A Battle Unseen

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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Fri Apr 07, 2017 8:01 pm

07:12, Transport Helicopter, Mountainous Region nearing the Hanzen-Xsampa border pass.

"Can we run this mission plan over once more sir?" Cato asked Mathias sitting adjacent to him. Mathias sighed before explaining,"Posterior to landing we make our way through the mountains and establish communications with central command once we have reached within viewing distance of the target location. This is purely a reconnaissance mission, we are not here to capture nor kill anyone, nor are we here to be capture or killed by anyone." Cato seemed perplexed at the simpleness of the mission. He questioned: Why so much technical assistance for such a simple task as reconnaissance? "What is the pure reason for us being here?" Henrik broke in. "Central Command has identified the presence of extreme military movement in the target area. To get political: There is a civil war brewing, and our task is to obtain reconnaissance on both sides, rebel and government forces and drop a rough estimate of the military situation in our target locations." Mathias explained. "Target locations!?" David broke in thereafter, as he stressed on the "s". "Yes, location(s), this is not the only place we are expected to be in. You all are intelligence officers. Spies in the eyes of enemy. You must have the capabilities to be everywhere yet stay unseen. To Be Everywhere Is to Be Nowhere." Mathias concluded.

Once the helicopter landed, they began their fifteen mile journey down from the mountains. "So who or what is our target?" Mathias halts and turns to face Cato. "Did you listen when i briefed you for the second time, even though YOU asked what was the mission plan?" Cato shook his head with a face of zero-regret. "Uhm....no, I did not." Mathias sighed furiously, "Yet central command calls you an intelligence officer. I don't see where the intelligence part of that title comes into play. Recon on military movement, that being trucks, ammunition anything. Conduct signals intel on chatter from populations sectors, relay information back to central command. If you dare ask for me to repeat, I will give you an enema with my suppressor." this comment caused Henrik and David to try to suppress their laughs. The airy silence of the mountains was broken by the sound of gunfire in the distance. "Suppressors on." Mathias ordered to the squad in a hushed voice. Suddenly the rumbling of an engine could be heard coming closer to the squad. "Armour!" shouted Cato. Immediately Cato, Mathias, Henrick and David became prone, training their guns into a 360 degree formation, with Mathias at the centre. "What's happening behind me Cato, You need to tell me!" Mathias shouted. Behind him was simply mountain. "I can't see anything, but i can here it, about a two yard right!". Cato responded whilst scanning the terrain with a pair of binoculars.

Cresting over a hill, in full sight of the squad was what appeared to be an Indralan made armoured personnel carrier (APC). Without hesitation, David fired a rocket from his light anti-tank weapon. Although it hit the apc, it did mirror damage due to it hitting at an angle. The infantry within the apc, flooded out of its rear doors and swarmed the vehicle. "Fire!", Mathias shouted as he ordered for the squad to open fire on the infantry. An intense battle ensued. Xsampian government forces against the intelligence squad. However their attempts to eliminate the threat was futile. From their right came a helicopter, its machine gun trained onto them. Through a loud speaker, those in the helicopter commanded," Surrender or you will be shot." Mathias, recognizing the options of the survival of his team were thin seeing that with one hostile movement the helicopter's door gunner would not hesitate to open fire on them, ultimately surrendered. With his service assault rifle on the floor, he held his hands high in the air and ordered the remainder of the squad to follow suit. They had compromised. Mathias knew what would ensue is a period of interrogation, torture and their subsequent death. They were all blind folded and loaded unto the helicopter, where they would be brought to Wu Puyang, King of Xsampa.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby colonelvesica » Sat Apr 08, 2017 11:17 pm

Royal Palace, Rgyal Sa, Capital of the Kingdom of Xsampa

The Intelligence team has been blindfolded and their hands bound in steel shackles guaranteeing they would not understand where they were until it was decided otherwise. When their eyes were finally revealed again they found themselves sitted around a large ornate table piled with enough food to feed a small village. As they looked around they would notice that the walls were equally as ornate, soft amber with real jade around it, done in traditional Indralan style. At the head of the table, eating a plate of what appeared to be chicken was a man in his late forties. He was clearly Indralan in face though his swept blonde hair looked more western. Unlike many Indralan nobles he wore a suit of pink, though he did have a Royal Seal on his chest, the Seal of the King of Xsampa; that was self proclaimed King Puyang.

Twelve heavily armed Guards stood around the room at perfect attention, modern assault rifles in their hands, all pointed at the heads of the intelligence team. If Puyang noticed them, he deigned not to. A roar broke most of their attention as they saw along the opposite wall in a cage was a rare White Xsampian Tiger, an endangered species.

An interesting note that the Intelligence team noticed; one of their number was missing.

Puyang finished his bite of food, wiping his mouth with a silk handkerchief before he spoke. He spoke not in Indralan but in fluent Luthori. "First off, introduction. I am Puyang Wu, the King of Xsampa and you are in my Palace... which already puts me at a disadvantage because you know all know who I am, but I don't know who you are.. though I do know what you are, are idiots."

