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Re: Kanjor Times: Justin Tredo about major loss.

Postby TheSocialist » Fri Jul 14, 2017 10:37 am

Justin Tredo congratulates PUF(interview)

We saw SLP falling down from the biggest party to the smallest party. What happened?

Justin Tredo:
What happened is that Kanjor voted. I'm not going to look for what went wrong, because that's absurd. It won't help us now.
We need to rethink our view, so we can convince Kanjor for next elections.

Are there going to be any huge changes? Or will it be more accents that will change?

Justin Tredo:
Elections just passed. SLP isn't a one man party. We need to gather and discuss the changes we want to make. But as soon as we made any decisions we will bring this outside

Political Analist Theophile Deschamps thinks that SLP has no choice then to make a step to the left as their liberal agenda was a flop. Them hearing that GPLK will make a step to the right will probably make things difficult between the two parties.
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Re: Kanjor Times: Justin Tredo press release

Postby TheSocialist » Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:43 am

New era for SLP?
Justin Tredo announces "New era for SLP"

Gathered at Justin Tredo's office he had the following to say :

First of all thank you for gathering here. The reason we called the press to gather here is to inform Kanjor how we will try to change Kanjor in the future. The government needs to play a bigger part in people's lives. Think about education and health care.
Further protecting the weakest of our society stays our head priority.

The party has said they will inform Kanjor with a new manifest. Justin Tredo is trying to change his party. Probably not with everyone's concent. A majority of SLP is still behind Tredo.
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Re: Kanjor Times: Adnan Menderez: "Big government is necessary"

Postby TheSocialist » Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:15 pm

News Update
We asked Adnan Menderez, Justin Tredo's right hand, what SLP is going to do to restore their huge loss

Adnan Menderez:
The role of the government is crucial in Kanjor. People expect a bigger service. That's why we are going to promote a bigger government certainly for education and health. But not only that. LGBT rights should be respected! We understand why people are coming on the streets today. Government should offer a big service to tax payers. But government can not forbid people to choose who they love. PUF once said they where in favor of the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy for our army. This is something we can't accept.
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Re: Kanjor Times

Postby Arapaima13 » Sat Jul 15, 2017 3:29 pm

Les Temps Economiques
Monet: "People of Kanjor, Fight Valiantly against Oppression"
- Says, "Kanjor will not stand for Tyranny"
- New Poll in Martois says 76% are worried about restrictive human rights
- GPLK Leader would back a coalition with anyone to get "fascists" out of power

Elouan Monet became the first Right Wing Politician to ever speak at the annual Socialist's Rally in Soulon, as he ferociously attacked the actions of the government.

The GPLK leader, Elouan Monet has today made his biggest attack yet on the President and his government, as he spoke at a socialist rally within the capital. A man who would normally be heckled off the stage at such an event, he has met widespread acclaim for being the only leader willing to stand up against Antoine Bouvier. This event, which was attended by 50,000 people, came hand in hand with a new poll made by a centre-right think tank saying 76% are worried about restricting human rights.

At the rally, Monet called for the right and left to put aside their differences and to fight against the true evil of an oppressive and dictatorial government. He argued that dictators throughout history have abused the democratic system for their own gains, and that the President was another one of those "power hungry lunatics" who entered politics to take advantage of the dislike of the Union Populaire Democrate.

It was most definitely a massive step up in ferociousness against the President. Monet accused him of being a dictator throughout the speech, and made some quite dark comparisons of the President. He made a strong impression about the state of terror that many Kanjoriens are in, and had no qualms in naming the government as tyrannical. Naturally, this is a very brave move from Monet and the government will be furious about these comments. If the government is as dangerous as he is making out, speaking out as such could threaten his and his family's safety.

After the speech, talking to the press he stated that he would be willing to work with anyone who wanted to overcome such a tyrannical government, describing the PUF as fascists.

Hello people of Soulon. Hello to all of you who are worried, concerned and distressed by what is happening to your country. I too am terrified of where our leaders are taking us. The twisted paths we are being led down, and the dark alleys we are forced to navigate. It is at times such as these, where we have a fundamental requirement to cast the shackles of right-left politics, in order to stand for our country. A country we love, and a country we want to flourish. However scared we may be, we must be brave. Though fear may block our path to freedom, we must overcome those obstacles and make our way to the light.

