
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.


Postby Vidoja » Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:52 pm

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Krkljuš goes alone

Postby Vidoja » Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:27 pm

Krkljuš goes alone
Vojislav Krkljus, Chairman of the Rightful Radical Party, will act alone in the following elections

Telamon, Rightful Radical Party, Jewish Defense League -- The RRP-JDL talks did not produce any further cooperation with those two parties. JDL, the party that currently holds the President position, was not promised support by the Rightful Radical Party. Even though they have quite a history of presidential support, these two parties didn't come to a consensus this time. Maybe it is because the Rightful Radical Party never failed the title of the largest opposition party in Telamon for quite a while, or because the current president is a JDL member, no-one can tell. One thing is for certain -- Krkljus and Cohen will both hope to become president while both will hope that the other doesn't.
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Party Leadership Change

Postby DCD » Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:46 pm

Dalton Hands Over Reigns, Hershey Takes Baton

Drake Dalton, the long time Chairman of the Democratic Capitalist Delegation, officially resigned as party leader today, coinciding with the changing of government. The move came some time after Dalton's official announcement during cabinet negotiations that he would not seek another term as Prime Minister, and would in fact be stepping down as party leader at the end of his term.

Dalton's rather large shoes will be filled by his long time advisor and close friend, Donivan Hershey. In his inaugural Address as Prime Minister, which was also his first address as party leader, Hershey acknowledged, "I have exceptionally large shoes to fill, as I don't know of any man in the last 250 years who has single handedly done as much to change this country as Mr. Dalton has. Over the course of his 43 years as the Prime Minister of Telamon, he has fought many battles, winning some and losing others, and yet I should think I did this country a humble service if I manage to win half as many battles on behalf of the people as he did."

Dalton steps down as indisputably the most successful Chairman in the party's 240 year history, shattering the accomplishments of the historical Chairman most often linked to that title, Daunte Woodson. In his term as Chairman, Dalton kept his party in the majority for 12 straight terms spanning over 43 years, serving as Prime Minister for equally as long, and in his final election as Chairman leading his party to a narrow victory in the Presidential election. Perhaps Dalton's most stunning testament to his ability as a party leader however was his orchestration of the DCD's landslide victory in the 2782 elections, which resulted in the party winning 65% of the seats in Parliament. No such feat has been accomplished by any Telamonian party since the Party of National Progress won 95 of 100 seats in Telamon's first ever Parliamentary election over 750 years ago.
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Postby Vidoja » Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:17 pm

RAPE: Idiots or Terrorists?

Stefan Barna, Furious at RAPE

The Regional Acronym Political Establishment, a very infamous party concerning its mocking of the Grand Parliament of the Republic of Telamon, swaring, and now.... terrorism.... or idiotism? You decide...

Regional Acronym Political Establishment exclamation:
Our illustrious party calls for the assassination of foreign minister Vojislav Krkljus. We beg the just people of Telamon to murder him if they see him in public. We offer ten million Telamon pounds as reward.

This exclamation is not disputable at all, it is as official as ever. The RAPE have really no way to get out of this, or so it seems.

Exclusive Interview with Stefan Barna, the Infrastructure and Tourism Minister, former Justice Minister

INT: Hello Mr Stefan Barna. What is your first impression of these newly occured events?
SB: Really, I don't know what came first: either the thought of them being ignorant idiots or them being a terrorist party, because they showed signs of both idiotism and terrorism before.
INT: So, you mean that the assasination of your valorized leader is possible?
SB: Well, it is hard to say. Mr Krkljus has always walked without any security in the public, and he is urged now more than ever before not to do so. I think he personally still thinks they are heavy idiots.
INT: Quite. Is there something you can do about it?
SB: They have really overdone it this time. We can do nothing ourselves. We expect to hear something of our coalition partners, and then maybe we'll announce to the public our further plan of acting.
INT: Thank you Mr Barna for your time.
SB: No problem, Miroslav. Onward Telamon!
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Committee Chairman in Prime Council Dies