He took a draught of wine that was beside his food. "I know of few commando units that decide to open fire on an APC that doesn't even know they are there and then only bring enough firepower to serve as a doorknocker. Now as I've been nothing but nice to you, having let you live and even inviting you to sit at my table with me for dinner I am going to ask questions. As repayment for my hospitality you are going to answer my questions. If I like your answers I will happily unshackle your hand and offer you some of that marvelous feast in front of you. If you don't answer my questions or I don't like them well I will personally cut off a piece of you and feed it to my friend over there who, the poor dear, hasn't eaten in two days." He gestured carelessly over to the White Tiger that growled in its cage.

He looked dead straight at Cato. "Who are you, and why are you in my country?"
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Sun Apr 09, 2017 12:00 am

Royal Palace, Rgyal Sa, Capital of the Kingdom of Xsampa

Cato looked up to the seemingly fruity self-proclaimed king with a condescending smile,"It's best you feed me to the lion right now, I am not going to disclose who, nor now am I going to disclose the reasons my presence in "your" country. Cato pressed on with his condescending smile. Cato shifted into the hard shell, intelligence officer he was trained to be. He would not disclose the secrets of his mission, nor does he intend on compromising the mission's entirety, for their mess up is only a single speed hump in a much larger scheme. He turned to Puyang,"You could mutilate me, you can rectally infuse food into me, you can even sexually harass me with your fruity looking self. It is not going to make a difference. The others are not going to talk as well. You don't have the balls to touch me because you don't know what skill set i possess. I am actually giving you ideas of how to torture me." he looked at the armed guards. "Your friends here, very trigger happy looking lot, I am amazed to see that they are capable of sustaining brain function, seeing that blood is clearly no flowing to their heads." Cato slipped into a mindset similar to that of someone willing to die.

"You may be thinking, I'm a moron for engaging an apc without the sufficient firepower, but what would you do if i told you most of this was intentional." Cato moved around in his shackles to get into a comfortable position to tell a story. "Story time: What if the capture of my team was the impetus for a certain intervention, by a certain country into the affairs of yours." Cato starred at Puyang. "It maybe true, it may not, that is based on how you perceive this situation. Now back to topic of arranging my interrogation and subsequent torture." the smile on Cato's face grew wider. "I was thinking along the lines of a good lynching."" Cato leaned in closer to Puyang. "Mr. Self-proclaimed King, I hope that you are not afraid of ghosts." Cato concluded before leaning back into the chair.

07:12, Transport Helicopter, Mountainous Region nearing the Hanzen-Xsampa border pass.

"The squad they captured, You knew them?" Adder asked the woman who sat opposite to him, starring out of the window. "I knew them since they entered the service, we all enrolled together after our mandated service time." the woman said gloomily. "I could weep for days upon end, but it comes with the job, i don't expect it to be any better." she concluded. "I guess you have been here a while?" Adder asked the woman. "I have been living here under the name of Claire Bates, Luthorian Humanitarian Aid worker. The job is rough, but it takes my mind of the consequences of the job." Claire responded looking at Adder. "How did you get into Hanzen Roe?" asked Lynx who sat adjacent to Adder. "Flew in with that "peacekeeping" contingent they sent to Utembo, walked the remainder into Hanzen." Roe responded turning to Musk, how was piloting the helicopter. "Musk, how did you get in," Roe asked. "The same way you were able to come here, that contingent the only difference was that i took a taxi into the capital." Mink, who sat next to Musk as the co-pilot, stood in bewilderment. "So I'm the only person who had to find a cover as an antique auctioneer in-order to get into Hanzen?" Mink was dumbfounded. "Well, we always knew you were dumb Mink, you never cease to confirm this fact every time you do something." Musk responded in a condescending tone.

"I've heard rumours about you all. I was a field officer in Mikuni-Hulstria when the war went down. There was talk in GE-2 (the Military Intelligence Service) that you were involved." Claire asked Adder. Adder, knowing that he, himself was involved immediately denied their involvement. "It must have been someone else, we were never there." Adder said, looking away from Claire. "Is it hard being someone who doesn't exist?" Claire questioned. "You tell me Claire Bates, Luthorian Aid Worker." Adder responded, whilst looking at her with a face of pure seriousness. "I am sure you have seen and heard of some of the messed up things, people do in this country. But let me educate you right now. No matter how much planning you do, how much resources you have, You cannot prepare for Wu Puyang." Claire warned. "He has a sadistic turn to reality, if he isn't in it for the money, it is purely for the power." she continued. "This joint task force comprising of GE-2, GE-1, HSK, MSK special operations operatives is a suicide mission, We don't expect any of you to return." Musk, Mink and Roe all looked at each other, recognizing the severity of the mission.

