
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Thu Apr 20, 2017 12:46 am

"The Military Should have no role in enforcing economic interests." Chief of Defence Staff
Chief of Defence Staff sent to Istalian Military Administration in Wantuni; Questions intentions of Military Administration.
Chief of Defence Staff Lt. General Henning Sivertsen speaks with Istalian Lieutenant Colonel Marian Ibn Malik, in the Military Administrative Region.
2nd July, 4198

In response to the Istalian Government's move to establish a Military Administration in the region of Kalopia-Mossavi as a means of what they call "managing a scandal", Chief of Defence Staff Lt. General Henning Sivertsen has been sent to the Military Administration region to speak with its administrator/governor, General Romeo with respect to the Istalian Armed Force's involvement in administrating economic affairs in a country virtually in anarchy. The response by the Istalian Government comes after elements of the Revolutionary Front of Workers for the Liberation of Wantuni (an organisation believed to be of a terrorist persona) have been identified to be present in the area. Apart from the presence of the RFWLW in Wantuni, slavery operations by a company known as Eliomax has also spurred the response of the Istalian Government.

With respect to the use of the Istalian Armed Forces as a means of "administrating economic interests of the Istalian Republic" Chief of Defence Staff Sivertsen had this to say:
I do not believe in the pretext that a military should police its population, nor do i believe in the concept that a military should be involve in governing the operations and affairs of companies. A military or any person relating to a military/armed force should never mention the words economic military administration in the same sentence.

When reminded of the statement that the various Istalian companies in Wantuni act as a quasi system of governance within their respective regions. Lt. General Sivertsen stated that the statement (apart from combating terrorism and presumably administering peace) the Istalian Armed Forces should have no role with respect to economic governance and advancement.
The route this government, more-so its military should have taken, is one that is centred on nation building. With a nation with no formal government, I believe that economic interests should not be the focus of this presumed administration, instead qualitative nation building reinforced by peace and stability promotion. It is very clear that this armed force contingent was mainly sent into the country to protect the nation's natural gas exploitation operations in the nation. I have no problem with this armed contingent being dispatched to combat slavery and terrorism solely, however, it is a separate and quite nonsensical case for this military contingent to be used as a means of propping up the economic interests of the Istalian Republic. The Military Should have no role in enforcing economic interests.

It is uncertain whether the presumed military administration would be centred on economic interests and personal goal, however, Director-General for International Cooperation Erlend Weberg stated that the Istalian Government should instead of using the military administration for economic interests protection and personal operation, should convert the region into a Civil Administration and begin the nation building process with the cooperation of the various local community leaders. Lt. General Sivertsen is expected to return to Skalm with a full report for the Statsminister and King Arvid.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:03 pm

Civil Protectorate Established: Civil Protectorate Established in Wantuni.
Government implements Civil Protectorate in Wantuni; Moves to transform Wantuni into functional democratic heartland; Orders companies to leave.
Anders Bjorklund, Civil Superintendent of Territorial Activities, leaves the Office of the Statsminister in Skalm.
12th April, 4199

The Government, through permission from both the Stortinget and the respective local community, has established a Civil Administration in the region of Wantuni al-Najd. The formation of a Civil Protectorate in the province of Wantuni al-Najd comes in response to the request of local leaders for the intervention of the Kingdom of Kazulia into the region as a means of propping up stability and growth. According to officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defence, whom are jointly coordinating the operations of the Administration through a Civil Superintendent of Territorial Activities, the Civil Protectorate is aimed at integrating human quality and technological progress with cooperation between local authorities, the Kongeforsvar, and security establishments opposite the separatists through the application of government policies in factors pertaining to civilians, the promoting of humanitarian issues, infrastructure projects, and economical projects.

Officials from the Section for International Defence and Security Policy within the Ministry of Defence highlighted the various factors which could come into viewing point of the Civil Protectorate. The officials highlighted the problem of infrastructure in the prescribed province. The province of Wantuni al-Najd, separate from its surrounding regions, has infrastructure which would be classified as extremely hazardous. A failing power system tied to a rapidly deteriorating water supply network, has brought the region to a grinding halt in the area of overall development. Around one thousand civil servants have been sent to the Wantuni al-Najd province with the civil protectorate to assist with the infrastructural projects and humanitarian programmes. In a statement by Anders Bjorklund in-front of the Office of the Statsminister, it was promised that development and stability would be brought to the province of Wantuni al-Najd and the greater Kalopian nation state.

