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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Sat Jul 01, 2017 3:22 am



Good evening and I'm Patrick White with HBC. Joining me tonight in the HBC News Room is of course our political analysis team including Veronica Simmonds from the Leah Ross School of Political Science, Andrew Martin, our HBC Polling Expert and savant, and Richard Clark, former Chief of Staff to a number of Senators, Ministers and Premiers. Our experts will be joining me in watching the returns from the Presidential, Senate and Provincial races as they come in. Initial exit polls state that we had over 60 million ballots cast, putting voter turn out at over 80%, a magnificent margin as we've ever seen. Eyes now turn to Roccato as the returns have begun to roll in.



Patrick White: At dissolution Roccato was governed by a NPP Minority Government with a fairly potent Conservative Opposition bench with a 3 seat margin. In third was the HPP with 24 seats who held considerable sway themselves, the Hutori Progressives had 17 and the Federalists had 16. So it was actually a fairly even Province in terms of seat distribution though from what I'm aware the Premier didn't have an easy time of running it.

Richard Clark: That's right Patrick. We saw this time after time with the Conservatives and Federalists who voted together on effectively every issue. Together they had a very potent 46 seats and the HPP voted with the Conservatives and Federalists on a number of issues which honestly makes a lot of sense. The NPP won Roccato because of their leftist views on Big Government and Progressive social views, which are two of the most important issues that citizens of Roccato feel strongest about. The Conservatives were some of the biggest advocates for bringing more power from Bekenial to Kincardine and the HPP heavily agreed with them. When you get a combined Opposition of 54 votes from the offset, if you aren't dancing to the Opposition's tune you aren't getting much passed. That sort of instability may come back to haunt the NPP this time around, a government that doesn't accomplish much often isn't returned to Sutton House.

Andrew Martin: What makes Roccato so interesting here is that 4 years ago Kim Bokota won it in the first round winning 3.6 million votes and she only increased that total in the second round when a great many of the Platt and Green supporters showed up to cast their second round ballots. The Conservatives also relied on Roccato as a major bastion of their support; Richard Steuart came in a close second in the Province winning 3.3 million votes there and provided the lionshare of support that President Carmichael has got in the second round as almost all Conservatives voters showed up to give their support to him. With the Conservatives not fielding any candidate this year there is a good chance as long as Conservative support holds up Carmichael might be able to pull out an early first round victory.

Veronica Simmonds: Most interesting for me is that the Social Liberals had no presence in Roccato four years ago. I think Martin McCaskill got 50,000 votes Provincewide, didn't elect a single Senator from the Province and had no presence at Sutton House in Kincardine. They were new, they were raw, but they were also the only environmentalist Party to speak of which I think should translate into some votes this time around as Rocatto considers the Environment one of their top election issues, which makes sense considering Global Cooling and the particularly harsh winters that it has to go through.

P.W.: As the returns are coming in it looks like its going to be a disappointing finish for President Bokota as it looks like former President Jason Carmichael is going to win the 1st round in Roccato by fairly convincing numbers. There is a very tight race for control of Sutton House but it looks like the NPP Premier is ultimately going to lose as the Roccato Progressives have squeaked out a one seat victory over the NPP by a margin barely 7,000 votes.

Presidential Race

1st Round
1. Jason Carmichael - 4.1 Million Votes
2. Ali Khosravi - 2.3 Million Votes
3. Kim Bokota - 2.3 Million Votes
4. Warren Platt - 1.4 Million Votes
5. Martin McCaskill - 1.1 Million Votes

Roccato Seat Counts

RP - 25 seats (+8)
NPP - 24 seats (-9)
FP - 23 seats (+7)
CPR - 21 seats (-9)
RPP - 15 seats (-9)
SLP - 12 seats (+12)

RESULT: Roccato Progressives Minority Government

Post Analysis

RC: This one probably stings for the NPP. Kim Bokota took this with over 3 and a half million votes 4 years ago. This time she finished in 3rd behind the Progressives, a Party her own almost beat by double back 4230 and the NPP Premier is out of a job after two terms, again losing to the Progressive, by only a single seat and under 10,000 votes.

VS: I think a great deal of this has to do with the surprisingly good show by the SLP. Like I predicted they are the only environmentalist Party out there, McCaskill got over a million votes, all that could have been drawn from Bokota though I think he also drew in some HPP support. The Roccato Social Liberals also now have a decent caucus, taking 10% of the seats.

AM: This will definitely be the Province to watch for the next several years. Together the "leftist" parties have a combined 61 seats when we don't count the Rocatto Proletarian Party, so the Roccato Progressive Premier should have a fairly simple matter of passing budgets and confidence votes but its only going to take a single dissenter from the NPP or SLP to topple him, so I'm expecting to see some pretty big concessions to keep the Province running.

PW: Attention now turns to Kenai.



PW: Kenai at dissolution had a powerful Federalist minority government in place with 46 seats though that was a step down from the majority mandate they had held 4 year prior. The Kenai Proletarians were also a very potent Opposition holding 38 Seats in the Kenai Assembly in Saint Adrian. The National Progress Party held 20 seats, while the Conservative Party of Kenai held 16 seats of their own. The Social Liberal and Kenai Progressive neither had any elected MLAs or Senators from Kenai in the last sitting.

AM: The big help for Premier Martin is that Kenai, like Adelia, are heavy internationalist Provinces. They have major ports and do a lot of international trade between the east and west respectively. They tapped into that and their business creds to hold onto a very viable coalition. It also helps with the huge military presence in Port Prosperity and Wrightstown, the military voting bloc have been cornerstones of the Federalists and Conservative voting blocs for years. This was the Province that President Carmichael had won with 6.5 million votes in 26 and he still won the Province with 5 million votes 4 years ago. The closest competition was Warren Platt who pulled in a fairly impressive 4.1 million. President Bokota only obtained 2.1 million votes here in the 1st round and even with the injection of Platt's supporters still lost it to Carmichael by almost three quarters of a million votes.

RC: It's fairly interesting note in Kenai that Premier Windsor never really "lost" his majority. Yes his caucus only held 46 seats but where had those seats gone? To the Conservatives, literally all 16 of them. The Conservatives supported Windsor in every confidence and budget Bill he put through the Assembly for 4 years. He may have had a de-jure minority, but he definitely had a working majority which is quite surprising as, despite its international outlooks, Kenai is traditionally a fairly "progressive" province and traditionally left wing parties do better then right.

VS: I think it made the Federalists a bit lazy though a bit lethargic as they might have. They haven't dealt with real opposition in over 8 years. This time around the SLP and KP are significantly better organized and will likely give the left a boost. Majority governments tend to get lazy and complacent after too many years in office and I think we may see that here tonight if the left puts a good showing.

PW: On that note the results are coming from across the Province. In the Presidential race it looks like President Carmichael will again win Kenai with Warren Platt coming in a strong second place in the Province and Martin McCaskill coming up in third actually ahead of both President Bokota and Ali Khosravi. HBC is also predicting that Premier Windsor and the Federalists will be re-elected to their second minority mandate.