Postby BStar492 » Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:21 am

Committee Chairman in Prime Council Dies

Matthew Stein, long time Chairman of the Prime Council Committee on Science and Technology, died today at the age of 82, after a 1-year fight with prostate cancer. Mr. Stein was the Minister of Science and Technology for 7 years, and was widely regarded as one of the elite biologists in the world. Mr. Stein had decided to keep his illness private, even from high ranking officials in the Prime Council. "I was shocked to hear that Matthew died. I never knew that anything was ever wrong with him. Matthew was always very reserved, but I thought we were close friends," said Frank Cohen, Co-Chair of the Prime Council. Mr. Stein earned a BA at the University of Telamon in Valeria, and received his Ph.D. at the Telamon Institute of Technology in Ferescia in Biology. He was the Simon Carnegie Professor of Biology at North Lirona State University, before leaving the University to become a Member of Parliament and a special adviser to the Jewish Defense League.

Mr. Stein will be replaced by Vari Ginsburg, 52, as the new Chairman of the Prime Council Committee on Science and Technology. Mr. Ginsburg has been a member of the Jewish Defense League for 30 years and has been a member of Parliament for the last 12. Mr. Ginsburg earned a BA at Kiribati College, and received his Masters at the University of Telamon in Midagon in Chemistry and a MBA from the Charles Westlake School of Business at UTM. Mr. Ginsburg has been a member of the Prime Council Committee on Science and Technology for the last 22 years, and was the second ranking member on the committee. He was formerly chairman of the Subcommittee on Research and Science Education. "I am deeply saddened by the death of my colleague and friend Mr. Stein. I have decided that we need to make medical research a priority for the future sessions of this committee," said Mr. Ginsburg to press after being given the Chairmanship of the Committee.
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JDL Education Reform

Postby BStar492 » Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:37 pm

JDL Announces Plans to begin Education Reform

In a statement today by Barry Cohen, he announced that the Jewish Defense League is beginning to work on a Higher Education Reform Bill, to increase the effectiveness of publicizing our Universities to Terra. "We are going to be meeting with officials from other parties to decide which institutions will be put into this bill. We hope to make our Universities recognized around Terra as some of the elite universities," says Lawrence Shapiro, who has been designated by Mr. Cohen as the leader in this project.
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Breaking News--

Postby DCD » Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:30 pm

DCD Chairman declares first paradigm shift in over 200 years

Democratic Capitalist Delegation chairman Donivan Hershey caused an uproar within party ranks and nervous whispers nationwide this week after a press conference in Telapolis in which he shared a new vision for his party.

In his opening remarks, Hershey announced, "Over 200 years ago, an ambitious young Chairman by the name of Daunte Woodson introduced a radical new idea to this party which would produce never before seen success, and 50 years ago a seasoned veteran Chairman named Drake Dalton perfected it, producing success for this party which may never be replicated by any party of this nation for generations. Those of you who are familiar with the history of this party have probably already gathered that the idea I speak of is that of tertiary issue devolution. I come before all of you today to announce the discontinuation of this archaic philosophy, as it has run its course in this country. It is time that this party put the interests of its success as a back seat to the interests of the people. For over two centuries, this party has turned a blind eye to the opportunities offered by its policies to produce tyrannies of the majority in any of the five states, which simply isn't right. Today, we take a stand. From this day forth, this party will live up to its motto of "Protecting freedom, promoting prosperity," rather than simply ignoring the first half of it. We are confident the people of Telamon will support us in this and continue to offer us their confidence as the leaders of this nation."

Chairman Hershey in a press conference earlier this week

Hershey's remarks came as a great surprise to many, as few experts would have expected such a move three terms into what has so far been what most would regard as a successful chairmanship. "Politically speaking, this makes very little sense," commented TBC political analyst Guye Hanson. "The DCD has won every election in the past 50 years, and after the '00 election, they're on the rise again. A paradigm shift at this point could only do more harm than good."