Is it not worrying that the President, and note how I do not say our President, would restrict and condemn civil rights. That the one who should be standing up for the people of Kanjor, is instead forcing us into destitution and ruin. He is suffocating us of our rights like a maleficent snake suffocating the life out of its prey. Truth be told, he wants to stamp out your rights, for any dictator's worst nightmare is to for his or her subjects to have a voice. To be able to speak up about the atrocities committed against them.

And of course, there is one atrocity that sticks out like a sore thumb. The President's treatment of minority groups, whether that be cultural or sexual minority groups. The abominable way that he views some of our citizens is not befitting of any member of our nation, let alone the President himself. And he is taking us for fools if he thinks we cannot see through his plan. There was a poll released this morning that said 76% of people are worried about restricting human rights, and I would like to read from that poll's conclusion, "It is apparent that an large majority of Kanjoriens view Bouvier as a very real threat against human rights. Many who responded described their emotions as worried, frightened and distressed at how the President is running the country."

So he has failed to pull the wool over our eyes. The People of Kanjor are scared. But that shall play into our hands. For fear is a superpower. It makes you run faster and jump higher, and with it, we can help bring down this government of despair. For those who love their country shall run faster, and shall jump higher to see a better Kanjor - a Kanjor that works for everyone.

There is one truth in this whole pack of lies the President has been telling the people of Kanjor. And that truth is that they are fed up of the establishment. However, we are not the establishment. The establishment is still one of fascism and totalitarianism. Fake advocates of workers rights. And fake advocates of the promotion of business. Whichever side of the spectrum they pretend to be - it is all lies. And isn't it funny that the current party in power is exactly that. That image that the people so desperately want to rid themselves of is the one that is leading the country.

My friends, we should rally around the call of freedom and choice. Freedom from government persecution. Freedom from the State. Freedom to lead your own life. And choice. Your choice over your body, your sexuality, and your religion. It is your choice, not the government's. It is not them to say who you can or cannot be. It is not for them to say who is better and who is worse. It is not for them to segregate you. It is not for them to make life a misery for you. We must stand up to this atrocious governance together, starting from today.

So let us cast aside political differences and unite in one goal - an open and democratic Kanjor that is free from oppression, lies, and hate. Let the People of Kanjor fight valiantly together against oppression, for we will not stand for tyranny. Let the people of Kanjor fight courageously together against lies, for we value the truth. And let the people of Kanjor fight passionately against hatred, for we are a kind and loving people.

Thank you very much. May God Bless You and All the People of Kanjor! Goodnight!
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Re: Kanjor Times

Postby Arapaima13 » Mon Jul 17, 2017 10:19 pm

Les Temps Economiques
Exclusive Interview With Thaïs Bettencourt

- Says Fascists Must be Stopped
- Calls Upon International Condemnation of the Kanjorien Government
- Says the PHC-ADCC are Blindly following the PUF

Thaïs Bettencourt, the Deputy Leader of the GPLK has granted Les Temps Economiques with an exclusive opportunity to hold an interview with Jorges Roussel, the Political Editor at LTE. Bettencourt aggressively attacked the government's crackdown on free speech and choice, saying that if you mention it you are shot down as a non patriot. She also speaks about her current debate between her and the PHC-ADCC.

Jorges Roussel: Good morning, Mlle. Bettencourt. Thank you very much for agreeing to do this interview with us. I hope you have had an alright day so far.

Thaïs Bettencourt: Good morning to you too Jorges. I look forward to answering these questions.

JR: Let's skip right to it then. I guess that when people look at the GPLK, they think that they are more bark than bite. They say all these things about the government, but nothing ever seems to change. How can you prove them wrong, and stand up to this fascist and totalitarian government?

TB: Well, for a start, we are the only party to have challenged the President openly at all. Elouan has done a great job at rallying support from all sides of the political spectrum so to hold the government responsible for their heinous actions in power. These fascists must be stopped, and I am glad to say that my party are leading the call for that.

