody yesterday on suspicion to sympathize with Ravel and even talking to him. The police are investigating if this is true and are worried of revenge attacks. Vasu Dash rzplies to this news in a state press:
We are indeed aressting sympathizers of kotari ravel, i think everybody knows what ravel is capabel of. Ravel is still not brought to justice and we are scared that the longer we wait, the risk of revenge attacks coles higher. There is also rumoured of another terrorist group starting with religious motives. We are investigating everything and we will anounce if we find anything.
the 10 supposedly sympathizers are still in custody for questioning.

minister of enviroment and tourisme says to invest more in tourisme to attract more tourists

With the army of equality, the cow protection army and the threat of war with saridan, the tourisme decreased. Potensi has some great stuff to show the world, but not enough says Ura Ben, minister of enviroment and tourism. The minister invested aready a lot in the enviroment for a cleaner air, together with minister of trade and industrie, Mahesa Soni, now it is time to try revive the tourisme economy.
Nation: Ikradon
Party: nationalistische communisten
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi, Dorvik
Posts: 215
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:58 am

Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:56 am

Red alliance

The MMP wins election, Aedhira Dixit is happy, but it will be her last

The MMP won the eection by great results. Probably because they were harsh against lodamnum for getting ravel back and harsh against the fascist governement of saridan. They have still a lot of work. The cabinet will stay the same who is going to be the next candidate, is unknown yet.

Minister of finance gives more budget in science and technology.

Girisha Penkar, minister of finance, sat down together with Balin Chandra, minister of science and technlogy, to discuss why mr Chandra needs more budget. Balin chandra wants to do more research in weoponery, but also more in medicine, to give more to the potensian people. Balin chandra responds to the press
With everything that is going on, we need to improve our weopons, so we can increase our military more. With more budget we can even put more into medicine to have a better healthcare also.

Minister ofbhealth and social services opens 5 new hospitals.

Ekadenta Bulsa opened 5 hospitals yesterday. The hospitals will have strong and efficient cooperation with other. They have the newest technology and an improved ER. Mr. Bulsa was a doctor before he became a minister and he always said that a great hospital starts with a great ER. He is also busy with a new project who would help the potensian in needs. A project who would reintegrate them in society, he will sit together with Mahesa Soni, minister of trade and industry.
Nation: Ikradon
Party: nationalistische communisten
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi, Dorvik
Posts: 215
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:58 am

Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Tue Jan 31, 2017 3:04 pm

Red Alliance

After this mandatory Ms Dixit will resign as chairman of MMP, rulours going on about 2 popular politici of MMp running against each other

Balin Chandra,minister of science and technology, will run against Vasu Dash, minister of internal affairs for the seat of chairman in 4162. It will be an intresting debate between both of them. People are wondered why mr Jadoul isn't going for chairman. Jonathan jadoul responds
I am happy with the job i have. It is an intresting job where i have responsebilty's and can learn a lot of other ministers and nations. I have confidence that both of them would be great chairmans

The 2 candidates didn't want to react n thd news yet.
Nation: Ikradon
Party: nationalistische communisten
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi, Dorvik
Posts: 215
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:58 am

Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:20 pm

Red alliance

Dispute in Assembly about istalia, between potensi and Saridan

After istalia doing a rescue mission to save their 410 citizens in the Ewout concentration camp. They killed the 45 brown shirts. Ambassador Barthomelus of Saridan was angry and wanted an apologie of istalia. Our minister of foreign affairs said that Istalia did nothing wrong and did their duty by saving their citizens, however their are still istalians who are in Saridan. Jonathan jadoul our foreign minister is worried for revenge actions.
I am indeed worried for revenge actions of Saridan and even do worse things, then they already did. The assembly wants avoid in any matter war, wich we understand and in normal circomstances would enforce, but these past events of lodamnum and saridan can't be neckleckted just to avoid military conflict. If Saridan reads this, if they don't dismiss their fascistic ways, we won't be patient for long no more. Our lilitary is going stronger and stronger. We can't let terrorisme invade politics and wash away humanity!