The nation of Kalopia has been plagued with internal instability for more than five decades. With a deteriorating international interest in the country, heinous activities such as terrorism and corporate corruption have planted themselves deep into the societal systems of the country. With the formation of the Civil Protectorate of Wantuni al-Najd, progress in the areas of political, social and economic development will be increased and solidified. Stability and development would be administered to the region and hopeful its environs, and i can assure both the citizenry of Kalopia and of Kazulia, that this administration will be effective in the execution of its tasks.

The Civil Administration of Wantuni al-Najd is to be headquartered in the Wantunian capital city of Kursi, specifically in the city's government sector, with Civil Superintendent of Territorial Activities, Anders Bjorklund being seated at the city's Hall of Justice where political, social and economic matters pertaining to the administration of the region would be coordinated. It is expected that Anders Bjorklund will be formally dissolving the administration of the local community leaders through a process to be revealed later on. Officials revealed that the necessary equipment such as construction equipment, food and clothing as well as construction materials will be delivered to the province via airdrop and shipments from a charted container vessel and the KNOS-Helge Tanck replenishment tanker.

Accompanying the civil contingent is a military contingent of around 6,000 men and women. Servicemen and women from the 1st Pansrede infanteribrigaden, the 1st Ingeniørbrigaden, the 1st CSS brigaden, the 1st Sanitetsbrigaden, the 2nd Kultivertbrigaden and the 1st Panserbrigaden make up the 6,000 military personnel being dispatched to the region. According to Military Superintendent (the person charged with ensuring peace and stability within the region), Major General Edgar Fuglestad, the deployment of ground forces to the region is the asymmetrical response to the radical movements spreading anarchy through the surrounding regions and as a means of ensuring internal security within the prescribed province. It was announced by Major General Fuglestad that immediately as the military contingent lands in the province of Wantuni al-Najd, engineering plans for the re-construction of an airport in the province will be executed by the 1st Ingeniørbrigaden.

Civil Superintendent Anders Bjorklund is expected to visit the eastern province of Kalopia-Mossavi, where an Istalian Military Extraordinary Administration (MEA) has been established. It is expected that he will speak to General Romeo with regards to the current situation of civilian humanitarian conditions in the province and will also ask the General to make stronger pushes against the clout of the Eilomax Company (which is a company founded on the principles of slave exchange, with some of its slaves being Dovanian nationals). It is uncertain whether General Romeo will listen to Bjorklund's calls for pressure on the company or whether officials in their inner sphere will idiotically spurt notions of stupidity. However, Bjorklund has ordered all Kazulian firms, might they be public or private, to leave the nation state of Kalopia or face imprisonment under the Corruptions Act of 4178.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:49 pm

Reconstruction of Wantuni begins; Province internally sealed; Commandos cleanse province of extremism.
Civil Airport construction project begins; Commandos shake branch for extremist elements within administrative province.
Administration House, the official seat of the Civil Superintendent of the Civil Protectorate of Wantuni al-Najd.
2nd July, 4199

The Infrastructure Bureau (a recently established government department within the civil protectorate of Wantuni al-Najd) has announced the commencement of an ambitious construction project aimed at restoring infrastructure throughout the province, including the provincial capital of Kursi. According to officials recently hired into the Infrastructure Bureau (mainly Wantunian citizens), the project is expected to be the beacon of hope into the war-torn province's future as a democratically governed province. The province has not seen the light of construction since the times when Kalopia had a functioning government. With the various local communities coming together autonomously, in the past for matters of a small caliber, the project announced by the Infrastructure Bureau has much larger proportions.

According to the Secretary of the Infrastructure Bureau, Gunvor Claussen, the bill associated with the restoration and construction project proposed would comes at around 12 Billion Krona and would last for around fifteen (15) years. The project includes the construction of various medical facilities, educational facilities, water and power facilities. Kazulian Civil Servant are expected to be personally handling the re-organisation of services within the province once the necessary facilities have been constructed. Civil Superintendent of Territorial Activities, Anders Bjorklund announced that the Administration was in the province of re-forming a peace and law enforcement agency (the police) in the province, with law enforcement experts from the National Police Service of the Kingdom of Kazulia being flown into the province of Wantuni al-Najd.

A Wantuni citizen (who had been recently hired by the Infrastructure Bureau spoke to media pertaining to the project and its foreseen impact of the province and its 19 Million population.
I think that this project will help people who don't have jobs to support their families, it is an alternate to having to leave the province to work for one of the Istalian companies in the other provinces.