JR: Thank-you, but I don't think you have answered my question. How will you stand up to this totalitarian government?

TB: I'm sure I did, but to reiterate, we will stand up by opening up the eyes of the electorate and making them more aware of what this government is doing. No one said change would come immediately, but if the voters know what's going on, they are less likely to give this pathetic coalition their support come 4243. I would call upon both the PS and the UPD to rally behind this banner of freedom and choice, and help spread the message that they want to implement oppression, lies, and hate.

JR: You talk about getting the other parties to rally around you, but who is to say that they want to? Surely it is in the best interests of their party to push for their own agenda and not yours.

TB: Ah, you see, that is the fundamental issue here. We are viewing the situation way too politically. The truth is that this has gone beyond right-left politics. We should all work together, socialist or capitalist, to overcome this dangerous government. This is now not only a domestic matter, but rather a matter that should concern the whole of Terra. The Foreign Minister of Rildanor said the other day for us to cooperate with each other, and that is what we want to do. I am not saying that we will agree necessarily, but it will help us to rid ourselves from the true danger of the PUF.

JR: Just to follow up on what you just said about concerning the whole of Terra. How do you see the international community helping out against this government?

TB: It is quite clear. The international community needs to condemn this government, this vile and controlling government, and it needs to send a message to all parties in Terra, whether here or elsewhere, that this sort of politics shall never be tolerated, and shall never be greeted positively. I want to see what is best for the people of Kanjor, and that is not being led towards the edge of a cliff by a totalitarian government. Other nations can help prevent this if they put their foot down against what is happening in Kanjor, and stand up to this politics of hatred.

JR: Thank-you. Just to finish off, what is your stance on being labelled "Liberals" by the government - especially in your most recent debate about the five initiatives introduced by the PHC-ADCC.

TB: The fact is that being called a liberal is not an insult. Being a liberal, whether a social or classical one means that you stand up for the rights of the individual, and you believe we should be accepting for others. The reason the GPLK do not like being labelled as such is because it does not accurately reflect our polices to the extent that the government appear to believe. We undoubtedly believe in liberal policies, but we do not identify as a liberal party. I think that the funny thing is that the government - by using this particular term - make it sound like they don't care about any sort tolerance. In terms of what is going on within the Senate right now, I found it particularly interesting that her counter argument was all about personal insult instead of proper civilised debate. That is why I responded with such aggression, because she needs to know that aggression will be met with aggression in this game. I do though think that it is a shame. The PHC-ADCC are blindly following the PUF down a dark path, and that dark path leads to the destruction of democracy within Kanjor.

JR: That's all I have for now. Thank you very much for your time.

TB: My pleasure.
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Re: Le Gardien: A talk with P.S leader Justin Tredo.

Postby TheSocialist » Mon Jul 17, 2017 11:25 pm

Le Gardien journalist invites p.s leader Justin Tredo to talk about current government .

Justin, thank you for accepting our invitation for this interview. As you know your party was condemned to the opposition, do you think this government is doing any better?

Justin Tredo: That's something we will see after elections next year. Only thing the Parti Socialist can tell is that this government does nothing for our working people. As they pretend to do something facts talk otherwise.

Can you be more specific?

Justin Tredo: Well first of all there are a lot of holes in this governments bills. Let's say they are talking about their bill "Everyone entrepreneur" from PHC-ADCC-MO. It's positive they want to strengthen our economy. But if we ask how they see this in practice, this bill seems an empty box. We asked what would happen to worker rights and if everyone would have an employee status or employer status? At the end they gave an empty answer.
Further they rather give local governments permission to decide about working hours instead of letting unions and corporations come to a consensus. This will make a legislative mess. In every state and community there will be other rules about working hours. Try moving to an other state!*gets angry*. Should I talk about legalizing child labour? This to create jobs as we know this will destroy adult jobs as children are cheaper. They want no salary cap in stead of again letting unions and corporations come to a consensus. That's not helping the working people in our opinion.

Okay, but what do you think about the modernisation of unions?