Harsh words of our foreign minister.

minister of defense got more budget to prepare for possibel war

Ekram Doctor, minister of defense, got a budget of 600.000.000.000, to prepare for the possibel war against Saridan. Ekram doctor speaks to our press.
We have been investing for years now and our army is getting where i as minister of defense wanted it t be. When i was a soldier in the potensian army, we weren't strong, weren't equiped with the right stuff and most materials were old. When became a colonel i had a say and things became less bad. Now as minister,i can change more and do more. In situations as these we need the right equipement and tactics, wich we now have. Our soldiers will be ready when Potensi needs them.
Nation: Ikradon
Party: nationalistische communisten
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi, Dorvik
Posts: 215
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:58 am

Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Wed Feb 01, 2017 3:15 pm

Red Alliance

Minister of Health and social services makes more budget for reintegration project for homeless people

Ekadenta Buksa, minister of health and social services, sat together with Mahesa Soni, minister of trade and industry, to work on a project who wouldbhelp homeless people to work their problems out with guidance of experts and reintegrate them into society. Now that they worked out a project, they need to calculate how much everything will cost and how luch budget they can get. They will have to sit down with Girisha Penkar, minister of finance who will try to calculate evrything before the can present it to the parliament.

demonstrations againt minister internal affairs after the third policy rate.

In Tripathi, the cabinet of Vasu Dash, minister of internal affairs, 650 people demonstrate against him and his policy's. The police is arresting every sympathyzer of Kotari Ravel, not considering how close they are with Mr Ravel. Their have been in total 50 man and women areested on supiscion to have ties with Ravel, of those 50 only 6 where really arested after a intorigation by the police. There going in front of court, where the judge will find a proper punishment. A spokesman who wanted to comes out and speak to the press and here is what she said to us.
What Mr Dash is doing is undemocratic and violates our rights and oyr privacy. We are not saying that Mr Ravel is good, he still stays a terrorist, but this doesn't mean, that we can be taken of the street on suspicion of having sympaties with him. It is herrassment and we oppose this.
Vasu Dash didn't want to respond. The demonstration went on peacefully and there were incidents and no arrestants.

body found in river in Camdi.

In Camdi a lifeless body was found, the identification is difficult of the rotting with water. The coroner and forensical team is going to investigate the body and identificatebthe body, for the moment they can tell it is a young woman and that she was murdered. It looks like a spiritual murder, a sacrifize to the gods. The police is already searching and investigating religious groyps, like the cow protection army, the CPA will be the primair suspect of those groups. For the moment there are no comments to not endanger the investigation.
Nation: Ikradon
Party: nationalistische communisten
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi, Dorvik
Posts: 215
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:58 am

Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Fri Feb 03, 2017 6:33 pm

Red Alliance

The president give a press conference with foreign minister and minister of defense

Aedhira Dixit, president of Potensi
We are here to say that the 6 months has passed that we gave the assembly and Saridan. We have seen that there is booked process and have found a resolution, that will hurt Saridan. We have to wait and see if Saridan will agree with it and cooperate. If they do not cooperate, we will take further actions. Thats all i can say about Saridan. Now, we have improved on a lot of things in PotenI, on internationally scale we have been important and noticed, we have made allies and are even negotiating a treaty with Kanjor. We have improved our economy and given everyone a free healthcare and education. We are working very hard to get terrorists and sympathizer in jail.

Jonathan Jadoul, foreign minister of Potensi.
The security council andbthe assembly have worked hard to get a resolution ready, that will impose harder measurements to Saridan and if Saridan agrees and cooperate with it, Potensi can cool off and concentrate again on getting Kotari Ravel back. We have made more allies in our term of legisature. We have a close ally with Istalia and are even negotiating a treaty with Kanjor. We will also be seeking to campaign for the seat B, as the new governement of Istaia isn't fully trustworthy on matters like Saridan.

