
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby jamescfm » Thu May 25, 2017 7:37 pm

Obbéz: Communism Threatens Our Everyday Lives
Transport Minister and Liberal Leader takes aim at opposition in run-up to elections
May 4213

Diederick Obbéz, the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure and the leader of the Liberal Party, has delivered a targeted and ambitious speech at the launch of his party's parliamentary campaign. At a manufacturing plant in Prinsenaard, he laid out why it was essential that the governing coalition was given a further mandate in August. Obbéz, who is one of four Liberal cabinet ministers, has sought to improve his public reputation in the last twelve months. In April, he officially stepped down as the Chairman of Action Wresting Majatra to allow his daughter to take charge of the company yet even his final months attracted controversy.

Quintijn Obbéz, Diederick's son, has had a prominent rivalry with a group of so-called 'heels'- performers who are supposed to be perceived as villains- known as 'The Red Menace'. Each member reportedly hails from one of the states of the Majatran Revolutionary Socialist Federation though in reality all were born in Vanuku. Throughout the plot, the Red Menace have engaged in cheating and cowardly behaviour, even attacking members of the audience with a flamethrower at one point. Critics, particularly supporters of the New Left Party, have claimed that the storyline promotes unnecessary anti-Communist hysteria and unfairly portrays the MRSF but the outgoing chairman played down the accusations, saying they were peddled by 'overly sensitive goodie-goodies'.

The Red Menace prior to the addition of Yavuzboga the Great Kebab

While campaigning, Obbéz was much more direct with his words. He told the assembled crowd of workers;
Simply the existence of Communist nations is a threat to Vanuku. When we have, right on our border, a federation which is constantly seeking to expand and to oppress more and more individuals then we are clearly at risk. At any moment, the MRSF could decide that they want to target Vanuku next, that our people should be forced to obey their anti-liberty rules and regulations. In Kalopia, we have seen how this menace will attempt to undermine the right to self-determination, the basic right of the people of a nation to elect a government.

With all of this in mind, we cannot for one second allow the Communists to hold seats in our parliament. How can politicians who don't even believe in the fundamental concepts of democracy and political freedom be elected to public office? When our national security is at risk in this manner, I believe Vanukean citizens have a patriotic duty to re-elect the Liberal Party and her allies; to send a clear message that we will not surrender to the red terror. Not only do we need to secure a majority but we need a substantial one if we are to ensure that our country is protected. I am clear in my priorities: we must defend Vanuku from the threat of Communism. Not only does it threaten our allies and our strategic foreign interests, it threatens our everyday lives.
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Fri May 26, 2017 4:36 pm

Obmé wins big on "anti-communist and anti-imperialist" agenda
Latest elections leave Crown Party the big winner under Frederick Obmé.

The leader of the Crown Party, Frederick Obmé, who has climbed his way up the ladder after orchestrating two-thirds of Vanuku's economic resurgence plan.

November 4216 - "It is time to put our nation back where it belongs, at the front row hammering away at the threats of Terra." Harsh words spoken by a politician who, as he says himself, feels unaffected by the political games and prefers action and truth. Frederick Obmé has played a big role in orchestrating the economic resurgence the past decade after the heavy economic recession that hit the globe. Within the party, as well as parliament, he gained a reputation for being hard-working, clever and in a way ruthless. A year ago Obmé was chosen as the new party leader and he quicky started a campaign for a Vanukean resurgence, putting the emphasis that Majatra is "Vanuku's continent" and that they, as the "guardian", should protect Majatra against "communism and imperialism". With this rhetoric Obmé has set himself apart from the other major players in Majatra; Istalia, Zardugal and the MRSF. "The communist oppression is wrong, communism in itself is inherently wrong, but so is the imperialism of nations like Istalia and Kazulia, colonizing your neighbours is not the Majatran way. If it were up to me we would go back to the policy during the time Vanuku was a one party state: denounce them both and protect the weak." is what Obmé had to say about the current state of geopolitical affairs. Obmé has also proposed a new coalition, stating that he is "very sympathetic" towards Obbéz and the Liberals. Though he has left the Republicans out, in line with his staunch opposition to republicanism that he has showed the last few years. At the end of the interview Obmé had only one final statement: "for King and country, Vanuku has risen." Shortly afterwards it was reported that the soon to be Prefect had already met with the senior military officials of the nation and that major movements had been seen around the naval port in Prinsenaard.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Fri May 26, 2017 10:50 pm

First Fleet leaves home port to venture into "hostile waters"
Obmé's tenure as Prefect to start off with a show of force.