"Welcome to Operation Back Yard, I am your case officer." Claire concluded as they looked outside the window of the helicopter to see the dense forested mountains of northern Xsampa. "From the briefing, they said there was an active resistance movement?" Adder questioned. "Yes, they are called the The Path to the Dawn, it's a gradually growing movement, you will meet the leader once you have established yourself." Upon exiting the helicopter, which had landed on a cliff, Roe, Adder and Claire all exited the helicopter and cautiously approached a cloaked man who stood near the edge of the cliff. "Four soldiers, this is the help you promised?" the cloaked man said as he had expected a much larger contingent of soldiers. "Thousands of my people have died under the hand of this oppressive regime, I would expect my own King at-least to send our Ground Forces marching into the capital." the figured concluded. "These men are the best his majesty can offer, however what's not to say more are on their way?" Claire explained. "Meet Daniel Underdahl, your resident military intelligence officer, former HSK Brigadier." Claire said. "You will be working with him temporarily to return the captured intelligence squad to Kazulia." Claire concluded." Daniel gestured as he showed the men and Claire down from the cliff which they had been on.

Daniel would later take them to his home in the dense forest where he would brief them on how they should conduct themselves within the country. Operation Back Yard Phase 1, had been commenced.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Mon Apr 10, 2017 5:37 pm

08:19, Foreign Intelligence Service Hideout (Daniel's House), near the village of Agarwal, Xsampa.

“The Royal Army is mostly concentrated in the southern regions here,” Daniel pointed out on a geospatial map which laid at the centre of the group. Musk, Mink, Adder and Roe watched tentatively as Daniel guided them through the strategic conundrum that was the Xsampian Civil War. “The Royal Army is for the most, concentrated in these southern areas, but have been making movements westward to carve up the ground which our rebel friends cannot hold.” Daniel kneeled down in a tebowed posture whilst the other remained standing, “The rebels can’t even sustain guerilla ops against the royal army. They are decimating them day in, day out.” Roe kneeled to meet Daniel on the ground, “Why can’t they simply concentrated their numbers on the unguarded pockets around the royal army’s flank.” Roe pointed out on the map. Immediately Daniel shook his head in disagreement, “This was attempted already, the Royal Army simply executed a counter flanking maneuver. You are forgetting an important factor when it pertains to Puyang’s Protection. The Royal Guard are not conventional soldiers, they are former special forces operates from militaries across Dovani. We have identified some members as former operators from the HSK.” Adder passed his hands down his face in frustration upon fearing the presence of HSK operators on the other side of the river.

“That is why you all were dispatched here. You are the best the country can offer to at least counter this external threat. You all hail from either the HSK, MSK, Jegertroppen, Foreign intelligence and Military intelligence. This is going to be an extremely difficult operation. Those back home who know you are here, don’t expect you all to come back.” Daniel said in that stipulation, laying down the hard truth. “I am here for one task and one task alone: Return the captured soldier back to Kazulia. After that, you may not see me again.” Daniel said as he looked at the individuals around him. “Now, with the truth disclosed it is time for you all to become familiar with your surroundings.” Daniel said as he stood up from kneeling. “There is a village not far from here, get dressed and head down there.” Daniel pointed to towards a door where apparently clothing was stored.

They had dressed in a traditional Daura Suruwal with most of them wearing fur coats over the Daura Suruwal to cover the gear which they had strapped onto them with handkerchiefs to cover their faces. Most had little issues hiding their assault rifles underneath their coats, however this was impossible for Roe, who was equipped with a belt-fed assault rifle. For the purposes of partial secrecy, he had to do over watch on the village from a cliff overlooking the village. After a forty-five minute walk from the mountainous pass, the others had arrived in a village. According to the makeshift sign at the entrance of the village, they were in Agarwal, a Daenist Path to the Drawn stronghold in the northern region of Xsampa. The scent of incense filled the air throughout the village, whilst the music of the Xsampian people assisting in creating the immersion of an authentic Xsampian village.

Suddenly Roe signaled Adder over the headpieces in their ears, “Small trail of smoke in the distance, you should investigate”. As they closed in, they could smell the sour scent of burning skin and hear the high-pitched cries of women and children. A monk had self-immolated himself. His skin was calcinated, seared, burnt. The only thing recognizable on his burnt carcass were his teeth. Slightly brown, hinting that he was a furious smoker. “Why did he do this?” Adder asked an old woman next to him in Xsampan. “Last night the Royal Guard raided the nearby temple, along with the gold stored there, they took the students, both boys and girls. They threatened him, saying that they will return for him the next day. If he did not bring the Sherak personally to Wu Puyang. So he burnt himself along with the book” She explained as they observed remnants of a book in the burnt monk’s hands. The Sherak is the holy grail of Xsampian religion. It was the Holy Book in the Kingdom, a prized symbol of Xsampian Daenism.

Posterior to Wu Puyang’s forced ascension to the throne of the Kingdom, the Daenist Monks hid all sacred literature and religious artifacts from his grip, for they knew he would exploit their sanctity for wealth and recognition. One of hidden literary pieces was the Sherak. With Wu Puyang having knowledge of the book’s location it was only a matter of time before he would notice that the monk would never show. “Where is the temple?” Adder questioned the old woman. “There,” she said, as she pointed towards a massive temple nailed into the mountains. Adder, Mink, Musk and Roe made the seemingly long journey towards the temple. “Why are we here?” Mink asked Adder. Adder had not specified his intentions with respect to them coming to the temple. “Reconnaissance. Search for anything you think is of great value in that temple.” Adder concluded before gesturing Mink, Musk and Roe to cautiously enter the temple. As they entered they were slapped by the scent of incense and old wood. A group of monks congregated at the centre of the temple. “Hands on your head, do not move.” Adder commanded the monks, his assault rifle trained onto one of their heads. Without hesitation the monks did as they were told, noticing the element of danger associated with the various guns trained to their heads.

