New Endralon and Kizenia

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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby General.M » Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:38 pm

Landowner brutally murdered!
Car of the killed family
Today, a landowner in Kiania was brutally killed when he was going to a restaurant with his family. The landowner, wife and his two children were killed. The land will be inherited by the father of the killed landowner according to the mans will. At 6 pm they left from their villa to the south, with the destination of Deporci. Unfortunately they never arrived. The family reserved a spot in the restaurant at 7 pm. When they did not arrive, an employee called the family and eventually the police. The wrecked car was found at 9:56 pm. The police suspect that this is another attack of the Red Claw Movement. According to the shooting holes there were two shooters, one from the right side of the car and one from the front. The police is still investigating but it is unlikely that the killers will ever be caught.
Situation slowly escalating in Tiania
According to our observers the situation in Tiania is slowly escalating. Rumors have been heard about Red Star rebels gaining control of the mountain area in northern Tiania. The police of Tiania is working hard to keep this communist terror group under control. In the last months the communists have destabilised the region by burning farms owned by New Endrolians. The communists claim that the colonization still leaves its toll on the suppressed Kizenians.
Last edited by General.M on Thu Jun 22, 2017 7:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Libertären Partei (Dorvik)(inactive)
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby General.M » Fri Jun 09, 2017 2:41 pm

Terrorist attack in  Cetatea Albă
8 death, 56 wounded
The trade center of New Endralon/Kizenia

Today, disaster stroke in Cetatea Albă. The increasingly active communist terror group, Red Star Movement, has made its biggest attack yet. At 12:23 pm a van parked in front of the trade center of Kizenia exploded and killed 8 people. Furthermore, 56 people were wounded, under which the CEO of the security company Solozain. 12 of the wounded are in life danger.
The white van was parked at 11:33 in front of the entrance of the trade center. The van was filled with C-4 and was surrounded with bags of nails, which were launched as highly dangerous shrapnel in the explosion. When the businessmen went out for lunch the van exploded.
The national federal assembly has announced the state of emergency and it has been reported that troops are moving to the north of Tiania.
Libertären Partei (Dorvik)(inactive)
Republikeinse Partij / Rekvaknsé Prta (Vanuku)(inactive)
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby General.M » Sat Jun 17, 2017 7:35 pm

Aircraft carriers off duty


Today the 3 small aircraft carriers of New Endralon/Kizenia have retired. The aircraft carriers were manufactored in 4194 but were neglected by the former government. Today the 3 aircraft cariers were on their last mission for the confederate navy. The carriers went from their northern sea to the harbor of Tottori. There, two carriers will be dismanteled and the usefull parts reused and the useless parts recycled. One aircraft carrier will be stored in the harbor of Tottori for educational purposes as a museum for the navy.
Libertären Partei (Dorvik)(inactive)
Republikeinse Partij / Rekvaknsé Prta (Vanuku)(inactive)
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby General.M » Mon Jun 19, 2017 12:54 pm

New airport of Cetatea Albâ construction started
Plans for the new airport
The International Airways Group (IAG) has finished talks with the local government. The IAG is a cooperation between the big players in the aviation sector. The IAG is famous for building new better airports in all of terra to encourage more use of aviation services. The airport of Cetatea Albâ will consist of a big terminal and five lanes, all of which can house the biggest planes in terra. The airport will be located east of Cetatea Albâ, close to the industrial zone of the city. This is to decrease noise disturbance in the residential zone of the capital. The project is scheduled to take no longer than three years, with the posibility for planes tot land from the second year. The total costs are unknown but are estimated to be around 30 billion NED.
Libertären Partei (Dorvik)(inactive)
Republikeinse Partij / Rekvaknsé Prta (Vanuku)(inactive)
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby General.M » Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:19 am

New bridge will be build in Cetatea Albâ
Artist impression of the new bridge
The minister of infrastructure has announced the building of a new bridge in the center of Cetatea Albâ. This is a reaction at the replacement of the old airport in the west to a new airport in the east. As this will increase traffic to the tourist area in the west it was projected that the city traffic would come to a halt. The bridge will have three lanes on each side and the project will end in two years. The money will be used out of the budget for infrastructure.
Libertären Partei (Dorvik)(inactive)
Republikeinse Partij / Rekvaknsé Prta (Vanuku)(inactive)
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby General.M » Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:05 pm

Confederate Defence Group founded
Governmental defence group will focus on research
Florin Lupul, the director of the Confederate Defence Group, taking the oath for protecting Kizenia, New Endralon and Kuzaki.