The HMVNS Támr out in the Majatran Sea once more.

December 4216 - Prefect Obmé has given the executive order to deploy the First Fleet in the Majatran Sea. The First Fleet will be patrolling the coastal area near the communist states as well as the Istalian and Kazulian conclaves. In a statement Obmé said that the deployment of the First Fleet is the "first step towards peace in Majatra" though political experts have called it a show of force, with Obmé making a bold statement towards the communist states and his so-called "adversary in Majatra" Istalia. The First Fleet has been given the official mission to "intervene and subdue any arising conflicts". While the First Fleet is not as strong as it used to be it is still one of the most well-equipped naval fleets in the world. The Ministry of War and National Defence has also stated there will be major investments in upgrading old equipment, refurbishing naval vessels and purchasing new gear for the troops on the ground. All this seems to tie in nicely with Obmé's plan to "make Vanuku the greatest again".
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby jamescfm » Sun May 28, 2017 7:11 pm

Cusham Meets Trigunian Counterpart
Minister of Foreign Affairs seeks to strengthen ties between Terra's most powerful monarchies
November 4217

Vanukean Minister of Foreign Affairs Merlkai Cusham has returned from an important visit to the Kerisian nation Trigunia. Cusham, along with the Minister of Defence, outlined ambitious plans for much closer cooperation between the two nations. During a joint press conference with Baron Nikolay Nabokov- the Trigunian foreign minister- he explained how essential it was for 'respectable and influential nations' to stand up to the 'scourge of neo-colonialism'. The comments come at a time of continued tension in Majatra between the foreign protectorates operated by Kazulia and Istalia and the Majatran Revolutionary Socialist Federation.

Merlkai Cusham (right) holds talks with a Trigunian official in Petrograd

While on his way to Trigunia, the Foreign Minister was asked about the collapse of an arms deal between the MRSF and Malivia after Kazulia intervened to impose sanctions on the Free State. Prior to being scrapped, the deal would have provided a long-desired opportunity for the Federation to engage with the international community. Cusham responded;
Throughout this particular episode we see the true nature of Kazulia and her allies; they seek to control other nations through a combination of military intimidation and economic manipulation. By intervening to prevent one nation, Malivia, from increasing their prosperity and another from improving their military capacity, they are attempting to divide and conquer. Nobody should be in any doubt about the reasoning behind the Kazulian response, it was motivated by greed and self-interest.

When we recognise that there are nations in Terra whose only aim in foreign policy is to divide and conquer, who wish to pit one nation against its neighbour, then we begin to understand the absolute necessity of potent forces who advocate for peace, democracy and justice. If Vanuku, Trigunia and others don't stand up against the likes of Kazulia when they seek to exploit their position then in some sense we are actually acting in support of her brutality.

With Majatra increasingly divided between the Communist bloc, comprising Deltaria, Jakania, Jelbania and most of Kalopia, and the so-called imperialist forces of Istalia and Zardugal, Vanuku finds itself in a difficult situation. High profile figures in both governing parties have spoken out in opposition to the oppressive Socialist regime but many are similarly wary of the increasingly influential position of Vanuku's rivals. It is for this reason that the Foreign Ministry has sought to build a more robust relationship with Trigunia, particularly since Vanuku's traditional allies in Indrala and Luthori have seen major upheaval in recent decades. Cusham would not comment on what developments could be expected in the future but it is presumed that this is only the beginning of his long-run international strategy.
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Tue May 30, 2017 2:21 am

Prinsenaard shocked by terrorist attack
Twenty-eight confirmed dead, over seventy wounded.

