
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby Garrmactad » Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:18 pm

Webster: The NPP is "The Lone Opposition Party"
Webster at the interview,
Yesterday MC Hiram Webster at an interview with Progressive Comedian Jerry McCarthy, Webster made the following statement,
Webster: ..In the past few months the other parties have proven that we're the Lone Opposition, we are of 2 excluded from the government, and Stanton has a measly 33 seats, and our former ally is voting for a bill extending the term of Congress and President to 6 Years, far to much for the democratic Process,
and is just a power grab.
McCarthy: So your calling the BRRP traitors?
Webster: Effectively, but back to the real issues..

This comes after the longest period of time the NPP was not included in a government, and the introduction of the 'Electoral Reform Bill', which the NPP has vehemently voted against.
Presently Looking to Come Back

New Progressive Party of Dolgaria (4216-4222)
Yeudi Progressive Party of Beiteynu (4212-4216)
National Progressive Party of Beluzia (4149-4212)
Progressive-Socialist Party of Aldegar (4267-4307)
Posts: 22
Joined: Sat Apr 01, 2017 8:18 pm

Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby ManagerDan » Mon Apr 24, 2017 10:24 am

UPB: National Convention
Well as June, 4200 has come and gone, so has the UPB's national convention. Held in Palos Decina, this year's convention saw 3 votes by the party, and the creation of a new position. So let's get started.
First, the UPB's secretary, Susan Florence, resigned from her position, leading to an election for the position, and here are the final results.
Note: Names in italics were eliminated. For secretary elections any canidate with under 25% of the vote is eliminated.
First Round: Kristy Murphy: 190(38%), Evert Olson: 189(38%), Frank Edwards: 118(24%),Ella Walker: 3(1%).
Second Round: Evert Olson: 265(53%), Kristy Murphy: 245(47%).
Winner: Evert Olson.

Next, the UPB announced that the Chaiman, Secretary, and Congressional Leader voted to create the office of treasurer for the party. The first election was than held and was won quickly in the first round.
Treasurer Election: Jonathan Washington: 292(58%), Frank Edwards: 147(29%), Claudia Sharp: 61(12%).
Former Minister of Finance, Johnathan Washington was elected as the party's first treasurer.

Lastly, as it always as, the party held its presidential nomination vote, and Chaiman Fredrickson won easily over Tibby Everill, with 99% of the vote, or 499 delegates, while Everill only got 1.

So ended the UPB's 4200 National Convention, they all hope for a good year for the party when the next election rolls around.
Current Active Party: United Party(Beluzia)
Posts: 59
Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 7:25 pm

Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby Garrmactad » Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:47 am

Webster: "The NPP is the Last True Leftist Party"
Webster at a Rally.
Earlier today at a Rally in Negunia, Hiram Webster said the following,
Recently the BRRP joined the Front, this shows- no Proves we're the last true leftist party. Them joining that damned Front was just a tool to gain the Presidency. They may deny leaving the left, but joining the Front proves it to me. Will the Front retain the Presidency? More likely than not, but we'll fight them at every damn opportunity!

Webster has been accused of using the BRRP to gain political power, and he has rebuked saying he's just telling the true opinion of the Progressives to the people.
Presently Looking to Come Back

New Progressive Party of Dolgaria (4216-4222)
Yeudi Progressive Party of Beiteynu (4212-4216)
National Progressive Party of Beluzia (4149-4212)
Progressive-Socialist Party of Aldegar (4267-4307)
Posts: 22
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Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby Garrmactad » Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:38 am

National Progressive Convention 4202
Last week the NPP held it's national convention if Fort Thorne, Parlos Decina after it's primaries and Webster had a comfortable Majority,
    Hiram Webster: 392
    James von Bondeu: 108
and was nominated as the Party's nominee, and gave a speech:
When I joined this Party we wee rising to the Zenith of our power, and now we are falling. Our former "Ally" joined that Damned Front and we're left alone. But we cannot give up, we Must challenge these Fake Leftists until we win, or die trying!

While it is unlikely for the NPP to win, it broadens the people's choices, and as always it's up to the people whom wins in June.
Presently Looking to Come Back

New Progressive Party of Dolgaria (4216-4222)
Yeudi Progressive Party of Beiteynu (4212-4216)
National Progressive Party of Beluzia (4149-4212)
Progressive-Socialist Party of Aldegar (4267-4307)
Posts: 22
Joined: Sat Apr 01, 2017 8:18 pm

Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby ManagerDan » Sun Apr 30, 2017 8:22 pm

Crisis in the government
By: John Johnson
[Fort Thorne, Parlos Decinia] News is coming from the capital, the Liberal and Labour parties have both dissolved, and president Quintana is unable to preform his duties as president. Both the Liberal and Labour parties were officially declared inactive, leaving 250 seats unfilled in the Beluzian National Congress. Already the UPB and recently re founded Military Party, have called for an early election, and as President Quintana did not name a Vice President, Speaker Florea will assume the office until either the next election, or until President Quintana is able to execute the office of the presidency. We at the Beluzia Daily will continue to cover this story as it develops.
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Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby thatcherarch » Mon May 01, 2017 1:09 am