Justin Tredo: Let this be clear for once and for all unions are necessary to our society. As we see this government wanting to decrease union power in Kanjor we will do everything to oppose that!

This government also wants to decrease minimum wage what about that?

Justin Tredo: P.S was outrageous about that. They want no salary cap but minimum wage is getting decreased. Turns out to us the money used for destroying the salary cap is taken away from working people by decreasing the minimum income. That's something we can't accept and will oppose!

Do also have to tell something about PUF?

Justin Tredo:As we share opinions about a big government it stops there. PUF is a homophobic and fascist party. They want immigration levels to 0%. About a party like that I don't want to spend much talking because they shouldn't get any attention.

Okay Justin, it was great talking with you. We would like to thank you for this interview.
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Re: Kanjor Times

Postby Zanz » Tue Jul 18, 2017 1:01 am

Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Kanjor Times

Postby Gracchus » Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:00 am

L'Héraut: Bombelles-Bouchard breaks her silence

Loyaliste chairwoman Carmen Viviane Bombelles-Bouchard.

Gerard Proulx, Soulon - 21 December 4242

The media silence surrounding President Antoine Bouvier continues, but a voice from the Gouvernement has finally been heard. While the GPLK and the PS have been on a media blitz, those in power remained oddly silent until this afternoon when chairwoman of the Loyalistes movement, Carmen Viviane Bombelles-Bouchard held a press conference before the Senate goes in winter holiday.

Her statements were brief compared to many of her retorts in the Senate, and the wear of those confrontations was obvious on her face and demeanor. Normally quick witted and smiling, Mdm. Bombelles-Bouchard seemed tired and downtrodden.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending this conference. I know many of you are preparing for the Celebration of the Birth and this has undoubtedly taken you away from such joyous activities.

All of you are aware of the offensive undertaken by Opposition. They have categorically flung insults around, accusing the Government as being fascists and totalitarian, or anti-worker. One even accused us of preparing a purge of the cities, whatever exactly that means I surely cannot tell you.

Regardless of these slings and arrows, I a prepared to take the high ground here. No longer will insults be answered with insults by my team in the Government.
I cannot speak for the president as I am not a member of the cabinet, but I assume the president will also follow suit.

I would like to, however, address some of these accusations and to do so I would like to point out the policies and legislation that was passed by this Government.

The first accusation, of being taking away the civil rights of people, we have not done so. No such laws have passed. There have been laws restricting immigration,
but also there was a great "Law of Return" that passed that gave all people of Canrillaişe decent, from around Terra, the right and privilege to settle in Kanjor.
It did not ban other immigrant people from moving to the country. Again, no such laws have been passed that expressly take away the rights of Kanjoriens. That is a false statement.

Kanjor has withdrawn from treaties, the "Rights of LGBT Citizens" and the "The Comprehensive Gay Rights Treaty". This was done for sovereignty reasons only. None of the laws bound by these treaties have been repealed and neither have there been plans to do so. The legislative agenda of the Government has been almost exclusively toward economics and building up the middle class.

The claim that outlawing legislation promoting affirmative action policies is racist and taking away civil rights is also a false statement. The Government's position is that these are unnecessary. We have few minorities who are not discriminated against. We also feel that Kanjoriens are better than what the Opposition believes them to be. It is simply that we trust the Kanjorien people.

Accusations of totalitarianism have been cast our direction by the Opposition. But no laws have been made that take away anyone's rights. Worker's rights are now under the jurisdiction of local and state governments. Silliers has recently voted to retain strong protections for workers, stronger than even our predecessor's protections. Meanwhile, La Tondelle is working on their own plans for their workers that fit their own unique circumstances.

At the end of the day, the accusations put on the Government are false. In the past year, the Opposition has been so feverishly resisting the Government that they may have forgotten exactly what they are resisting. Do they even know anymore or is "resist" just a word that has lost meaning? Has it also become a false statement.

That ends this press conference. I wish you all a very happy Celebration of the Birth. May God bless you all, and may God bless and protect Kanjor.