A picture of the smoke plume from downtown Prinsenaard, the blast took place at the old fish market, a mere walk from the old city centre. Witnesses are speaking of a car at the side of the road exploding in a blaze of fire and spreading debri all around.

August 4218 - The entire nation is in shock and awe after a ruthless terrorist attack has struck the largest city in Vanuku. A terrorist bomber in a vehicle has detonated himself while being parked stationary at the side of the local summer wine and cheese fair. The blast killed twenty-eight people, with over seventy wounded. Of those at least twenty are in critical condition. The blast, being of such potency, has still left a lot of mystery over the death toll. The Prinsenaard police has adviced people to remain at home and put in reports of missing family members. The government has put out a statement fiercely condemning the assault, saying their thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims. As of now no organization or nation has taken responsibility for the act, yet the government has assured the press that the domestic department of the SSA is on top of the case. After many decades of peace in domestic Vanuku it seems that terrorism has returned. The enemies of the state are banding together and using cowardly tactics to bring the mighty lion to her knees. But she will not knee. The entire team of Forwards Vanuku is praying for the victims and their families. Long live the King.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Mon Jul 24, 2017 12:14 am (for Zanz and whoever else wants to feel that Jelbic hype)

The King rises, the Lion roars
After short squabble with far-left radicalists nation once more under Crown Party control.

King Wrntukai IV, the eldest son of the last monarch Kezkai II. Over a decade ago the ambitious Wrntukai was denied the throne, now at the age of 58 he finally seats his rightful throne.

December 4245 - The past decade and a half have been quiet on the Vanukean front. A few years before the decline of one of Terra's titan it was decided by the frail King Kezkai II, during the last stage of his terminal illness, that he would allow a more democratic Vanuku. A kingdom based on the powers of democracy, where the people had a choice. The leadership of the Crown Party, under the young and ambitious Gerda Verhoeven, reluctantly accepted the proposal. After the election results the Crown Party still held half of the parliament yet the party was in disarray. After the King died his successor was unable to inherit the throne, since it requires a two-third majority to sign the new King into the consitution as the rightful monarch. A proposal blocked by the far-left radicals that had seeped into the halls of parliament. Internal squabbling was then the final stroke for the Crown Party; it faded into nothingness. With the Crown Party reduced to an entity only active in local municipality elections the radicalists had free reign. The Archduke Wrntukai and his family fled the nation, taking residence in the Republic of New Verham, an impoverished nation with close ties to the royal family. From this far away sunny republic in Dovani the king-to-be had only one choice: reorganize and plan his return. The old party leadership was brought together, with Verhoeven at the rear. The Archduke used his personal funds to get more ambitious young Vanukeans and a deliberate plan was made. Regain the coherency of the party, set up an ambitious election plan and in due time participate and hopefully win the elections. The prepartion took many years but after a decade the Archduke returned to his native nation of Vanuku. Elections were held, with Verhoeven at the rear, and a great victory was to be had with the Crown Party seizing 90% of the seats in the Grand Council. Verhoeven spoke of a "total and decisive victory over the forces of communism" and immediately set to restoring the nation to greatness. She set economic experts on reworking taxes and the budget while passing reform after reform to regain some of the old Vanukean glory. Now two years later she has resigned her post of Prefect with a simple statement saying she failed a decade ago but has undone her damage now. She left it to the now King Wrntukai IV to decide her successor.

Duke Aldrkai van Nachten at the first cabinet meeting of his cabinet.

King Wrntukai however was not as keen on democracy as his father, he is often cited stating that "democracy is inherently flawed and only useful in insanely small quantities". To political experts it was only logical he chose a like-minded successor. The Duke of Nachten, Aldrkai van Nachten, seemed to be the perfect candidate. The Duke is now 45 years old and a firm authoritarian and royalist, often citing the "old order" as the right way to govern a nation. But even though he despises democracy he seems to be a "benevolent authoritarian", being a fierce proponent of social security, liberal social policies and progressive civil liberties. The King and the Duke together assembled a cabinet, which includes a surprising amount of (restored) nobility. Time can only tell how the old order will find their way in the new order.