Immediately they began searching for any artifact which was of great value. Searching through books, scrolls and underneath the chairs which swarmed the room, even searching the monks themselves. Suddenly, in the distance the sound of a helicopter’s engine could be heard. “Close the door, tie the curtains, and extinguish the lights from the candles.” Adder commanded Musk, Mink and Roe. He turned to the monks and said, “Move behind that wall” as he pointed to a wall which separate the altar from the rest of the room. The darkest of the enclosed room would be their advantage against whoever it may be that is coming towards them. They had garrisoned the balconies wrapping around the temple’s interior. “Night vision on, suppressors on”, Adder concluded. With the room completely dark, night vision googles were their eyes through the darkness and their suppressor would maintain their element of silence. Suddenly, the door to the temple’s interior was opened and in came about seven heavily armed, seemingly royal guardsmen. The flashlight attachments on their weapons were immediately turned on in response to the darkness within the room. Suddenly, the monks who had been hiding behind the altar wall, came out and approached the armed men. “Where is Hu Liang?” one of the royal guardsman, with a seemingly vague Kazulian accent, asked the monks. “He has offered himself to the god Qian as protection of the spirit realm.” One of the monks prophesied. The guardsman, seemingly frustrated by the response of the monk, snapped, “Very well, you will help me find the Sherak!” he shouted as he floored the monk with a swift maneuver, pressing the muzzle of his Bar-21(Tar-21) onto the temple of the monk’s head, his knee pressed hard onto his back. The other monks jolted backward at the sheer force of the maneuver. Immediately, the other monks knelled down and began to pray, whilst the one who was about to collect a bullet to the head shouted in an unknown language, presumably tongues.

Another royal guardsman approached the kazulian guardsman, “Let Puyang deal with him. We must leave now. The rebels are hard charging towards this temple!” he said in a broken Dranish-Luthorian accent. With a powerful tug, the Kazulian guardsman dragged the monk along with him. Gunshots could be heard in the distance as the rebels appeared to be approaching at a rapid pace. The other monks tried to initiate a struggle against the kazulian guard, however they were subdued by the other guardsmen who stood watch, who soon left once the kazulian guard boarded the helicopter outside with the imprisoned monk. As the helicopter flew off, Adder could hear the rattle of a Gatling gun, presumably a mini-gun which the royal guardsmen used to retaliate against shots from the rebels towards their helicopter. “That was a bit brutal.” Roe said in Kazulian to break the silence. “From a Kazulian too? That was the largest betrayal I have even seen.” Musk shook his head in disgust. “These are the realities we are faced with, it is our task to adapt. This must be done quickly if we are to achieve our set tasks.” Adder concluded.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:38 pm

17:12, Foreign Intelligence Service Safe House, Rgyal Sa, Capital of the Kingdom of Xsampa

The Foreign Intelligence Service had established a secondary safe house within the inner Rgyal Sa area, within viewable distance from the Royal Palace, so close that the safe house was across the street from the palace. For the purposes of conducting reconnaissance on the activities within the Royal Palace the safe house was established.

“What’s with the safe house across the street from the Royal Palace?” Daniel asked, looking through the windows blinds in the direction of the Royal Palace. “It would be the last place Puyang’s Royal Guard would look.” Claire responded whilst looking through a pair of binoculars at the grand staircase leading up the doors of the palace. “It isn’t really furtive isn’t it?” Daniel said as he casually chastised the safe house. Claire turned away from looking at the palace to address Daniel, “Well the Military Intelligence Service isn’t furtive, isn’t it? Seeing that your people were so foolishly captured.” She turned back to look at the palace through the binoculars, knowing that she had hit Daniel below the belt with that statement. And so she did, he searched long and hard for a response to the grilling given to him by Claire.

“Luxury vehicle, Front Gate.” A secondary spotter announced. Claire’s attention on the grand staircase shifted to the front gate. As the vehicle stopped, out came two royal guardsmen and a tertiary individual. “Military Officer, Male, who is he?” Claire asked in general. “No clue.” The other spotters responded in unison. As the officer turned around to face Claire’s direction for a brief moment, a picture of his face was taken. “Could you make out this face with anyone you know?” the photographer asked Daniel, thinking that he would at least have knowledge of military officials in the country. “That is Major General Leon Crockett, Commander within the Royal Army. He visits Puyang occasionally, presumably to discuss strategic matters.” Daniel concluded. “I swear, I have seen him somewhere.” Claire thought to herself. “Run his face through the facial recognition at FIS Headquarters”. She ordered the photographer.

After disengaging from using the binoculars, she faced Daniel, “Commander within the Royal Army you say?” she questioned. Daniel shook his head in agreement. “And what does he do in this Royal Army?” she questioned the more. “From what we have gathered he is apparently heading Puyang’s military campaign in the North Eastern regions. “He has been blitzing through the mountains with a column of apcs, letting the Royal Army carve up the sections which his armored column missed. Pretty decisive in my eyes.” Daniel said with a condescending smile. “Rumour has it, as a form of punishment to surrendering rebels, he lays their heads in the path of the tracks of his personal apc (an up-armoured M113) and crushes their skulls as a message to the hidden rebels.” He concluded.