Presidential Race

1. Jason Carmichael - 4.3 Million Votes
2. Warren Platt - 3 Million Votes
3. Martin McCaskill - 1.8 Million Votes
4. Ali Khosravi - 1.5 Million Votes
5. Kom Bokota - 1.2 Million Votes


1. Jason Carmichael - 8.4 Million Votes
2. Warren Platt - 4.4 Million Votes
3. Ali Khosravi - 3.8 Million Votes
4. Kim Bokota - 3.5 Million Votes
5. Martin McCaskill - 2.9 Million Votes

Kenai Seat Counts

FP - 34 seats (-12)
KPP - 30 seats (-8)
SLP - 18 seats (+18)
KP - 15 seats (+15)
NPP - 13 seats (-7)
CPK - 10 seats (-6)

RESULT: Federalist Party Minority Government

VS: This is exactly the type of result I was talking about, about the left getting organized. While the KPP and NPP did lost a combined 15 seats, Premier Michael Windsor's otherwise stable majority government is gone having lost 18 seats between himself and the Conservatives. I think this election was a message for the Premier and the message was clear that the voters of Kenai weren't happy and expected more. This was likely to punish him. He's going to have do a bit more wrangling and negotiating to get further with his caucus, probably cut deals with the SLP if I was to guess to keep his government solvent as the Conservatives alone just aren't going to cut it this time.

RC: This is going to have an interesting impact on the federal level to. Port Prosperity is the headquarters of the Federalists nationally, but their caucus here has been cut in half in the past 8 years. I think we'll find the conservative influences out of Adelia have hold a greater impact now. That's really interesting since President Carmichael himself is from Kenai, and while he won it, his provincial counterparts didn't have the same luck.

AM: I tell you though, if I was in President Bokota's camp I would be a little worried right now. President Carmichael is up over 4 million votes on his closest competitor and that competitor isn't her. Unless things change she might become the first Hutorian President in recent memory to NOT make it to the second round in her re-election bid. For President Carmichael it's definitely looking like that campaigning effort and support from the Conservatives is coming in handy as that's the second straight Province they've helped him convincingly win, it might not be the massive victory of 4 years ago but it's still damn impressive and we haven't even moved into the conservative heartland yet.

PW: On that note it would appear that across the Macon Mountains in Adelia the Polls are closing and we take our eyes to Hutori's southern Province.



PW: Now on the close, like in Kenai, the Federalists had a very powerful and potent minority government under Tim Partridge who has been Premier since his massive sweep in 26. Also like Kenai he had his Majority mandate lost in 30, losing half of his caucus. The Opposition Adelia Progressive held a fairly powerful 32 seat caucus. The NPP held 24 seats, mostly around Axminister while the APP held most of their 13 seats in or around Glentingham while the Conservative Party of Adelia's 9 seats were mostly focused in the suburbs of Acton and Bekenial.

VS: I think the last time Adelia was a bit of an anamoly. Premier Partridge lost half of his caucus, in 4226 he had a 79 seat majority government, he was literally a seat away from having an unbreakable supermajority, something that is effectively unheard of by a single party in Hutorian politics anymore. The Adelia Progressive actually did phenomially well province wide, in a province that rarely votes in left wing parties outside of Axminster at all. That they held such a powerful caucus at Williams Park for 4 years was a incredibly feat. Premier Partridge actually had to play nice a lot to get stuff done.

RC: Adelia however has always been the centre of Hutorian conservatism. Most right wing parties in Hutorian history use Adelia as their base and fortress and its rare that any Party beyond a right wing party holds Power in Acton in the Premier's chair. 46 Senators from Adelia also made up a full third of the Federalists caucus in the last sitting.

AM: I think most people were actually quite surprised how weak the Conservatives played out last time in Adelia. This is the centre of Hutorian conservatism and royalism but yet the Conservatives were only able to post 9 Senators to Bekenial and Richard Steuart actually came in dead last in the Presidential election in 30. This was one Province that no one could deny that Carmichael won in the 1st round. I think he beat Brandon Green by over a million votes at the end of the first round, but then the 2nd round, the shocking combined left vote actually won President Bokota the Province with 7.5 million votes. If she can repeat that again, she might still be competitive.

PW: The result are filtering in and it looks like President Carmichael is going to sweep Adelia by a significant margin here in the first round. President Bokota has come in a distant 2nd place followed by Warren Platt of the Proletarians. HBC is also making it's second prediction of the night that former President Jason Carmichael is going to win the 1st Round of the Presidential Race. It also looks like Premier Partridge will be easily returned as Premier of Adelia as HBC is predicting the Federalists have won the most amount at Williams Park.

Presidential Race

1. Jason Carmichael - 7.2 Million Votes
2. Kim Bokota - 2.1 Million Votes
3. Warren Platt - 1.1 Million Votes
4. Martin McCaskill - 1.1 Million Votes
5. Ali Khosravi - 614,000 Votes


1. Jason Carmichael 15.6 Million Votes
2. Warren Platt - 5.6 Million Votes
3. Kim Bokota - 4.6 Million Votes
4. Ali Khosravi - 4.4 Million Votes
5. Martin McCaskill - 4 Million Votes

Adelia Seat Counts

FP - 54 seats (+12)
NPP - 21 seats (-3)
CPA - 18 seats (+9)
APP - 11 seats (-2)
SLP - 10 seats (+10)
AP - 6 seats (-26)

RESULT: Federalist Party Minority Government

RC: If there is anyone surprised by this showing by the Federalists and Conservatives I would be surprised. Not only did Partridge easily keep his government, but he hugely increased his caucus size while the Conservatives doubled their own. I'm sure that the Premier is calling Amelia Woodbury and Richard Steuart as we speak because they campaigned heavily here not just for President Carmichael but also for a lot of provincial Federalists Senators in riding they knew were vulnerable.

VS: This is very possibly one of the biggest electoral collapses by a party I've seen in recent memory. The Adelia Progressives were not an active opposition after being handed a very strong Opposition Mandate by the Adelian voters and the one thing history had proven, with Adelia's constant flirtations with big right wing governments, Adelia is vindictive when it comes to punishment. It looks like the Federalists are now everywhere around the Province, the Conservatives have expanded their base in Bekenial and Acton. Even the "nice" voters in Axminster widely wiped out the Progressives handing most of their seats over to the SLP.

AM: I will say that the Progressive bad luck here in Adelia is good news for President Bokota. With the massive margin Carmichael is up this is now the fight for who will be challenging him in the second round and Hutori's traditionally left voters usually side with centre-left candidates. With the stalling of momentum by Khosravi and McCaskill not able to focus enough support together it looks like the fight to represent the left is going to come between Platt and Bokota. I also agree with my colleague, if President Carmichael wins this race, I promise you the first thing he's doing is calling Amelia Woodbury and giving her one hell of a thank you, because I think we can safely say the Conservatives endorsement are what allowed him to so easily win the first round.

PW: Pushing through the mountains now we turn our attention to mountain Lagard as the polls have begun to close.


PW: At dissolution the NPP held an immensely powerful minority position, holding 49 seats at Thomas House. The Opposition Federalists held just over half those seats at 25 seats with the SLP coming right up behind them with 23 seats. The LPP held 12 seats, the LP held 9 seats while the Conservatives only had a pair of MLAs and Senators in Constantine.

AM: This was the lynchpin for President Bokota four years ago. She took an easy first round win here winning five and a half million votes, and her second round victory was an even deeper landslide with the final tally being something like 8 million votes Province wide, the margin was just absolutely obscence. If the NPP was expecting to hold anywhere in Hutori Lagard was it.

RC: On that point I can't agree more. When the Federalists collapsed in 4230, the NPP were the ones ready and willing to step in and take the mantle in Constantine and did just that. The Premier has held a strong capable mandate throughout his term and I think he going to be ready to defend this ground. All the polls show that Lagard voters identify very closely with the NPP.

VS: If President Bokota is looking anywhere to secure the first round win, she couldn't have picked a better Province. The sheer margins she won by 4 years ago more or less nullified the advantage Carmichael has earned in Adelia and Kenai and I expect she's hoping to do the same.