Ekral doctor, minister of defence
we have also improved our military, we have been investing for years in our defense and this getting somewhere where i want the military to be. I have heard that Saridan is producing are searching to produce nuclear weapons. I can't believe that a smal nation can develop or have nuclear weapons. We have been investing double and last couple of years triple of what they have been investing. We have a small supply of nuclear weapons. We think that Saridan is bluffing. Our military is ready to mobalize and ready to fight against fascists.

Dead body found in river in Camdi, was a young girl

After carefully investigated and identification, the police found out that it was a young girl, named Kasi Karpe, that was found and looked like it was a spiritual murder. This is all that was found and they're still searching for further clues. Religion extremist has been more and more common in potensi. Rulours going on that the governement is discussing about ending the religion freedom. People are agreeing and disagreeing. If they would do that a lot of people wil get on the street and even on interational scale it will hurt potensi's reputation, told a spokesperson of a religion group.
Nation: Ikradon
Party: nationalistische communisten
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi, Dorvik
Posts: 215
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:58 am

Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:56 am

Red alliance

Another body found in Camdi

The police found another body, who looks like young girl around the 20, it looks like another spiritual murder. It is already the second body and the police is concerned that their is a religion cult busy with sacrifizing for their god.
Sanjay Jani, police commisionary, gives a press conference to try and find someone who knows more, as the investigation getting knowhere.
We are busy day and night to get the responsibles for this 2 crimes. We think that somewhere in Camdi a cult is busy with sacrifizing girls from around the 20's. It is murder and we ask to the people if they kbow who did this and why or have any clue of where, we would appriciate that you cole and tell us, before more people will be killed.

Apparantly a family also came to the police to report their daughter is missing, the police doesn't want to endanger the girl by telling it to the press, but it leaked out. Is the girl missing by the cult or is she a runaway?

Vasu Dash, minister of internal affairs, speaks about religion and the raid against sympathizers of Kotari Ravel

After the 2 murders and the missing girls, by the Cult and the 6 arrestants on suspicion of having contacts witk Kotari Ravel. Vasu Dash is busy with a lot things at once, as he is also trying to redirzct the laws of religion and all the demonstraters against him. He talks for the firqt time to the press.
We are reforming the police, me and Sanjay Jani, the police commisioner. To have a better police force, to handke such problems. I also want to say to the people marching the streets, trying to let me resign with that petition, i am sorry that you feel that way, but sylpathizers of a terrorist and even having contact with him, that is dangerous and we are scared of revenge attacks. As we have put the Kotari Ravel aside for the problems with saridan, we are scared to have again a terrorist group. I want to ask the demonstraters to go home and sleep and think avout this thing i've just said. Religion is something important is some peoples live, for me it can be forbidden, but i know that that is something that could hurt our party and nation on internationally scale. We are going to keep it between the line, to have the freedom to practice you religion in the right religious buildings or at home. I hope it is a good compromise for the people
Nation: Ikradon
Party: nationalistische communisten
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi, Dorvik
Posts: 215
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:58 am

Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:27 pm

Red alliance

Balin Chandra chosen as new chairman of the metzisme movement party on the 3th party conference

Vasu dash runned against Balin Chandra and lost. The results were close, but Chandra came as winner.
The results are:
Balin Chandra- 48%
Vasu Dash- 46%
Blanco- 6%

Vasu dash gave a speech and congratulates balin Chandra.
I want to congratulate Mr Chandra, he will be a good chairman, i liked working with him in the governement, but this also means that i will be retreating of politics and try to find something new. I wish this party, who is still close into my heart, a lot of luck.

Vasu Dash was from the beginning at the party and was in total, with the next elections included, 10years minister of internal affairs.

Also Balin Chandra, gave a victory speech
I thank mr Dash for his sportive behaviour and regret to see him leave. I have a lot of ideas for.our prty and our nation. We will be campaigning a lot and strong, we will also have to priorities the extradiction of Kotari Ravel and to solve the issues with Saridan. To make more internationaly alliances.