The government of Kizenia/New Endralon has founded the Confederate Defence Group. The CDG is planned to become the main supplier of weapons to Kizenia/New Endralon. But, because Kizenia/New Endralon has no curent information on how to build weapons, it will mainly fixate on research for the first couple of years. This will be done by gaining information of the current weapons of the military, gaining information on other military industries and hopefully shared information of allies. The government has obligated the CDG to focus research on naval equipment because Kizenia/New Endralon is on the Island of Keris and its two neighbours are too weak to form a threat of relationships worsen.
The post of director will be taken by the 57 year old Florin Lupul from Tottori. Lupul has gained his stripes in the intelligence agency of the Confederal Army. This causes people to believe that the intelligence agency of Kizenia/New Endralon has been collecting information of other nations to prepare for the CDG. Only time will tell if the CDG will release his own weapons or that they will be mere copies of other weapons.
Last edited by General.M on Fri Jul 07, 2017 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Libertären Partei (Dorvik)(inactive)
Republikeinse Partij / Rekvaknsé Prta (Vanuku)(inactive)
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby General.M » Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:10 am

The football federation of New Endralon/Kizenia unveiles its new outfit
Home (L) and Away (R)
Today the Football Assosiation of New Endralon/Kizenia (FANEK) reveiled its outfit for the World cup of 4235. The first match is against the Unholy Davostan Empire, known for its rough play and political sphere around the match. The FANEK also announced the coach of the team. The coach will be the 43 year old Alin Ioveanu, former coach of the succesfull Trei Rauri United. He is know for his fast attacking style. He primarily uses the 4-3-3 system with fast counters.
Libertären Partei (Dorvik)(inactive)
Republikeinse Partij / Rekvaknsé Prta (Vanuku)(inactive)
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby Leonidas II » Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:39 pm


Cetatea Albă - After gaining enough support, the Uniunea Democrată Națională din Confederația (National Democratic Union) has announced to participate in the May 4236 elections. The party is the first to seriously battle the Partidul Libertarian in an election since May 4218. The party generally exists of left idealists and centrist progressives. Party leader Beniamin Naciu declares: ''The people of New Endralon are done with 15 years of libertarian governance! No longer do the people of our wonderfull nation have only one choice: We will profilate ourselves as a valuable alternative for the right. New Endralon is ready for a government that ensures world-class Healthcare and Education for all!''.

The party was founded as a place for left-progressive activists to share their thoughts and views on the future of New Endralon. These people often felt not represented by the libertarian government. In the months after its foundation, the UDN became one of the main topics of conversation after many remarkable protests against the one-party state. Enjoying this publicity, the party advertised themselves as the left alternative for the libertarian government. A while later, the UDN became the party with the most support on the left. This achievement led to the announcement of Beniamin Naciu in which he declares the UDN will participate in the upcoming elections.

The announcement was pretty much expected; there had been many speculations around a possible participation of the UDN. But there was still a little relief when party leader Naicu finally declared: ''Our movement has reached a milestone; we have recently become the biggest party on the left, and therewith profilated ourselves as the most popular alternative for the libertarian government that has been governing for 15 years. (...)The surge in our support has led to the decision that the UDN is officially participating in the upcoming elections! We will debate and fight our libertarian collegues and try to achieve the ultimate goal: end up in the United Assembly. ''

Prospects are looking good for the UDN, many polls show a seat gain of around 30; with some even going over the 40. The historically polls can be explained according to Nicolae Húnisz, professor of public siences at the University of Cetatea Albă:''The message of a revolution and big changes Always attract a large audience''.
Last edited by Leonidas II on Sun Jul 02, 2017 11:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby Leonidas II » Sat Jul 01, 2017 5:16 pm


Cetatea Albă - Prior to the 4236 elections, the Uniunea Democrată Națională has presented its party programme at its headquarters in Cetatea Albă. The proposed legislation differs a lot from the current government policy and is judged by experts to be ''a swing to the left''. The most notable points are: the creation of public healthcare, spending cuts for defence and regulation of the economy.