PW: Word is just in, it does indeed look like President Kim Bokota will win Lagard in her race for President with former President Jason Carmichael coming in a very strong second place and Warren Platt coming up in third. At this point in time HBC is confident enough to predict that President Kim Bokota has finished in 2nd Place in the 1st Round of the Presidential Race and will go on to face Jason Carmichael in the 2nd Round. HBC is also predicting that the NPP Government will last another round and secure another minority mandate.

Presidential Race

1. Kim Bokota - 4.9 Million Votes
2. Jason Carmichael - 4.6 Million Votes
3. Warren Platt - 1.3 Million Votes
4. Ali Khosravi - 990,000 Votes
5. Martin McCaskill - 650,000 Votes


1. Jason Carmichael - 19.9 Million Votes
2. Kim Bokota - 9.5 Million Votes
3. Warren Platt - 6.9 Million Votes
4. Ali Khosravi - 5.4 Million Votes
5. Martin McCaskill - 4.6 Million Votes

Lagard Seat Counts

NPP - 49 seats (N/C)
FP - 35 seats (+10)
LPP - 12 seats (N/C)
LP - 9 seats (N/C)
CPL - 9 seats (+7)
SLP - 6 seats (-17)

RESULT: National Progress Party Minority Government

AM: Well I can't I'm entirely surprised by this result. The margins she won by 30 I think guaranteed she was going to take Lagard. Though I promise you there are a lot of people sweating bullets in Bokota's camp right now. I do not think she was expecting to lose by the huge margins she did here in the first round.

VS: Honestly the most surprising thing about this election result is the fact only the SLP lost seats in Lagard. The Lagard Progressives, Proletarians the National Progress Party all held their seat counts, but the SLP imploded here in the same way the Adelian Progressives did. I can promise you there is going to be some head scratching in Social Liberal headquarters as they try for the next four years to unravel this one.

RC: The NPP Premier was easily able to hold his majority and he has his pick of any coalition partner he wants, likely the Lagard Progressives and Social Liberals. At this point the only mystery left here is the prairies.

PW: The final polls in the nation are closing and we finally looking towards Falristan.



PW: At dissolution the National Progress Party held a minority mandate with 28 seats with a very strong Conservative Opposition holding 25 seats. The Falristan Progressives were close behind with 23 seats, the Falristan Proletarian and Federalists, centred around Saint John and Carter City respectively held onto a respectable 18 seats while the Social Liberal Party, mostly from Cork Town, held onto 8 seats.

RC: I know the NPP were worried about Falristan. Carter City loves their provincial responsibilities and have had a very loud opposition from the Conservatives, Federalists and Proletarians hammering at the NPP Premier for most of past 8 years demanding he stand up and stop cowing to Bekenial, and together the Opposition held 61 seats, enough for the NPP to have to make constant concessions to one of them to get anything done over most of the past four years.

VS: I know both the Conservatives and the SLP have been pushing to make real inroads here. The SLP want to move away from Cork Town alone and move into urban Carter City and Tremaine, really prove they can be a force at Carter City. The Conservatives Leader of the Official Opposition, Elias Velasco, is considered one hell of a scary firebrand and was considered for a cabinet position in Bekenial if he had run federally.

AM: We all know how the Presidential race is going to end here. Unless Warren Platt can sweep the entire left wing vote President Bokota already has it.

PW: The last polls are in and I can confirm that former President Jason Carmichael has won Falristan and ultimately won the first round of the Presidential race. President Kim Bokota, who finished second in the Province also came in second and will race Carmichael in the second round. HBC is also predicting an upset as it appears the NPP government has been defeated and the Conservative Party of Farlristan will form a minority government in Carter City.

Presidential Race[/u]

1. Jason Carmichael - 4.8 Million Votes
2. Kim Bokota - 3.1 Million Votes
3. Ali Khosravi - 1.9 Million Votes
4. Warren Platt - 1.8 Million Votes
5. Martin McCaskill - 550,000 Votes

Falristan Seat Counts

CPF - 32 seats (+7)
NPP - 30 seats (+2)
FPr - 18 seats (-5)
FP - 18 seats (N/C)
FPP - 17 seats (-1)
SLP - 5 seats (-3)

RESULT: Conservative Party of Falristan Minority Government

VS: Now this I have to say is probably the biggest surprise of the night overall. The NPP was able to gain a bit of ground at the expense of the Falristan Progressives but it looks like the Conservatives came straight out of left field and took seats from everyone except their allies in the Federalists and took the cake with a very slim government. Its going to make things interesting in Carter City.

RC: Elias Velasco is a Conservative firebrand and unbashed monarchist and devolutionist. He is going to be a pain in the ass for Bekenial, no matter who is sitting at 24 Orange Avenue and Ross House, but even more so if its President Bokota again. Considering his close and good relationship with both the Federalists and Falristan Proletarians he is likely going to have an easy job governing and able to spend the bulk of his time proding Bekenial to let him and his cohorts handle more of their own affairs.

AM: It does add an interesting dynamic to the Senate. In the last sitting the Roccato caucus of the Conservatives held the whip, now with Falristan in the lead we will likely be seeing a new Senate Leader, likely from there.



Federalist Party (FP) - 164 seats (+17)
National Progress Party (NPP) - 137 seats (-17)
Conservative Party of Hutori (CPH) - 90 seats (+8)
Hutorian Proletarian Party (HPP) - 85 seats (-20)
Hutori Progressives (HP) - 73 seats (-8)
Social Liberal Party (SLP) - 51 seats (+20)

RESULT: FP Plurality


Presidential Election - Second Round

Second Round - 56,345,337 Total Votes
1. Jason Carmichael (Federalist Party) 29,838,572 Votes (52.8%)
2. Kim Bokota (National Progress Party) 26,506,765 Votes (47.2%)

Result - Jason Carmichael Elected President of the Federal Republic of Hutori


This has been Patrick White with HBC and Elections Night in Hutori. Thank you for watching and have a good night.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RIS » Thu Jul 06, 2017 6:05 am

Carmichael Appoints World Congress Ambassador

In a uncharacteristically under-reported presidential press conference today President Carmichael appointed Nicole Dawson (C) to be Hutori's new ambassador to the World Congress.

I have the utmost faith that she (Dawson) will exceed all expectations and serve Hutori to the best of her ability
-President Carmichael
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Jul 06, 2017 4:41 pm

Federalist Coailtion Post Record Surplus

In Question Period earlier today Finance Minister Daniel Mackenzie announces that for the first time in over 40 years, with the last surplus being posted in 4195.

Minister of Finance Daniel Mackenzie delivering the news on the new budget.

Unfortunately due to political infighting and squandering we have been posting 6 Billion Lira deficits for almost four straight decades which ended up adding a quarter trillion HLR of debt to our nation, a situation that was exacerbated during the Global Recession at the beginning of the 43rd Century. I am pleased to say thay Fiscal Year 36 will see Hutori Post a 21 Billion HLR surplus due to our tax reforms and new budget measures. At current rate of repayment thanks to exceedingly low interest rates we will be completely be dug out of our national debt within 15 years assuming we are able to stick the course. I have to thank both the President and Prime Minister for their unwavering support and autonomy but also the support of all Senators who voted in favor of these measures.

Minister Mackenzie's news was met with almost universal applause from the Senate, his budget having passed almost entirely uniamously the year previously. His success for the surplus was accounted to the nearly 20 Billion HLR increase in government revenue thanks to his Tax Reforms an cutting 25% of the Ministry of Science and Technology's budget of "excess funds." This allowed the Minister to not only give several other department key budget increases but keep a substantial surplus going into the future.

The Finance Minister has become a powerful and key player within the Carmichael Administration for his Tax Reforms and budgetary measures and finally formalizing Senate compensation and expense accounts with Bills C-33, 34 and 35 respectively. He is well respected on both sides of the isle, having also served in President Kim Bokota's cabinet as Trade & Industry Minister where he lead a charge at revitilzing the Hutorian private sector working closely with the Provincal governments.