“Where is that facial reference I asked for?” she asked in general, but clearly it was directed to the photographer. “Establishing a secure link between the FIS server and this hell-hole is not the simplest of tasks. Give me time.” The photographer responded. “We don’t have time, he is going to leave at any moment.” Claire shouted. However, so after the facial reference was run through the FIS’s database and returned to Claire’s team. “Patrick Crew.” The photographer said walking towards Claire with a freshly printed case file. “Born 4152, Bekenial, Hutori. Black listed by the Hutorian HSIS as a rogue agent. According to the HSIS, he persona non grata with ordinates to kill on sight.” The photographer concluded handing the case file to Claire.

Patrick Crew was a headhunter for the HSIS. He and a team of other individuals were responsible for assassinations, burglaries, abductions, interrogations, etc, on order of the HSIS. His detailed history within the HSIS was an unknown factor of the FIS, however his history within Dovani was partially monitored by the FIS. Posterior to him leaving the HSIS for unknown reasons, he joined Wu Puyang’s private military, where after a black notice was placed on him for his execution. To the criminal organizations of Dovani, he is a fixer, virtually erasing the tracks of the various criminal organisations and their doings. But when he joined Wu Puyang’s private military, the coup against the legitimate monarch of Xsampa was initiated. Due to his skill in the area of strategic thought, intelligence gathering and interrogation tactics. Soon he became a high-ranking commander in Wu Puyang’s loyal Royal Army, thus giving him the ability to commit the acts which give him his ruthless undertone.

“We should relay this information to Adder and his team, as well as the other teams once they arrive here. Alright people let’s wrap up everything.” Claire announced as she ordered everyone in the room to begin gathering what they had laid down in the room and prepare to leave. She kept the case file in Crew underneath her arm as she entered a twelve-seated van with a International Aid livery on it, with Daniel tailgating her.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Axxell » Wed Apr 12, 2017 8:49 am

15:01, Studio dell'Orologio (Official Presidential Office), Quattroregni Palace, Romula, Istalia

The meeting of the National Security Council had been over for a few minutes and Verhoeven had retired to his office with his loyal secretary Nicola Berni, which saw him tired and silent on his chair.
"Now we can relax! No our citizens is still in New Endralon, we can retourn to focus on the terrorist" said Berni sitting on one of sofa in front of the fireplace dominated by the heavy decorated golden clock in the middle of of an elaborate marble relief which occupied the chimneypiece which gave the name to the office.
"I'm concerned by other things... things like Kazulia"
"Kazulia should not be worried! We will not to proceed with a naval deployement, so..."
"The 'issue' remains!"
"I know, but now we have to focus on how proceed in Wantuni Mr President, Eilomax are offering us its support but obviously we cannot deal with..."
"what the fuck want Kazulia!" exclaimed upset Verhoeven who had given little attention to the words of the secretary "really do they come to us to say to not proceed with unilateral response? The same that are doing what they want in Dovani! And to me seems that nobody make a fuss on the military strategy of Kazulia in Dovani! Do they really believe that we didn't arise the question into the World Congress because we are blind?"
"Of course we are not blind" answered maliciously Berni.
"Do they really believe that no one into the corridors of the World Congress talks about their activities in Dovani and all their unilateral actions? Or why at the time no one continued the debate on the war with Mikuni-Hulstria? All the world approved that the kazulian military machine destroyed the terrorist nightmare there was in Mikuni-Hulstria! And now do they come here to teaching us a lesson? But above all, what can do now the World Congress? Or should we once again lose months or years in useless debate with a Security Council pratically blocked? Vanuku spent really few words at the time of the crisis with the Ameliorate Republic but very easily proceded with the deployement of its fleet in Saridan, and has someone, a part us, denunced all this? At the end of the crisis all that passed like a 'legittime actions of Vanuku' and no one talked about this any more..."
Verhoeven remained in silence for few second, then continued:
"And Kazulia should understand that was a stance of force! They want an explaination with some coulored drawings to understand that?" finished flaring his nostrils, then resolutely he added:
"A strong Nation imposes its will!"
"And we are acting to protect our citizens" answered Berni supporting the stance of the President.
"But each time no one seems consider this 'detail', even during the crisis of the hostages in Saridan!"
"But on the other hand, if we think to Luthori... they didn't intervene in Narikaton even during the luthorian persecution"
"Another big mystere... Your people is slaughtered and what do you do? Nothing! Rather they prefered to carry out intelligence operations in Majatra! And now there are allegations also from Dorvik about a genocide! I hope never someone decides to dare to do something like that against istalians... and I hope never someone dares to criticize us for our possible response"
"Unfurtunately I think there will be always someone ready to oppose any our possible actions, no matter if we have all the reason"
"Yes... Unfurtunately..." Verhoeven stretched on the chairs ruffling his eyes "we really don't need also New Endralon..."
"And about Rutania? If New Endralon will decide to bring aid to the monarchists? The last communication with the monarchical Government was not too good..."
"Another Taller at the head of an artanian nation... Sure, slaughter political enemies on public square didn't aid your cause, but in general... the world no need of another Tallerist State... no needs of another extremist nationalist Government at the power and maybe another member of the Koestad Pact... and from Luthori still no reaction... they want to be surrounded by the Taller?"
"For the moment we can only collect as much informations as possible, for now no one disturbed the PMI in Rutania"
"Yes, yes..." Verhoeven move his eyes on a dossier at his right "these are the rapports on our companies in Wantuni?"
"Yes, the Director of DESIS would like to show you before of the COPACISN"
"Bad news?"
"Well... they were not all saints in effect..."
"It could be a great problem... Someone could arrive to pretend that they leave Wantuni, and maybe also to open a legal proceeding... It could be a collaspse... Immagine all those companies obbliged to leave Wantuni and the enormous profits they collect!"
"A profit shared by even more subject than only the owners of the companies... it is clear we cannot consider such an option"
"Of course... All the social, economic and POLITICAL system will be affected... We should protect the Nation, its interests and its way of life! An option like that it could bring to a crisis that the one of 70's in comparison was a picnic!"
"For hard times we need hard measures" said Berni seriously "we need... to push the public opinion to not even consider such an option and to support all the necessary measures to be taken for the good of the Nation"
Verhoeven looked frown but resolute at its secretary, he remains in silence for few long minutes, then stand up to leave the office and said at the end:
"This night I want see the Director of DESIS, tomorrow I would like you will begin to meet the high ranks of Armed Forces, then go to talk with our friends among other parties, first of all PPC and PPI, nothing of too publicized!"
"Of course!" smiled mischievously to the President who said before to leave the office:
"Nicola, none of this can't get out! Never! All this is for the Nation and for our citizens, but the Nation will never understand"
Berni made just a nod with the head, this time he was serious like few times did before.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Apr 12, 2017 10:53 am