In other news, Military Administer Plenipotentiary, Major-General Edgar Fuglestad, announced the virtual isolation of Wantuni al-Najd from its neighboring provinces. The move made by Major-General Edgar Fuglestad comes as the military administration moves to re-institute order and security within the province. In announcement issued from the Office of the Military Administer Plenipotentiary of the Civil Protectorate of Wantuni al-Najd, it was announced that the province would be sealed off from the neighboring provinces through the construction of an electric fence wrapping around the province. According to Fuglestad, it is one of the many security measures to be implemented to flush out the various extremist elements in the province including the Revolutionary Front. Already as apart of a security measure, the Administration has begun the process of forming an official record of persons identities, births, marital licences etc.

Although the Defence Ministry has denied their involvement, reporters have confirmed the existence of commandos in the province of Wantuni al-Najd. It is speculated that the commandos are currently assisting Military Administer Plenipotentiary, Major-General Edgar Fuglestad's ground force contingent in "cleansing" the province of its extremist elements, mainly the Revolutionary Front, who has gone into hiding in light of the Istalian intervention. The Commandos are suspected to be shaking the branches hoping for the Revolutionary Front to fall out and compromise its location, however, reporters have also highlighted the existence of deep communications interception between Revolutionary Front members (which the Defence Ministry has denied).

The Government is treated the province of Wantuni al-Najd as a colonial entity, however this could be in the interest of the province as much development has been commenced as it moves to restoring and surpassing the glory of the Wantuni al-Najd province.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:54 pm

Civil Administration implements Executive Administration in Wantuni; Forms law enforcement service.
Civil Administration implements executive government administration in Wantuni; Law enforcement service formed.
Commissioner of the Internal Security Bureau, Sebastian Wahlberg with the officials of the recently formed Wantuni Police Service.
7th October, 4199

Civil Superintendent of the Civil Protectorate of Wantuni al-Najd, Anders Bjorklund has recently announced the implementation of a functional government system in the province. Years posterior to the dismantling of the Kalopian government, local communities have acted as the de facto government, managing the daily functions of the various province and their respect cities. With the formation of the Civil Protectorate, a functioning government system in the Wantuni al-Najd province would pave the way for future development towards of semi-autonomous province. According to an official press release from Administration House, the official seat of the Civil Superintendent of the Civil Protectorate of Wantuni al-Najd, the Administration had formed several government departments with the aims of micromanaging the affairs of the province.

The Umbrella organisation for the various Government department, the Provincial Secretariat (which Anders Bjorklund is interim) is broken into nine policy bureaux. The Infrastructure and Transport Bureau, the Education and Environment Bureau, the Health and Social Services Bureau, the Labour Bureau, the Finance and Economics Bureau, the Regional Government Bureau, the Civil Affairs Bureau, the Justice Bureau and the Internal Security Bureau. As a precautionary measure, it was announced that Kazulian officials will be leading the mentioned provincial bureaux.

Staffing of the various provincial bureaux would be done through a complex vetting process, as the Civil Administration is attempting to curb the clout of corrupted elements within the administrative system. It is estimated that around five thousand four hundred (5,400) persons will be working for the Provincial Secretariat within the various provincial bureaux (six hundred (600) persons within each bureau). With the administrative system established, Bjorklund has announced that the Administration will be moving towards forming a legislative body, consisting of Wantunian citizens, however it was stated that this move would be brought out after the Revolutionary Front's foothold in the Northern portion of the province is broken down by the Military Administration.

In other news, the recently formed Internal Security Bureau has announced the creation of a law enforcement service in the province. For the past years, there has been no apparatus solely aimed at maintaining peace and security in the province, with the only mechanism mirroring this being vigilantism by the local community members. Commissioner of the Internal Security Bureau and former Assistant National Commissioner of the Kazulian National Police Service, Sebastian Wahlberg announced the formation of the Wantuni Police Service (WPS) as the asymmetrical response to the string of crimes being committed throughout the province in the absence of a law enforcement agency.