Horizon Technology Picks Up "Massive" Science & Technology Contract.

At a private investors meeting in Carter City the Horizon Technology Corporation announced that it had received a 6 Billion HLR Tender from the Ministry of Science and Technology for a classified government contract that would ensure the company's success and prosperity for years to come.

HTC offered few details on the specifics of the contract aside from confirming that cheque had already been signed and resources allocated to the new project.

Analysts have viewed with the new contract with immense interest considering HTC's links to not only SERA but also the Hutorian Air Force, one of the company's largest contractors.

Rumors have already been floated that the project could be anything from new satellites or deep space probes for the Hutorian Space Exploration and Research Agency to classified work for the Hutorian Air Force, which has in the past clandestinely passed such measures before to avoid public scrutiny. Analysts, both corporate and defence will be watching HTC facilities in the coming months yo a certain the exact nature of the massive contract.

HTC, which is Hutori largest aerospace and defence research firm has designed everything from the helicopters for the Air Force, jointly developed the HF-35 Fighter Aircraft, satellites and probes for SERA and is the sole manufacutoer of Hutorian nuclear weaponry for both the Hutorian Air Force and Navy.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RIS » Fri Jul 07, 2017 6:45 pm

Carmichael Announces Re-Election Bid

In statement made to day President Jason Carmichael made clear his intention to run for another term in office.

We have made great strides forward, we 've posted the first budget surplus in decades, we've taken steps to revitalize our economy, we've strengthened our international resolve, our ability to respond to threats and we've expanded the liberties of the people. Four years ago I made a promise to build a better and stronger Hutori and despite not having a majority we have made quite a bit of progress to those ends. So I ask you honorable citizens do you wish to continue to make Hutori better and stronger? Because, if you do I'd like to announce that I am seeking re-election. I hope to continue the work we have started t expand liberties, to strengthen our diplomatic capabilities, to continue to rebuild our economy. Let us build grander, let us grow stronger, let us move Hutori into a bright future.

It appears that Carmichael is dedicated to the free market, internationalist, defense policies we saw in this last term. Which has lead to a significant increase in Hutori's economic output and a reduction in Hutori's unemployment to levels that haven't been seen in decades. It truly seems that Carmichael will pursue these policies even more aggressively than he did in this last term.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby TrueBloom » Sun Jul 09, 2017 9:43 pm

Martin McCaskill surprising resign from leadership of Social Liberal Party


After long discussions within the Social Liberal Party caused by unespected results of last election, Martin McCaskill, the founder of SLP, has decided to resign from the leader seat and grant new primaries to choose the next head of Social Liberal Party.

I won't lie, we badly lost. And I'll take all the responabilities for the seats lost and, for the sake of our party and our country, I choose to resign from the leadership of SLP and hold new party primaries. I hope that the new leader could bring our party to a new era of progress that we've started.

According to sources, new primaries will be held in march and immediatly Senator Richardson announced her candidacy.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Jul 10, 2017 2:45 am



Good evening and I'm Patrick White with HBC and this is Election Night in Hutori for the 4238 General Election. Joining me tonight in the HBC News Room is of course our political analysis team including Veronica Simmonds from the Leah Ross School of Political Science, a true expert on Hutorian political parties, Andrew Martin, our HBC Polling Expert and savant, and Richard Clark, former Chief of Staff Federalist Premier Mike Partridge of Adelia and as Campaign Manager to President Jason Carmichael who understands Presidential campaigns better then most.

Also joining us tonight in our Power Panel are Sherrod Cleveland, Martin MacCaskill's Chief Campaign Strategist for his 4234 Presidential Campaign run, Thomas Graham from Thomas University and former MLA John Asher whos served several terms in the Falristan Legislature for the NPP.

Our Election Team and Power Panel of experts will be joining me in watching the returns from the Presidential, Senate and Provincial races as they come in. Initial exit polls state that we had over 64 million ballots cast, beating even 4 years ago by almost 4 million votes.

Eyes now turn to Roccato as the returns have begun to roll in.



Patrick White: At dissolution Roccato was governed by a Roccato Progressive Minority Government that had beaten the NPP by a single seat last time, holding 25 seats. The Official Opposition National Progress Party had held 24 seats, followed by the Federalists with 23 seats, the Conservatives with 21 seats, the Roccato Proletarians with 15 seats and the Social Liberals with 12 seats. Andrew?

Andrew Martin: Yeah Roccato was actually one of the most interesting provinces to keep track of over the past four years. There was a comfortable and fairly even distribution of seats and power throughout Roccato. Mind you they were able to create a fairly stable coalition, teaming up with the NPP, with the SLP and the RPP at times to pass most things. This is going to be one to watch if only to see if the NPP can take back their territory. Premier Julian has had 4 years to establish himself, create a stable and working government and show the people of Roccato what he can do.

Richard Clark: In terms of the Presidential race I think is going to be interesting to watch for sure. President Carmichael took this Province by a huge margin four years ago, I think beating Ali Khosravi by almost 1.8 million votes, no small or mean feat and from all account the Conservatives are endorsing the President again so it should, in theory equal to another easy first round victory. I think the numbers to watch will by from the United Civic Alliance. They are trending a VERY similar platform to the Federalists just with the Monarchist lean to it so it could cost Carmichael votes.

Veronica Simmonds: Its funny you mention the UCA. If I were Federalists strategists I would be watching their returns VERY carefully. Considering the similarities in the platform this could very well cost the Federalists seats overall, not just at Sutton House but in the National Senate. At dissolution I think the Federalists had a 305 seat working coalition majority with the Conservatives and SLP, any seats lost by the Feds to the UCA are seats that could cost Senator MacLaughlin his working coalition, as the UCA may not agree to work with a Republican cabinet, but who can say.

P.W.: And the numbers are finally beginning to creep in from Roccato. It does indeed look like Premier Julian's Progressive Government is going to return to power at Sutton House as HBC is predicting a Roccato Progressive Minority government, though here may be the first surprise of the night as HBC is predicting, but a slim margin, that Ali Khosravi is going to win the Province of Roccato in their bid for President, with President Carmichael coming in a close second place with former President Kim Bokota coming in third. Let's turn to our power panel for some feedback.

Presidential Race

1st Round
1. Ali Khosvari (HP) - 3.4 Million Votes
2. Jason Carmichael (FP) - 3.3 Million Votes
3. Kim Bokota (NPP) - 2.1 Million Votes
4. Margaret Weston (UCA) - 1.8 Million Votes
5. Warren Platt (HPP) - 1.1 Million Votes
6. Martin McCaskill (SLP) - 780,000 Votes

Roccato Seat Counts

Rocatto Progressives - 33 seats (+8)
National Progress Party of Roccato - 20 seats (-4)
Federalist Party of Roccato - 19 seats (-4)
Roccato Civic Alliance - 17 seats (+17)
Conservative Party of Roccato - 13 seats (-8)
Roccato Proletarian Party - 11 seats (-4)
Social Liberal Party of Roccato - 7 Seats (-5)

RESULT: Roccato Progressives Minority Government

National Senate Seat Returns

Hutori Progressives - 33 seats (+8)
National Progress Party of Hutori - 20 seats (-4)
Federalist Party of Hutori - 19 seats (-4)
United Civic Alliance - 17 seats (+17)
Conservative Party of Hutori - 13 seats (-8)
Hutorian Proletarian Party - 11 seats (-4)
Social Liberal Party of Hutori - 7 Seats (-5)

Post Analysis

Sherrod Cleveland: I tell you this is not a good start for the SLP. Martin put in a lot of effort campaigning in Roccato, especially with their worries over Global Cooling, but I think the fact that the SLP attached themselves to a more right wing government over the past four years hurt them. Getting less then a million votes is not a good sign at the beginning of a Presidential race, the Roccato Social Liberals lost half of their caucus and at the National Senate he's already off to a poor start.

