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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby TheTsar » Mon May 08, 2017 7:25 am

Речь Народа
Baron General-Lieutenant Fyodor Nikolaev has managed to bring the 12th Corps over to the highest concentration of mutineers, around Novoromanovsk and he has been declared leader by the mutineers. He has further occupied strategic locations and has besieged Novoromanovsk. In reply to this, the 4th Corps - the other corps within the 4th Army - has begun moving towards Novoromanovsk aiming to relieve the city from siege, however, the 12th Corps, already stronger than the 4th Corps, has been strengthened by a few Leib-Guard Regiments and paramilitary Gendarme units. It seems that if the 4th Corps fails to break the siege of Novoromanovsk, the city will fall into the hands of the mutineers.
Baron General-Lieutenant Nikolaev
Last edited by TheTsar on Mon May 08, 2017 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Aquinas » Mon May 08, 2017 11:53 am

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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby TheTsar » Mon May 08, 2017 6:42 pm

Речь Народа
In a surprising turn of events, the 4th Corps, instead of relieving the city of Novoromanovsk, has joined the mutiny! Shortly before that, the 4th Army's HQ declared its allegiance to the mutineers as well. The mutiny has grown into a full blown rebellion now has 3 of Trigunia's best commanders - Generals Nikolaev, Lomonosov and Stepanov - and have occupied Novoromanovsk. However, no battle occurred; the garrison and local administration simply let the forces in and declared their allegiance to the rebels. The situation had begun slowly deteriorating for the government - but it got worse! The Kadets (and the White Guard) - the most popular party in government - as well the Emperor and Leib-Guard and Petrograd garrison have left the capital, joined the rebels and have declared the "Trigunian Liberation Army", in response to the abolition of the monarchy bill that is bound to pass. A new government has been formed and this government has released a statement to the people and servicemen of the Trigunian Empire.
To the People and Servicemen of the Trigunian Empire
We, the government of the Trigunian Liberation Army, the only true protectors of your freedoms, rights and liberties, call upon all those who swore allegiance to His Imperial Majesty and who are true Trigunian patriots to join us in this War of Liberation from Metzist-communist and conservative nonsense, which seeks to destroy everything Trigunia is about - freedom, democracy and stability. The Emperor's gaze over Trigunia is strong; it brings stability while preserving the freedoms and rights of the people and does not obstruct their right to vote. May God help us and you!
The Provisional Governing Council of the Trigunian Liberation Army

(from top to bottom)Generals Nikolaev, Lomonosov and Stepanov, as well as the Emperor and Duke Fyodor Nikitin
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Aquinas » Mon May 08, 2017 7:01 pm

December 4207

Former Defence Minister "defects" to rebellion

Vadim Menshikov

Vadim Menshikov, Duma member, former Defence Minister and former Mayor of Novoromanovsk, has appeared in a television broadcast declaring his allegiance to the Trigunian Liberation Army, condemning the "anti-Trigunian, unconstitutional Metzist tyranny" and calling on "all patriotic citizens to do everything they possibly can to support the efforts of the Trigunian Liberation Army to save our country with disaster". He ended the broadcast with "Boh Save the Tsar!"

There has been speculation over whether Vadimovich made the broadcast of his own free will, or whether he may have been coerced or blackmailed.

Conservative Party leader and former Head of Government Radoslav Dragunin has called the latest development "extremely disturbing" and said "I don't recognise the Vadimovich we saw in that broadcast". However, he has resisted calls to expel Vadimovich from the party, saying "lets wait for a clearer picture to emerge before making any decision on that".
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby jamescfm » Mon May 08, 2017 8:01 pm

Речь Народа
Communist Party On The Brink As Lapukhova Flees

The Trigunian Communist Party is close to capitulation following the decision of First Secretary Angela Lapukhova to flee Trigunia for Kalistan. Reported to be fearing for her life due to violent anti-Metzist rhetoric from both monarchist and conservative factions, she has appointed Defence Minister Yulian Tsiolkovsky as the party's President to enable him to serve as acting leader. Tsiolkovsky is a divisive and bullish figure, who spent thirty years in the armed forces prior to entering politics. Since Lapukhova's departure he's wasted no times into setting out his priorities: calling for the leaders of the Trigunian Liberation Army to be hung and for the Kadet Party to be banned.