The Police Service consists of persons of the former defunct Kalopian Armed Forces and the Kalopian National Police (mainly person from these organisation who live in Wantuni). Currently it consists of around one thousand (1,000) person, mostly on motorcycles. As there is currently no defined law to enforce, the police force is aimed at assisting the Kongeforsvar contingent cripple the Revolutionary Front. Commissioner Wahlberg has stated that once a legislative body is assembled and laws within the province are defined, the police service will orient towards enforcing the various laws, but until then they would be assisting the Kongeforsvar contingent (with Commissioner Wahlberg watching the police force closely for corrupted elements).
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun Apr 23, 2017 6:40 pm

Defence Ministry to establish Rapid Reaction Force to respond to emergency threats
Five battalion to be created to form Rapid Reaction Force
11th June, 4200

The Defence Ministry has announced the formation of a rapid reaction force, designed to counteract conventional security threats. Announcing the formation of the rapid reaction force was Chief of Defence Staff Lt. General Henning Sivertsen said that the move "was to reinforce the efforts to both modernize and restructure the defence forces." An official from the Defence Ministry stated, some elements of the new force will be able to deploy to a flash point with 6-12 hours notice, much faster than the current response time of the Royal Mariners. It will be supported by air and sea forces as well as special operations units, and two more land brigades on standby in the event of a major crisis. The reaction force will consists of 5,000 servicemen and women.

It is expected the the Rapid Reaction Force will be under the command of Brigadier Michael Odegaard, who previously commanded the 4th Panserbrigaden, known for his emphasis on rapid movement and deployment. The Defence Ministry has stated that they are currently contemplating on the matter of the formation of an amphibious light infantry force, however, the Defence Minister was not available to offer comments on the matter.

30,000 to participate in massive combined arms exercise.
30,000 active and reserve servicemen and women to participate in massive combined arms exercise.
11th June, 4200

The military's Defence Command announced a snap drill earlier this morning with the aim of testing the Kongeforsvar's readiness to proceed into full combat readiness. The announcement by Defence Command comes after a decrease in the armed forces' capability to deploy oversees and to respond to emergencies in a timely manner. Chief of Defence Staff Lt. General Henning Sivertsen stated that although the government may not the deterioration of effectiveness seriously, he believed that the military should think ahead and go about conducting exercises in order to analyse their readiness in the even of a conflict which endangers their interests. Thousands of wartime reserves and active personnel were called up to participate in the exercise, and it is being reported to be the largest military exercise ever conducted to date.

As expected the military drills have a general operational focus with combined arms, as the Kongeforsvar has centred its operational effectiveness training around the use of combined arms, something that is rarely seen throughout most military today. Officials from Defence Command stated that although the drill is focused on combined arms, it will also be used as a means of fine tuning the capabilities and execution of several military concepts such as Intelligence gathering and analysis, reconnaissance, electronic warfare defences and countermeasures and air superiority and defence. Furthermore, the drill will be the first time cyber defences and cyber offensive measures will be drilled. "The drill is expected to assess our response to potential attacks from external forces, apart from that it will assist us in seeing how quickly could we fend off said potential attacks and thereafter form a formidable offensive push into enemy territory," an official from Defence Command said.

It is expected that all branches of the Kongeforsvar will be in participation of the exercise as the drill is mainly focused on combined arms. The Air Force is expected to conduct close-air support and air superiority missions. Other units taking part in the drill include: the Navy, with the use of the Queen Ingrid multi-role amphibious assault vessel shall conduct shipboard helicopter, vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) and short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) operations, other naval assets will conduct surface, anti-submarine warfare and anti-aircraft & anti-missile exercises. The Ground Forces, will conduct special operations, search and rescue operations and fine tune their defensive and offensive capabilities. The Rapid Reaction Force and the Royal Mariners, will conduct rapid response and deployment drills along with several other subordinate branches such as the Coast Guard and Air Guard.

Official figures from the Ministry of Defence state that roughly 30,000 military personnel both reserve and active will be participating in the exercise with more than 1,200 assets from the navy, air force, ground forces and cyber defence force. The exercise is expected to take place in the province of Hent, specifically near the coastal region and moderately dense areas for a two week period.


Home and Kingdom Affairs Ministry launches Internal Security Review.
Home and Kingdom Affairs Ministry launches Internal Security Review to fine tune approach to crime.
11th June, 4200

The Ministry of Home and Kingdom Affairs has launched a review into its approach to handling crime and national security issues within the country. The review by the Ministry comes apart of the new minister's reforms. Minister Joakim Rasmussen, being a former high-ranking counterintelligence officer within the General Directorate for State Security, has an extreme emphasis on upholding and cementing the state's control on security, as he believes it is imperative that the state be responsible for ensuring the security of the citizenry. According to information presented by the Transnational Anti-Crimes Agency and the General Directorate for State Security, the Kingdom of Kazulia, has inherited a series of crime related issues, most ranging between gang violence and other serious crimes (i.e. stabbings, burglaries and murder).