Royal Palace, Rygal Sa, Capital of the Kingdom of Xsampa

If Puyang was affected by Cato's insults he didn't show it, in fact he chuckled. "Well you've got spunk my boy I'll give you that... but I'm also a man of my word and as amusing as your answer was it wasn't quite to my satisfaction. Sergeant."

He motioned to one of his Royal Guards who moved forward grabbing Cato and yanking him up. Another Royal Guard turned on a video camera that had been close to while yet another unlocked the Tigers cage. Cato was unceremoniously thrown in and the cage locked behind him. The Tiger was evidently well trained it didn't move a muscle while the cage door was open but the moment it was closed and locked it pounced forward, wasting no time in tearing Cato apart piece by piece in front of the other two. Puyang continued eating as if nothing was amiss.

"Let me state in no uncertain terms boys. You are not untouchable, in fact you are barely worth notice. If I do not find you useful I will get rid of you as if you were nothing more then a piece of meat. Make yourself useful and you may even live long eniugh to go back to whatever nation you came from.. food for thought! But I am now late for another engagement, Lieutenant take the little one to the Denver... give the big one." Gesturing to Matius." To Crew. Tata boys and remember what I said!"

Blindfolds went back and their world's disappeared.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:59 am

10:11 Foreign Intelligence Service Hideout (Daniel's House), near the village of Agarwal, Xsampa.

In the early hours of the morning, elements of the Hæren Spesialkommando (HSK), the Marine Spesialkommando (MSK), Jegertroppen and Military Intelligence Service’s Strategic Reconnaissance Group (SRG) has arrived in Xsampa and had already rendezvoused with elements of the FIS’s Alternate Actions Group (Adder’s Team). With a company formed, mainly consisting of the special operations contingent sent, they would begin planning their plans of extracting the captured reconnaissance team from Puyang’s Royal Palace.

“Satellite imagery highlighted the presence of anti-aircraft emplacements around the perimeter of the palace. Take that into great consideration because although they are meant to combat threats from the air, they can still be used to shred you to pieces.” Daniel explained as he pointed out anti-aircraft emplacements on a map of the royal palace, obtained from satellite imagery. “Another factor to take into extreme consideration is the royal guard. These men are former Special Forces operators, so when we storm the royal palace, I would urge you to expect some heavy and extreme professional resistance. Especially from the ones who were in the HSK.” Daniel said as he watched the HSK operators standing near him. “You are going to have to beat your opponent at their own game, which is Direct Action.” He concluded before moving back to strategizing the raid on the palace.

“I expect the MSK to move into the underbelly of the palace through the catacombs which run underground the city.” Daniel said as he made a hand gestured to represent being underneath something. “My contact in the city help you into the catacombs, thereafter you will hopefully rendezvous with the other teams”, Daniel continued. “Puyang flooded the catacombs as a means of preventing people from sneaking into the palace from there. It is expected that the prisoners are being held in the dungeon which is parallel to the catacombs. So I expect you frogmen to accomplish your given task.” Daniel was interrupted by the entrance of Claire. “Daniel how fast can you get a drone over the capital city?” Claire asked, not knowing the special operations teams who were expected the day after had arrived. Upon centering her attention to Daniel, see saw the various operators. “Oh, you’re all early.” She said. “Claire Bates, I am your case officer.” She introduced herself to the group. “Claire Bates? Doesn’t sound Kazulian, sounds more Luthorian to me.” Brage Skogen, commander of the SRG contingent.