In spite of his strongman appearance, Tsiolkovsky is in a rapidly weakening position. His party emerged from the recent elections in last place and now sits in a cabinet which is half empty. National support for Metzism is declining as the worst of the economic crisis begins to subside, meaning that the Communists must re-invent themselves in order to remain relevant. However, some in the leadership feel that the party has run its course and should be dissolved in favour of an armed struggle. Speaking to a meeting of the 'New Dawn for Trigunia' group, a militant faction with the Communist Party, former Justice spokesman Leonidovych Tverdokhlib said:
We have tried bourgeois politics. It did not work. Rather than advancing the interests of the working class, we simply found we were drawn further away from them. It is inconceivable that we should have members of the Communist Party sitting around the cabinet table with Dukes, Barons and other ding-dongs. Nothing can be achieved from this. If we are serious about a worker's state, in which the citizens have the power over their destiny, then we cannot abide by these institutions which are inherently capitalist. Revolution is achieved with a rifle not with ballot paper.

Leonidovych Tverdokhlib is leading calls for the Communists to take up arms against the government

Aside from their internal division, the Trigunian Communist Party could achieve a major legislative victory in the next few months as voting concludes on the Democracy for the Trigunian People bill. If successful, it would see the Tsar overthrown and replaced with a directly elected 'National Leader'. It is accompanied by legislation which would see the bicameral Imperial Assembly replaced with a single legislative body, the Presidium.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Maxington » Mon May 08, 2017 8:58 pm

"Internal Security within the State will be upheld through any means necessary," ~ Internal Security Director.
Internal Security Directorate warms mutineers of the asymmetrical response associated with treason against the state.
Director-General of the Internal Security Directorate, Ignatiy Masmekhov announcing his intention to maintain internal security and the integrity of the constitution.
12th, December 4207

Mutiny and Rebellion are words which are bellowing throughout the streets of Petrograd, as servicemen from the Armed Forces and the various law enforcement agencies are committing mass mutiny against the state. Elements of the Trigunian Army, specifically the 4th Army have performed mutiny against the military and have joined the organisation which the Internal Security Directorate now brands as a terrorist organisation,"The Trigunian Liberation Army" . Along with entirety of the 4th Army, the Konstitutsionno-Demokraticheskaya Partia and its now illegal paramilitary organisation, the White Guard, have joined the fray on the side of the Liberation Army. In a blow to the constitution of the state, the Emperor has also joined the side of the Liberation Army (along with the Lieb-Guard regiment within the capital). High-ranking military personnel such as Generals Nikolaev, Lomonosov and Stepanov, with former Defence Minister Vadim Menshikov joining the rebellion as well.

In response to the extreme breach of the constitution of the Trigunian Empire, a new government has been formed and is promised to herald the causes of internal security and stability. In an extreme threat to the Trigunian Liberation Army, Director-General of the Internal Security Directorate, Ignatiy Masmekhov threatened to respond to the rebellion with full force, even if it means squashing the rebellion through an armed conflict. He threatened to conduct a nationwide resurrection of the State Security Directorate, by reactivating its middle-aged (but retired) members, he spoke from State Security House (the former Headquarters of the State Security Directorate),
There is no argument between upholding the integrity of the constitution and forming causes against it. For peace and stability have been shrouded by the rebellious nature of the mutineers and their respective puppet masters. However, peace and stability can be assured in this state through one pipeline and that is your unconditional surrender. I do not intend on negotiating with saboteurs and conspirators against the state, I do not intend on being moved by their calls for a monarchist state. Whereas this rebellion will ignore the constitution, this agency and all other government institutions whom have sweared to abide and uphold the constitution,
will uphold this. As of today I will begin a nationwide reactivation of the members of the State Security Directorate. I will begin the crackdown of violence and instability in the towns, villages and cities throughout this country. I will launch a nationwide manhunt for the families of those responsible for this rebellion. If you wish to hold this state at hostage for your personal and moronic gains, I will have no mercy in holding for families, friends and neighbors hostage until you have surrendered. Internal Security within the State will be upheld through any means necessary.