The report from the General Directorate for State Security indicated the state's lapse in cyber security, a topic which the Home and Kingdom Affairs Minister stressed on needing improvements. He stated that since this factor affects both the public and the private sector and spans a broad range of issues related to national security, whether through terrorism, crime or state and industrial espionage, the government, more-so the Security Services should implement increased and improved measures in ensuring the safety and security of Kazulian cyber-space. He mentioned that he does intend on pushing the Government Communications Service and the General Directorate for State Security for increased cooperation, specifically pertaining to the prospects of cyber security.

Apart from a lapse in cyber-security, the reports also highlighted that despite current operations are currently being conducted to curb its clout, crime is still an important matter which needs the attention of the Home and Kingdom Affairs Ministry and the Government as a whole. Although operations are currently on-going pertaining to illegal firearms and gang-related activity, the Minister stated that he intends on spearheading the effort to shorten the clout of crime through the use of stringent and aggressive policing policies, one of them being the extensive use of the Surveillance and Data Collection Act of 4196 as a means of obtaining key information with respect to gang-activity.

The Home and Kingdom Affairs Ministry is expected to see a wave of reform in the coming years as Rasmussen intends on boosting the output of the Ministry and its subordinate agencies. With a counter-intelligence officer at the helm of one of the most powerful government offices in the country, it is expected that many legislation coming out of the ministry will be centred at improving the security stance of the state.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Tue Apr 25, 2017 9:35 pm

"Threats against the National Security of the state cannot be ignored any longer" ~ Foreign Minister to Dranland.
Foreign Minister pushes for review of Dranish-Kazulian Diplomatic Relations.
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kjellaug Halvorsen responding to Dranish claims of Kazulian involvement in the death of former President Ri.
1st June, 4201

Consistent references of the Dranish Prime Minister to the supposed "communist" Kazulian state, tied to the endless claims of Kazulian involvement into negative happenings in the United Peninsula, it appears that many Dranish politicians and their respective electorates have been pushing a rhetoric of anti-Kazulianism throughout the diplomatic, political and media channels. From former presidents comparing the state to a communism "hell-hole" to Dranish nationalists calling for the annexation of the Kingdom of Kazulia under the defunct Kyo Empire. Anti-Kazulian sentiments throughout the region have been foreground for the deteriorating diplomatic and economic conditions within the region. It is assumed that many factors have come into play for the rise in anti-Kazulian sentiments throughout the region, the first being the resurgence of Kyo nationalism.

It is assumed that the belief of the majority of Kyo nationalist is that multiculturalism (the bedrock policy of socialism) is a cover up for the gradual-slow genocide of the Kyo people and the culture as a whole, with recently elected Chairman of the National Conservative Party, Sung Joo-Wong confirming this assumption by vowing to "Do away with the Multicultural Barbarians." In response to these sentiments, Minister of Foreign Affairs Kjellaug Halvorsen has announced that the Ministry will be reviewing Dranish-Kazulian diplomatic relations, making her claim that threats against the national security of the state by external nationalists cannot be ignored anymore.

The Kingdom of Kazulia has been accused of being involved in the death of former Dranish President Ri Jong-su. The Kingdom of Kazulia has been accused of gradually attempting to control the Dranish state through enterprise. The Kingdom of Kazulia and its socialist "barbaric" government has been accused of slowly killing the Kyo culture/ethnicity. It is only a matter of time before the Kingdom of Kazulia is accused of certain political movements failing in their respective electoral processes.
Anti-Kazulian sentiments specifically from members of the Kyo and Gao-Showan communities, is not new to the state, and we have repeatedly made the point that the state does not appreciate nor approve of the promotion of these anti-Kazulian sentiments by political movements and furthermore government ministers. The state has ignored the countless accusations and references to communism against Kazulians in different countries, specifically in those were a Kyo and Gao-Showan population is dominant. However, the state will not accept threats against its national security and the well-being of its citizens. Kazulians should walk this earth unharmed and treated with respect as they would treat others. This government, including previous governments have never pushed sentiments and hatred for a specific ethnicity and its people and it does not intend on doing so now. We warn the external actors of chaos and crisis, to tread softly when it pertains to this state and its people. Threats against the National Security of the state cannot be ignored any longer, and we will react when it is seen that our national security and the survival of our country is endangered by external parties.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recalled its citizens from several countries such as: Dranland, Yingdala, Sekowo and Mikuni-Hulstria, as it sees the current ethnic situations in these countries, specifically pertaining to relations between the Kazulian populations and the Gao-Showan and Kyo population, relations have been rapidly declining. The government has stated that it does not intend on ignoring threats from external parties any longer and intends on responding adequately when greater threats are made towards the state. For now, with Kazulian citizens from nations with a heavy Kyo and Gao-Showan population, being recalled to the country, it is uncertain whether the state is going into a mode of Total Defence or whether this is apart of something much larger.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sat May 20, 2017 10:27 am

