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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Fri May 05, 2017 4:41 pm

Security First Policy Implemented
May 10, 4206

With rebellions, economic crises and serial government instability all round, H'an Shlajkai V has declared a "Security First"policy which will see the budgets for non-security departments slashed by proportions of up to 98% while defence and internal security spending rise to unprecedented heights. Defence will rise to over 15% of GDP a record budget for the Blue Horde which catapults it to a 60% share of the entire budget while internal security spending consume another 25% leaving just 15% for the rest. The policy is thought to be one of the last steps before the Blue Horde rides north against the clan rebels and later on to the west against the Metzist guerrillas.


Blue Horde troops in Jeztridomura

The H'an has dismissed hundreds of thousands of civil servants most who undoubtedly will end up in the arms of the Metzists who remain a growing threat in the west. Many civil servants are already well alienated due to the infrequent nature of their payment and general disorder within Government.

Meanwhile in the north, the rebelling northern clans have been showing off impressive arms which apparently have been sent in by a foreign power. The clans remain defiant and have vowed to oust the H'an and crush the rival rebels of the Red Claw Movement as well when the time comes. It has become obvious however the two rebel movements are avoiding contact let alone conflict, a not too difficult aim as the Metzists so far only concentrate on the far western taghe of Nemawar while the clans are strong in the northern taghes.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Sat May 06, 2017 5:51 pm

Battle of Jrkahyéon
November 24, 4206

An inconclusive two week series of battles has been ended just outside the central Jelbanian city of Jrkahyéon between Goverrnment forces led by H'an Shlajkai V and the rebel northern clan alliance led by "Regent-Atabek" Bek Aldrkai Juhnsrmko Salyzr. Both appear to have thrown everything in, with government forces estimated to be around 35,000 while the northern clans managed to scrap together around ten thousand fewer men. The clans charged aggressively against government forces trying to surround them in order to negate their numerical advantage, a ridiculous strategy which failed and they were almost destroyed. Clan chiefs also argued over precedence and command of units which weakened cohesion in the clan army. Luckily for them, the government forces were equally dysfunctional to take advantage of the folly and battle swiftly degenerated into a brawl as both leaders lost control of their forces. The H'an wanted a swift victory and employed equally silly, foolhardy and counter-productive tactics such as numerous furious charges into geographically unfavourable terrain. The clans combined both conventional and guerrilla tactics with mixed results.

And thus it was for sixteen days as both sides charged and counter-charged until both were well worn out. Both sides suffered heavy casualties, the Government lost as many as 7,000 men with another 13,000 or more injured while the clans lost around 5,000 men with about 9,000 injured.

Clan guerillas firing at passing Government tanks

The H'an accused a number of foreign countries of supporting the rebels. He had 12 Istalian tourists detained for "spying" and ordered their immediate execution, a fate they were saved from by the intercession of the Han's mother Hatun Dowager Kezmai who convinced him to show mercy and substitute the punishment with mere blinding and whipping. They were then sent back to Istalia.

The battle has weakened both government and clan forces considerably but none of that for the third force. The Metzist Red Claw movement keeps silently growing its strength in the western taghe of Nemawar, feeding off widespread peasant and herder resentment over the Government attacks in 4204, the ongoing economic crisis and a strong thirst for institutional and social reform for a nation which has remained governed by the same class and institutions for the past six hundred years with very little reform. The northern clans lick their wounds and have seen the folly of their lack of decisive leadership, with many chieftains demanding a Kurultai to elect a rival H'an who will provide solid and unchallenged military leadership in future battles to come. As for the H'an, his failure to defeat the rebellion on which every resource was gambled upon has further weakened his rule and many view his fall and that of the long ruling Jeztri royal clan as imminent.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Sun May 07, 2017 11:51 am

Three H'ans and a General Secretary
April 11, 4207

Northern Clans Elect New H'an

Following several weeks of minor victories in innumerable clashes with government forces, the rebel northern clans have elected the man viewed to be largely responsible for the successes - Manuel-Mrjkai Kezkaisrmko Suadjakai. Suadjakai a Jelbek-Istalian citizen and a scion of the Suadjakai clan nobility, led a special force unit which was apparently sent to help the clueless northern clans in their rebellion. He was proclaimed "Mrjkai I Han" by the fourteen northern clans at a hasty Kurultai held close to Jrkahyeon. Now in charge of the entire northern army and apparently with the confidence and support of Istalia, the northern cause which was hard pressed after the inconclusive engagements with the Jeztri should be able to prolong the war and possibly defeat the Government. It is believed that the new northern H'an plans to marshal all the forces available to him and engage on a largescale offensive into the south to defeat Shlajkai V once and for all.