Already special firearms units of the Internal Security Directorate have been dispatched to villages, towns and cities near rebellious regions. Currently, the agency is systematically circulating throughout the various homes across the country searching for weapons and ammunition, as it attempts to remove firearms from individuals across the nation. It was reported that members of the Internal Security Directorate's Directorate "B" have begun an undercover investigation into possible mutineers within the Armed Forces. It is uncertain whether the stable government proposal will be passed in the Imperial Presidium, but what is clear to many persons throughout the nation is that once the State Security Directorate is reactivated, it would make the Internal Security Directorate the main opposition to the rebellion (with a formidable offensive and defensive force). However, time will tell.

Members of the Internal Security Directorate stand outside State Security House expecting an attack from the rebellious forces (Trigunian Liberation Army).
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby TheTsar » Tue May 09, 2017 7:17 am

Речь Народа
The Trigunian Liberation Army has begun a march onto the half-empty capital, with only Internal Security Directorate forces garrisoned in the city. The only major military unit in Petrograd's vicinity is the elite 1st Army, however it is facing its own mutiny, with the 2nd Corps and HQ declaring allegiance to the TLA, while the 9th Corps has decided to stay loyal to the government. This means that Petrograd is under grave danger of occupation by the TLA and the further strengthening of it. As the city of Petrograd overwhelmingly voted Kadet this election, the city's residents have gone out on the streets in favour of the return of the Tsar and preservation of civil liberties and rights. The situation in Trigunia has now fully deteriorated and the rebellion seems to have the chances to succeed.
TLA forces on the move
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Aquinas » Tue May 09, 2017 4:36 pm

May 4208

Rein in the Internal Security Directorate, demands Yakovich

Conservative Party leader and former Chief Minister Druganin Yakovich has spoken out in the Duma to demand the immediate sacking of Internal Security Directorate (ISD) Governor-General Ignatiy Masmekhov and an end to the policy of launching reprisals against innocent family relations of Trigunian Liberation Army (TLA) members. He warned that "If this situation continues, the legitimate government will lose its moral authority in the eyes of ordinary Trigunians, and also in the eyes of the rest of the world".

Leading Conservatives defect to TLA

Twenty seven of the Conservative Party's 128 Duma members have now defected to the Trigunian Liberation Army, issuing a joint statement declaring "we can no longer support the chaos and tyranny of the present government" and that "we owe a foremost loyalty to the Tsar". Yakovich responded by expelling them from the party. The expelled members included former Defence Minister Vadim Menshikov, who it has now become clear defected voluntarily rather that, as at first rumoured, under duress.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Aquinas » Tue May 09, 2017 5:13 pm

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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby TheTsar » Wed May 10, 2017 7:21 am

Речь Народа
After a short assault on Petrograd, the Trigunian Liberation Army has taken the capital, and has proclaimed that it is the legitimate government of the Trigunian Empire. It has declared that it "seeks recognition from foreign powers" and "shall begin exercising the day to day duties of government". Part of the TLA has begun moving towards Udinovsk, aiming to take the city. The 9th Corps has stopped resistance after the death of General-Lieutenant Grigoriev in battle. General-Lieutenant Lesorubkin, commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, has taken command of the corps, and has declared his allegiance to the TLA, thus giving the TLA control of the 1st Army. It seems that the TLA has the advantage.
Duke Nikitin proclaiming that the TLA are the legitimate rulers of Trigunia
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