Over one thousand troops sent to Wantuni Protectorate to curb internal instability.
Troops in Wantuni Protectorate being reinforced in-order to off-balance stalemate between vanguard forces in urban and rural area.
Military Advisers of the Kongeforsvar contingent in Wantuni, congregate around a strategic map.
22nd October 4213

The Government is sending more than three thousand additional troops to the Protectorate of Wantuni al-Najd to support the efforts of the Intervention Task Force (consisting of the 1st Pansrede infanteribrigaden, the 1st Ingeniørbrigaden, the 1st CSS brigaden, the 1st Sanitetsbrigaden, the 2nd Kultivertbrigaden and the 1st Panserbrigaden) which was initially sent to the region in their efforts to curb the clout of vanguard sentiments and skirmishes with the Red Amazon Army, the Free Insurgent Army and the Red Vanguard Forces. The deployment includes the 1st Amfibiskeinfanteribataljon and three brigades of the Home Guard, bringing the estimate number to around 5,000 troops, with these numbers expected to reinforce the efforts of the 6,000 troops Kazulia already has in the protectorate.

The troops’ mission is not to engage in direct front-line combat, but the operation will put them in dangerous areas. The infantry companies, military officials said, will protect Kazulia's continuing effort to advise and assist friendly and loyal Wantunian force in implementing stability within the region. Apart from this it was recently announced by Military Administer Plenipotentiary, Major-General Edgar Fuglestad that the Military Administration had formed a people's protection unit for the Wantunian citizenry. Coined the "Amyna" meaning "defence", it will be the main defence force of the Wantuni Protectorate which would solely consist of Wantunian volunteers. Major-General Fuglestad stated that he wanted the Wantunian People be able to not solely depend on the Kazulian Military Contingent for protection for there will come a time when they will withdraw from the province.

It is stated that currently the Amyna consists of around eight hundred (800) volunteers, mostly former servicemen of now defunct Kalopian Armed Forces. It is expected that the Amyna will receive training and advisement from Kazulian military advisers/instructors and would most likely assist the Wantuni Police Service (WPS) in their drive to ensure security and peace within the protectorate, however as a means of ensuring that the Amyna does not slip into the claws of corruption, Major-General Fuglestad announced that former commander of the Division of Kultiverts, Brigadier Niels Johannsen will be the commanding of the Amyna and that the Amyna will be commanded by a Kazulian military official until it is seen that the Amyna can be trusted.

Government utilizes stabilization fund for first time; Bails out financial system.
Government utilizes stabilization fund for first time since its formation; immediately bails out financial system.
The Central Bank (Kazul Bank) building on the outskirts of Skalm, Dreton.
22nd October 4213

The Government has announced that it intends on bailing out the financial system in response to the financial crisis. It has announced that it would be withdrawing all funds from the Economic Stability Fund, which has been formed in 4122 with the aims of preparing the government in the event of such an event as the current financial crisis which plagues the international community. Political analysts and economists have announced their support of the government bailout which has been aimed at bailing out the citizenry instead of the banking system. According to Kazul Bank (the central bank), "banks should not be bailed out, but banks' functions must be bailed out. If not, all economic activity will be affected. We will bail out the small depositors – that is both profitable and fair."

The announcement on the government bailout was announced by the Ministry of Finance and the Economy following government plans to continue operations in the Kazulian Protectorate of Wantuni al-Najd. According to statistics from the central bank, the government as of 4122, has pumped around 35 Billion Krona into the account annually, during the fiscal term. Currently the Economic Stability Fund encompasses a 3.1 Trillion Krona account, enough needed to completely bail out the financial system. This is due to the fact that for the past 91-95 years the government has accumulated 35 Billion Krona through Export Duty for Oil and Petrochemicals, Oil Mining Operations and 2 Billion of the Government Surplus annually, bringing the fund's account to around 3.3 Billion Krona to this date.