The other H'an - Mrjkai I

Metzists Remain Aloof

Red Claw troops

The Metzist Red Claw movement remains far removed from the ongoing conflicts, focusing instead on education, economic and propaganda programs in its Nemawar stronghold. The Metzists unlike other factions appear to be focusing on building peasant and herder support while growing their militia only slowly. While nominally Metzist, many increasingly view the movement as more leftwing populist and has not engaged in many of the characteristic moves that communist rebel movements often do. Despite declaring himself to be a "slave of Chairman Ruan's (OOC: Mao Tse-tung) teachings" the movement's General Secretary Jlekai Klunehnd has urged his followers not to commit "senseless acts of violence" and very few if any nobles and other "class enemies" have been killed or maimed. Land has not been seized from the great landowners, instead, the movement has kept the current system where clan land is held in trust by the clan Bek intact while replacing the clan Bek with an appointed Commissioner. As a result, support is strong and growing among the poorest in society and even middle classes are attracted to the much lower levels of corruption witnessed so far.

New Faction Joins The Party

An entirely new faction has joined the mess that is the growing anarchy in Jelbania. Gen. Andrj Krlysrmko Grakhldkai, commander of the Blue Horde's Central Jelbania Command has rebelled against the the government and declared himself H'an. Claiming to be a direct patrilineal descendant of Temrkai I the Great H'an who conquered the Khanate in 3637 at the head of his infamous Black Horde and ruled an extensive empire stretching from Zardugal to Barmenia. Several later monarchs claimed to be his descendants including the Temrkai-Mede dynasty (3785-3832) His rebellion means that he now has control of the old capital Baofluz which remains by far, the largest city in the Khanate. He is belleved to have secured the support of as many as two thirds of the 15,000 men who were under his command in central Jelbania.

Green: Northern rebels, Blue: Government held areas Red: Metzist, Purple: Central Command rebels
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Mon May 08, 2017 7:49 am

Temrkid Gains
September 9, 4207

H'an Temrkai IV the third claimant to the crown of the steppes has expanded territories under his control well into the west after successfully cutting off the south-western half of the remains of the Jeztri domains. Temrkai IV has claimed "recognition" by his "royal cousins in both Vanuku and Barmenia". The two northern dynasties are known to be descended from and related to Temrkai the Great Khan who conquered the latter and was allied to the former. The Temrkids are certainly receiving outside support and are fast becoming the best organised of the four main factions. The Jeztris' failure to defend their south-western territories marks yet another low for the royal clan which now controls just a rump state centered in south eastern Jelbania.

Temrkai IV H'an

Meanwhile in the north, division is rising once more with their new H'an Mrjkai apparently attracting the scorn and possibly envy of some of the most senior clan Beks. The Beks are embittered by what they view as the H'an favouritism and preference for Istalian advisors and Ministers. The most senior of the Beks, Bek Salyzr is said to have left court enraged after arguing with the northern H'an, heading for his clan territories in the north of country with his retainers in tow. The war has been characterised by only a handful of border clashes with the Jeztris, with both reluctant to take their eyes of the Temrkid faction.

Green: Northern clan, Blue: Government held areas Red: Metzists, Purple: Temrkids

On the western front, the Red Claw Movement remains silent and focused on building internal strength and support. Jeztridomura remains similarly silent with the H'an gathering all his forces for a massive assault on the rising central Jelbanian Temrkid Khanate which he, like many, view as more dangerous than even the northern clans.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Mon May 08, 2017 5:38 pm

Battle of The Three Armies
March 6, 4208

In the largest and possibly most ridiculously fought battle in centuries, the Jelbek nobility and its three royal families have managed to practically annihilate each other in what proved to be an orgy of chaos and madness. The small central Jelbanian city of Heijtristad saw the largest confrontation so far in the war, with around 45,000 Jeztris, 25,000 Temrkids and around 40,000 northerners all clash in a three party battle. It began with a siege of the town which was under northern control by a large Temrkid army. The northerners gathered their forces and defended it with all their might. It turns out that the Jeztris were already on their way to assault the said town which is located at the common border of the the three statelets. The Jeztris, the only force with any sizable airpower did get reports from planes carrying out installation strikes but H'an Shlajkai V refused to turn back, deeming it to be a sign of cowardice.