The presentation was expected to take place at the conference room of the headquarters, but due to much attendance by journalists the presentation was moved to the central hall of the building. At one o'clock the party programme finally became public and is, as expected, very different than the current government policies. However, the plans have been send to the Central Statistics Bureau which declared them executable. The catch is: a complete reform of the taxation system, which will herald a period of progressive taxation.

One of the main points is the creation of a public healthcare system. The UDN programme states that the current healthcare system is ''Exploiting the middle and lower class in order to serve the richest 10%. (...) A public healthcare system will ensure the lease fortunate of quality healthcare and exist along with private clinics''. The programme refers multiple times to other nations which have created a public healthcare system and the social and economic successes they have made with it. Whether the plan will be a succes for the Confederation is yet to be determined.

Another important point discussed in the programme is a small spending raise for all ministries, accept the Ministry of Defence. According to the UDN, the Army is already getting enough money, and the current funds can be cut if the Confederation commits itself to more millitary treaties ensuring ourselves with backup from other nations in case the Confederation is under attack. In that case, the government does not need to completely protect its borders herself. By establishing such alliances, the UDN expects to cut millitary spending with over 100 trillion NED.

Hercules Chanicoglcu, financial editor at the Kizenian Herald, discusses the other important point with us; regulation of the economy. ''The UDN states that the current economic system, the free market economy, is taking advantage of its right to determine salary and working conditions by itself. They say the workers of the Confederation deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. The UDN sees that the only way to achieve such an economy is through regulation. However, the UDN says they want to leave a big role for the private sector as well, because no nation can function with a complete plan economy, and that is not what they try to establish''.

To finance all these major changes, the UDN already has created a new tax system, which is more progressive than the current flat tax. The more income, the more tax. Nonetheless, these taxes run up to a maximum of 27%. Further tax adjustments involve a 5% raise in corporations- and luxury tax. The question is whether the UDN will be able to execute their programme entirely, since they will need an absolute majority in the United Assembly to pass it. This puts extra pressure on the upcoming election against the Partidul Libertarian, in which they are slowly coming close in the polls with their previous mentioned biggest competitor.
Last edited by Leonidas II on Sun Jul 02, 2017 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Leonidas II
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Postby Leonidas II » Sun Jul 02, 2017 6:20 pm



Cetatea Albă - The latest election polls came in, and they show a small victory for the LP with 57 against 43 seats. These poll is a combination of the polls made by the five biggest polling stations around the country. Even though the UDN's support was growing strong, its succes has stagnated with the LP 7 seats closer to electoral victory. With just one week to go untill the General Elections, polling bureaus expect the polls to change with approximately 2 or 1 seats. This result shows a clear LP victory, granting them 4 extra years in office. However, the coalition is expected to loose its constitutional majority.

Support for the left UDN has grown strongly since the past half year prior to the 4236 elections. Even though many left voters are expected to vote again for the first in 15 years, their numbers are probably too little to outnumber the right-wing voters. The UDN has tried to win over the right voters to their side by depicting the LP as an extreme-right party. However, some UDN main points are judged to be too left for many LP voters or abstainers. This results in a stagnating number of support for the UDN, which seems to have reached its electoral momentum climax.

The following table shows the development of the election polls over the past 21 weeks.
Weeks until the elections - UDN seats - LP seats
Week 21: 24 - 76
Week 18: 27 - 73
Week 15: 31 - 69
Week 12: 35 - 65
Week 09: 37 - 63
Week 07: 41 - 59
Week 05: 43 - 57
Week 04: 43 - 57
Week 03: 41 - 59
Week 02: 45 - 55
Week 01: 43 - 57

This news update was brought to you by the Confederate Central News Network (CCNN)
Last edited by Leonidas II on Sun Jul 02, 2017 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Leonidas II
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