Minister of War Prince Mrlkai Banmek-Sntazed announces "resurgence plan"
New policy of the Ministry of War to be on long-range projection, including development of new ICBM's.

Vanukean reserves during a checkpoint exercise in the eastern part of Vanuku, one of countless of exercises held both nationally and internationally.

December 4245 - The Minister of War Prince Mrlkai Banmek-Sntazed, a cousin of the King, has announced a widespread plan to bring Vanuku's military back on top level. Prince Mrlkai is a career military officer who retired as a Colonel and divisional commander before retiring after the death of King Kezkai II. With the return of his cousin Wrntukai he has returned too, agreeing with his cousin and the new Prefect to assume the position as Minister of War. With his university education and "in the field" experience as a military officer there is no one else more qualified to take up the position according to Prefect van Nachten. In his plans the new Minister has announced several big projects, the first of which has already kickstarted as several elements of the Armed Forces are in Kazulia in a joint-exercise with the Kazulian forces. This exercise has also been called a diplomatic breakthrough, as two former rather hostile nations are now working together. In the nation itself there are also many exercises going on to get the Armed Forces back in shape and the Minister already stated "large investments" will be done in new equipment and hardware. According to inside sources Vanuku wishes to develop new ICBM's with a longer range and a more potent payload as well as expand the naval forces, historically Vanuku's strongest asset. A last bit of information was that Vanuku feels it is lagging behind on the new advanced fighter programs around the globe, with Hutori and Istalia acquiring new advanced fighters. Perhaps a Vanukean program will surface soon. For now however those plans are left secret as the cabinet is discussing the new military budget.

Sanctions against Istalia
Vanuku to battle against imperialism across the globe.

Vanuku's widespread international trade will no longer venture to Istalia and their allies might follow.

December 4245 - Prefect van Nachten declared that the Kingdom of Vanuku will set sanctions against the Republic of Istalia for "countless counts of imperialism, limiting global self-determination and assaulting the sovereignty of nations across Terra". The announcement came rather unexpected as the Kingdom is only rebuilding after several large setbacks throughout the last decade. However, even though the state of Vanuku has been off the international stage their trade has been continuing at the same level. Many were surprised that the radical leftist government in place during the last ten years did not nationalize all businesses and let private ventures continue their businesses freely, although slightly hampered by increased corporate tax the many trade corporations that Vanuku has continued their business as usual. The financial crisis that struck the globe a few decades before has toughened Vanuku's economy against the slight tax increase with some corporations even noting growth during the last ten years.

With the King and Prefect firmly in place with 90% of the parliament in control they decided enough was enough. Many years ago the Kingdom fought against Istalian imperialism, boldly defending the right of self-determination across the globe by protecting nations such as Saridan in their toughest times. Now the government has chosen Vorona as a nation in distress. "Istalia once more decides they are the rulers of this planet, seeking to instill their will upon the free peoples across the globe, we will not stand for that, we will protect the weaker nations against the bully that is Istalian imperialism like we have done before, that is our duty and our plight." said Prefect van Nachten in a press conference. For now the government has stated they will only issue sanctions, yet the feared First Fleet has left port and is presumably setting sail to Seleya. It is expected that Vanuku will put their navy in between Vorona and Istalia to block any attempts of military intervention. According to cabinet spokesperson the nation of Istalia has been warned that military intervention will be seen as an act of war.

New Minister of Foreign Affairs: Léopold d'Orleans-Vasser
Controversial Rildanorian multi-millionaire and politician finds new home in Vanuku.

The Rildanorian immigrant Léopold d'Orléans-Vasser at the first cabinet meeting as the new Minister of Foreign Affairs.