With a face of discontent, she responded, “It’s my cover you intolerant fool, keep you disingenuous comments to yourself.” Brage looked shocked and his team members look at each other and said, “Oooohhh….” Brage could not mount a formidable response to Claire’s chastising without adding fuel to the bond fire. “So much for a first impression eh’ Brage?” one of the SRG team members said, causing the others to bust out in laugher. Even putting a miniscule smirk on Claire’s face. “As you all know you are here to ensure the rescue of a squad of intelligence officers from enemy capture, which is what Mr. Underdahl has told you?” she questioned as she looked at the face of those gathered around her. Most of them nodded in agreement, whilst the other showed strains of understanding the true nature of their presence in the country. “Wu Puyang and the institutions which he has formed are a threat to the interests of Skalm, as such we (you) are here to ensure that these interests are safeguarded through any means necessary.” Daniel, seeing that Claire had taken over diffused himself from the equation and left the house. Claire did watch him leave the room from the corner of her eye, however she did not take it seriously.

“As I have told our Alternate Actions Group, so I will tell you: You can prepare for Wu Puyang. He has the resources and the manpower necessary to launch a genocidal campaign against any group, within this country, he desires.” She began sharing out pages containing images of individuals, to the various teams. With a set of copies of her own in hand she began explaining to the teams whom the persons in the images where. “This man in the pink suit with the piece of jewelry on his chest is Wu Puyang, self-proclaimed King of Xsampa and Head of Wu Security Solutions. To the locals he is called “Xian” (meaning immortal) due to the buffer created by his mercenaries, whom many of you know are former special forces.” She said with a face of discontent. “Watch out for his Kazulian mercenaries, they are his most professional assets.” She dropped the picture of Wu Puyang out of hand revealing another picture. “This is Patrick Crew. Now Crew is a very interesting character, Major General in Puyang’s Royal Army, Commander of the loyalist forces pushing into the North-eastern regions. He is a former HSIS agent with a black notice for his immediate death upon attain visuals of him. Rumours have it, he is Puyang’s Chief Interrogator, which is why he has obtained the name of “Siwang tianshi” (meaning angel of death) by the locals.” She concluded before moving onto the next picture. “Hu Feng, Commander of the Northern Military Expedition, former Xsampian Defence Minister. A longtime supporter of the totalitarian regime of Wu Puyang.” She continued the trend, “Paul Krausser. Former Mikuni-Hulstrian Commando, Commander in Chief of the Royal Army and Commander of the Western Military Expedition. Locally he is known as Xukong shizhe (meaning Netherworld Emissary) due his brutal nature. Think of himas Crew taken a completely different level in terms of brutal methods.” She came to the final picture, displaying a ‘fine-looking’ woman, thus causing the operators to cheer and whistle at her sheer beauty. “Miho Tanaka, former Sekowan Presidential Guard and former Commando. She is the Commanding Officer of the Royal Guard, Puyang personal protection as well as Puyang’s de facto right hand. Beauty is not always confined to the definition of weakling. She concluded. “Gentlemen, these individuals are persona non grata with “shoot to kill” orders. However, I believe you know that executing these “shoot to kill” orders is not the simplest of tasks. So for the time being you should focus on the rescue of the captives.” She finally concluded. An operator from the HSK approach her saying, “Since we are in the vicinity of the North-Eastern region, wouldn’t you say that it would be rational for us to go after this Crew person and neutralize him.” To which she responded, “If you are able to get your hands on him, he is to be brought to me, where he is to be handed to the HSIS. However, I strongly advise that you focus on the plans Mr. Underdahl is currently planning.” She said, leaving the house, allowing for the various teams to converse among themselves.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:30 am

10:30 Foreign Intelligence Service Hideout (Daniel's House), near the village of Agarwal, Xsampa.

A short time after the briefing had begun an FIS Agent delivered 7 more individuals to the safehouse, likely to keep it slightly inconspicuous. The confused look from most of them forced one the newcomers to come forward. "Don't worry folks we're on the same side, Midas, Echo Detachment." That singular statement caught the attention of the room and secondary look from the rest of the room of respect. Echo Detachment was the best unit in the Hutorian Army, part of their elite Special Parachute Assault Detachment. Echo Detachment required a special kind of crazy to join as they exclusively inserted either in HALO or LALO conditions, with some members only deploying their chutes a few score metres off the ground. Having the shock of seeing a Hutorian special operator there got the attention on the rest which was entirely the point. Midas, who was effectively serving as the contingent's spokesman smiled and spoke up. "With me folks are an operator each from Gold Squadron, 12th Pararescue, 1st Squad of MECA, Intelligence Support Group Watcher, HSIS Office of International Observations and a member from Fireteam Omega."