Undoubtedly, it is the opinion of this editorial that the Opposition will return with more accusations. The two parties seem to be prepared to defame all in the Government. If any indication is given by the GPLK's recent "Civil Liberties Bill, October 4242" the calls for resistance, if heeded, will turn the country from a moderately conservative direction toward a radical liberal one.

While this writer is not naive enough to believe that neither one is a utopia, it certainly knows which of the two it would prefer.
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Re: Kanjor Times

Postby Arapaima13 » Tue Jul 18, 2017 5:35 pm

Les Temps Economiques
Colette Chaput Ousted from Presidency Nomination as Tobie Moineau wins GPLK Primaries

- Former Foreign Minister beats incumbent Chaput to the Nomination for President
- Places Emmanuel Delahaye as his Vice President Nominee
- Promises a freer, more open Kanjor

Tobie Moineau, accepting his nomination for the Presidency.

Former Foreign Minister, and member of the Senate, Tobie Moineau, has stormed to victory in the GPLK primaries. The race for the party's presidential nominee, contested by no less than six candidates, saw the high ranking GPLK politician claim the position with 54% of the vote. His closest competition was Editor-in-Chief of l'Envoi, Nicolas Roussel, who headed up the remaining candidates.

Standing on a more right wing agenda than his leadership campaign, Moineau pointed to his successes as foreign minister in a bid to show that Kanjor would finally break through the international barrier should he win the Presidency. He said that Elouan Monet had done a remarkable job of turning this party into a party that could compete again, and hoped to repay his hard work by defeating the PUF.

It was not as good a night for Colette Chaput however. Without the support of the leadership team of the GPLK, her popularity plummeted, and left her in fifth place in the running, only managing to defeat current Science and Technology Ministerial Candidate, Geralde Barnier. She was unimpressive during the debates between the leaders, and could not shake off her tussles with the current President which members have described as "weak".

In his acceptance speech, Moineau talked about the necessity to do what is right, both politically and morally, and said that enemies of Kanjor should fear the worst. This in particular was mounted at Istalia who recently defended the PUF following Rildanor's attempts to bring the current situation within Kanjor to light within the international community.

Thank-you very much. I first wish to thank all of my competitors. It was a difficult, and well fought fight, and you have helped bring out the best in me. To Colette, I thank you for your dedication to this role, and the promotion of our party and nation. You have left big shoes to fill, and a very high target for me to try and match.

I stand before you before an election that could see the end of fascism within Kanjor. The people are sick of a government that for three years has restricted them and stamped on them. A government that is more ideologically based than pragmatically. And a party that has been propped up by the minor partner of the coalition, who has now left Kanjorien politics. What a state of affairs indeed.

But I promise you today, a more stable, strong, and secure future for Kanjor. I promise one where we stand by our allies. Where we fight our enemies. Where we remain true to our principles. This is our inherent duty as leaders, senators, and citizens of Kanjor - to hold up the spirit of our nation, and present it to the world. I also promise a freer Kanjor. A Kanjor with more choice, more chance to expand. Less fear of success, as was encouraged by this government.
The future will be bright, but we need to come together to do that.

I also promise that I will stand up to those in the international community that seek to condemn us. Istalia have made a mockery of us and our close friends Rildanor. No more. Action will be taken, and I have no qualms against acting against the vulgar behaviour laid out by Istalia. To leave us out of international politics is to leave out one of the largest, most cultured peoples on Terra. One whose history and prosperity far exceeds that of Istalia. We stand by our allies through thick and thin, and I will not put up with this bullying by Istalia of Rildanor on the world stage. It has stop, and I will stop it.

Finally, I would like to finish by thanking all those who have voted for me. I will repay you, and together we will see a strong, stable, and secure Kanjor.
I am glad to say that I accept your nomination to run for the Presidency! Thank-you very much, and goodnight!

Below are the results of the first and second rounds of voting:

First Round:
Nicolas Roussel: 34.2%
Tobie Moineau: 30.8%
Jodie Erignac: 15.5%
Laban Kramer: 7.3%
Colette Chaput: 6.5%
Geralde Barnier: 5.7%

Second Round:
Tobie Moineau: 54.1%
Nicolas Roussel: 45.9%
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