December 4245 - He made his fortune in Rildanor, he had a long career in Rildanor, he entered politics in Rildanor, his own party even sat in two governments. Yet Léopold d'Orléans-Vasser was never able to fulfill his dream of becoming President of Rildanor, nor did his party Arise Rildanor become the biggest party. Two times the Canrillaise royal came close to winning the presidency. After the disappearance of his uncle Jean Badouin from the political scene and seeing his cousin Jessica become President for the second time the eccentric Léopold had enough. He disbanded his party and for a moment seemed to simply retire. He traveled across the world for a time, seeming to take some time off. In New Verham he caught the eye of an associate of King Wrntukai IV, who was close to returning to Vanuku at that point. The associate arranged a meeting between the two royals and in the end it turned out the two men had a lot in common. A deal was struck, d'Orléans-Vasser would move his vast real estate and banking empire to Vanuku and he would be made a citizen and given a prestigious post in one of the most powerful nations across the globe. Upon the crowning of King Wrntukai IV it was even announced that Léopold was given the privilege to call himself a "Prince", a rare honour sometimes bestowed upon nobles of dethroned houses who lost the privilege of their noble titles at home.

The King and Prince seem to get along fine and the new Prefect, the Duke of Nachten, is a man with similar political views to the Canrillaise Prince. On some fronts they disagree yet in all d'Orléans-Vasser has impressed his Vanukean hosts, a feat that gave him the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs. One of the most prestigious and influential posts within the cabinet. It was Prince Léopold that was the driving force behind the sanctions on Istalia according to inside sources, his first big political feat in his new nation. His quick rise to success in Vanuku has not yet led to any comments from his family in Rildanor, although some are sure that his uncle Jean Badouin will be seething to see his nephew do so well.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:58 pm

How Vanuku will defend itself: the Prince's Plan
Prince Mrlkai Banmek-Sntazed's plan to "modernize military beyond all modern levels."

The Ztarmojad IV being tested above the Verranderlijke Ocean, the new nuclear deterrant is only 1/5th of the Prince's Plan.

November 4247 - Today the Kingdom of Vanuku has shocked the world by making a risky moves during times with tensions running high. The monarchist state has tested a new ICBM in the Verranderlijke Ocean, sources from the Ministry of War confirmed that the new ICBM's are armed with conventional warheads and more refined hardware and software making it one of the most advanced nuclear weapons on the globe. The Ztjarmojad, Jelbic for Scourge, was first developed during the times of the Principality of Vanuku. The current model has been in use for a very long time. So far however, Vanuku has never used a nuclear weapon in any war, focusing on conventional conflicts. With the introduction of the Ztjarmojad IV however, the Prince and King both stated that "when a situation arises where Vanuku needs to defend itself, the Jelbic Scourge will find her enemies."

The S-10 Tanhri, an experimental fifth generation light stealth fighter jet currently being developed.

Another big part of the Prince's Plan is a massive upgrade for the Air Forces. The Prince-Minister announced that a joint project will be kickstarted with Kazulia to develop a new kind of fighter jet, dubbed by him as a "sixth generation" aircraft. Experts however say it will simply be a fifth generation multi-role fighter, details on that project are still unknown. Several details have come out about the S-10 Tanhri, named after the Jelbic sky god of old. The S-10 is a light and nimble stealth fighter, being much smaller than the existing stealth fighters within the Vanukean armament. The commander of the Air Forces disclosed some details on this project, stating that "a changing world has changing strategies". The S-10, with its small size, is noted as being the perfect fighter jet to be placed upon aircraft carriers. Perhaps this is an indication that the Kingdom of Vanuku is steering towards a long-distance projection strategy. The S-10 will accompany the current Z-35's that are already in service, with several homegrown copies being made to replace older models.

Cavalry in the north east of Vanuku, even today the Kingdom finds ways to combine the Jelbic ways with modern warfare as the cavalry militia shows.