John Asher: I know that this is probably a bit of a disappointment for President Bokota. I think she was really hoping to take back Roccato this time around, with only a single seat separating the NPP and the RP it was the hope, and even worse having a worse showing that she had four years ago, but almost 200,000 votes is poor. But on the other hand I think that the Provincal government is going to remain stable. The RP, NPP and SLP have 60 seats, and if they can get any support from any lingering MLAs it'll keep the status quo. It'll definitely be an interesting dynamic for Premier Julian to start with an increased position and an increased position of power overall at Sutton House.

Thomas Graham: I am a little surprised that President Carmichael lost here by such a thin margin and I have little doubt it's causing him a little worry. Consider that he carried the Province by over 4 million votes in 34 to put in second is probably a little worrisome and I can promise he's looking at the almost 2 million votes that Weston picked up and is wondering with a little greed whether or not those votes would have translated into an even largest margin of victory here then four years ago, I guess only the night will tell.

PW: Thanks Panel, we are now turning our attention south a little Kenai where the returns are beginning to filter in.



PW: Kenai at dissolution was helmed by Premier Martin and the Federalists with a fairly healthy 34 seats. The Kenai Proletarian Party sat in Opposition with a formidable 30 seats of their own. The Social Liberals came up next with 18 seats, the Kenai Progressives held 15 seats, the National Progressive Party held 13 seats and the Conservatives sat with 10 seats.

AM: Unlike Roccato to the north this was very much a two sided fight in Saint Adrian. Together the Federalists and Proletarians had a combined 64 seats, with most of the rest of the parties just along for the ride. Most of the past four years for Premier Martin was wrangling support from the Conservatives and SLP to keep confidence in the Legislature, a pretty loose coalition that ended up with Martin making a lot of concessions, and I think it's fair to say that Martin will be looking at this in the same way as the Federalists up north did, the KCA could dig into his numbers, and a loss of just 5 seats loses Martin his fourth term in the Premier's chair.

RC: I know that President Carmichael had been fully expecting to coast the race in Kenai. In the first round he beat Platt by a million and a quarter votes and I honestly think was hoping to repeat that process, if not for the UCA again, I think he might have. This time, I honestly think President Carmichael will keep his victory but its definitely going to be subdued victory, that margin is tough to beat on the best of nights, but I suppose overall we'll see.

VS:[b] I tell you the UCA and their provincial affilates are going to be making this an interesting night across the board. Realistically if Premier Martin loses here it'll be a Kenai Proletarian government and honestly, I don't know what kind of government that will be. There is a good reason that the Proletarians rarely hold executive power at the federal or provincial level for any amount of time; they do not play well with others often and despise the very institutions they are holding. If the Kenai Proletarians take power, I think they are going to have a very tough time governing.

On that note the results are coming from across the Province. In the Presidential race it looks like there is going to be a second upset of the night as Warren Platt of the Hutorian Proletarian Party is going to win Kenai in his bid for President. President Carmichael come in second, though by a fairly large margin followed by Martin McCaskill of the SLP. Further it looks like another upset will be happening in Kenai as HBC is predicting that Premier Martin and the Federalists will be defeated as the Kenai Proletarians are able to take the lead and will be forming a minority government.

Presidential Race

1. Warren Platt (HPP) - 3.7 Million Votes
2. Jason Carmichael - 2.9 Million Votes
3. Martin McCaskill (SLP) - 2.1 Million Votes
4. Kim Bokota (NPP) - 1.8 Million Votes
5. Margaret Weston (UCA) - 1.1 Million Votes
6. Ali Khosravi (HP) - 680,000 Million Votes


1. Jason Carmichael - 6.2 Million Votes
2. Warren Platt - 4.8 Million Votes
3. Ali Khosravi - 4 Million Votes
4. Kim Bokota - 3.9 Million Votes
5. Margaret Westin - 2.9 Million Votes
6. Martin McCaskill - 2.9 Million Votes

Kenai Seat Counts

Kenai Proletarian Party - 35 seats (+5)
Federalist Party of Kenai - 21 seats (-13)
Social Liberal Party of Kenai - 20 seats (+2)
National Progress Party of Hutori - 18 seats (+5)
Kenai Civic Alliance - 11 seats (+11)
Kenai Progressives - 9 Seats (-6)
Conservative Party of Kenai - 6 Seats (-4)

RESULT: Kenai Proletarian Party Minority Government

National Senate Returns Nationally

Hutorian Proletarian Party - 46 Seats (+1)
Hutori Progressives - 42 Seats (+2)
Federalist Party of Hutori - 40 Seats (-17)
National Progress Party - 38 Seats (+1)
United Civic Alliance - 28 Seats (+28)
Social Liberal Party of Hutori - 27 Seats (-3)
Conservative Party of Hutori - 19 Seats (-12)

CS: Well this does certainly brighten Martin's night so far. It doesn't completely cancel out the dismal showing in Roccato but it does help him make up some ground, but unfortunately even at this point I think its fair to say that Martin McCaskill won't be the President. He is in dead last going into Hutori's most notoriously conservative right leaning Province and well Martin does try and be a bridge between the right and the left, I think he has about as much chance of winning Adelia as the Proletarians do. He may make a good showing, but outside of every left vote going to him, I think his Presidential race is over. There is still some hope in the Senate, and they did improve their position in Saint Adrian, but I have a feeling the SLP caucus is going to be taking a hard look at whether or not McCaskill is the man to keep helming the Party following this.

TG I definitely know two people who are quite worried right now, Senator MacLaughlin and President Carmichael. As much as it pains me to admit it I'm not sure whether this is good news so far. The Federalists and Conservatives have already lost a combined 29 seats, shooting their coalition and President Carmichael four years ago was already up 4 million votes on his closest challenger, this time he's up only a million and a half, still first but a much closer first all things considered, and the Federalists nationally were already up 60 seats in the Senate. That as my colleague said we are going to Adelia which has always been kind to the Federalists and Conservatives, being Hutori's right wing heartland, so we'll see whether the Conservatives and Federalists can pick up the lost ground.

JA: I think this result only proves what we already all know about Kenai, its one of the politically unpredictable Provinces in Hutori. Roccato may be a lot more fluid in its government but there is a reason that we still call Kenai a true "Undecided" Province, results can change radically and widely from one election to the next. Take the fact the Proletarians are taking power for the first time in two decades, ending a pretty good run by the Federalists, though I think a lot of it was voter fatigue with Martin though admittedly haha, I am a little bias.

PW: With such a wild ride already it'll be quite interesting then to move into Adelia in Hutori's south as the returns begin to roll in.



PW: Now on the close the Federalists had an extremely powerful minority. They were holding onto 54 Seats at Williams Park, with the Opposition NPP with 21 seats, a margin of over 2 to 1. Coming in third were the Conservatives at 18 seats, followed by the Adelian Proletarians with 11. The Social Liberal Party was only a seat away at 10 while the Adelian Progressive came in last with 6.

VS: If the Right have an anchor in Hutori, Adelia is most certainly it. Combined the Federalists and Conservatives were holding onto 72 seats at the close, they could pass almost anything they wanted without batting an eyelash, and Premier Partridge could sail through his third term in power which evidently he did. Honestly I don't think anything is going to change one way or the other after this election, at best you've got a reduced Federalists minority with the ACA coming into play, but combined with the Conservative the Right will still dominate Adelia.