What will we see of Balin Chandra

Rani reddy will replace Balin Chandra as minister of science abd technology and Gyan Pandya will replace Vasu Dash as minister if internal affairs.
Nation: Ikradon
Party: nationalistische communisten
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi, Dorvik
Posts: 215
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:58 am

Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Sat Feb 04, 2017 7:20 pm

Red alliance

Bain Chandra gives an interview to the press

Hello mr. Chandra, congratulations with your victory on the latest congress. How do you think you will lead this party and what are youre priorities?
Thank you. I am happy to be the new chairman of this great party. Their are a lot of things this party still has to do and proceed as also this nation. The prioties are Kotari Ravel, we have to find a solution to extradite him or otherwise find a solution in our nation to crack down terrorisme and sylpathizers or followers of him. Saridan, for the moment it seems their negotiating with Istalia and the assemby about the meusurement their about to take. Our biggest priority is religion for the moment as you probably red, that their is a cult, wich is illegal in potensi, busy with ritual murders to arrest them and bring them to court. I also want that their is more investment in science, culture, tourisme and espacially industrie.

That is a lot. Jonathan Jadoul and Aedhira Dixit are really working hard to make Potensi important on internationally scale, with the assembly and making alliances with istalia and Kanjor, what is youre view on that?
I agree that it is important, as you kniw Jonathan Jadoul really wants to campaign for the seat B, my opinion says that Istalia is doing a great job and it is very hard for Potensi a small nation and not a big reputation to go for that seat. I will discuss that matter further with him. About internationally reputation and alliances, i agree fully with mr. Jadoul and ms. Dixit, we need to have more alliance and that will be one of the priorities of the foreign minister. They have already worked a lot and made process with Kanjor and with Istalia is still busy, the givernement changed, so we need wait untill they are ready to negotiate again on a treaty. When the next election comes and i am elected as president, i will contact Istalia to prolonge our visit and to finish the negotiations and sign hopefully a treaty. To end this question, i also want to say that we want to reunite the Majatran nation to create or recreate the majatran union. It seemed harder then expected, but we won't give and our call still stands.

Thank you, mr. Chandra. That was all.
Nation: Ikradon
Party: nationalistische communisten
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi, Dorvik
Posts: 215
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:58 am

Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Sun Feb 05, 2017 11:52 am

red alliance

a 3th body found in a river in Sampathi

Yesterday, their was again a dead girls body found, the parent of the missing girl already identificate the body and said it was their daughter. It is getting more and more people worried. The it department of the police intercepted a videomessage of so called ganaraya cult, who firmy believes by sacrafizing young girls to their god, all their demands to their god will accepted. Is this the new dawn of religious extremisme? Sanjay jani, the police commisioner, talks to the press
It is outragous that they misuse my religion for power. We have investigated it and found out that is a group of a small hundreds, with espacially younger people. They are brainwashing young men and women, to do what they want. This are just frustrated kids that want more in life and they brainwash them into followers that will do everything for their leader. We are now trying to find their location. We have a lot of problems going at once, as you know, we are also searching for sympathizer and followers of Kotari Ravel. We have had more resorces available by the minister of finance and our minister of internal affairs. We are going to use it fully and efficient to get those cults and terrorists.

3 out of 6 found guilty of acessory to terrorisme

Today was the trial of 6 sympathizers of kotari Ravel. Their wasn't a lot of evidence, but the judge decided that three of those six was guilty of acessory of terrorisme. Does this mean they will get the dead penalty or will they get jailtime? Even so the law says that the dead penalty can be applied on capital crimes and terrorisme, it is only use once in all those years, it was on a commander of the army of equality. The governement of Potensi didn't change the law for the extradiction of Kotari Ravel. The jury decided to not use the dead penalty and give the 3 accomplices 15 years in jail. People are happy that the dead penalty wasn't used. Aditha Khalsa minister of justice talks to the press.
I am happy to see that the dead penalty isn't used for such things, it has to be saved for extreme criminal offences like prethought murders, terrorisme and serial killers. After all of this, i am thinking of pointing judges on of different kinds of views, but not political.

The 3 accomplices were transported to the jail of rajdajbar, while the other 3 were released, but they will still be surveilled.
Nation: Ikradon
Party: nationalistische communisten
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi, Dorvik
Posts: 215
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:58 am


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