Other parts of the Prince's Plan are further developing the impeccable AG-70 assault rifle, with a contract already being granted to the Defence Factory Nachten. Better body armour is to be expected for infantry and the armoured divisions will be expanded with a focus on mechanization, IFV's and APC's. All in all it can be said that the Kingdom is steering towards an era of militarization. More men and women are being contracted every day now that the wages of the Armed Forces have been raised, the many exercises introduced two years ago are also still on-going and will continue for the time being to re-train all units of the Armed Forces. Many people fear escalation, with the Republic of Istalia continuing to attack Vanuku on the international scheme. The military build up is a clear response to Istalian imperialism according to government sources.

Embassy in Adelia (Hutori), harsh words against Istalia
Prince-Minister d'Orléans-Vasser makes monarchist statement with new embassy, scolds Istalia.

A humble building marks the new Vanukean embassy in Hutori, located in the monarchist state of Adelia.

November 4247 - In a move to promote monarchism across the world the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prince Léopold d'Orléans-Vasser, has stated that the Vanukean embassy in the Republic of Hutori will be moved to the state of Adelia. The region of Adelia has a right of self-determination within the Republic of Hutori and has recently crowned a King, Richard of House Steuart-Acton. With monarchies across the globe falling the state of Vanuku has said they will "honour all monarchies across the globe" and have therefore moved their embassy. All official contact of Vanuku with Hutori will therefore happen through the sovereign region of Adelia.

In a further note the Minister of Foreign Affairs also scolded Istalia for their "warmongering" and "baseless accusations". D'Orléans-Vasser was not pleased with recent statements made in the Istalian press about Vanuku. "They publish lies and deceit to slander our nation, to slander our foreign policy, they compare us to slavers, criminals and thieves and claim we support dictatorships while all we do is grant the right of self-determination and sovereignty to nations with democratically elected governments, no matter their claims the government in Vorona had a democratic mandate. We will fight for these nations and we ask Istalia to tone down their blatant imperialism, they go across the globe spreading their own will, while we respect these nations, they complain about slavery in Vorona and deploy military ships near their nation but what of the Eilomax company on their own continent? They are blind imperialists only driven by their own agenda."
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby JuliaAJA » Fri Jul 28, 2017 7:18 pm

Nationaalsocialistische Partij Founded
How the NSP plans to empower workers and strengthen the nation.

April 4248 - Last night on a popular online talk show, a man named Felix Zanzler announced the formation of a new party with the stated goal of a strong and pure Vanuku upon which the Sun never sets. He spoke of strong support for workers' rights, an impenetrable border, and a plan to conquer all of Majatra. He promised to strengthen Vanuku's border defenses, deport troublesome immigrants, and to remove radical Ahmadis from Vanuku. When asked about the monarchy, he pledged his undying support for the institution.

One of the more notable things Mr. Zanzler said during the interview, "We must purify our water as we seek to purify our nation and we must avoid the looming specter of gay frogs."

Felix Zanzler on a popular online talk show
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Tue Sep 12, 2017 10:14 pm

Political stability returns with King Juhn VIII and Count Kárak at helm
Passing of "Good King Juhn" a chance for "Vanuku to find itself once more"

King Juhn VIII (centre) with Count Kárak (left of the King) and the new cabinet entering parliament.

June 4271 - The last century the Kingdom of Vanuku has been one of the most politically unstable nations in the world. Communists, fascists, socialists and other radicalists have all tried to seize power and leave their mark. Yet none of them lasted long, as the successor of the Crown Party, the strong Greater Nationalist Party, was always fighting for the liberty and strength of the Kingdom. Now their enemies lay defeated and they control parliament with all 225 seats, as is Vanukean tradition for the Crown Party. Though this success was subdued by a tragedy, the passing of Good King Juhn. The affectionate nickname of King Juhn VII was earned for his love for the people, charismatic personality and generous nature. Though his mild-mannered and timid approach never made him a lasting influence on Vanukean politics, instead his more ferocious brother Prince Mrlkai (later elected in Pontesi) took charge. Now all of them lay dead, defeated by time and age.