RC: Four years ago Adelia where was Jason Carmichael clinched his first round victory. He doesn't have quite the lead he had last time, but a million and a half vote lead going into your most powerful political stronghold in the country where he won over seven million votes in the first round. I would be truly astonished if he doesn't seal his first round victory right here.

AM: Honestly I'm thinking both the Conservatives and Federalists are both breathing a little easier now that the polls are turning into Adelia. This is a province that has always been remarkable kind to them, and this is likely where they will make up their losses in the National Senate if anywhere, though again, we keep coming back to this, the United Civic Alliance may end up being a huge damage to them. I guess we'll see, but if the Federalists and Conservatives don't make up their lost ground here, they may not be able to make it up at all and it could cost the coalition it's job.

PW: The results are in and it certainly looks like President Carmichael is going to repeat his performance from four years ago and take Adelia but a spectacular margin! From the final count President Carmichael is leading Kim Bokota by a four to one margin and at this point HBC is confident enough to state that President Jason Carmichael will win the First Round of the Hutorian 4238 Presidential Election. Kim Bokota comes in a distant second place with Warren Platt coming in third. Based on final returns as well it would appear that Premier Partridge has extended his mandate to a fourth consecutive term as HBC is predicting another Federalist minority government in Adelia.

Presidential Race

1. Jason Carmichael - 8.2 Million Votes
2. Kim Bokota - 2 Million Votes
3. Warren Platt - 1.3 Million Votes
4. Ali Khosravi - 720,000 Votes
5. Margaret Weston - 385,000 Votes
6. Martin McCaskill - 360,000 Votes


1. Jason Carmichael 14.4 Million Votes
2. Warren Platt - 6.1 Million Votes
3. Kim Bokota - 5.9 Million Votes
4. Ali Khosravi - 4.7 Million Votes
5. Margaret Weston - 3.3 Million Votes
6. Martin McCaskill - 3.3 Million Votes

Adelia Seat Counts

Federalist Party of Adelia - 44 seats (-10)
Conservative Party of Adelia - 33 Seats (+15)
National Progress Party of Adelia - 19 Seats (-2)
Adelia Proletarian Party - 12 seats (+1)
Adelia Progressives - 6 seats (N/C)
Adelia Civic Alliance - 3 Seats (+3)
Social Liberal Party of Adelia - 3 seats (-7)

RESULT: Federalist Party Minority Government

National Senate Returns Nationally

Federalist Party of Hutori - 84 Seats (-27)
Hutorian Proletarian Party - 58 Seats (+2)
National Progress Party of Hutori - 57 (-1)
Conservative Party of Hutori - 52 Seats (+3)
Hutori Progressives - 48 Seats (+2)
United Civic Alliance - 31 Seats (+31)
Social Liberal Party of Hutori - 30 Seats (-10)

SC: I think its fair to say after this that McCaskill is done as Leader. I respect the man a great deal, but this kind of defeat is impossible to walk away from. The entire Social Liberal caucus is done, they are reduced to a small rump status inside of Axminister, and he lost over 800,000 votes of support here in Adelia. I think the moment this election is done the SLP are going to be doing some hard soul searching and I think at the end of it they'll be looking for a new leader.

JA: If there is any result in Hutori that doesn't surprise me, its this one right here. Adelia IS Hutorian conservatism. There is no other phrase or term. That Premier Partridge is coming back for a fourth round is not surprising, honestly I think my two big shocks were that the Federalists lost so much ground to the Conservatives and that the Adelian Civic Alliance only picked up 3 seats. Beyond that it'll be business as usual, the Adelian Proletarian picked up a seat in Glentingham, the Civic Alliance picked up a trio of seats in Acton, the NPP lost a seat in Glentingham and a seat in Axminister. Life will go on, though now that its a Conservative Official Opposition only the NPP will really be offering any Opposition and with 19 seats, as painfully as it is to admit, that not much of anything.

TG: This is exactly the kind of boost the Coalition needed, technically they are still up net seats. That Senator MacLaughlin had to trade seats with the Conservatives probably doesn't bother him all that much, in his eyes it's much of the same thing as he knows that Amelia Woodbury and her caucus are in all likelihood going to continue to support him as long as the Federalists retain the lead, though as we are pushing out of conservative land into NPP territory we'll see if the Federalists keep that lead in the Senate.

PW: Pushing through the mountains now we turn our attention to mountain Lagard as the polls have begun to close.



PW: At dissolution the NPP held an immensely powerful minority position, holding 49 seats at Thomas House, having actually retained every single seat from the last election. The Opposition Federalists had a fairly powerful position holding 35 Seats with the rest of the Parties more or less falling into place behind that, the KPP holding 12, the Progressives and Conservatives holding 9 a piece and the Social Liberals rounding it out at 6.

AM: Lagard was and remains the lynchpin behind the National Progress Party's successes in Bekenial. A full third of their caucus was from Lagard in the last sitting, despite most of the party's presence and influence being in President Bokota's home Province of Falristan. The influence and importance of Lagard to the NPP can not be understated and I think will continue in that vein here. Right now the NPP are in third by a seat, but I think its more then fair to say they'll be in second as soon as the votes are counted.

RC: We are in a very similar situation to four years ago. President Carmichael was waiting to find out who he would face in the second round and President Bokota was waiting to see whether or not Lagard would deliver itself to her to send her off against him, which honestly I can't see it happening any other way.

VS: I probably shouldn't say this as it'll probably put me out of a job one day haha but reporting on Lagard is almost as boring as reporting on Adelia. The Premier of Lagard is still going to be NPP after this election, the only question honestly is who will form the official opposition and unless I've missed my guess it'll be the Federalists again, let's move on.

PW: Word is just in, and unbelievably it does not look like Kim Bokota will take Lagard but President Carmichael instead will win the Province, picking it up for the first time. A true upset if one could exist though her second place finish regardless was more then strong enough that HBC is confident enough to call that former President Kim Bokota will earn enough votes to face off against President Jason Carmichael in the Second Round of the Presidential Race. It also looks like that despite a reduction in seat the NPP will indeed retain control of Thomas House and the NPP will form another minority government in Lagard.

Presidential Race

1. Jason Carmichael - 5.3 Million Votes
2. Kim Bokota - 4.1 Million Votes
3. Ali Khosravi - 1.1 Million Votes
4. Warren Platt - 1 Million Votes
5. Margaret Weston - 630,000 Votes
5. Martin McCaskill - 540,000 Votes


1. Jason Carmichael - 19.7 Million Votes
2. Kim Bokota - 10 Million Votes
3. Warren Platt - 7.1 Million Votes
4. Ali Khosravi - 5.8 Million Votes
5. Margaret Weston - 3.9 Million Votes
5. Martin McCaskill - 3.8 Million Votes

Lagard Seat Counts

National Progess Party of Lagard - 39 seats (-10)
Federalist Party of Lagard - 31 seats (-4)
Conservative Party of Lagard - 19 Seats (+10)
Lagard Progressives - 11 Seats (+2)
Lagard Proletarian Party - 10 seats (-2)
Lagard Civic Alliance - 5 Seats (+5)
Social Liberal Party of Lagard - 5 seats (-1)

RESULT: National Progress Party Minority Government

National Senate Returns Nationally

Federalist Party of Hutori - 115 Seats (-31)
National Progress Party of Hutori - 96 Seats (-11)
Conservative Party of Hutori - 71 Seats (+13)
Hutorian Proletarian Party - 68 Seats (N/C)
Hutori Progressives - 59 Seats (+4)
United Civic Alliance - 36 Seats (+36)
Social Liberal Party of Hutori - 35 Seats (-11)

SC: Yeah I'm pretty much out of positive things to say. This entire election has been absolutely terrible for the Social Liberals. I'm sure there is going to be a lot of deep thinking of where things went wrong and questions that will be asked 'Did we not fundraise properly' 'were we not aggressive enough in the Senate', stuff like that. The fact we are going into the final Province in dead last I'm sure is not sitting well with anyone right now. I can only hope that things MIGHT improve somewhat into Falristan. Honestly they can't be much worse.