With each mention of an elite Hutorian special operations team the looks in the room were shocked all in equal measure. Gold Squadron was the Hutorian Navy SPECTRE's equal of SPAD's Echo Detachment. Like Echo Detachment certain kinds of crazy and dedication took to get into Gold Squadron. Where as Echo threw themselves out of perfectly good working aircraft, to obtain the vaunted Gold Trident, the only known visible symbol of Gold Squadron one had to survive the truly sadistic Gold Selection Process, which occurred at the secretive Joint Forces Bases Arianna Woodbury and effectively becoming a dolphin.

12th Pararescue was the Air Force's search and special specialists who were sent in specifically to rescue special forces operators that no one else could go in and get back. While they weren't the extreme operators of Echos or Gold SPECTRES, it was said THEY didn't trust anyone other then the men and women of the 12th Pararescue to get their asses out of the fire.

MECA, or Marine Expeditionary Company Alpha, was the flagship unit of the Hutorian Marine Corps, always the first boots on the ground in any heavy combat situation and always the last ones out. 1st Squad were their best of the best and were considered the single most hardcore group of soldiers in the entire Hutorian Marine Corps, which considered how professional and hardcore the Marine Corps was to begin with was saying a lot.

The spooks from Watcher Group and the Office of Observation were already known to be able to get in and out of anywhere without every being seen. While they weren't the offensive force that the rest of the Special Operators were, they were HSIS, and were considered the best HUMINT assets in the business.

What really caught everyone's attention was the mention of the mythic Fireteam Omega. Even in the shadowy world of black operations Hutori's Fireteam Omega was the boogeymen of spy hunters, quite literally the men who called when you wanted to hunt and kill the boogeymen. Fireteam Omega was an elite unit that known only to be called when Hutori wanted to hunt down and kill rogue assets and agents that Bekenial absolutely wanted no connection to having been involved in.

Midas smiled and gave a simple statement. "We're here to help."
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:10 am

11:01, Foreign Intelligence Service Hideout (Daniel's House), near the village of Agarwal, Xsampa.

After Claire had left the room, Daniel re-enter with a cigarette wedged between his fingers. He had not seen the Hutorians special operators enter the house, for he had walked a few metres down the road to take a smoke and relax from the “voices in his head.” The Hutorian operator by the name of Midas, once again introduced the various teams and their respective personnel. Daniel took one final pull of the cigarette before dashing it out an open window. “Daniel Underdahl, Military Intelligence.” He introduced himself by gesturing a hand-shake to Midas, to which Midas responded by completing the hand-shake by including his hand into the equation. Seeing that Midas had introduced the various teams and their respective operators to the Kazulian operators, it was only natural for him to now introduced Midas and the various Hutorian special operations teams to their Kazulian counterparts. First he began to introduce the HSK grouping. “Hæren Spesialkommando, the most elite fighting force of the military, masters of Direct Action and deep reconnaissance, hostage rescue.” He gestured for the Head of the HSK contingent, Ernst to shake hands with Midas.

He moved onto the next team, that being the MSK contingent. “Marine Spesialkommando (MSK). Our most elite frogmen unit, you might as well call them amphibians. They can survive underwater and on-land.” He also gestured for the Head of the MSK contingent, Kasper to shake the hand of Midas, whom had a smile throughout the ordeal. Thereafter he moved onto the Jegertroppen contingent, paying much attention to the team’s tentativeness (for they were known for being hasty when it comes to paying attention). “Jegertroppen. They are what you would consider rangers, they mostly lead of the charge of the Defence Force into any conflict, might it be directly or indirectly.” The Head of the contingent, Ronald did not have to be told to shake the hand of Midas, for his hand was already extended to initiate the handshake.

Upon reaching to the Strategic Reconnaissance Group (SRG) contingent, a smile grew on Daniel’s face. “I don’t find it funny sir.” Barge, Head of the SRG contingent said in Kazulian as he tried to contain his laughter. “Watch it Brage, he could be one just like Claire.” The rest of the team immediately burst in laughter, remembering the roasting laid down to him by Claire for his quirky commentary. “Brage’s team was responsible for deep reconnaissance behind enemy lines to obtain strategic intelligence. They are also responsible for hostage rescues beyond the border of the Kingdom.” Daniel concluded before finally coming across to the Foreign Intelligence Service group. “This group is extreme special to my heart, I love them to death (not a queer way though). I would place my head under a tank’s tracks for them. Foreign Intelligence Service Alternate Actions Group (AAG), paramilitary operations mainly. The government calls them when they don’t want to be covertly or overtly associated with any affairs. Their dossier entails political actions (regime changing), assassinations, and similar to your Fire team Omega, they hunt down rogue agents and persons whom the other intelligence agencies cannot catch.”

“They recruit from all these other teams gathered here. They are the best our country has to offer.” The attitude of Daniel towards the AAG team when compared to men from his own agency is shocking, even to those of the AAG, as most have recognized the conflict between him and Claire. “How a woman by the name of Claire Bates is going to visit once more and will probably introduce herself to your various teams and brief you on your reason for being here. For now, enjoy yourself converse, talk. Everyone speaks Luthorian here, the Kazulian education system has done them well.” Daniel said as he immediately left the room, pulling out another cigarette, as he smoke his way out of his stress.
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