Thus the three armies met there at Heijtristad. Initially the northerners and Jeztris aimed much of their fire on the Temrkids,surrounding them and destroying their smaller rival. Temrkai IV was killed in the fire with his men. After his destruction, the northerners and Jeztris fell upon each other, with an opportune outbreak of cholera also helping and it ended with no victor but a great many casualties. Only 7,000 northerners and 8,000 Jeztris left the city alive and un-maimed. Upon leaving in their separate directions, they each met up with a fresh Red Claw army which had come to feast like a vulture upon the dregs of chaos. The Red Claw armies totaling some 25,000 made short work of the survivors of the battle and upon capturing the surviving H'ans, proclaimed Jelbania to be a people's democratic republic and moving swiftly to occupy Baofluz the old capital and queen city of Jelbek cities.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Thu May 11, 2017 6:07 am

Jelbania Declared A Republic Ending Six Centuries of Monarchy
February 3, 4209

Chairman Jlekai Klunehnd

Jelbania has been declared a "People's Democratic Republic" by the victorious Red Claw Movement. The Red Claw Movement while declaring itself to be Metzist inspired has repeatedly vowed that it will not indulge in ''typical excesses" in its conduct of the Jelbanian revolution. Thus economic and social reform, while radical, is at a relatively slow and non-comprehensive pace and tone. The Movement's leader and Chairman of the Revolutionary Council Cde. Jlekai Klunehnd has called for solidarity among socialist regimes particularly in Majatra against the Istalian threat. He accused Istalia of funding and plotting a new rebellion among the northern clans who are still fighting despite of the northern H'an Mrjkai I while some Jeztri forces also remain active in isolated parts of the south east despite the capture of their leader H'an Shlajkai V, his mother and several other royals. Some Temrkids also remain active inn some pockets of rural land around the capital despite being leaderless after the H'an was killed in the Battle of Three Armies. Thus the country remains somewhat unstable but the new government has established control over the major towns and cities.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Axxell » Thu May 11, 2017 2:10 pm

Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Sat May 13, 2017 10:35 am

"Reals" Take Over
March 4, 4210

The hardline Metzist faction in the Red Claw Movement which is popularly known as the Real Faction (in contrast to the more pragmatic Realist Faction) has done extremely well in the slate of elections in the Movement's second Congress which was held in Baofluz. Of the 325 Central Committee members elected, the faction is thought to have won between 180 and 200 seats. General Secretary Jlekai Klunehnd lost his bid for re-election as the radical Governor of Nemawar Klztn Mdre defeated him with 186 to 129 votes while 3 out of 5 members of the Standing Committee of the Politburo were also defeated and the 14 member Politburo itself only saw 6 members returned. Mdre is notorious for his brutal reprisals against royalist and noble dissenters and rebels in Nemawar during his three year tenure as Governor.

General Secretary Klztn Mdre

The Real Faction demands immediate, permanent and thorough Metzist reform, the creation of a one ideology (not party) state along with the establishment of a Metzist superstate across Majatra to "oppose Istalian fascist imperialism and Zardic militarism." Klztn Mdre the new General Secretary has declined to reshuffle the Revolutionary Council (Cabinet) yet but has taken up his other two positions on the Standing Committee and Politburo. With Jelbania a one party state for all practical purposes, Mdre is now the most powerful man in the country and supreme guide of the ongoing revolution but perhaps to avoid having the country appear too unstable, he has chosen to let most current office-holders to remain in office for now.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Fri May 19, 2017 5:56 am

Red Claw Promises Democracy
February 3, 4213

Workers at a newly nationalised uranium mine

The Red Claw government has declared its intentions to implement a "democratic socialist" system. The Government appears sincere on this and many of the Jeztri era restrictions on civil liberties have been modified while many abuses such as torture have also been addressed and new guidelines put in place to reduce and hopefully even end the abuses. General Secretary Klztn Mdre said that the Red Claw wanted to stay away from the "old image of oppressive fake Metzists oppressing the very people they sought to liberate." Human rights, he said, were a special concern for a movement that rose out of widespread abuses.

We should strive to be better than the tyrant Jeztri. The era of a police state is over. More carrots, less sticks for the beloved people of the wolf nation.

The economy has been almost entirely nationalised. Mdre said that there would be no compensation for any businesses and that they should consider the profits they made as more than adequate compensation for their centuries of exploitation of national resources. As for the economic crisis, the General Secretary said that the country would follow a socialist path to recovery and not half measures meant to protect capitalism such as Kodonomism. Jelbania will instead take the assets seized from nobles and the merchant class and plow them into industrialisation and the introduction of a conception to the grave welfare state. He repeated his call for unity among socialist and progressive republics in Majatra and the world. He pointed at the support of "reactionary' rebel movements in rural Jelbania by "imperialist Istalia and fascist Zardugal" as showing the pressing need for progressive unity.

The war is considered by most to be over with the Red Claw government having control of virtually all large population centres in the country. A number of rural settlements and other isolated areas remain under the control of Jeztri clan partisans in the south east, Temrkid partisans in the centre of the country and the northern clans retain a sizable amount of territory in the areas close to the border with Vanuku.
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