JA: Like my colleagues on the bench have noted, this isn't a surprise, the NPP coming back to power. But I do think its a big surprise of the loss of 10 seats, some of them held for long periods of time, and the fact that President Bokota didn't win Lagard outright in the first round this time. Beyond that I can't say much, it'll be more difficult for the Premier to administer with that reduced minority, the wild card being the LPP this time around honestly, the Federalists, Conservatives and LCA have 55 seats in equal measure to the NPP, LP and SLP have their own 55 seats, this is all going to come down the concessions the Premier will have to give to the Proletarians and honestly I think its a price he's willing to pay.

TG: Overall I think its been a pretty good night to the Federalists and Conservatives in Lagard. Netwise right wing parties actually picked up 12 seats, not a small margin and now have the chance to form a formidable opposition to the NPP and even though it was decided for Carmichael in Adelia I have little doubt it was a nice and welcome surprise to take the Province of Lagard.

PW: The final polls in the nation are closing and we finally looking towards Falristan.



PW: At dissolution the Conservatives actually held a razor thin minority government, with 32 seats with the NPP Opposition sitting at a point 30 seats of their own. The Falristan Progressives and Federalists both held a respectable 18 seats, the Falristan Proletarian right behind them with 17 seats with the Social Liberals rounding out the pack with 5 seats.

RC: The race has already long been decided so there isn't much to say other then if Bokota doesn't win here, she'll actually be the first Presidential candidate to make it to the second round of the Presidential Election without winning a single Province since President Leah Steuart in the 4150s. But this is Bokota's home Province, if she can't win here, she literally can't win anywhere but we'll see as the votes are counted.

VS: The Provincal election here could go either way, the Conservative Premier Elias Velasco has been in all regards a fair Premier, but he's a bit of firebrand and he LOVES picking fights with Bekenial over provincial jurisdiction matters. That the other half of the NPP caucus is from here, along with the NPP Leader, it did not make him any friends with the Opposition, and honestly Falristan voters are cut so down the middle between those who want Bekenial to have a greater presence in the praries, mostly around Cork Town and Carter City, and those who want Bekenial to go screw itself, namely Tremaine and Saint John, this could theoretically go either way, and I'm excited to see how it ends.

AM: Federally, Falristan matters a lot this election. This is the NPP's last chance to close the gap between the Federalists and themselves and reclaim the Speaker's chair in Bekenial. While the Speakership itself is an honorfic being able to claim itself as the Party of the Plurality has been a goal of the NPP for the past few election cycles. I think they got used to being "Hutori's Naturally Governing Party" and likely want to retake that mantle.

PW: The last polls are in and I can confirm that former President Jason Carmichael has won Falristan and ultimately won the first round of the Presidential race. President Kim Bokota, who finished second in the Province also came in second and will race Carmichael in the second round. Despite not winning the Province, HBC can confirm that it's announcing that the NPP will retake power in Carter City and form a minority government as the Conservatives move back to Opposition.

Presidential Race[/u]

1. Jason Carmichael - 5.6 Million Votes
2. Kim Bokota - 3.2 Million Votes
3. Ali Khosravi - 1.6 Million Votes
4. Martin McCaskill - 1.1 Million Votes
5. Warren Platt - 950,000 Votes
6. Margaret Weston - 800,000 Votes

Falristan Seat Counts

National Progress Party of Falristan - 30 seats (N/C)
Conservative Party of Falristan - 27 Seats (-5)
Federalist Party of Falristan - 25 Seats (+7)
Falristan Progressives - 14 Seats (-4)
Social Liberal Party of Falristan - 9 Seats (+4)
Falristan Proletarian Party - 8 Seats (-9)
Falristan Civic Alliance - 7 Seats (+7)

RESULT: National Progress Party Plurality

SC: Heh.. I would normally be a little more happy about this result. They did almost double the size of their caucus from Falristan and McCaskill did double his vote share from 4 years ago, but at this point its far too little and far too late. Even with this slight victory and increasing the hold on Cork Town that the SLP have, I honestly don't think its going to make much of a difference at the close.

JA: I'm actually quite happy to see the NPP return to power in Carter City though that speaks to my bias and against this is Kim Bokota's home Province, we should do well here or elsewhere what are we doing here, though honestly it could be that Premier Velasco was too much of a firebrand. This defeat may temper him a bit, but it will be up to the NPP now to actually capitalize on this, or else we could have the Conservatives right back. One way or the other I can tell already that the Conservatives and Federalists are going to make the NPP's life hell in Carter City for the next four years, combined they have 52 seats. When you throw the FCA in there it's 59.. literally any MLA has to dissent from whatever working coalition the NPP can put together and it'll kill the new Premier's government. Definitely going to be interesting in Carter City from here on out.

TG: I don't think I need to add anything that Mr. Asher didn't already mention. The combined Federalist-Conservative Opposition is more then sufficient to keep the Premier accountable, and I think beyond the disappointment of seeing Premier Velasco lose I don't think he'll be going anywhere, the loss wasn't much and his losses were to the FCA and Federalists, basically trading seats. It may have cost him the Premier's chair but I honestly don't think his caucus will hold it against him.



Federalist Party (FP) - 140 seats (-24)
National Progress Party (NPP) - 126 seats (-11)
Conservative Party of Hutori (CPH) - 98 seats (+8)
Hutorian Proletarian Party (HPP) - 76 seats (-9)
Hutori Progressives (HP) - 73 seats (N/C)
Social Liberal Party (SLP) - 44 seats (-7)
United Civic Alliance (UCA) - 43 Seats (+43)

RESULT: FP Plurality


PW: While we are waiting for the results to roll in from the Second Round of the Presidential Election we'll turn to some our experts on the coming Senate Seating. Final counts are in and it look like, despite the loss of 24 seats the Federalists will retain their plurality in the National Senate as the largest Party. The National Progress Party also kept their second place finish, ending with 126 Seats nationwide. The Conservatives were able to pick up a number of seats, while both the Proletarians and the Social Liberal Party lost a number of seats. The Hutori Progressives were able to hold their ground nationally keeping 73 Seats while the new United Civic Alliance has posted a reasonable showing of 43 Seats in their first election.

AM: This is going to make an interesting power dynamic no matter who wins the Presidential Race. Should Carmichael win re-election he'll be able to have the first crack at forming government. He could in theory have no issue with that if he reaches out the UCA and keeps the SLP in the loop, though honestly it'll be tough keeping that coalition together. The SLP rarely agreed on anything with their Federalists and Conservatives counterparts and it may be a calculus that forming government with them actually cost them the 7 seats and reduced their bargaining position. On the other hand should Bokota win, she'll likely be able to quite easily form a stable government, the left wing parties definitely have a majority of the seats, but a lot of parties in the Coalition can cause fraying. Plus if Bokota wins and Woodbury gets dumped as PM I pity the sitting government that has face her in Question Period. When she was a junior Federalist Senator she was known as a firebrand. She's cooled a bit since coming into leadership but I've seen her on the attack, and she'll like be bolden with her increased caucus size. It would not surprise me if the Conservatives honestly consider running a Presidential Candidate in 4 years time, almost getting 100 seats and the Federalists knowing how key their support was in Carmichael's progression to the Second Round has likely not been lost on them.