According to the Ministry of Finance and the Economy the bailout plan being peddled by the government is worth around 3 Trillion Krona, leaving around 100 Billion Krona in the account for international investment and the formation of a planned financial institution to be discussed by the government on a later note. It is expected to bailout critical industries such as the oil and natural gas sector, the agricultural, and citizens. The government bailout is being described as the fastest response to the economic crisis by the government. It is expected that around 35 Billion Krona will be going to the Protectorate in Kalopia and is expected to save the industries within the protectorate.

However to ensure that the Economic Stability Fund does not tackle the economic crisis on its own, the government has announced that it intends on intensifying trade between its current trading allies and also intends on forging new trade agreement between nations from varying continents. From what officials say, the Kazulian Economic Stability Fund is expected to consume to combine efforts with the Zardic Economic Stabilization Fund - Global on forming an international/omnipresent investor, investing into crucial industries and companies which has shown to be extreme important to a given nation or region. It is currently unknown how the international community will react to the government virtually announcing that it had escaped the claws of the financial crisis due to its strategic thought and preparedness.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun May 21, 2017 12:34 am

Foreign Ministry imposes travel ban on MRSF Bloc nations.
Foreign Ministry imposes travel ban on Majatran Revolutionary Socialist Federation (MRSF) nations.
The Kazulian Consulate in Romula, Istalia, the main liaison office for majatran affairs.
2nd January 4214

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has introduced new restrictions on travel to the nations apart of the Majatran Revolutionary Socialist Federation (MRSF), banning Kazulian nationals from travelling and residing in the nations, citing anti-Kazulian sentiments among the population and the extremist ideology being peddled by the federation and its respective members. The travel ban comes after increasing tensions between the MRSF and other majatran nations such as Istalia and Zardugal. The travel ban, according to the Foreign Affairs Ministry, applies to Kazulian nationals either currently residing/visiting the MRSF Bloc nations or nationals applying to visit/reside in the Bloc nations. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the rising ideological tensions in the region increase/intensifying daily, it was imperative that the government ensure the protection of its citizens oversees.

Since the issuing of the travel ban, international flights from Kazulia to the MRSF Bloc nations have been derailed by the Civil Aviation Authority. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Section for Majatra has since issued mass communiques to Kazulian national currently residing in the MRSF Bloc nations citing the increasing tensions and giving them the option to either return to Kazulia or stay in their current locations at their own risk. The Foreign Ministry has dispatched a fleet of airlines to be flown to the Bloc nations as a means of ushering the return of Kazulian nationals to the country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated that the travel ban was not out of fear of the ideological conundrum brewing up in southern Majatra, but was out of the government's obligation to ensure the protection of its citizens abroad and at home from threats aimed against it.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun May 21, 2017 1:28 pm

Ministry of Education on improve education three-hold.
Ministry of Education and Culture moves to improve education three-hold.
Minister of Education and Culture Jakob Mortensen (left) with Secretary General for Education Dina Jespersen (right) at the Ministry of Education in Skalm.
12th April, 4214

Minister of Education and Culture Jakob Mortensen signed into action the government education investment programme which would see a drastic improvement in the education system. The moves comes amid calls by parents for the Directorate-General of Education (the administrative body which regulates education related affairs within the Ministry of Education and Culture) to improve the education system to accommodate for the increasing number of students entering the National Education Assistance Programme (NEAP) due to the recent financial crisis since tertiary education payments are becoming increasingly difficult for parents to meet.

The Education and Culture Ministry announced that it would improving the education system three-hold. It intends on implementing a wider integration scheme with respect to education and information technology as to increase the student's interaction with technology and learning. It also intends on increasing the application cap of National Education Assistance Programme (NEAP) from 10,000 applicants annually to 30,000 applicants annually, allowing for a greater number of students to apply for the programme. It also intends on increasing government investment into education solutions in the areas of curriculum policy, languages and other core curriculum subjects.