An anonymous party official weighed in on the subject as well. "From the first day Hershey ascended to the post of Chairman he has been pushing for this, but none of the Class I party officials wanted any part of it. It's only just now that Hershey has been able to get enough of his top officials to support him. I would be going too far if I revealed what finally made his advisers give in, but suffice it to say if the DCD doesn't win the '05 parliamentary and presidential races, he'll be announcing his resignation the morning after election night." Party Historian Dalton Williams added, "It's true that when Woodson was appointed chairman in 2586, he implemented his paradigm shift without the support of essentially any of his top officials, but these are different times. The fact that Woodson was the hand picked successor of the founding chairman, James Lott, gave him the wiggle room he needed to disregard hostile advisers. Also, Woodson did not serve as party Chairman while the party held the Presidency. If Hershey had gone forward from the day he was appointed while thumbing his nose at top officials like Michael Garrish or Jennifer Brackett, President Gustav would have been forced to crush him politically to avoid the risk of splintering the party the way Woodson nearly splintered it."

When asked his thoughts on the matter, President Gustav said only, "Donivan is the Party Chairman. It is his job to lead in the direction that he feels is right, and after several phone conversations with him, I can tell you he undoubtedly feels that this is the right direction. Now it's the job of the party to follow with confidence."

Speculation on the reasons for Hershey's new philosophical change crosses a wide spectrum of possibilities, but the consensus among most political analysts is the conclusion that there simply is no good reason for it, and that it will ultimately prove harmful to the DCD.
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Postby YankeeHater » Sat Aug 15, 2009 12:56 am

"Krkljus Damaging Relations" says Diggory

PORT ANDALAY, LODAMUN (LBC) -- His Divine Majesty summoned the cabinet to Andalay Palace to discuss Telamon's Foreign Minister's recent statements and activities. "It's clear that entry of Krkljus into Lodamun without consent of our Foreign office would be a violation of the law worthy of arrest," said Diggory. "I believe firmly that his diplomatic credentials should be rejected and our borders closed to him. His diplomatic efforts to 'improve relations' has actually damaged them severely."
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Postby Vidoja » Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:35 pm

YankeeHater wrote:"Krkljus Damaging Relations" says Diggory

PORT ANDALAY, LODAMUN (LBC) -- His Divine Majesty summoned the cabinet to Andalay Palace to discuss Telamon's Foreign Minister's recent statements and activities. "It's clear that entry of Krkljus into Lodamun without consent of our Foreign office would be a violation of the law worthy of arrest," said Diggory. "I believe firmly that his diplomatic credentials should be rejected and our borders closed to him. His diplomatic efforts to 'improve relations' has actually damaged them severely."

OOC: The user who made this release up has no right to do it. He is RPing a character that does not concern him, as he is not in his party nor supporter of it. The hereditary leader cannot be used to interfere with some other actions, as he belongs to no user. Ministers that are his party members can, but not the hereditary leader. That is like I could take the president of Likatonia and say that he said: "Heck, let my country be given to Telamonian government. I am very very stupid." See, it doesn't work like that.
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Postby YankeeHater » Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:17 am

Krkljus Arrested outside Andalay Palace

PORT ANDALAY, ANDALAY (LBC) -- Telamon's Foreign Minister miscalculated as he strolled outside Andalay Palace, home of Divine Majesty Diggory, followed by international media. Footage obtained by the Lodamese Broadcasting Corporation shows Vojislav Krkljus saying "Pity I cannot go to this building, I am on a mission of peace..." when Royal Guards approached and placed him under arrest for trespassing. Charles J. Moody, Commander of the Royal Guards, said charges of trespassing were dropped, but that Mr. Krkljus will be detained for further questioning while the Justice Ministry considers charges of espionage and conducting diplomacy without credentials.
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