The former Archduke Juhn has now taken the throne as the eight Juhn to do so in Vanukean history. King Juhn VIII is a more assertive and nationalistic monarch, seeking to regain the upper hand in Majatran politics with his proud nation. Because the Kingdom may have had political instability, the funding of the Armed Forces was never cut short. The King assigned the ambitious leader of the Greater Nationalist Party, Count Hzíakai Kárak, as the new Prefect. Count Kárak, a fiery and ambitious man known for his great intellect, filled the cabinet with qualified people and nobles alike; the perfect cabinet for a monarchist Vanuku. Notable additions are the Duke of Zanten on Foreign Affairs and Admiral Trmékez on Defence. The old Admiral, of both Coburan and Wrnukék descent, is known as a eccentric naval commander and theorist, having propagated for radical new naval theories and further expansion of the Vanukean navy. With him at the helm of the Armed Forces it is very likely this will become reality, giving the Prince's Plan of a few decades ago a more naval theme.

A Vanukean light tank during an exercise in Eastern Vanuku.

Count Kárak has already ordered the Admiral to deploy the First Fleet in the Majatran Sea, to quote "shield Barmenia from foreign threats". The Count has stated that Jelbic nations like Barmenia are "weaker but even so deserving of our compassion and assistance". It is rumoured that the Count intends to revive several old alliances and focus on a "Northern Majatran hemisphere" with Vanuku, at least attempting to unite the Jelbic nations. The Count also reacted positively to the Indralan initiative to rekindle old ties. But most of all the Count insisted that "Vanuku will battle for sovereignty and self-determination across the globe, for the betterment of the world and the people living on it, for all men are born free and must make their own decisions". The Count did not specifically lash out against Istalia, an ancient adversary of Vanuku, but did note that "Istalians are good at heart but too hard-pressed in enforcing their way of life upon others".
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Wed Sep 13, 2017 5:31 pm

HMVS Támnr to be retired
Three new carriers to be built.

The new carriers, to be dubbed the Támnr-class, are essentially reverse engineered HMVS Támnr's with modern upgrades. The original Támnr was built in Trigunia as a joint project with Dorvik and Vanuku.

October 4271 - The Minister of Defence, Admiral Krly Trmékez, has announced plans to retire the flagship of the Vanukean navy. The supercarrier was once built by Trigunia in a joint adventure with Dorvik and Vanuku where each nation applied their expertise to the large project. For a long time the formidable carrier has served as lead ship of the First Fleet. For centuries the First Fleet is known across the globe as a naval force to be reckoned with, being involved in countless conflicts with often great success. Nowadays the First Fleet serves as Vanuku's "shield" to guard weaker nations, whenever a nation friendly to Vanuku is threatened by a foreign power the First Fleet is always quickly deployed to deter foreign intervention.

The experienced Admiral has come up with a new doctrine for Vanuku's navy, already dubbed the Trmékez Doctrine internally, calling for three carriers instead of one. Instead of one main fleet with several auxilliary fleets the Admiral wishes to have three smaller fleets each led by a Támnr-class carrier. Having three fleets greatly enhances the effectiveness of the Vanukean navy and the ability to project across the globe, something the restored regime is very interested in. The current Támnr will be expected to serve for twenty more years until the first new carrier can be put into service, so for now the work horse of the Vanukean navy will be around for a little longer.

As previously stated the Támnr-class is a reverse engineered copy of the HMVS Támnr with modern updates. A stronger hull structure, a more streamlined deck, more advanced radar and anti-air defences as well as more refined electronics will be combined with the new aircraft carrier jets. The Z-35 will remain in service but will hopefully be accompanied by a design specifically for aircraft carriers to enhance combat effectiveness. More modern technology should also make it able to decrease the number of crewmen necessary to run a carrier like the Támnr. The Admiral has already announced that the first Támnr-class carrier will receive the name Támnr II, as the name has a special meaning for the modern Vanukean navy.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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