PW: Speaking of which we are getting in final results from the Second Round of the Presidential Race and HBC is calling a massive upset. It would appear that with 28 million votes and 61.9% of the vote Kim Bokota has been re-elected President of the Federalist Republic!


Presidential Election - Second Round

Second Round - 56,345,337 Total Votes
1. Kim Bokota (National Progress Party) 28,592,220 Votes (61.7%)
2. Jason Carmichael (Federalist Party) 17,590,933 Votes (38%)

Result - Kim Bokota Elected President of the Federal Republic of Hutori


RC: Man I did not see that coming. Carmichael only getting 17 million in the Second Round is going to be causing a lot of head scratches for a long time yet. I'm sure Elections Hutori will be doing an investigation for that matter, to drop from 64 Million ballots cast in the first round to only 45 million is a rather steep decline. On to the victory itself, honestly I feel sorry for Bokota. This is the fourth, or fifth time she's returning to 24 Orange Avenue, but she is not going to have an easy time of it. She's gotten a bit of a reputation as a lameduck President who rarely actually does anything with her executive authority; after she forms cabinet she seems to check out, and its an unfortunate habit that she and her three predecessor Bokota Presidents all do. The Federalists and the Conservatives are doubtless going to spend the next four years punishing the hell out of her colleagues in the National Senate in any way they can. She's going to know she did not get a total victory, she's President only because of her Second Round endorsements, and I expect whatever cabinet she cobbles together is going to be demanding some serious concessions.

VS: At the very least I can't see her pushing a Centralization plan too hard. She's going to have to include both the SLP and HPP in her cabinet, their 110 Seats make or break her Coalition government, without them she's sunk, and they will likely push back at too much attempts by the President to centralize power in Bekenial which is the NPP's watchword nationwide. Whatever else, Question Period is definitely going to get lively with both the Federalists and the Conservatives now in the Opposition Chairs and likely not going to be holding back any punches; the HPP won't enter into debate, and the NPP have been notorious for not responding in QP to avoid tough questions. It may leave the bulk of the heavy lifting to the Hutori Progressives and the Social Liberal Party, the two junior members of the Coalition. They've gotten their feet wet in Question Period so they will have some veterans that can hold their own, but honestly, I would not want to be on the wrong end of Senator MacLaughlin and Senator Woodbury when they are baring down on you.

PW: And that is all the time we have for this evening. This has been Patrick White with HBC and Elections Night in Hutori. Thank you for watching and have a good night.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby TrueBloom » Mon Jul 10, 2017 3:04 pm

Ann Richardson wins SLP primaries by overwhelming margin


After the official results, Ann Richardson is declared the new Social Liberal Party leader. Known as a strong fighter who never gives up, the senator for Constantine is considered a representative from the "centrist" wing of SLP, unlike her leftist predecessor Martin McCaskill, who immediatly congratulate her and called for a new path of prosperity for their party.

First of all I wanna thank everyone who voted for me: you have chosen the road of the renewal, but I need all of you to go to this way, who voted for me and who didn't. I want to work with every candidates for rebuild the image of the party to get over internal division because we should focus only on Hutorian people, who should no longer feel forgotten by our party.
Richardson says after the declaration of her new leadership

Here the official results:

1° Round
Ann Richardson: 59,06%
Michael Fallon: 20,73%
Elizabeth Harris: 10,81%
Lucy Davis: 6,40%
Henry Bullock: 3%

No 2°round needed.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Conser » Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:11 am

President Bokota visit Rildanore

Kim Bokota has done a official visit to Rildanor.

The president has arrive in the city of Labonne, capital of Rildanor, to do what she describe has being ''An attempt to improve the economic, diplomatic and cultural relation between Hutori and Rildamor''. On her arrival, miss Bokota was greet by many dignitaries from Rildanor. The president of Rildamor herself was their to welcome miss Bokota.

President Bokota was invited by the Parti Centriste National to perfome a speech in front of the National Assembly of Rildanor. Here the speech she has done:

'' Parliamentarians of the great nation of Rildanore,

If I am here today, visiting your fantastic nation, it's because I value greatly the friendship that as unify our two nation for centuries. You see, we share a lot of values together, our two nations fight for the same causes! We fight for world peace, we fight for the defence of human right all around Terra, we fight for the defence of the oppressed againsnt tyranny. And I firmly believe that our nations shouldn't fight separatly! We should fight together and win together!

We must always remember that fighting for the righteous cause, fighting agaisnt the impure and stoping tyranny, it's not a choice, it is our duty!

Because believe me, if one day there is a war to be fight, If there a cause to defend or if there is a oppresed people to freed from dictature, I am deeply convince that Hutori and Rildanore will fight on the same side. This is why we must improve our relationship culturally, diplomatically and economically, we will be stronger if we work together!

To conclude, I would like to say, will all the hope and the frenship I can

Merci, peuple de Rildanore et puisse nos deux peuple être uni pour toujour.''

After her speech, the President has meet with many importan political figure of Rildanor, like the president Jessica d'Orléans-Vasser or the leader of the Parti Centriste National Rachelle Forestier. She has describe these metting as such:

''These where really constructive meeting where we talk about the many issue like economy, diplomacy or internatial trade''

After all this she came back to Hutori. According to the staff of President Bokota, this was apparently the first visit of a long serie of visit to foreign countries in what they describe as a attempt of the president to ''rebuild the international hutorian credibility that was destroy during the Carmichael administration.''
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RIS » Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:23 pm

Political Analysis: "Kim Bokota: A Defunct Political Dynasty"
By: Dr. Thomas Graham

Recently Ms. Bokota a highly revered figure in the National Progress Party made remarks regarding the former administration's seeming ineptitude. She claimed that under former President Carmichael's leadership that Hutori had suffered internationally. That international relations had somehow taken a hit during the past four years. However, instead of taking the current President's word for it let's take a look at the facts and see what they say. For starters let's take a look at the Carmichael administration, one of the first things to occur under that administration was the resolution of the Kalopia-Wuntani affair. This was a joint effort between Hutorian, Kalopian, and Istalian forces; a triumph of diplomatic and international cooperation. Next, Carmichael appointed an ambassador to the World Congress something that had not been done in decades not to mention his particular choice has been a bulldog of an advocate for Hutori in the international arena. Following that former President Carmichael smoothed over relations with Kazulia which paved the way for a trade deal that is currently in the works. Also under Carmichael there was a renewed dedication to the XF-43 Joint Fighter Project. On top of the international accomplishments under the Carmichael administration unemployment saw it's first drop in over 40 years, Hutori posted it's first budget surplus in decades and the Hutorian Military saw one of it's most intense revitalizations in recent history.

Now let's contrast this with President Bokota's years in office. Under her administration and previous NPP administrations the World Congress and Hutori's seat on the Security Council has been neglected. A complete indifference to the World Congress was what was seen under Ms. Bokota and through that many of Hutori's allies felt unrepresented. In fact this very lack of activity under the NPP's leadership is the cause for rift between Kazulia and Hutori including the current Northern Initiative. In the past 30 years Bokota and other NPP administrations have done exactly nothing to further diplomatic ties with any of Hutori's allies. They have only been a hindrance to international progress and to Hutori's growth on the international stages. Furthermore, the NPP claims to abhor the thought of constitutional monarchy yet we have seen Bokota after Bokota in the Presidential Office doing nothing more than smiling, waving at crowds and shaking hands. How is that any different than a royal family? Any objective analysis of the facts paints a picture of a lethargic, disorganized, hypocritical and irrational Bokota dynasty. A continuation of this path for Hutori would spell ruin for it's international standing, it' economy and it's security.
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