Minister of Education and Culture Jakob Mortensen outlined the plans his ministry intends on implementing for the education system. The following is excerpt of the discussion.
It is imperative that the schools increase their liaising/cooperation with the government departments responsible for curriculum assessment, specifically the Section for Curriculum Assessment and Section for the Special Education Programme. This should be done in-order for schools and the curriculum assessment departments to identify what is needed for the schools and students to obtain their goals and to prepare for future educational expansionism. From a standpoint using information technology, It's also important to work with facilities management personnel to coordinate technology infrastructure dependencies for such things as dedicated space for data closets, power, cooling and data cabling. The Ministry intends on centralizing data where we can secure and harden all our information technology services. Currently, the servers used for the iLEARN Solutions Programme are scattered across the country and is done through a series of private server hosting companies. With this new stance, we intend on promoting the construction/implementation of an uber data center for the education system under the Government Information Center, but we will also be promoting the implementation of information servers personally for schools, meaning schools will be running their own information servers. The Department for Information Education has confirmed with me that this can happen once the protection of the servers is ensured. I intend on speaking with the Defence Minister on making provisions for the Cyber Defence Force to protect the servers of this proposed Uber Data Center. The Government has been making measures to increase investment into complete broadband and wireless Internet access. This would allow for internet access in city centers, in the country side and possibly in the mountainous regions, in a drive to increase user connectivity and access to the internet which is a core aspect of our education policy. With respect to NEAP, we intend on increasing the cap from 10,000 applicants to 30,000 applicants, thus allowing for a greater number of persons to be under the programme. To assist in this, i have been told that the Statsminister is currently negotiating with stakeholders in the education system on increasing their investment into the programme. Also we intend on increasing government investment and curriculum concentration on core studies in primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions might it be private and/or public.

It has been known that the Kazulian education system, due to government investment and hands on involvement, that transformed into one of the most effective education systems in the eastern hemisphere and the wider world. With the recent government push to improve education in the country, it has spurred many to believe that the government's intentions with the education system of the country is not to have it on par with other nations such as Vanuku and Luthori, but to shape it into the number one education system in the world and a great example for other nations.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Tue May 23, 2017 12:35 am

Kongeforsvar mobilizes contingent to border with MRSF.
Military equipment/personnel movement indicates increase military operations on border region in response to MRSF.
Elements of the 1st Pansrede infanteribrigaden (Mechanized Infantry Brigade) move towards the Al-Najd/MRSF Border in response to communist super state.
11th January, 4215

Military Administer Plenipotentiary, Major-General Edgar Fuglestad announced that reinforcement are being sent to the border with the Majatran Revolutionary Socialist Federation (MRSF), indicating the increase of military operation on the border region, by the administration, in response to the formation of the communist super state. October 4213's troop reinforcement from Kazulia came in response to internal instability in the protectorate due to the sentiments being peddled by vanguard elements through the country. Reinforcement from Kazulia are not expected in the coming months due to Skalm's focusing on the current situation between Baltusia and Aldegar which has caused much frustration and confusion in the Organisation for Collective Security and Cooperation.

Tensions in the protectorate and wider region have increased after an exodus of refugees crossed from the MRSF controlled regions into the direction of the protectorates after the Kalopian government erected high fences as a means of curbing the brain drain. Since the intervention of Kazulia into the region, through the use of layered electric fences, the Protectorate of Al-Najd had been sealed from the outside world (meaning no immigration in, no migration out). This was done in-order to facilitate the cleansing of the internal situation in the protectorate, mainly elements of the Revolutionary Forces and to curb the clout of terrorism in the protectorate specifically in the agricultural plains. However, there have been rumours in the Civil Administration, specifically in the Security Bureau, that the border will be partially opened to allow for a quota of persons to enter the protectorate, leaving the remainder to go to the Istalian Protectorate of Mossavi.

Major-General Fuglestad responded to the threat made against the protectorate by the Kalopian military saying:
Let us be frank: This is not the sandbox. To those who wish harm upon this protectorate, its guardians and its citizens should know that when one of the most effective and professionally trained militaries in the world comes crashing down on your house, it would be a completely a completely different story. Idle threats and saber rattling will do nothing but simply show the lapse in professionalism of your armed force. To the MRSF, tread softly.

There have also been rumours of the formation of a new corps in the Kongeforsvar, specifically oriented to be permanently stationed in the Al-Najd Protectorate. This was confirmed by a Ministry of Defence official who even gave the name of the corps, the Kongen Majhtran Krops. Civil Superintendent of Territorial Activities, Anders Bjorklund is currently in the Istalian Protectorate of Mossavi, speaking with his Istalian counterpoint on the formation of unified protectorate (an idea originally brought up by Istalian officials in a private meeting). If the unification of the Kazulian and Istalian Protectorates is successful it could be a formidable force against the MRSF, however this can only be confirmed after Bjorklund's meeting.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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