Bank Struggling to Stay Open

President Ramon Quintana introducing the Brightman-Hamilton Act

The global economic downturn has finally hit Beluzia. Bank runs have depleted the money supply for banks. About 92 banks have closed since the beginning of the the downturn earlier including the Bank of Beluzia, one of the largest banks in Beluzia. President Quintana, Minister Brightman, and Congressman Eric Hamilton have introduced the Brightman-Hamilton Act. This act looks stabilize the financial industry be separating commercial and interest banking. There will be trouble passing the law as the Liberal Party does not have any seats in the National Congress.

President Quintana is preparing to introduce more legislation to help combat the economic downturn. President Quintana has also put joining the International Union for Economic Protection in front of Congress. The treaty looks to foster international cooperation between nations to help combat the economic downturn. Stay tuned for more legislation.
Unionist Party of Beluzia
Acting Leader: James Callaghan
Deputy Leader: James Callaghan
Congressional Leader: Vacant
Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:13 pm

Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby Garrmactad » Mon May 01, 2017 2:29 am

The NPP's Response to the Depression
Utamuro giving his Speech.
Earlier today NPP Chair Hiroto Utamuro gave a speech on the Depression:
This Depression is hurting Beluzians, and while I do put part of the blame on the Front, quick and decisive action is needed. While Progressives may have many, many, disagreements with the Front, we Need to work with them to help every Beluzian effected by this crisis, regardless of Party, regardless of Race, and regardless of Gender! The NPP pledges to help Every Beluzian, and we will not rest until every single Beluzian has a Job, House, and Income!

As said in the speech and later reiterated, the NPP is done with Partisanship, and will fight for every Beluzian.
Presently Looking to Come Back

New Progressive Party of Dolgaria (4216-4222)
Yeudi Progressive Party of Beiteynu (4212-4216)
National Progressive Party of Beluzia (4149-4212)
Progressive-Socialist Party of Aldegar (4267-4307)
Posts: 22
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Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby ManagerDan » Wed May 17, 2017 8:02 pm

Administrative Crisis: 4212
Although we are only 2 years in to the current administration there is already issues. First off, the president has proposed partisan cabinets which failed, and the president has been avoiding questions, despite his party having voteing in favor of the Presidential question Times. Also, the Vice President has resigned, and UPB and BRRP congressmen and women have been chanting in the congress saying "Where's our president?". We at the Beluzia Daily will keep you, the Beluzian people, up to date on this event has it develops.
Update: The NPP has dissolved the president is unable to preform his duties, and an early election is being called
Current Active Party: United Party(Beluzia)
Posts: 59
Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 7:25 pm

Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby thatcherarch » Sat May 27, 2017 7:38 pm

Liberal Primaries

The Liberal Primary has finally came to an end. It began when former Vice President Clement Villiers announced his candidacy in 4216. Several other candidates entered the arena like Angelica Hamilton, Claudia Brightman, and James Callaghan. It was speculated that former President Ramon Quintana would run one more time, but stated in June 4217 that he would not seek the nomination.

The results of the primary are in. Villiers clinched the nomination with 351 delegates (50.1%). His closest competitor, Claudia Brightman, only received 140 delegates (20%). James Callaghan receive 106 delegates while Angelica Hamilton received 103 delegates. All of Villiers' opponents have conceded defeat and endorsed him for the upcoming general election. The Liberal Party is hoping to have a strong showing in the upcoming election, as they did not run a candidate in the previous election.

Clement Villiers has years of legislative and executive experience. Villiers served thirty years in Congress, the last 16 as Speaker. He resigned as Speaker to become Vice President under President Gertrudes Gomes. After Casper Adams beat Gertrudes Gomes in the 4180 election, Villiers returned to Congress and served as Whip. He succeeded to the Chairmanship when then Prime Minister Eric Hamilton resigned after losing the 4180 election. Villiers ran for President for the 4205 election, but was defeated by Ramon Quintana in the Liberal primaries. Villiers is finally ready to beat President John Fredrickson in this upcoming election.
Unionist Party of Beluzia
Acting Leader: James Callaghan
Deputy Leader: James Callaghan
Congressional Leader: Vacant
Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:13 pm

Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby ManagerDan » Fri Sep 29, 2017 8:43 pm

United Party Revived
[Union Hill] Just a few hours ago the United Party, was revived under former President, and founder of the party, John Fredrickson, and already within the first few months of activity the party has already proposed 2 bills, and has shown its intention to return to its position of a major party in the Republic of Beluzia.
Current Active Party: United Party(Beluzia)
Posts: 59
Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 7:25 pm


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